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View Full Version : What the Boone Pickens/OSU relationship reminds me of...

4/5/2008, 08:10 PM
We all know about T. Boone Pickens:
The "T" stands for Thomas, not "TIME cover! He was on the TIME cover!"
He is a die-hard OSU fan and alum, and as of lately...
Is the die-hard donor and owner of OSU.
But who, other than Pickens, has bought and paid for a university and has complete control over it, especially athletics? Well, I am going to tell you:
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Phil Knight, co-founder and CEO of Nike.
The university Knight already bought and paid for years ago is his beloved University of Oregon, with emphasis on Oregon Duck athletics.
Everything that has been Nike-ized has been Nike-ized at Oregon first...
Like those weird basketball uni's everyone's wearing this year that have no color above the chest, that look identical to all other Nike uniforms, except in color and the name on the front.
About the only thing Knight hasn't tried to change at Oregon is the traditional "Donald" Duck mascot, which came long before his time in a handshake agreement with Disney...
Oh, wait, there was "Mandrake" or "Robo Duck" or whatever the heck they called him before a fast dumping (which, btw, should have happened to the horse pigs)
How else do you explain a vast Nike takeover of the Oregon athletics and entire atmosphere...
In a state full of tree huggers and hippies that are naturally very anti-corporation, especially against the likes of sweatshop labor companies like Nike?
How else do you explain quick changes in every aspect of a university, from the marching band in Nike...
To a swift boot to former track coach Martin Smith (now at Oklahoma), when Phil threatened to pull running funding if Smith remained as coach?
When we played Oregon in the Holiday Bowl, a band member told me a frightening tale - during the switch to band Nike-ization, the band director was forced out. Half the band quit on his behalf, leaving only freshmen and members on scholarship pretty much. Thus, the Oregon band was half its usual size at the bowl that year. He said how much he hated the uniforms, but that they got a lot of free Nike stuff.
Today, OSU, you have Pickens money. You are starting to lose control of your university. What is next for OSU? Perhaps you won't have weird Nike uniforms, but then again, Pickens is an oil man. What happens when all other campuses move forward in energy, and Pickens demands you stay with his ideas and companies?
Whatever may happen, we'll laugh at how backwards you will have become. Look at Oregon and what they've become. So ugly uniforms, they have. So bright in color, they are. Foreshadow, Pokes. Foreshadow.

4/5/2008, 09:14 PM
Today, OSU, you have Pickens money. You are starting to lose control of your university.

pssst, badger...

..they already have. ;)

4/5/2008, 09:55 PM
pssst, badger...

..they already have. ;)

It's a recent thing, though, so they have a chance to take back O-State (if they really want to).

4/5/2008, 10:42 PM
That's just it - they don't want to.

Back during Keating's administration, he loaded up the A&M BoR with all of these like-minded cronies who set about enacting a "100-year plan" to wipe out large sections of (mostly) poorly cared for rental housing that had become inter-twined with/sat adjacent to the campus' footprint (oh, and their "athletic complex" pipedream). Enter T. Boone, who was Holder's pheasant huntin' buddy. Suddenly the timetable got cut to 25 years, and the regents were (and still are) giddy with glee over having their new sugar daddy/overlord finance their takeover of Stillwater; and T. Boone's influence will still be felt long after he's drawn his last breath.

4/6/2008, 12:19 AM
That's just it - they don't want to.

Back during Keating's administration, he loaded up the A&M BoR with all of these like-minded cronies who set about enacting a "100-year plan" to wipe out large sections of (mostly) poorly cared for rental housing that had become inter-twined with/sat adjacent to the campus' footprint (oh, and their "athletic complex" pipedream). Enter T. Boone, who was Holder's pheasant huntin' buddy. Suddenly the timetable got cut to 25 years, and the regents were (and still are) giddy with glee over having their new sugar daddy/overlord finance their takeover of Stillwater; and T. Boone's influence will still be felt long after he's drawn his last breath.

When you dance with the devil he always gets to lead. It still puzzles me as to how the OSU Medical School was about to get thrown out of their hospital because they owed the owner $6.5M in back rent and old T-Bone wasn't there to bail them out when the wolves were howling at the door.

First the stadium, then the athletic village, now the Puke fans are howing for a big payday for a new bball coach or "eye popping numbers" for salary when their athletic program doesn't make enough money to support itself (since they only want alums to be fans). OU also got a $165M donation in the past year. We are building a comprehensive cancer center with ours.

For an instituion that needs lots of improvement in the academic department, I wonder why he doesn't send some executives on loan to clean up the financial problems and get them on a solvent footing across the board.

Just wondering.

4/6/2008, 12:38 PM
Part two of our picturesque story:
You all know the story of Mike Holder, current OSU athletic director.
Harry Birdwell resigns, Boone Pickens says he wants somebody at the AD helm he can trust with his money as an investment, so who gets the job?
Boone's golfing and hunting buddy, Mike Holder.
This is Bill Moos, former athletic director of the University of Oregon.
As you can see, Phil Knight didn't really like him and didn't trust him with his money, so the donations weren't that spectacular. You see, Knight will only give money - in any amount - to a cause he deems worthy.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is fellow Oregon donor Pat Kilkenny.
For a nice severance, a team of donors led by Kilkenny forced the Knight-foe Bill Moos out... which led to the hiring of Kilkenny
Who, btw, has no college degree of any level (he dropped out of Oregon) and on top of that...
Has no experience whatsoever in leading athletic programs, athletic teams, athletics period.
However, he does have experience with money matters, as friend Phil Knight plunked $100 million down for a new basketball stadium months after Kilkenny's hiring.
Sound familiar? Why yes it does, minus the "no college education" and "no athletic experience" parts...
Boone Pickens donated a record $165 million to OSU athletics months after Holder's hiring!
You could just say that C. Montgomery Burns...
Just needed his faithful, loving Wayland Smithers to open his checkbook.
Today, OSU has a new football stadium.
Just wait until "Mr. Burns" throws his muscles around more.

4/6/2008, 07:46 PM
I'll say this...

oSu's Med School is lucky to be around IMO.

The School was started with the help of many local Doctors long before oSu got hold of it. The School has gone through lots of changes over the years. The worst part of it is that the PHD's at the school didn't continue to get the Administration to continue good relations with the Doctors and the Hospital. Now it's just about money and power and as Homey has stated...a law suit awaits around every corner.

It used to be a very good school and was designed to help keep Doctors practicing in Oklahoma.

I have no idea how things will continue for this part of oSu...but I think it's a great opportunity for Students...but the way it's run doesn't seem to be healthy enviroment for keeping it that way.

It's pretty sad IMO.

4/6/2008, 07:47 PM
Harry Birdwell resigns, Boone Pickens says he wants somebody at the AD helm he can trust with his money as an investment, so who gets the job?

That's Kurt Budke.

4/6/2008, 09:16 PM
That's Kurt Budke.

It was an honest mistake since you all look alike.

4/7/2008, 10:01 AM
That's Kurt Budke.

You're right, I was at work and was on break and didn't want to go back and edit it on the clock and stuff. I have replaced the incorrect picture with the correct one. I apologize for the mistake and any inconvenience it may have caused.

I realize that it may be derrogatory to hear that "all Pokes look alike," just as it is when people exclaim that people of certain ethnic minorities all look alike to people of different ethnic minorities. Therefore, I hope you accept my sincerest regrets with that incorrect image of your former athletic director.

I also hope that you appreciate my in-depth look at Oregon's athletics in comparison with Oklahoma State University's. The similarities are as telling as they are frightening of things to come. There was a time when Oregon had no high-dollar donors and relied on Knight to come forward with his money. The only problem is, they'e been relying on him ever since!

Athletics are very important to the entire state of Oklahoma - OU and OSU - and I appreciate you guys coming to a rival board to discuss these issues of importance on a public forum.

As an added token of good sportsmanship, here is our mutual Centennial tribute song, "Oklahoma Rising:"

We're Oklahoma Risin', brighter than a star
Stand up and sing about her, let the world know
who we are

From a rugged territory to the Oklahoma Run
We've made our dreams come true,
just look at what we've done
We're the Heartland of America,
our heart is in the race
We've sailed our prairie schooners
right into outer space
We are young and we are strong,
we are comin' with a roar
Sooner than later we'll be knockin' on your door
Say hello to the future,
gonna shake the future's hand
and build a better world
upon this sacred land

We're Oklahoma Risin', brighter than a star Stand up and sing about her let the world know who we are We're the sons and the daughters, children of the West We're Oklahoma Risin', risin' up to be the best

Guts and grace and mercy,
we have shown them in our turn
When the fields had turned to dust
and the skies began to burn
When the storm shook our souls
and the mighty buildings fell
Through fires and desperation
our faith has served us well

I choke back the emotion,
I'm an Okie and I'm proud
So when you call me Okie,
man, you better say it loud
Now we look into the heavens
at the eagles climbing free
It's the spirit of our people
on the wing, can you see?

Now, let's go back to hating Texas instead of each other, ok?

4/7/2008, 11:14 AM
Just thought I'd let you know that post was 1/16ths inaccurate and point out who's the kid here and how it makes me want to regurgitate.

I don't mind Boone donating but I definitely don't like him having any weight in the decision making. I'd post my gimp suit 'shop if it weren't a little NSFW. :D

4/7/2008, 11:56 AM
Just thought I'd let you know that post was 1/16ths inaccurate and point out who's the kid here and how it makes me want to regurgitate.

You guys are going to be quoting that speech for years to come, aren't you? It's ok, we will too. After all, we still have to yell "effin' hillbillies" and "let 'er rip!" when the opportunities arise.

Therefore, I must extend my thanks for, unlike Gundy, pointing out in inakrutcies. It is now 100 percent akrut and no longer puke-worthy garbage. Where are we at in society today when crying kids are too fat to catch balls in pickup games? You see, you would understand, because I go to class (or at least I did until graduation), I'm respectful to the media... I'M... RESPECTFUL... TO THE PUBLIC! And I'm a good kid.

I'll have to be cautious in the future about inakrutcies because they are brought to your attention by mothers... of childrens.


Oh, and so that we don't get too far off topic, I'll be continuing this series later tonight... likely during the KU-Mem**** game which will be yet another March Madness blowout... in April :D