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View Full Version : He killed the best man!

4/3/2008, 09:53 PM

Clinton responded, “You know we have been going back and forth in this campaign about who said what to whom and let me say this about that.


Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who.

4/3/2008, 10:56 PM
So when asked if she said Obama couldn't win the election she said that she didn't say that, but that it wouldn't necessarily be wrong if she had said it, but she doesn't share what she said private conversations anyway. When asked to clarify she said, "No."

Her PR team later further clarified that she wasn't saying "No" to the question they actually asked but rather to a statement she previously made about sharing the conversations she wasn't sharing but did anyway through implication.

I suppose it depends on what you definition of is, is.