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4/12/2008, 08:20 AM
A quick glance over at Orangepower.com revealed the newest candidate for b-ball coach...JOHN CALIPARI. That's right folks, not only is he a candidate but according to our delusional kid sisters, his agent INITIATED contact with holder. Hey, it only makes sense that ONE of the coaches who just played for a NC would love to leave it all behind to coach osu...right?
Comic relief at its finest.

4/12/2008, 08:45 AM
A quick glance over at Orangepower.com revealed the newest candidate for b-ball coach...JOHN CALIPARI. That's right folks, not only is he a candidate but according to our delusional kid sisters, his agent INITIATED contact with holder. Hey, it only makes sense that ONE of the coaches who just played for a NC would love to leave it all behind to coach osu...right?
Comic relief at its finest.

The lear jet is flying according to my source who is a friend of an insider of another source, I guarantee it!:D :D :D

King Crimson
4/12/2008, 08:55 AM
the ags are funny, but i wouldn't put weird internet nonsense on them alone.

4/12/2008, 09:12 AM
Two things about this search.

the part about the agent might be true. It doesn't mean Calipari or any other coach has real interest. It's called leveraging and it's how their agents help get them a raise, extension, etc. Coaches do it all the time. Capel did it this year with the South Carolina deal.

All the "insider info" had Self in Stillwater for sure, even some of the people that media types use as sources. Heh

I find it funny that Calipari's name is always mentioned by every fan at every school when there's a coaching search. But it's funnier that Boone State thinks they could get the guy. If you think Calipari would live in Stillwater Oklahoma, even for all of Boone's money...that's laugh out loud funny.

If, and that's a laughable if, Calipari would do it. It would be strictly for the cash and he'd be gone as soon as the next good job opened up. And the Pokes would probably be hit with sanctions and probation because of all the crap he pulled while he was there.

Which brings up another thing about Calipari. His players are thugs off the court and he has "friends" that hang around his programs that are an NCAA penalty waiting to happen. Calipari is a hustler. He'll win. He'll bring in exciting players. But you're program will ultimately pay the price for it. Go ask UMASS fans about those banners hanging in their arena.

4/12/2008, 10:36 AM
One of the OKC TV stations(don't recall which)did report the agent had contacted TBoone State about the job.I too am inclined to believe it is a leverage thing,I figure it is true of MOST any name coach whom TBS is considering.

4/12/2008, 11:45 AM
that would be like a meeting between elvis and the clampetts, sans the texas tea.

4/12/2008, 11:54 AM
I would take one Mike Holder over 10 Joe Castigliones.


4/12/2008, 11:54 AM
that would be like a meeting between elvis and the clampetts, sans the texas tea.I think it is EXACTLY like Elvis and the Clampetts.Ol TBoone has lots of texas tea.

4/12/2008, 03:33 PM
I think it was NYC Poke who stated it best:

Paraphrasing, he said, "SF.com does a better job of eliminating the n00bs than OP.com".

We all have our unreasonable fans, but it's nice that our mods keep this place from being a haven to the dysfunctional, disconnected, psychotic, deluded Internet junkies.

OP.com does a poor job of representing its fans, as most of the pokes I know in real life are fairly reasonable.

4/12/2008, 08:32 PM
Were you surprised when people on this board were saying Calipari was interested in the OU job?

4/12/2008, 08:43 PM
When you get right down to it, Boone himself is an NCAA penalty waiting to happen.
OSU is in the midst of a PR disaster. Some long time friends of mine that are alums are pi**ed that Holder did nothing to quell the Self rumors during Final Four week. Then he gets shot down, and now every other candidate knows he's second choice. It may take them a month to get a coach. I have a good friend, a former OSU football player and alum that really wants, are you ready? Win Case.

4/12/2008, 10:47 PM
Were you surprised when people on this board were saying Calipari was interested in the OU job?

Calipari's name comes up on every message board for every school going through a coaching search.

Indiana fans were throwing his name out there and there were rumors he was a candidate for that job. The prestige of that program could be a draw but he doesn't fit there and his baggage isn't something a school who is dealing with the latest Sampson-gate needs to deal with. I don't think he ever got a sniff of that job, no matter what was said.

I wasn't surprised. What surprises me is how ignorant people are about who Cal really is. The last thing OU needed after the first Samspon-gate and during a time when the NCAA was sniffing around anyway because of BRSI, was the kind of baggage Calipari brings with him. And it's not just his past, it's very much stuff that's going on right now.

He's obviously a good coach and a great recruiter.

But with that good comes some bad that OU didn't need to deal with.

4/12/2008, 10:54 PM
A friend whose brother talked to a former OSU player who heard from one of the team trainers that the Aggies are very,very close to inking a long term deal with John Wooden....10 year guaranteed payments...

4/13/2008, 04:24 AM
The only coach that LosuR is likely to get is either a young and hungry coach that has shown success at a lower level school or a washed-up drunk has-been looking for redemption.

Stoolwater is not the draw they think it is...

4/13/2008, 05:44 AM
My sisters exhusbands ex boyfriends exwife sister that died Said !

4/13/2008, 08:01 AM
Calipari's name comes up on every message board for every school going through a coaching search.

Indiana fans were throwing his name out there and there were rumors he was a candidate for that job. The prestige of that program could be a draw but he doesn't fit there and his baggage isn't something a school who is dealing with the latest Sampson-gate needs to deal with. I don't think he ever got a sniff of that job, no matter what was said.

I wasn't surprised. What surprises me is how ignorant people are about who Cal really is. The last thing OU needed after the first Samspon-gate and during a time when the NCAA was sniffing around anyway because of BRSI, was the kind of baggage Calipari brings with him. And it's not just his past, it's very much stuff that's going on right now.

He's obviously a good coach and a great recruiter.

But with that good comes some bad that OU didn't need to deal with.

That's my point Ash. I assumed Crimsontothecore was making fun of the aggies for the Calipari issue. While I am all for making fun of aggies, as far as Calipari goes, I don't think it is warranted.

On a side note, back in the spring of 2003, I had a buddy that was working for the Yankees during Spring Training. Well, Memphis was in town to play South Florida. Coach Cal came up to the press box during a spring training game and my buddy went over to help him. When he introduced himself, he said "My name's John Calipari, I used to coach the Nets." Obviously, my friend knew who he was. I guess he was friends with Torre and wanted to see if he wanted tickets to the game against South Florida. We think it is funny as hell that he identified himself as the former coach of the Nets. Why not UMASS? That was much more memorable.

4/13/2008, 12:07 PM
The only coach that LosuR is likely to get is either a young and hungry coach that has shown success at a lower level school or a washed-up drunk has-been looking for redemption.

Stoolwater is not the draw they think it is...

I'm thinking their best chance is to go the same place we went and get Anthony Grant.

4/13/2008, 08:08 PM
I'm thinking their best chance is to go the same place we went and get Anthony Grant.

that would be a great move for the conference and a tremendous move for "the rivalry".

4/14/2008, 10:03 AM
that would be a great move for the conference and a tremendous move for "the rivalry".

It also wouldn't go far in justifying the canning of Sean the way they did it. He is, of course, a risk.

4/14/2008, 10:14 AM
I think it was NYC Poke who stated it best:

Paraphrasing, he said, "SF.com does a better job of eliminating the n00bs than OP.com".

We all have our unreasonable fans, but it's nice that our mods keep this place from being a haven to the dysfunctional, disconnected, psychotic, deluded Internet junkies.

OP.com does a poor job of representing its fans, as most of the pokes I know in real life are fairly reasonable.

That's what the internet is all about... Especially sports message boards... It's about policing your own. Most Whorns and OrangeAggies don't do that very well. Most Sooners do. I'm an OU fan, tried-and-true, but I'm loyal to OU, not to other OU fans. I'd rather see the Sooners play to an empty stadium than to a stadium full of idiots and bandwagoners. Maybe I'm in the minority on that, but so be it. I was also in the minority during the Blake era... I still went to the games.


4/14/2008, 10:31 AM
I have a good friend, a former OSU football player and alum that really wants, are you ready? Win Case.

Do you think he could get me Final Four tickets? :D

4/14/2008, 10:42 AM
That's what the internet is all about... Especially sports message boards... It's about policing your own. Most Whorns and OrangeAggies don't do that very well. Most Sooners do. I'm an OU fan, tried-and-true, but I'm loyal to OU, not to other OU fans. I'd rather see the Sooners play to an empty stadium than to a stadium full of idiots and bandwagoners. Maybe I'm in the minority on that, but so be it. I was also in the minority during the Blake era... I still went to the games.


I was born a Sooner and will always be a Sooner. But I guess I don't mind bandwagoners as much, as long as they aren't unrealistic buffoons like the crew that lurks at OP.com. To be honest, I don't even think that those idiots are fans of osu as much as they are haters of OU, which is why they're so pathetic and predictable.

But I don't mind people who want to come see OU and cheer for them when they're good and disappear when they're bad, as long as they're not obnoxious and stupid. I myself have a hard time watching when OU goes through its rough periods. Oh I watched during the Blake era, but if OU was getting blown out I'd have to turn the game off to avoid bursting a blood vessel in my head. I've done the same during the WV and USC games, especially when I keep watching the same mistakes being made over and over.

But the great thing about being an OU fan is that there haven't been many "down" periods in the last 30 years or so. ;)

4/14/2008, 05:17 PM
Aye, lad. Aye.

The Blake "era" at OU holds a special place in my heart, 'cause he was my 3rd head coach going into my (1st) senior year. 1996. I got to OU in 1992, just in time to catch the end of the Gary "God, can someone (Joe C. could have) please find me a bad*ss Offensive Coordinator so that I can stay head coach at OU" Gibbs era. I was firmly entrenched at 736 Elm for the entire guy-whose-name-cannot-be-mentioned era of 1995, and then I saw us ink an in-over-his-head-good-recruiter-defensive-minded guy... who was also seen, publicly as "nice." (Gibbs' players may have seen a different side of him, but the guy was a boring angel during interviews... scared to show emotion for fear of sparking an incidental investigation by the NCAA's, no doubt.)

And, OU didn't want OSU ('cause this was such a down time at OU, we were actually concerned with what OSU did...) to be the only state team who had an African-American Head Coach. We were focusing on getting our in-state recruits (which is Reason #12564 why I don't agree with Blake's "I recruited those players," argument against Stoops' National Champion team - ANY team in our situation would have focused on those in-state / local players, 'cause they're the only ones that KIND of care about you at this point) and we didn't want to be at a disadvantage to Bob Simmons (what? - a defensive-minded guy turned into a head coach by an error of judgement combined with a sudden vacancy? that never happens...) at OSU... who also happened to be an African-American Head Coach. Suddenly, Oklahoma's a national story.

THAT is why we were a national story. Not because our team played worth a d*mn, because they didn't. Not because we had any stability whatsoever; offensively, defensively, special teams... none. We didn't. Not only is this guy pulling QB's each series... he's changing offenses every OTHER series...

But, he was from the right family (the Sooner family, and he still is, crazy or not) at the right place (OU, hurting from the "outside" hire and looking for an inside hire...) at the right time (Bob Simmons being at OSU) and he got three years to run the team into the ground, below where that old-*ssed turf that broke Cale Gundy's head used to lie...

It took all of that sh*t to happen, for OU to have a few down years... Then we got someone who knew what he was doing in here, and two years later, we're a national story yet again... and it was for the RIGHT reasons... the on-the-field ones...

Where did all of that just come from? I haven't talked to someone who isn't a parent, girlfriend, or student in WAAAAAAY too long, apparently. Sorry, guys...


4/14/2008, 10:23 PM
On a side note, back in the spring of 2003, I had a buddy that was working for the Yankees during Spring Training. Well, Memphis was in town to play South Florida. Coach Cal came up to the press box during a spring training game and my buddy went over to help him. When he introduced himself, he said "My name's John Calipari, I used to coach the Nets." Obviously, my friend knew who he was. I guess he was friends with Torre and wanted to see if he wanted tickets to the game against South Florida. We think it is funny as hell that he identified himself as the former coach of the Nets. Why not UMASS? That was much more memorable.
Well, he was at Yankees Spring Training.

UMass/Amherst = Boston
Nets = NY/NJ Metro area

Pretty simple if you are from the area or a fan of one of those teams. Plus college doesn't have as much "stroke" up there as "The League"

4/15/2008, 02:41 PM
Well, he was at Yankees Spring Training.

UMass/Amherst = Boston
Nets = NY/NJ Metro area

Pretty simple if you are from the area or a fan of one of those teams. Plus college doesn't have as much "stroke" up there as "The League"

Good point. Still, a funny story.

4/15/2008, 02:54 PM
Reports are out that Calipari's getting a big raise and contract extension at Memphis.


4/16/2008, 12:41 PM
I'm sure he is. All of these colleges know what's up with Oklahoma State, too. They know that, while OSU may not be the national name they used to be; may not be the "college basketball force" that they'd have you believe that they've always been... T. Boone Pickens' money can go a looooong way towards changing the hearts and minds of some of America's best and brightest... Their schools and their AD's know this too. For these courted coaches, it's show you love me NOW, or I may pull a Johnny Lee on you...
