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4/12/2008, 11:36 AM


SKYY® Vodka, Made in the USA, Proudly Supports Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

America’s Most-Popular Domestic Vodka Decries Absolut® Vodka’s Suggestion to Redraw North American Map

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE (http://www.businesswire.com/))--In 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo officially ended the Mexican-America War (1846-1848). With the signing of this treaty, the United States gained control of what was to become the Golden West, including California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and parts of Colorado and New Mexico. Today, SKYY® Vodka, the number-one vodka produced in the United States, spoke out against suggestions by Absolut® Vodka to disregard that treaty, as well as the joining of Texas to the Union in 1845, as depicted in Absolut’s recent advertising.
“Like SKYY Vodka, the residents of states like California, Texas and Arizona are exceptionally proud of the fact that they are from the United States of America,” said Dave Karraker, SKYY Vodka. “To imply that they might be interested in changing their mailing addresses, as our competitor seems to be suggesting in their advertising, is a bit presumptuous.”
In the ad, an “Absolut World” is depicted where the map of North America is re-drawn with Mexico claiming much of the Western United States, negating the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, as well as the Gadsden Purchase (1853), and the independence of Texas (1836).
“Don’t get me started on the Gadsden Purchase,” continues Karraker. “I think the folks in Tucson and Yuma would be rubbed the wrong way if they hear this landmark deal was somehow nullified as suggested by Absolut, a Swedish-owned brand.”
SKYY Vodka was founded in San Francisco in 1992 and continues to be produced in the United States. Premium SKYY Vodka is made from American grain carefully selected from the Midwest and 100% pure filtered water. SKYY’s proprietary four-column distillation and three-step filtration process consistently ensures exceptional quality. SKYY Vodka products include luxury SKYY90® and new SKYY Infusions™, a unique, all-natural infused experience made with premium SKYY Vodka and succulent real fruit.


4/12/2008, 12:03 PM
“Don’t get me started on the Gadsden Purchase,” continues Karraker. “I think the folks in Tucson and Yuma would be rubbed the wrong way if they hear this landmark deal was somehow nullified as suggested by Absolut, a Swedish-owned brand.”

Too funny. You can't make this stuff up.

4/12/2008, 12:08 PM
http://media.sacbee.com/smedia/2008/04/08/12/462-Mexico_US_Absolut_Ads.sff.standalone.prod_affiliat e.4.jpg

I think the fence on the southern border will be much longer now, but we have less Pacific coastline to protect. lose a little, gain a little.

Sorry bout you guys out in Beaver and Guymon.

Frozen Sooner
4/12/2008, 12:15 PM
Heh. I may just go buy some Skyy for having a sense of humor.

4/12/2008, 12:20 PM
Wait, someone from California is suggesting that they should NOT be part of Mexico?

They've been drinking to much vodka obviously.

4/12/2008, 10:20 PM
I have been a Skyy drinker for years. They just cemented me as a Skyy drinker for life. Pretty damn humorous as well, I am sure they didn't lose out on the chance to rip Absolut a new one!!!