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View Full Version : Good Morning...Patron Saint of Public Intoxication

3/17/2008, 06:45 AM
March 17, 1762 First St. Patrick's Day parade

http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/2270/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzstp.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

On this day 246 years ago in New York City, the first parade honoring the Catholic feast day of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is held by Irish soldiers serving in the British army. Remember, this was 13 years before our revolution so no one was shooting at these redcoats -- which is good for them because they were prolly all drunk.

http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/2703/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzirishguard.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The Queen's Brigade of Guards includes the Irish Guards, a regiment which draws its recruits from British Northern Ireland. Here they are on parade in London. Note their cool official regimental mascot, an Irish wolfhound.

Saint Patrick, who was born in the late 4th century, was one of the most successful Christian missionaries in history. Born in England (which no doubt bugs the crap out of the micks) to a Christian family of Roman citizenship.

http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/5278/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzc2624074p.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Patrick was taken prisoner at the age of 16 by a group of Irish raiders who attacked his family's estate. They transported him to Ireland, and he spent six years in captivity before escaping back to Britain. Believing he had been called by God to Christianize Ireland, he joined the Catholic Church and studied for 15 years before being consecrated as the church's second missionary to Ireland. Patrick began his 28 year long mission to Ireland in 432AD. By his death 1546 years ago in 460AD, the island was almost entirely Christian.

http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/4952/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz624.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The Irish love dogs. Here an Irish Guards soldier on duty in Iraq rescued a puppy

Early Irish settlers to the American colonies, many of whom were indentured servants, brought the Irish tradition of celebrating St. Patrick's feast day to America.

http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/4316/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Irish Guards bandsman

The first recorded St. Patrick's Day parade was held not in Ireland but in New York City in 1762, and with the dramatic increase of Irish immigrants to the United States in the mid-19th century, the March 17th celebration became widespread.

http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/1662/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzznycpn.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Parade ad c.1871

http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/7703/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzstpat04full.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
NYC St Patrick's Day parade

Today, across the United States, millions of Americans of Irish ancestry celebrate their cultural identity and history by enjoying St. Patrick's Day parades and engaging in general revelry. As an aside, last year in Tulsa, the TPD made 26 DUI arrests on this day. So, if you decide to take part in the general merriment...Use a designated driver.

http://aycu17.webshots.com/image/49496/2002786264824765877_rs.jpg (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2002786264824765877)

DUI Law Oklahoma
Penalties for DUI DWI in Oklahoma (Maximum)
1st = 6 months jail, $1200 fine, License Suspended 6 Months, other conditions
2nd = 5 years prison, $2500 fine, License Suspended 1 Year, other conditions
3rd = 7 Years prison, $5000 fine, License Suspended 3 Years, other conditions

and if that isn't bad enough...a sober wingman could save you from becoming persuaded this sort of thing is right for you.

http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/1357/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzb.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Yikes! :eek:

http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/8702/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Party, party, party!

http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/9629/insane7zo1ee.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Scott D
3/17/2008, 06:51 AM
There wasn't trouble between England and Ireland until England went Protestant and attempted to obliterate the Irish for being Catholic.

3/17/2008, 07:11 AM
God invented whiskey so that the Irish couldn't take over the world

3/17/2008, 07:55 AM
It is nine o clock in the A.M. and I've yet to hear bagpipes.

3/17/2008, 09:18 AM
St Pattys in Worcester, Mass was a little different.....and this coming from a guy who was going to Tulane in New Orleans. Our designated driver, before 10 o'clock had a split lip. Also, one activity that I learned that night was to find a dear friend urinating and punch him so hard that he whizzed on his clothes. Then point and uncontrollably laugh at the dark spots on his pants when he stumbled back from the head.

On our mile walk back, (our d.d. had a black mark on his bottom lip and p*ss on his pants and left sleeve), I hear, "Oh sh*t, it's Ronnie." Everyone gets off the street and even off the sidewalk. A car pulls up pretty fast and stops right next to us with the right, front tire on the sidewalk. One of the guys says, "that's Ronnie, he always tries to run us over." I forced a laugh similar to earlier when I peed on my own watch. Well, anyway, we walk up to Ronnie's window and he's wearing nothing but a bathrobe.....not......closed. He looked like "Wild Bill" from the Green Mile in retrospect. He asked, "you guys got any chicks lined up..." Keep in mind, every one of us exposed urine on our clothes....."No, no chicks," we said. Ronnie scowled....."f***in f*ggots" he said as he sped off.

I woke up on the couch in the den in my underwear with my clothes clean and neatly folded on the coffee table. Mark's mother undressed all of us in our sleep at 6AM and washed and folded our clothes. We had sausage and pork and beans for breakfast. My watch smelled like pee.

Jimminy Crimson
3/17/2008, 12:59 PM
There wasn't trouble between England and Ireland until England went Protestant and attempted to obliterate the Irish for being Catholic.
