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View Full Version : Hillary clarifies her Bosnia journey

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/6/2008, 11:15 PM
Hillary's harrowing escape: the true story
By Andy Borowitz

Syndicated Columnist

Accused in recent days of embellishing her story of a brush with sniper fire in Bosnia, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton said today "don't be fooled" by photos showing her being greeted at the airport by a ponytailed 8-year-old Bosnian girl with a bouquet of flowers.

"That was no little girl," Clinton told reporters in Gary, Ind. "That was a covert-ops midget sniper."

The New York senator said that moments after the "so-called little girl" presented her with the flowers, she revealed what the bouquet had been hiding: "a tiny semiautomatic weapon."

"Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to use some of the tae kwon do techniques I had learned in preparation for the Northern Ireland peace talks," she said.

Defending his wife against charges that she had yet again fabricated her exploits while first lady, former President Bill Clinton told CNN's John King, "Democratic voters have a clear choice this election: Do they want a liar or a plagiarist? Hillary tells some real whoppers, but at least they're original."

In response to a question about whether he believes his wife's account of the events in Bosnia, Clinton said, "All I have to say about that is Rev. Wright, Rev. Wright, Rev. Wright, Rev. Wright, Rev. Wright."

Elsewhere, Sen. John McCain said he enjoyed the film "10,000 B.C.," calling it "a sentimental journey for me."


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/7/2008, 02:33 PM
And you guys are surprised people would vote for Hillary. Probably not any more!

4/8/2008, 04:55 AM

4/8/2008, 08:09 AM
HRC: Who are ya gonna believe - me or your own 2 eyes?