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View Full Version : I'm a Rangers and CJ Wilson fan...

2/27/2008, 03:36 PM
...but read Brandon McCarthy's rebuttal to CJ's since deleted post on LoneStarBall.com and tell me CJ didn't get pwn3d (http://www.lonestarball.com/comments/2008/2/24/204751/761/26#26).

Or maybe not. I can't tell if B-Mac is slamming CJ or Jeff Pearlman.

Either way, he pnd3d somebody.

Also, I count one Hummer in our parking lot. 60 players in Major league camp. One Hummer. Looks like you ventured back into an over generalization again.

The list goes on and on.

If there is hope for a change of thinking in athletes, it comes in the form of those retirees primed for political runs. Former Mets ace Al Leiter often discussed delving into the political arena, and Johnson hasn't ruled out a governmental future in his home state of Michigan. Certainly men like Wilson and Curt Schilling are candidates to one day wind up in Washington. And there's always Charles Barkley, a fiscally conservative, socially liberal native Alabaman who recently told CNN that he would vie for the governorship of his home state in 2014.

Your first line really makes no sense. Retired athletes are much different than athletes who are still playing. Jim Bunning didn't change the political awareness for future generations of baseball players, so why would anyone else be different? I mentioned it earlier that retired players would give you much different answers than you got in our clubhouse. This brings me to my main point and my reason for thinking this is a terrible article. Why don't athletes care? According to you it's because we're a bunch of trash mag reading, strip clubbing, selfish pampered rich kids with no sense of the outside world.

If I wrote an article on this subject I'd go on the theory that maybe baseball players don't care because most of us are in our twenties and early thirties. I'd be interested to see how many people our age in other walks of life are discussing the Wisconsin Democratic Primaries.

Lastly, why do you care if we care? How does that affect any one of your readers? Do you want baseball cards that read: Mike Smith bats/throws R/L 6'4 200 lbs. Political views; Fiscal conservative, social liberal? For the life of me I can't figure out your reasoning behind writing this article.

Until then, please pass the Maxim. I hear Avril Lavigne's on the cover.