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3/30/2008, 06:11 AM
I don't usually dream at all. Or if I do, I don't remember them when I wake up. Last night, I dreamt the gubmint exercised its option of ordering my old retired hiney back to active duty...a desk job. In California. And what's worse, I only had one month's notice before I and all my stuff had to be in California to start work. The only good part was they assigned us to quarters on some naval installation and our house was on the beach. The sucky part was it was only about 1400 square feet and I had to put a lot of my stuff in storage. Oh, and the other sucky part was the reason they brought me back after I was out was because a shooting war had caught fire throughout southwest Asia involving Israel, Saudi, the Emirates, Syria, Jordan, Pakistan, India and China and we had to jump in to keep the oil flowing. <shivver>

3/30/2008, 07:47 AM
Well, at least they didn't send your old retired hiney to Thule.

3/30/2008, 08:48 AM
Weird Bro !
I was Talking to Flag last night and mentioned a Dream I had
Cept In mine I had a flame thrower Not a desk .
I think shats fixing to Hit . :eek:

3/30/2008, 09:21 AM
I think Homey is trying to tell us something.

And in case you people hadnt noticed, WWIII has begun. Us against the ragheads.

3/30/2008, 10:09 AM
Is this the part where somebody says "bring 'em on."?

Viking Kitten
3/30/2008, 11:14 AM
"wet dream" copycat thread in 3...2...1...

3/30/2008, 11:19 AM
If someone had a dream involving a portend of some cataclysmic conflagration engulfing the entire Middle East and China, and it caused a nocturnal emission...that's one f*cked up f*cker right there.

Scott D
3/30/2008, 11:32 AM
Jerk's been awfully quiet today ;)

3/30/2008, 11:33 AM
Well, bedding takes a long time to launder. :D

3/30/2008, 12:09 PM

A War for oil.

I'm surprised that hasn't happened yet.

3/30/2008, 12:14 PM
I had one 25 years ago that was so vivid, I remember it to this day.

I was in Beirut. At the Airport. Things were more screwed up than ever.

I was with US Forces and we were walking the aftermath of what seemed to be a huge battle.

I couldn't even wake myself up during the dream as I was thinking this has to be a dream.

The thing is...I signed up for the Air Force at 19 and didn't pass the physical due to a childhood injury.

So how the heck I ended up in Beirut is beyond me.

Why I still remember the dream is another.

I may need therapy. :D

3/30/2008, 04:48 PM
I think Homey is trying to tell us something.

And in case you people hadnt noticed, WWIII has begun. Us against the ragheads.

its WWIV actually. WWIII was the cold war .

3/30/2008, 05:26 PM
In the event my dream comes true, I am comforted in knowing that if they order retired and broke-down old aviators back to active duty to fly desks, you can bet your popped-collar and flip-flops they'll be drafting people too.;)

3/30/2008, 06:28 PM
In the event my dream comes true, I am comforted in knowing that if they order retired and broke-down old aviators back to active duty to fly desks, you can bet your popped-collar and flip-flops they'll be drafting people too.;)

Sicem? :D

3/30/2008, 07:18 PM
Sicem? :D

he prolly would be 4F for flat feet... or something.

BTW, with DADT now the norm, can you imagine who many prospective draftees would cop to pole smoking to avoid service? Especially since it doesn't get entered on your "permanent record" like it did during WWII, the Korean War and VietNam.

Reminds me of a funny story. My First Shirt when I was a squadron commander had a kid come to him to 'fess up. Now, the Shirt thought he was shamming just because he wanted out of the USAF.

He told me in confidence, "this sux, why can't we make him prove it?" To which I replied in abject horror, "how pray tell?" (not to mention the regs say you have to take their word for it). He replied, "he11 sir, I'll just whip mine out and tell him to go to work.":eek: I replied, "AT EASE and that'll be enough of that kinda talk thankyouverymuch."

3/30/2008, 07:34 PM
It was time to retire....lol.

3/31/2008, 10:25 AM
Analysis: your ghey.

proud gonzo
3/31/2008, 11:14 AM
I had a weird dream the other night, but I HAD had a beer, a scotch, a margarita, and another scotch.... so it's probably not important.

3/31/2008, 11:33 AM
I had a weird dream the other night, but I HAD had a beer, a scotch, a margarita, and another Scot.... so it's probably not important.


3/31/2008, 11:35 AM
I hope she looked good in the dream though. :D