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3/31/2008, 03:34 PM
So I'm cleaning out some old magazines this weekend and happen across the Athlon Sports 2007 Big 12 Preview. The cover features Malcolm Kelly on the right 50% of the page with the headline, "Sooners Talking Title". On the left side, a noticably smaller picture of Bobby Reid is featured. Below it reads the caption, "Pokes on the Rise".

I got to thinking to myself that the editors at Athlon don't have to do much work to get ready for their '08 preview. Simply drop in a picture of Sam Bradford or DeMarco Murray instead of Kelly and replace Reid's picture with that of Zac Robinson. You can keep the text as for both programs, the song remains the same.

Yeah I have a feeling that once the 2008 edition hits the stands here in a few months they'll once again be talking title for the Sooners and trying that eternal hard-sell that is OSU, "we're a team on the rise". You see little aggots that's the difference between you and us. I've heard all my college football watching life about how OSU will get 'em next year. I imagine this one will be no different.

3/31/2008, 03:47 PM
but they really will, really!

3/31/2008, 05:06 PM
but they really will, really!

One day it might be true, but I doubt it.:D

The Consumate Showman
3/31/2008, 05:15 PM
One day it might be true, but I doubt it.:D

When Oral can make it down with ole Lucifer and raise the money for AC, then it'll happen.

3/31/2008, 05:30 PM
When Oral can make it down with ole Lucifer and raise the money for AC, then it'll happen.

:eddie: :D :D

Jimminy Crimson
3/31/2008, 06:35 PM
SMU has a better chance of hoisting the crystal football than the Fightin' Boones.

3/31/2008, 09:01 PM
I'll take a high hard one in the pooper before the aglets get the Sears, Roebuck, & Co.

3/31/2008, 09:22 PM
I'll take a high hard one in the pooper before the aglets get the Sears, Roebuck, & Co.


3/31/2008, 10:27 PM
I'll take a high hard one in the pooper before the aglets get the Sears, Roebuck, & Co.

Let'em have the Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, Discount City Independence Bowl "trophy." We'll get the goods. :D

3/31/2008, 11:04 PM
but they really will, really!

but, but...next year, next year...

4/1/2008, 01:12 AM
So I'm cleaning out some old magazines this weekend and happen across the Athlon Sports 2007 Big 12 Preview. The cover features Malcolm Kelly on the right 50% of the page with the headline, "Sooners Talking Title". On the left side, a noticably smaller picture of Bobby Reid is featured. Below it reads the caption, "Pokes on the Rise".

Sorry fellas.

If I'm the ultimate goomer gomer gooner... well... I apologize.

But ya see, last year just prior to our te t' te.... I saw a little commentary by puke 79 (being there are no more than 100 true)... after some article or t'other that stated how explosive said 2007 pig-poke offense was... that stated, [paraphrasing] "True dat... you Gooners better watch out, 'cause we are on "THE RISE" "...

Now I am being a bit disengenuous, because the commentary was most certainly gramatically superior than my slovenly reconstruction.

However the phrase, "on the rise", was most certaily uttered.

To which I, perhaps sophmorically, responded,

"Phhhhhhttttttt. You Pokes are always "on the rise". And after this year's game the Plains will once again roll with the lament of you orange-headed step-children, "Just you Gooners wait 'till next year!....." "

... and so another season turns.

If nothing else, our dear relatives are predictable. (Pssst. Guys -n- Gals... truly you are OUr brothers, cousins, in-laws, etc. But for cryin' out loud... shut the Hell up until you stop looking UP to Mississippi State.)

4/1/2008, 06:01 AM

4/1/2008, 07:32 AM

Are you kidding me? A century of mediocrity at Stillwater State? They wish.

More like a century of "aweful", followed by a few years of "pretty good", followed by a decade of "mediocre."

Let's face it, in the poke mind, the question they face is "With Boone and all, are we really on the rise? Are we really going to win 8 games per year permanently, or are we going back to our historical norm of 4 games per year?"

CU Sooner
4/1/2008, 08:05 AM
The only time the pokes are "on the rise" is when they walk up behind the sheep.:D

The Consumate Showman
4/1/2008, 11:02 AM
The only thing that's been on the rise with that football porgram is the number of times they have lost to OU. ;-)

4/1/2008, 11:33 AM
well if it took them 100 years to "Rise" from suck to average...
and another 100 years to "Rise" to good
then watch out in 2209

4/1/2008, 11:35 AM
I love how they rationalize their situation, and then make claims about how they will challenge for titles et all. Then they spin their last season like it shows some magical progession to their desired end. One of them made a big deal about being tied for third in the South. It was a three way tie, so technically they were also tied for fifth (and one dropped pass by Crabtree and a nail biter against K-State from being fifth). The last two years, they needed their win over a D1A team each year just to qualify to play in a bowl. With the spin they put on it, you listen to them talk and you'd think that they were really just short of being the conference champion. Then you look at the reality of their season and see a team that was lucky for the last two years to be in a Bowl (and it was about as minor a Bowl as they come). They were lucky to be a .500 team at that. "Team on the Rise" indeed. Baboon Pickens is getting a lousy ROI on his money.

4/1/2008, 07:45 PM
"Hey, you! Yeah, YOU, shtrunz! I gotcher "rise" right here!"

[/Guido Baccigaluppo]

Animal Mother
4/7/2008, 01:01 PM
The only time the pokes are "on the rise" is when they walk up behind the sheep.:D

Dat dere iz phunni.

4/7/2008, 01:22 PM
I remember one of my high school girlfriends telling me at a party that she was going to school at Osu....I didn't say anything I just looked at her in amazement and she said......." I know I know".......Does anything else need to be said.........

4/8/2008, 11:21 PM

So are biscuits.

Stoop Dawg
4/9/2008, 04:49 PM
A school should not be judged by its football team. I have no doubts that OSU is a fine academic institution.

Wait, yes I do.

4/16/2008, 02:54 PM

4/16/2008, 05:21 PM
so you found this Athlon's in your stack of Honcho mags?

4/16/2008, 07:00 PM
At Aggie Lite, every year will be better than the last :D

4/16/2008, 07:01 PM
Coach to OSU recruit: "And as you can see by our new stadium expansion we're clearly a program on the rise".

Recruit: Uuuhh, you spent all that money for endzone seats?

Coach: Yea, what's your point?

Big Red Ron
4/17/2008, 02:13 AM
Coach to OSU recruit: "And as you can see by our new stadium expansion we're clearly a program on the rise".

Recruit: Uuuhh, you spent all that money for endzone seats?

Coach: Yea, what's your point?
Yeah, our point is that we have an east -west and we need to keep the sun out of T-boone's suite

6/4/2008, 04:21 PM
I must be psychic!!!!!

I started this thread back at the end of March with the none-too-bold prediction and low and behold here's the cover:

hope this works.....

6/4/2008, 04:37 PM

6/4/2008, 04:44 PM

6/4/2008, 05:08 PM
:stunned: BUT ZAC'S IN FRONT! FREAKIN' GOONER! :stunned:

Crimson Kid
6/4/2008, 09:58 PM
Play nice


6/5/2008, 01:25 AM
All kidding aside - does anyone have any serious theories on why these guys suck so bad? How can Texas Tech and Kansas and Kansas State put together good programs with their resources and these guys still cannot put together anything but hype?

My theory is that programs aren't built on money alone...it starts with a leader in the coach's office. Their only recent success (and even that was limited to token victories over OU) came under Les Miles, who - although a genuine ****** bag - is arguably a good coach. So why, with all his money, does TBP stick with Gumby? Why can't he go out and hire a Rich Rodriguez, etc.? Don't get me wrong - I don't want this to happen...I'm just perplexed that with their relatively strong fan base, decent recruiting base, and tons of cash, they continue to suck...even when they recruit decent players!


6/5/2008, 09:42 AM
All kidding aside - does anyone have any serious theories on why these guys suck so bad? How can Texas Tech and Kansas and Kansas State put together good programs with their resources and these guys still cannot put together anything but hype?

My theory is that programs aren't built on money alone...it starts with a leader in the coach's office. Their only recent success (and even that was limited to token victories over OU) came under Les Miles, who - although a genuine ****** bag - is arguably a good coach. So why, with all his money, does TBP stick with Gumby? Why can't he go out and hire a Rich Rodriguez, etc.? Don't get me wrong - I don't want this to happen...I'm just perplexed that with their relatively strong fan base, decent recruiting base, and tons of cash, they continue to suck...even when they recruit decent players!


Well, no one's been able to explain why planes and ships disappear in the Bermuda triangle either. It's just one of those odd coincidences that perhaps no one will ever be able to explain. My personal opinion is that it's their friggin' colors and perhaps their mascot. Seriously, if you walk into any John Wayne bar in the 1800s with a gay-*** neon-orange hat, you're gettin' your a** kicked. They might as well add a policeman, an indian, and a construction worker and form a 1970s singing group.