View Full Version : Senator Clinton, Fresh Out of Law School, Tried To Join The Army

4/3/2008, 10:28 PM
I just saw a video clip of President Clinton making this claim.

I swear to God - they're going to have her making the "Mister Gorbacev, tear down this wall" speech next.

I sincerely believe that a plurality (in their polling) would listen to anything they say as gospel. And the claim that she backed up Chuck Norris in that 80's movie series happened, and she has the Congressional Medals of Honor to prove it.


4/3/2008, 10:59 PM
I believe I said months ago that if the Democrats are stupid enough to give her the nomination they might as well concede the election and start planning for 2012.

4/3/2008, 11:36 PM
Wasn't she at Appomattox Courthouse?