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View Full Version : Countdown to next islamo rage fest has begun.

3/4/2008, 05:29 PM

THE HAGUE, Netherlands - Protesters already have torched Dutch flags in Afghanistan ahead of a new Dutch film portraying Islam's holy book as a "fascist" text that incites violence and preaches the oppression of women and homosexuals.......:pop:

The moderate National Moroccan Council has said it is trying to "neutralize the threat" posed by the film, but cannot rule out violence at home.
"We will have succeeded if, after the film, Mr. Wilders is frustrated," chairman, Mohamed Rabbae said at a news conference in January. "If he sees there are no riots and Muslims are cleverer and more democratic than he thinks."......:rolleyes:

3/4/2008, 05:36 PM
Homosexuals are oppressed?

I can't wait to see them when they finally come out.

3/4/2008, 06:01 PM
Islamos throw the best ragefests.

3/4/2008, 06:03 PM
Islamo Ragefest would make a great band name. Booty?

3/4/2008, 06:05 PM
That's a KILLER name for a band.

3/4/2008, 06:12 PM