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3/19/2008, 09:11 AM
Daughter had an interesting history question in her homework last night.

She was given a list of four names and told three shared a commonality that one did not. The instructions were to identify the odd man out and explain the commonality that the others shared.

The list:

Adolf Hitler
Francisco Franco
Winston Churchill
Benito Mussolini

We came up with a few ideas. I don't know exactly what answer they were looking for. WHat do y'all think??:pop:

3/19/2008, 09:20 AM
Winston Churchill would be my guess...but that just seems too easy.

3/19/2008, 09:22 AM
They all worship at the alter of the State.

3/19/2008, 09:32 AM
Churchill was not my first answer, but he was the only one not a fascist.

I think that may be what they were after, but then I would have to actually read the chapter to find that out. There is only so much help I'm willing to give on homework, you know.

3/19/2008, 09:35 AM
yes, they were all fascists, except Churchill of couse(my little joke notwithstanding), all came to power in the 20's and 30's, and all aligned with the reactionary forces of their respective countries.

3/19/2008, 09:37 AM
Winston Churchill would be my guess...but that just seems too easy.

Yeah, not much of a challenge there if that is where they were going.

3/19/2008, 09:41 AM
My first thought was Franco.

The others were heads of state during WWII. Franco was a revolutionary but was not head of state was he?

And was Churchill head of state or was he simply PM with the monarchy as head of state?

3/19/2008, 09:45 AM
Franco was the leader of Spain until about 1980. Your point on Churchill is pretty valid though, I guess the monarch is head of state.

3/19/2008, 09:46 AM
Oh just google it.

3/19/2008, 09:53 AM
Here are some:

Adolf Hitler NOT a college graduate; NOT an officer during military service; WWI vet; wounded in action; NOT born in the country he would eventually lead; died in office
Francisco Franco college graduate (Spanish Military Academy); officer; but NOT a WWI vet; born in the country he led; died in office
Winston Churchill college graduate (Sandhurst); officer and WWI vet; NOT wounded in action; born in the country he led; did NOT die in office
Benito Mussolini college graduate (Italian Military Academy); officer and WWI vet; wounded in action; born in the country he led; did NOT die in office

Therefore, she can make a grid and find the guy who is the least like the others. Put the guys names on the the x axis, put those descriptions on the y axis, check mark the intersections.

I bet the teacher would be impressed.

P.S. Hitler was the only one not native-born to the country he led.

3/19/2008, 12:39 PM
It could still be Franco.

None of the others were part of a running bit on SNL.

This just in, Gerneralissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.