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3/25/2008, 07:16 AM
At a speech last week, HRC bragged about being under enemy fire on a trip she made to Bosnia in 1996. Problem is, people who were with her stated that was utter bullshiite and they have the footage to prove it.

I am sick to death of hearing this woman claim all this "experience" (arising from being WJC's wife) has made her ready to hit the ground running in the blessedly now unlikely event she wins the White House.

Mrs Clinton, please, stop it. You are annoying and the country is done with you and your old man. Surely, somewhere, there is a cauldron that needs stirring, complete with a broom and a black cat.


3/25/2008, 07:19 AM
When The Snapper Bull shat Is Flying You Must Duck

We need a Pole
Whos Been Shot at !
Do It Homey

3/25/2008, 07:24 AM
I know this. I can guaren-damn-tee you that if that C-17 that was hauling her ponderous rear-end into Tuzla was on approach and they were in fact under fire on the airfield, there is no flippin' way that aircraft would have been allowed to land. Instead, they would have been instructed to either hold somewhere until things quieted down, or she would have been diverted.

These Clinton people. grrrrrr. Lying scoundrels who persist in the belief the country owes this woman the top job. Give...me...a..break.

Oh, and what has comedian "Sinbad" who was on the trip with HRC had to say about it? "The biggest problem I had on that flight was finding my meal on the C-17."

3/25/2008, 07:30 AM
I aint Nevar been Shot at !
Course Im drunk now also .
Ive been Shot, Stabed and Stomped
Plus a lil schrapnel Tossed In the Mix
But Im a Pacifist !:)

3/25/2008, 07:32 AM
Homester ?
Is the F15 the ONLY twin Verticle Stabiliser Plane the A/F has ?

3/25/2008, 07:33 AM
Homester ?
Is the F15 the ONLY twin Verticle Stabiliser Plane the A/F has ?

F-22 and A-10 also.

3/25/2008, 07:36 AM
At a speech last week, HRC bragged about being under enemy fire on a trip she made to Bosnia in 1996. Problem is, people who were with her stated that was utter bullshiite and they have the footage to prove it.

I am sick to death of hearing this woman claim all this "experience" (arising from being WJC's wife) has made her ready to hit the ground running in the blessedly now unlikely event she wins the White House.

Mrs Clinton, please, stop it. You are annoying and the country is done with you and your old man. Surely, somewhere, there is a cauldron that needs stirring, complete with a broom and a black cat.


whoops . . .

3/25/2008, 07:43 AM
Of the 3 contenders for the Presidency, she ranks a far distant 3rd on my list.

Harry Beanbag
3/25/2008, 07:46 AM
Of the 3 contenders for the Presidency, she ranks a far distant 3rd on my list.

Mine too. She's tied with Obama and McCain. :D

3/25/2008, 07:47 AM
F-22 and A-10 also.

Reason Im askin Is
a Plane flew Subsonic Past my shack, Had to be Outta Ftsmith
The Dayum thing Looked Like an F15 with a snub Nose and an Awacs circle
Just wonderin

3/25/2008, 08:25 AM
Sinbad said that the only thing they worried about was when lunch was going to happen.


3/25/2008, 08:26 AM
Not a HRC supporter at all, but I'm willing to give her a pass on this if the soldiiers in Bosnia get credit for being in a hot zone (or whatever term applies), regardless of actually being shot at.
I do call BS on her claim of experience. Being the wife of the guy in charge ain't being in charge.

3/25/2008, 08:53 AM
Not a HRC supporter at all, but I'm willing to give her a pass on this if the soldiiers in Bosnia get credit for being in a hot zone (or whatever term applies), regardless of actually being shot at.
I do call BS on her claim of experience. Being the wife of the guy in charge ain't being in charge.

I respectfully disagree. Being in a "zone of hostilities" for pay purposes and being on the FEBA/FLOT are two entirely different things.

Even today, people serving in Qatar and Bahrain are "in the zone" for pay. However, no one has ever been injured by hostile action in either of those places.

It is inexcusable for her to made such a claim. It is a patent lie and no matter how her henchwomen try to spin it, it's just Clintonesque spin and worthy of derision.

Oh, and one more thing. I'm getting old. The thought of waiting two years for an MRI if my doc thinks something fishy is going on in my body scares me. Therefore, she, and any other politician who proposes a national health system better keep that in mind. The AARP crowd will not be amused.

3/25/2008, 08:57 AM
Homester ?
Is the F15 the ONLY twin Verticle Stabiliser Plane the A/F has ?


3/25/2008, 09:01 AM
Sorry, Homey. I have no idea what FEBA/FLOT is. But I'll google it.

3/25/2008, 09:27 AM
Obviously she is as honest as her husband.

3/25/2008, 09:37 AM
OK. I finally clicked on the link Homey provided, and retract my previous post. What a dumbass. I hope she somehow wrangles the Dem nomination.

3/25/2008, 10:07 AM
Sorry, Homey. I have no idea what FEBA/FLOT is. But I'll google it.

Homey's got to smack us with an acronym now and again lest we fergit he was a military dude ever since he graduated from kindergarden. ;)

Front Line of Own Troops
Forward Edge of Battle Area
Translation: "In the ****"

3/25/2008, 10:09 AM
Yea. I googled it. I guess you did that for everyone else.
Thanks after the fact.

3/25/2008, 10:10 AM
As I was walking in to work today I passed a USA Today machine. The headline screamed something like "Dem Dream Ticket!!!" with a picture of her and Obama chicleting up for the camera.

Do you know how ****ing sad America is if this is the "dream ticket?"

3/25/2008, 10:13 AM
Yea. I googled it. I guess you did that for everyone else.
Thanks after the fact.

I got tired of waiting for you to tell us what it was, so I googled it myself. :D

I played a US Navy trombone for 5 years; I wouldn't know FLOT/FEBA from a ham sammich!

3/25/2008, 10:14 AM
That sounds more like a Republican dream ticket.

This was in respose to Deans post. I suffer from Jed's post timing problem.

3/25/2008, 10:22 AM
Too bad Liberman wasn't there to correct her fallacies.

3/25/2008, 10:27 AM
I just don't get the HRC's attraction; never have.
It's not like she's the only "smart" woman in the country, and who says she's "smart" anyway? Is that one of thiose deals that's true just because it's repeated? As far as I can tell she never did anything useful or significant on her own (or at all). Margaret Thatcher could kick her ***-brain even today, and Maggie's 82.
Hear this, Hil...
"Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't." ~ M.Thatcher I guess the same applies for being smart.

3/25/2008, 10:39 AM
I know this. I can guaren-damn-tee you that if that C-17 that was hauling her ponderous rear-end into Tuzla was on approach and they were in fact under fire on the airfield, there is no flippin' way that aircraft would have been allowed to land. Instead, they would have been instructed to either hold somewhere until things quieted down, or she would have been diverted.

These Clinton people. grrrrrr. Lying scoundrels who persist in the belief the country owes this woman the top job. Give...me...a..break.

Oh, and what has comedian "Sinbad" who was on the trip with HRC had to say about it? "The biggest problem I had on that flight was finding my meal on the C-17."

That and since the first daughter was on the flight... if they even smelled a bullet in the area there would have been an abort.

The dems are handing this to McCain on a silver platter with their lying and morality issues...

3/25/2008, 10:44 AM
The dems are handing this to McCain on a silver platter with their lying and morality issues...

Fair enough, before we hand the White House to McCain can we get him up to speed on Sunni vs. Shia and the relationship of Iran to AQ? Kplzthx.

3/25/2008, 11:25 AM
Fair enough, before we hand the White House to McCain can we get him up to speed on Sunni vs. Shia and the relationship of Iran to AQ? Kplzthx.

Understood, now the real question is whether that was a true gaff or a mis-statement with a following media hype...

Unless I learn more, this type of thing with McCain you chalk up to a mis-statement, unlike HRC and her exageration of the truth or her work activities and Obama's denial of pastoral teachings of a church he attended 20 years. Of course, IMO. Anyway, if your looking for anything about anyone, you could find issues with about everyone.

3/25/2008, 11:39 AM
As I was walking in to work today I passed a USA Today machine. The headline screamed something like "Dem Dream Ticket!!!" with a picture of her and Obama chicleting up for the camera.

Do you know how ****ing sad America is if this is the "dream ticket?"

Do you know how f*cking sad my party is if this is the "dream ticket?" :D

Luckily, this is just the latest round of the media trying to cover their *sses. Don't forget, Hillary has been "the presumptive Democratic candidate" since around, oh, 2005. But now that the Democratic Party has pretty much soundly rejected her, they have to try and keep her in the picture as much as possible. There's no way Obama offers her the veep slot, and the only way she can get the nomination at this point is if she engineers some superdelegate shenanigans at the convention and basically steals it. which would, of course, destroy the party for years - possibly decades. Come what may, one of the positives to come from this election cycle is that there will be no "Clinton dynasty". Thank God.

Frozen Sooner
3/25/2008, 11:44 AM
Fair enough, before we hand the White House to McCain can we get him up to speed on Sunni vs. Shia and the relationship of Iran to AQ? Kplzthx.

Or you know, maybe someone could teach him something about economics. Oh, wait, he says he never said that economics wasn't his thing. Except he did.

3/25/2008, 11:47 AM
Unless I learn more, this type of thing with McCain you chalk up to a mis-statement, unlike HRC and her exageration of the truth or her work activities and Obama's denial of pastoral teachings of a church he attended 20 years. Of course, IMO. Anyway, if your looking for anything about anyone, you could find issues with about everyone.
He has done it twice within the last month. The media let it slide as an honest mistake the first time, then brought it up the second.

King Crimson
3/25/2008, 12:06 PM
i saw the HRC speak speak at Colorado's law school during the Dem primary in 92....and she struck me as pretty disingenuous then.

3/25/2008, 12:15 PM
As I was walking in to work today I passed a USA Today machine. The headline screamed something like "Dem Dream Ticket!!!" with a picture of her and Obama chicleting up for the camera.

Do you know how ****ing sad America is if this is the "dream ticket?"

I'd spec you for that post but since you're a mod and don't need it, I'll just give ya a "Hell Yeah!"

I understand the Democratic Party and wanting to be a Democrat and all but neither of those candidates are worth the sh*t! They'd be only a very minor improvement over the moronic idiot that we have in the White House right now and if you think your taxes are too high now, just wait until they take the steering wheel.

3/25/2008, 12:20 PM
He has done it twice within the last month. The media let it slide as an honest mistake the first time, then brought it up the second.

I wasn't aware this was the second slip...I travel and don't pay attention to media at times. I will need to be more scrutinizing of comments - you know he may be impaired as he is getting to the age of being an "old fool"...His comment on economics worries me. I don't expect him to be a SME, but I do expect a basic understanding.

sooner n houston
3/25/2008, 12:30 PM
Just heard on the radio, they played a tape of it, where Hillary said almost the same thing last month in Waco. Which is really funny if you've seen her saying how it was her first slip of the tongue in 12 years! :D

3/25/2008, 12:35 PM
To be fair, someone in the country had to be shooting a gun somewhere....

3/25/2008, 04:01 PM
CAll it what you want, but around here we call in a BALD FACE LIE.

She should be asked to bow out of the Dem race and resign her seat.


3/25/2008, 04:15 PM
Well, resignation is a bit strong. I mean, it's not like she slept with a hooker or used a wide stance in the crapper. :D

3/25/2008, 04:20 PM
Daaaaang. Two bri posts in a political thread. My son is growing up right before my very eyes.

Scott D
3/25/2008, 04:22 PM
So just out of curiousity. Why hasn't anyone taken a run at the ABC show that got access to HRC's schedule when she was first lady. Including such wonderful foreign diplomacy actions as touring cathedrals and having tea with rich Russian women while Bill was meeting with Yeltsin. Such wonderful domestics as "I had nothing to do with NAFTA" when her schedule shows that she was very active behind the scenes FOR NAFTA. And the best of all, on the day in question that we shall call "Spooge-gate" HRC was in the White House ALL DAY, while Billy boy was getting his hummer in the Oval Office.

3/25/2008, 04:46 PM
oh no! a politician fibbed? said something to make her self look better?!

3/25/2008, 04:56 PM
Daaaaang. Two bri posts in a political thread. My son is growing up right before my very eyes.

Actually, the maturation process is the fact that I only have two posts in a political thread, and neither one of them consist of me yelling at someone for having a different opinion. ;)

3/25/2008, 04:56 PM
When The Snapper Bull shat Is Flying You Must Duck

We need a Pole
Whos Been Shot at !
Do It Homey

Do BB guns count?:confused:

3/25/2008, 05:25 PM

I just wanted to say that.


3/25/2008, 06:02 PM
She also failed to divulge she was Al Gore's consultant in his development
of the internet!

Frozen Sooner
3/25/2008, 07:09 PM
CAll it what you want, but around here we call in a BALD FACE LIE.

She should be asked to bow out of the Dem race and resign her seat.


I'm at a loss here.

Do you really think that there's a single person in the Senate who's never told a lie to help themselves in an election?


I mean, it's not OK or anything, but resign over it?

3/25/2008, 07:10 PM
If they put her in over Obama...all heck is gonna break loose is my guess.

And if she goes up against McCain...she'll get slaughtered.

3/25/2008, 08:15 PM
I'm at a loss here.

Do you really think that there's a single person in the Senate who's never told a lie to help themselves in an election?


I mean, it's not OK or anything, but resign over it?

Yes, and any other elected official. I understand maybe embellishing a story. Like I went to Bosnia to help bring peace to the region, show the people I care.
But to come right out and say, we had to run because of sniper fire, etc. Is too far over the top for me. That is a BOLD FACE LIE

They have WMD, another big fat lie, and i vote for the sumbitch:mad:

3/25/2008, 08:25 PM
Guys, she didn't lie, she just misspoke. Give her a break. Isn't that why we have the card things now, everyone misspeaks every now and then.

Or maybe it was the damn leprechaun talking into her ear again...

3/25/2008, 08:42 PM
If you're going to embellish, at do it about a time when there aren't multiple tv cameras pointed at you.

3/25/2008, 08:45 PM

I just wanted to say that.


you said WART. reliving old memories?

3/25/2008, 09:32 PM
Oh, WOOOOWWWWW! Thank You! Thank You! And, thank you to my husband for that wonderful introduction! My husband, who served our great country as the 42nd president of the United States of Ameeeeerrrrricaaaa!!!

And my husband, who also was spraying his junk on a blue dress in the Oval Office study, while I was out, visiting our troops, jumping out of the back of rolling C-5, with an M-16, while MIGs attacked from overhead, and snipers were taking out half my entourage. My instincts told me to grab Chelsea and dodge tracer rounds until we got behind a broken, burned-out Frenc made Renault, where I fired on the enemy, killing them all. Chelsea and I emerged, her all the more brave yet unbeknowst at the time for her future bravery of shimmying down the World Trade Towers from 100 stories above while it collapsed, and launched a couple of Howitzers at the remaining terrorists, and was awarded a Congessional Medal of Honor, the first, I may add, awarded to a First Lady in Action. And, I am also proud to having spent 35 years immunizing children from cancer!

Harry Beanbag
3/25/2008, 10:56 PM
I'm at a loss here.

Do you really think that there's a single person in the Senate who's never told a lie to help themselves in an election?


I mean, it's not OK or anything, but resign over it?

I think every Senator and Congressman should resign tomorrow.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/25/2008, 11:30 PM
I can't wait to see the fun in the media after the dems somehow select their candidate, and it's time to go after McCain.

Frozen Sooner
3/25/2008, 11:41 PM
Interestingly enough, it looks like Rush Limbaugh was exhorting his faithful flock to commit perjury when he had them cross party lines to vote for Hillary.

See, to request a Democratic Party ballot in Ohio, you had to attest to a statement under penalty of perjury that you legitimately supported the Democratic Party. Not sure about in other states.

I guess perjury only counts when it's not you doing it.

3/25/2008, 11:48 PM
I am almost to the point of voting for McLame in the general election now. Not because I am disliking Obama now though. No, I am thinking of voting for McFlame so a donk doesn't get blamed for the **** storm that the next president is going to have to deal with. Whomever is the next POTUS will have to deal with the economy that 'W' has torn to shreds and a war that he started with NO forethought on what to do afterwards.

Vote McStain 08, a republican might as well get the blame for a mess another republican made.

3/25/2008, 11:48 PM
Interestingly enough, it looks like Rush Limbaugh was exhorting his faithful flock to commit perjury when he had them cross party lines to vote for Hillary.

See, to request a Democratic Party ballot in Ohio, you had to attest to a statement under penalty of perjury that you legitimately supported the Democratic Party. Not sure about in other states.

I guess perjury only counts when it's not you doing it.

Well, it's not like he was asking them to fill out bogus prescriptions for him or anything.

3/25/2008, 11:50 PM
Well, it's not like he was asking them to fill out bogus prescriptions for him or anything.

BURN! You are the insult master!!:D

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/25/2008, 11:54 PM
Interestingly enough, it looks like Rush Limbaugh was exhorting his faithful flock to commit perjury when he had them cross party lines to vote for Hillary.

See, to request a Democratic Party ballot in Ohio, you had to attest to a statement under penalty of perjury that you legitimately supported the Democratic Party. Not sure about in other states.

I guess perjury only counts when it's not you doing it.Mike, that's one of the silliest posts you've ever made.

3/25/2008, 11:55 PM
Mike, that's one of the most accurate posts you've ever made.

Fixed that fer ya neighbor! :D

Frozen Sooner
3/25/2008, 11:55 PM
Mike, that's one of the silliest posts you've ever made.

That's nice. You'd certainly know silly.

Did Rush Limbaugh tell people to falsely register Democrat in order to vote for Hillary Clinton in Ohio or did he not? In doing so, did he not ask them to commit perjury?

Simple question.

I wonder if Rush is going to push for any attorney who did so to be disbarred.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/25/2008, 11:58 PM
I have heard there's some leftist bloggers who are encouraging Rush to be indicted in Ohio. That will also be a fun one to watch, especially with Obama having ads encouraging republicans in Pennsylvania to vote for him.

3/25/2008, 11:59 PM
That's nice. You'd certainly know silly.

Did Rush Limbaugh tell people to falsely register Democrat in order to vote for Hillary Clinton in Ohio or did he not? In doing so, did he not ask them to commit perjury?

Simple question.

I wonder if Rush is going to push for any attorney who did so to be disbarred.

Heck no, they are god-fearing Republicans. They didn't mean any real harm, they was just funnin' them donks :texan:

3/26/2008, 12:02 AM
I have heard there's some leftist bloggers who are encouraging Rush to be indicted in Ohio. That will also be a fun one to watch, especially with Obama having ads encouraging republicans in Pennsylvania to vote for him.

Difference is that Obama is encouraging them to vote for him out of principle, not lie about why they are changing political parties

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/26/2008, 12:08 AM
That's nice. You'd certainly know silly.

Did Rush Limbaugh tell people to falsely register Democrat in order to vote for Hillary Clinton in Ohio or did he not? In doing so, did he not ask them to commit perjury?

Simple question.

I wonder if Rush is going to push for any attorney who did so to be disbarred.Haha, I think it's legal to register to vote for whichever party, Mike. As you know, leftists have been doing it for years.

Frozen Sooner
3/26/2008, 12:11 AM
It is legal to register for either party.

It is not legal to knowingly make a sworn statement that is false, particularly to a state official.

However, if it's good enough for Ollie North, I guess it's good enough for you.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/26/2008, 12:19 AM
It is legal to register for either party.

It is not legal to knowingly make a sworn statement that is false, particularly to a state official.

However, if it's good enough for Ollie North, I guess it's good enough for you.I think they're going to ask people to swear allegiance to the principles of the Democrat Party... can you believe that?

Frozen Sooner
3/26/2008, 12:35 AM
That's not what they signed, actually. What they signed under penalty of perjury, and sworn under oath was not a pledge of allegiance to the Democratic Party.

It's only perjury if it's about a hummer, right?

Frozen Sooner
3/26/2008, 12:47 AM
By the way, I'm not actually advocating that Rush Limbaugh be charged with incitement to commit crime, or even that Republicans who made an organized attempt to subvert the political process should be charged with any crime.

I just think it's funny that a party who claims to be about morals and values would have a significant bloc of members who apparently have no problem lying under oath.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/26/2008, 01:26 AM
By the way, I'm not actually advocating that Rush Limbaugh be charged with incitement to commit crime, or even that Republicans who made an organized attempt to subvert the political process should be charged with any crime.

I just think it's funny that a party who claims to be about morals and values would have a significant bloc of members who apparently have no problem lying under oath.One can't be a hypocrite if one has no morals to begin with.

3/26/2008, 01:30 AM
Are you implying that all Democrats are immoral? Or are you saying that Rush has no morals?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/26/2008, 01:33 AM
Are you implying that all Democrats are immoral? Or are you saying that Rush has no morals?Heh

Frozen Sooner
3/26/2008, 01:34 AM
One can't be a hypocrite if one has no morals to begin with.

Why am I not surprised that you don't know what "hypocrisy" means?

One of these days you should really look into a dictionary, as you persist in using words with specific meanings improperly.


A hypocrite is one who espouses a moral view they themselves do not hold. So, in fact, it is quite easy for someone with no morals to be a hypocrite.

Like someone who railed about one instance of perjury for years who then encourages others to perjure themselves. That's pretty amoral. And hypocritical.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/26/2008, 01:46 AM
Why am I not surprised that you don't know what "hypocrisy" means?

One of these days you should really look into a dictionary, as you persist in using words with specific meanings improperly.


A hypocrite is one who espouses a moral view they themselves do not hold. So, in fact, it is quite easy for someone with no morals to be a hypocrite.

Like someone who railed about one instance of perjury for years who then encourages others to perjure themselves. That's pretty amoral. And hypocritical.The issue isn't perjury. It about the right to vote for who you want . Us US Americans have that right. You guys just don't react so well when your dirty tricks are pulled on you.

3/26/2008, 01:48 AM
Seriously has anyone seen voter turnout rates...to think enough people would go to the trouble to go register for another party, then vote to weaken their opponent. I mean seriously we have enough trouble getting people to JUST register let alone do something shady

Scott D
3/26/2008, 06:20 AM
Why am I not surprised that you don't know what "hypocrisy" means?

One of these days you should really look into a dictionary, as you persist in using words with specific meanings improperly.


A hypocrite is one who espouses a moral view they themselves do not hold. So, in fact, it is quite easy for someone with no morals to be a hypocrite.

Like someone who railed about one instance of perjury for years who then encourages others to perjure themselves. That's pretty amoral. And hypocritical.

well to be fair, this is a guy who railed about the evils of the internet, but met more than one wife online via AOL you are talking about.

3/26/2008, 06:31 AM
from the Associated Press.

Clinton began retracting the remarks in a series of private interviews Monday and Tuesday before addressing about two dozen reporters here after a speech.

She told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "I was sleep-deprived, and I misspoke."

She told KDKA radio in Pittsburgh: "You know, I have written about this and described it in many different settings, and I did misspeak the other day. This has been a very long campaign."

IOW, "I told a whopper but I was dopey when I told it so give me a pass." Riiiiight.

3/26/2008, 06:48 AM
from the Associated Press.

IOW, "I told a whopper but I was dopey when I told it so give me a pass." Riiiiight.

aka: "But I was drunk so it doesn't count.":D

3/26/2008, 06:53 AM
aka: "But I was drunk so it doesn't count.":D

Wouldn't it have been a refreshing surprise if Clinton had merely said, "Look, I exaggerated. In fact, I grossly exaggerated. No, I take that back, I flat out fibbed. My bad. I'm Sorry."

But no, those people are incapable of accepting full responsibility for their actions. pa-the-tic.

Moreover, after this, how can we trust any factual assessment made by this woman? Especially her judgment when she gets that 3am phone call when she would be similarly "sleep-deprived?"

3/26/2008, 08:03 AM
I was watching Anderson Cooper 360 last night and listened to all the folks opinions on this, saw the footage of how she is handling the "MISTAKE....lol".

Whether it was HRC, Bill or someone in her camp convinced her to bring up BHO's Preacher....well...it shows just how desparate they have become.

IMO if she had any chance of winning at all it was to continue to win States and head to the DNC Convention.

IMO...it's over for her and not just this campaign. I wouldn't be surprised if all of this has ruined her political career.

3/26/2008, 08:57 AM
Interestingly enough, it looks like Rush Limbaugh was exhorting his faithful flock to commit perjury when he had them cross party lines to vote for Hillary.

See, to request a Democratic Party ballot in Ohio, you had to attest to a statement under penalty of perjury that you legitimately supported the Democratic Party. Not sure about in other states.

I guess perjury only counts when it's not you doing it.

Legitimate support is a very vague and ambiguous term. Does it mean, "financial support?" Could it mean, they support a spirited, good faith campaign in which the real issues are discussed in an educated manner? Could it mean that in requesting a Democratic ballot, they intended to give meaning and substance to their vote and since the Republican process had, for all intents and purposes, concluded, their vote in the process had more meaning by voting for the Democrat?

For after all, shouldn't the process itself, our American way of life, be far more important and substantial than either party? (Sadly, that is no longer the case)

I submit that "supporting the Democratic party" means you vote in a manner in which the issues are discussed, that two relatively equal candidates are allowed to remain in the race until all issues are discussed and voters can cast an intelligent, well reasoned vote.

Perjury? Hardly. Supporting the American process? Yes.


3/26/2008, 09:05 AM
That's nice. You'd certainly know silly.

Did Rush Limbaugh tell people to falsely register Democrat in order to vote for Hillary Clinton in Ohio or did he not? In doing so, did he not ask them to commit perjury?

Simple question.

I wonder if Rush is going to push for any attorney who did so to be disbarred.

This is the silliest bunch of hoo-haw I have ever read. Not you Mike, the Ohio dems. If you want to protect your primary, then have a fixed primary. Every state I ever lived in since I could vote, I voted in the other parties primary when that was an option, sometimes I named my party the opposite as well. I usually chose the primary that would give me the most to vote for, but occasionally I crossed to vote for the weirdest person to ease my candidates on the other side chances. Don't know if there is a perjury law in those states, but if so, I've been a criminal since 18.

Frozen Sooner
3/26/2008, 11:34 AM
This is the silliest bunch of hoo-haw I have ever read. Not you Mike, the Ohio dems. If you want to protect your primary, then have a fixed primary. Every state I ever lived in since I could vote, I voted in the other parties primary when that was an option, sometimes I named my party the opposite as well. I usually chose the primary that would give me the most to vote for, but occasionally I crossed to vote for the weirdest person to ease my candidates on the other side chances. Don't know if there is a perjury law in those states, but if so, I've been a criminal since 18.

THA, I believe that both parties require such affirmation when switching registration in Ohio. I could be wrong.

Frozen Sooner
3/26/2008, 11:36 AM
Legitimate support is a very vague and ambiguous term. Does it mean, "financial support?" Could it mean, they support a spirited, good faith campaign in which the real issues are discussed in an educated manner? Could it mean that in requesting a Democratic ballot, they intended to give meaning and substance to their vote and since the Republican process had, for all intents and purposes, concluded, their vote in the process had more meaning by voting for the Democrat?

For after all, shouldn't the process itself, our American way of life, be far more important and substantial than either party? (Sadly, that is no longer the case)

I submit that "supporting the Democratic party" means you vote in a manner in which the issues are discussed, that two relatively equal candidates are allowed to remain in the race until all issues are discussed and voters can cast an intelligent, well reasoned vote.

Perjury? Hardly. Supporting the American process? Yes.



Sophistry. Like I said, I don't think prosecution is something that should or will happen in this instance: definitely too hard to prove.

Republicans who knowingly perjured themselves are just going to have to look inside themselves. They know what their motives were, and they know they lied under oath.

Frozen Sooner
3/26/2008, 11:38 AM
The issue isn't perjury. It about the right to vote for who you want . Us US Americans have that right. You guys just don't react so well when your dirty tricks are pulled on you.

You don't see any difference between someone crossing party lines to vote for someone in a primary they think is the best choice and someone doing so to vote for someone they would never consider voting for in the real election?

I find that hard to believe.

3/26/2008, 12:02 PM
Pushing people off the ballots in these states is very disheartening to me.

$500 = a run for POTUS in any State, IMO.

I don't know whether a Constitutional Amendment would be the correct thing to do to get a standard for our process, but something is needed.

What the Dems did to Nader is criminal IMO.

Our political process has deteriorated to the point that it has become sickening to watch.

3/26/2008, 12:11 PM
Our political process has deteriorated to the point that it has become sickening to watch.

I would heartily agree with that statement.

3/26/2008, 12:23 PM
now she's tiptoeing around it using "we were told" such and such was going on. or "we were probably under sniper fire" stuff like that. man why cant we get a candidate we BELIEVE? thats all we need. is someone we trust to be honest and do the right thing.

3/26/2008, 12:30 PM

Sophistry. Like I said, I don't think prosecution is something that should or will happen in this instance: definitely too hard to prove.

Republicans who knowingly perjured themselves are just going to have to look inside themselves. They know what their motives were, and they know they lied under oath.

Hell's bells... democracy is dead. In pacem requiescat.

The parties exist to perpetuate themselves first and foremost. They have become bigger than what is in the nation's best interest. It has become accepted to "win at all costs," run down your opponent, as long as you get elected and then can start shoveling the pork to whatever special interests gave you the most money to get your *** elected.

We are indeed a nation divided... racially, socio-economically... conservative vs. liberal.. and the special interest groups on both sides of the aisle have overwhelmed the majority.. those in the middle.

Lying... deceit...selling your very soul... nothing is out of bounds for the glorious sake of. . . power.

3/26/2008, 12:39 PM
what good is power if those you have power over dont recognize it?

3/26/2008, 12:41 PM
For those that didn't know...

Nader says the DNC sued him to keep him off of ballots in certain states.

I believe it was when Bill Clinton ran.

3/26/2008, 02:47 PM
Hell's bells... democracy is dead. In pacem requiescat.

The parties exist to perpetuate themselves first and foremost. They have become bigger than what is in the nation's best interest. It has become accepted to "win at all costs," run down your opponent, as long as you get elected and then can start shoveling the pork to whatever special interests gave you the most money to get your *** elected.

We are indeed a nation divided... racially, socio-economically... conservative vs. liberal.. and the special interest groups on both sides of the aisle have overwhelmed the majority.. those in the middle.

Lying... deceit...selling your very soul... nothing is out of bounds for the glorious sake of. . . power.

I think you're onto something here. Maybe we should of listened to George Washington?

"I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the state, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally.
This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy."

Maybe he was onto something?

3/26/2008, 03:20 PM
Well, it's not like he was asking them to fill out bogus prescriptions for him or anything.

Rush Limbaugh, the Jeff Conway of republican radio!

3/26/2008, 03:21 PM
ps. not that big of a whopper.

3/26/2008, 03:27 PM
Well, no, but that's just 'cause we're comparing it to her *ss.


3/26/2008, 05:33 PM
I think you're onto something here. Maybe we should of listened to George Washington?

"I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the state, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally.
This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy."

Maybe he was onto something?

Pfft, what did that Washington guy know anyways?

3/26/2008, 06:22 PM
Well, no, but that's just 'cause we're comparing it to her *ss.


Speaking of Whoppers......Did I ever tell you my childhood story of how I went to the Bowman Twin Cinema back in the day and ate so many of those things I had to have an enema?

Good times.

3/26/2008, 08:01 PM
Speaking of Whoppers......Did I ever tell you my childhood story of how I went to the Bowman Twin Cinema back in the day and ate so many of those things I had to have an enema?

Good times.

Did you not get the playground memo you're supposed to chew them up and not simply choke 'em down like big brown spherical aspirins?

3/26/2008, 08:08 PM
To this day, I continue to shun the malty goodness that is the Whopper.

3/26/2008, 08:16 PM
Well, since you apparently can't sh*t the malty goodness that is the Whopper, that's probably best.

3/26/2008, 08:28 PM
Goodbye Chocolate Rain.


3/26/2008, 09:00 PM


3/26/2008, 09:09 PM


Spek this post! Now people!!!

3/26/2008, 09:47 PM
glad you liked it:D

3/26/2008, 09:49 PM
Obama Girl's take on all of this...:D


3/26/2008, 10:50 PM
The Obama Girl is either a former Muslim, or a current Sports By Brooks Girl.

3/26/2008, 10:56 PM
This Hillary issue would not be such a big deal, if the MSM were not in the tank for Barry... IMHO

Stoop Dawg
3/26/2008, 11:11 PM
See, to request a Democratic Party ballot in Ohio, you had to attest to a statement under penalty of perjury that you legitimately supported the Democratic Party. Not sure about in other states.

Here in Dallas, the half-blind 80 year old man asked me if I wanted a "D" or "R" ballot. I said "R". My wife said "R", but got "D" instead. It took several minutes for them to fix the mistake.

You'd be hard-pressed to make any kind of perjury charge stick around here.

3/26/2008, 11:14 PM
Hillary's "whooper" is no big deal...certainly not as significant as supporting a racist,hate-mongering preacher...

3/27/2008, 12:21 AM
Hillary's "whooper" is no big deal...certainly not as significant as supporting a racist,hate-mongering preacher...

it didn't seem to be that big of deal when the person supporting said preacher had an R instead of a D.

and ya know the system is broke when we've had two bushes and possibly (i hope not) two clinton presidents. the person elected for the position should be the most qualified. what are the odds that the most qualified person always comes from the same family. thats why im going with obama. im tired of clinton. mccain is just a more senile bush. this **** needs to stop.

oh, to whomever said that mccain made an honest mistake at the first of this thread should know that he's slipped up on the same issue not once, not twice, but three times now. and hillary's "account" was in her book. she didn't "misspeak", unless she's clinically retarded, in which case i would let it slide.

3/27/2008, 12:56 AM

I submit however that these statements not only apply to the Clintons, but to just about every politician that runs for national office. Pretty much the only time we hear of any politician taking responsibility for their mistakes these days is after someone's caught em with a hooker and their wife is standing right there behind them with a gun up their ***.

Personally, I'd gain some spek for her if she did what you say. Even if she gave some cockamimmy excuse like "Hey, I really don't remember that trip at all, but one of my aides said 'well, it was considered a hot zone', and wrote it into a speech I used over and over, and well, it's been such a long campaign that I mailed it in when I proof-read that one. My bad America."

Wouldn't it have been a refreshing surprise if Clinton had merely said, "Look, I exaggerated. In fact, I grossly exaggerated. No, I take that back, I flat out fibbed. My bad. I'm Sorry."

But no, those people are incapable of accepting full responsibility for their actions. pa-the-tic.

Moreover, after this, how can we trust any factual assessment made by this woman? Especially her judgment when she gets that 3am phone call when she would be similarly "sleep-deprived?"

3/27/2008, 11:16 AM
and ya know the system is broke when we've had two bushes and possibly (i hope not) two clinton presidents. the person elected for the position should be the most qualified. what are the odds that the most qualified person always comes from the same family. thats why im going with obama. im tired of clinton. mccain is just a more senile bush. this **** needs to stop.

Now that right there, is careful analysis, taking into account all issues involved in the process with decisions based upon studied reason and logic.

I present to you.. the typical American voter.


3/27/2008, 11:50 AM
If Obama Girl was running for POTUS...I'd vote for her.

3/27/2008, 12:10 PM
with all the bs surrounding the two candidates for the crumbling dem party, i am really feeling mccain has a very good chance now. just a couple months ago , who will be the president obama or clinton? obama or clinton? now its, who will mccain beat, obama or clinton? i have really lost faith in the candidacy of both dem candidates. and am an independent, i dont choose sides. i had initially felt high about obama. and i still like him more than clinton. but i am completely turned off to clinton. the highest position in the land is not for liars.

3/27/2008, 12:31 PM
the highest position in the land is not for liars.

I would say history bears out that the office is pretty much exclusively for liars.

3/27/2008, 01:07 PM
I would say history bears out that the office is pretty much exclusively for liars.

Not just any liars, but the best liars this land has to offer.

texas bandman
3/27/2008, 02:48 PM
Hillary is running her campaign like "Sherman's March to the Sea."

In The Civil War, Sherman applied the principles of scorched earth, ordering his troops to burn crops, kill livestock, consume supplies, and destroy civilian infrastructure along their path. This policy is often considered a component strategy of total war.

What Hillary can't have, she destroys.

3/27/2008, 04:00 PM
Just a distinction, Sherman could have it, did have it, and gave the Rebs what was coming to them.

We haven't had a good the South should be torched again thread in awhile, just trying to fan some flames.

3/27/2008, 04:21 PM
Just a distinction, Sherman could have it, did have it, and gave the Rebs what was coming to them.

We haven't had a good the South should be torched again thread in awhile, just trying to fan some flames.

We could torch Oklahoma, but it looks like someone already did. :)

3/27/2008, 04:25 PM
Not just any liars, but the richest liars this land has to offer.


3/27/2008, 04:31 PM
If BHO won, at least it would be fun to hear everyone criticizing "Obamanomics" after taxes went up, investment went down and unemployment skyrocketed as a result. :D

Obamanomics...that's comedy GOLD people!

3/27/2008, 04:33 PM
If BHO won, at least it would be fun to hear everyone criticizing "Obamanomics" after taxes went up, investment went down and unemployment skyrocketed as a result. :D

Obamanomics...that's comedy GOLD people!

Not as good as Barrakanomics.

3/27/2008, 04:45 PM
How can you expect young people to get excited about politics anymore? We know when we're being bull****ted. And with the amount of it being spewed around capitol hill, it's no wonder that only the truly extreme are involved. Then people wonder why all the young politicos are psycho. Well, duh! Where else is that type of zealousness rewarded?

The real question I have is: "Why does ANYONE pay attention?" I'm almost convinced that people only talk about this stuff because they like to complain. I try to keep up because I love my wife, who has childhood memories of passing out fliers for candidates. Poor girl. IMO, Politics ranks up there with Local "12 people shot at your corner market, and find out how the government is cheating YOU out of money" TV news. When does FOX do "Moment of Truth" with the candidates?

3/27/2008, 04:49 PM
How can you expect young people to get excited about politics anymore? We know when we're being bull****ted. And with the amount of it being spewed around capitol hill, it's no wonder that only the truly extreme are involved. Then people wonder why all the young politicos are psycho. Well, duh! Where else is that type of zealousness rewarded?

The real question I have is: "Why does ANYONE pay attention?" I'm almost convinced that people only talk about this stuff because they like to complain. I try to keep up because I love my wife, who has childhood memories of passing out fliers for candidates. Poor girl. IMO, Politics ranks up there with Local "12 people shot at your corner market, and find out how the government is cheating YOU out of money" TV news. When does FOX do "Moment of Truth" with the candidates?

I feel like slow clapping that post.

3/27/2008, 04:49 PM
What's this election you speak of?

Do you mind? I was watching the Rock of Love Marathon on VH1.

When do we go vote?

3/27/2008, 04:50 PM

Also true.

Mainly because we tend to reward the best liars by showering them with money.

3/27/2008, 04:51 PM
I feel like slow clapping that post.

:D I rarely rant like that, but when I do they usually get a slow clap going.

3/27/2008, 04:56 PM
How can you expect young people to get excited about politics anymore? We know when we're being bull****ted. And with the amount of it being spewed around capitol hill, it's no wonder that only the truly extreme are involved. Then people wonder why all the young politicos are psycho. Well, duh! Where else is that type of zealousness rewarded?

The real question I have is: "Why does ANYONE pay attention?" I'm almost convinced that people only talk about this stuff because they like to complain. I try to keep up because I love my wife, who has childhood memories of passing out fliers for candidates. Poor girl. IMO, Politics ranks up there with Local "12 people shot at your corner market, and find out how the government is cheating YOU out of money" TV news. When does FOX do "Moment of Truth" with the candidates?

Yeah, I listen to the idiots on here whining about Bush. I feel sorry for these people. When the next prez gets sworn in and they wake up the following day and NOT a ****ING THING HAS CHANGED these folks are gonna be like deer in the headlights. Well actually, they won't. They'll be "well I didn't vote for ........ so you can't blame me...."

I've been working the same job for over 30 years. I've been raising kids for almost 27. Each and every year my life has continued to progress - with peaks and valleys of course - but always on an upward trend. This year was better than last. Last was better than the year before. And so on and so on. And whoever the puppet that was sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. did/does hasn't seriously impacted me personally one way or the other.

People who believe that Bush (or whoever is in that chair) has enough stroke on their own to impact us directly are ****ing morons. "Oooh, everything's a mess because of Bush." "Lord knows Bush ****ed it all up." Yeah? What'd he **** up? We'd be in Iraq irregardless of who was in there. Go back and check who all voted to go in. Like I said, too much blame and too much credit are given to the figurehead POTUS.

3/27/2008, 05:07 PM
Yeah, I listen to the idiots on here whining about Bush. I feel sorry for these people. When the next prez gets sworn in and they wake up the following day and NOT a ****ING THING HAS CHANGED these folks are gonna be like deer in the headlights. Well actually, they won't. They'll be "well I didn't vote for ........ so you can't blame me...."

I've been working the same job for over 30 years. I've been raising kids for almost 27. Each and every year my life has continued to progress - with peaks and valleys of course - but always on an upward trend. This year was better than last. Last was better than the year before. And so on and so on. And whoever the puppet that was sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. did/does hasn't seriously impacted me personally one way or the other.

People who believe that Bush (or whoever is in that chair) has enough stroke on their own to impact us directly are ****ing morons. "Oooh, everything's a mess because of Bush." "Lord knows Bush ****ed it all up." Yeah? What'd he **** up? We'd be in Iraq irregardless of who was in there. Go back and check who all voted to go in. Like I said, too much blame and too much credit are given to the figurehead POTUS.

Every year is better than the last for you because you're good guy, Dean. That, and from the stories you've told, being young must have sucked for you . :D

I agree with the prez being a figurehead, but I also think they have a big impact on the general direction the country takes. Especially after two terms. The people that figurehead puts in charge and the culture that they promote within Washington are very important. It may not make my life change much, but there are more people than me in this world, and some of their lives are made harder/easier based on the decisions made by all the jackasses on capitol hill.

My main beef is that the people we see are so full of **** they can't eat. Right now, and it's probably been this way since the dawn of time, government is a self-perpetuating cesspool of the sleaziest and most self-serving people humanity can provide. If you aren't like that when you go in, the system forces you to act like it, regardless of your intentions. It tricks you with the idealistic thinking that you can change something for the better, then slaps you in the face with the reality that the only way you can make that change is to compromise in so many other ways that your change just isn't worth it anymore.

3/27/2008, 05:16 PM
If BHO won, at least it would be fun to hear everyone criticizing "Obamanomics" after taxes went up, investment went down and unemployment skyrocketed as a result. :D

Obamanomics...that's comedy GOLD people!

Scott D
3/27/2008, 05:50 PM
Also true.

Mainly because we tend to reward the best liars by showering them with money.

That means I expect the American voters to shower Kwame Kilpatrick's defense fund with lots of money. :D

bye from Okemos, Michigan....can't wait to be home tomorrow.

3/27/2008, 06:06 PM
I will give you the fact that no matter who was the prez for the last 8 years, we would have gone to war somewhere. I will also give you that no matter who is sitting in the chair nothing will ever change dramatically. But I do think that whom ever is there imbues the country with their personality. Nothing may ever get done, but having someone who is optimistic in charge cannot hurt.

3/27/2008, 07:06 PM
Nothing may ever get done, but having someone who is optimistic in charge cannot hurt.

Well, every President since 1980 has been optimistic. The only one that wasn't was the failure, Jimmy Carter. But he got his party's nomination by making vague speeches of how great things will be with him as POTUS, with little or no substance and the electorate bought into his vision of grandure..... wait, that sounds like one of the candidate running in this year's election!

3/27/2008, 08:01 PM
crazy obamaniacs