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View Full Version : Somebody inform me what happened with Budke/Coale last weekend...

2/25/2008, 10:55 PM
What happened? Sherri's never been anything but a class act and a fan favorite... now her and the Paris twins are getting hosed at OP.com

Sports Aggymal conveniently avoids the subject, but two other news radio sources mentioned it today without much detail. Is this just some sore loser talk like ol' :les: used to spout off?

If you dare... (http://www.orangepower.com/showthread.php?t=49444)

2/25/2008, 11:11 PM
Why do you care? They hate everything crimson & cream, and everything associated with it. They lost, and as usual they're looking for whatever silver lining they can find (real or imagined) so they can say "See? We're not as bad as you think we are, stupid cheatin' gooners!".

They have the worst case of little brother syndrome that you'll ever see.

2/25/2008, 11:33 PM
Apparently our women's team needs aggy's help to put fannies in the seats. Butt-key conveniently forgot that our women's team is #3 in the nation in attendance this season. Only 2 ahead of us are Tennessee and Connecticut.

2/25/2008, 11:45 PM
I don't care about the aggy perception, I was just wondering what made a great coach and person like Sherri all of a sudden a b-word and everything else under the sun. The orange aggy folks are delusional to pick on Coach Coale for her looks.

2/26/2008, 12:35 AM
im not sure but I did see where butthole was whining about OU being the best rebounding team in the nation to not ever foul anyone...typical sour grapes from puke fans. They think they are better than OU every year in every sport, then we beat their azz every year and they act like we cheated them...weve never just been better according to them

2/26/2008, 12:42 AM
same old song and dance.

someone should really put those people out of their misery.

2/26/2008, 12:45 AM
what is really embarrassing for them is how stupid they really are, I have gone over to OP twice in my life and this was one of them cus I couldnt believe that anyone would talk **** about Coach Coale, I saw statements such as B*tch, making fun of her looks(?) how she is whiny, she is a cheater, etc.. and the best of all, Ou fans are jealous and obsessed with osu, WTF are we jealous of, having one good year in womans bball in who knows how long, getting 5th in the south every year in football, having an alcoholic ex coach, having a 13-12 bball season??? Im really curious!

2/26/2008, 12:53 AM
Now, I know not all OSU people are stupid. My uncle, who I have the highest of respect for is an alumni and just retired from the DOK, posts regularly on OP.com. I hopped over there to see if he posted anything or knew anything about what happened, nothing from him, but tons of flaming on Sherri Coale and the Paris twins.

The usual cheating and poor excuse for smack talk, 'gooners' (whatever that means), etc. is no big deal. Most OSU folks used to like Sherri until they became competitive in WBB. She hasn't done anything wrong to my knowledge and neither have AP or CP3.

2/26/2008, 01:14 AM
If they weren't OUr coach/players, I'm sure they'd have nice things to say about them. Coach Coale could look like Carrie Underwood's twin sister, and they'd still say that she was Pat Summit attractive. They're *not* rational thinking people over on that board. If your uncle is smart, he won't post anything counter to what they say - woe be to anyone who doesn't fall into their lockstep mindset.

2/26/2008, 02:24 AM
I think he rarely posts on there. He told me he was embarassed of the whole DOK conspiracy theories on there last time I talked sports with him. If I worked somewhere for 30 years and a bunch of people started bad-mouthing them, I'd probably be a little embarassed too, I guess.

So this was another Gundy-kinda meltdown? Minus the pre-conceived theatrics, of course... sore loser talk? Did they get a bad call?

2/26/2008, 03:04 AM
What is sad is that his argument about us never fouling or whatever is BS! The FT total was only 23-20 OU vs. in Stilly when it was 35-16 puke.

I think what bothered him was the rebound total where we had an advantage of 52-27, so my conclusion would be to teach your team how to blockout and quit crying. OF course the Paris girls are going to get some no-calls because they are just so powerful it would be too easy to call fouls on them, but it goes the other way as well where they probably get fouled alot on offense and it doesnt get called, very comparable to Shaq IMO.

His other statement was something like he enjoyed giving OU a true sellout which baffles me cus OU's woman have great attendance, top 3 I think is what someone else posted.

As I said before, it appears to be nothing more than a temper tantrum cus his team got beat down by the better team.

2/26/2008, 07:32 AM
It never ceases to amaze me the vile things aggies say about women and people of color. It's that kind of hate I thought our country left behind 30-40 years ago.

2/26/2008, 08:14 AM
I don't care about the aggy perception, I was just wondering what made a great coach and person like Sherri all of a sudden a b-word and everything else under the sun. The orange aggy folks are delusional to pick on Coach Coale for her looks.

Apparently you missed the thread where they make fun of Griffin's mom.

Seriously, the only time you see a Poke fan attack the OU team, coaches, or players, it's to call them cheaters, ugly, thugs, other random names, or make fun of their families. There are never any stats or reasonable arguments to state why they're proud to call oSu their favorite over OU. Only the desperate hope that they are a team on the rise and that they may steal a game or two away per decade.

And since there are no legitimate routes to attack the players, teams, and coaches at OU, they resort to attacking the fans. Again, no logic or reasonable arguments are used. They resort to random insults that get repeated over and over. Gooners, mullets, trailer trash, fans that didn't graduate from OU, and other stupid made up BS is required for them to satiate their jealous hatred of their more prosperous rival.

They repeat that garbage so often they actually believe it. And they sneak off with their pockets of Poke-fan buddies and snicker among themselves, dreaming aloud at how clever they think they are.

Summing it all up...they're aggies. The behavior is not surprising, considering their status as 3rd banana to OU and Tulsa in the Sooner state.

2/26/2008, 10:15 AM
Seriously, the only time you see a Poke fan attack the OU team, coaches, or players, it's to call them cheaters, ugly, thugs, other random names, or make fun of their families. There are never any stats or reasonable arguments to state why they're proud to call oSu their favorite over OU. Only the desperate hope that they are a team on the rise and that they may steal a game or two away per decade.

:stunned: Because we grajiated from oSu and you diin't grajiate from uo, dum mullet-weerin gooner!! :stunned:

They seriously think we just root for a bunch of sports teams and no one actually goes to Norman to get an education.

2/26/2008, 12:58 PM
I think we have a good reason to rag on our opposing coaches when we do.

A common culprit in women's basketball is Skelton (ok, so her really name is Sulkey... I mean MULKEY). Never have I seen such an angry b-word assaulting the referees and her players are quite violent themselves with the elbows and the shoving and the other dirty tactics you shouldn't expect out of a Baptist university (let's not joke about Baylor basketball and violence, kplzthx).

Who else? Well, I guess there was Coach Peggy Hill that recently retired from Texas, but dang, did she have an attitude for an older lady! Oh, and she got a technical against us once, which was hilarious.

Right now, I can see why they would go after Coale. Not only do they have Sean Sutton, who seems like he is a poster boy for Oklahoma's state of health with his flopping and sweating, they have some guy that isn't exactly attractive like our younger, hotter male model coach (I'm referring to Capel) or our fan favorite and state native Coale.

Granted, their coaches are now winning, just like our. But like American Idol, when the judges can't trash the singing, they go straight for the choice of wardrobe, lack of tan, or funny hair.

So, let us switch our brains (off!) to aggie logic mode: Why is Coale such a beyonce?

Aggie #1: Look at her poofy hair.
Aggie #2: Yeah, and that's not her natural color.
Aggie #3: Why is she always smiling? Ooo, now she's death staring the refs. Ewww.
Aggie #4: Coale is such a b----. Look at her angry stare after that 20th turnover.
Aggie #5: Forget the turnovers. Her high heels totally aren't the same shade of crimson as her blouse.
Aggie #6: Eww, crimson. Totally the wrong color.
Aggie #7: Totally.

2/26/2008, 01:00 PM
... They think they are better than OU every year in every sport, then we beat their azz every year and they act like we cheated them...weve never just been better according to them
What we oughta do is create some points system to determine who really is better. Assign points to the winner of each competition in each sport, then add up the points and award a trophy... a ******... hmmm, what starts with 'B'?... BELL, a ****** Bell. Then they could show us how they really are better than us and we couldn't just talk about football all the time. :rolleyes: Has anyone seen where we placed that thing? We've had it so long I think we might have misplaced it on some dusty shelf since we don't have room in our real trophy cases.

Edit: Ah, it appears I cared so much about this that I didn't realize that after we had it for 3 straight years, we gave it back to them last year. Oh well.

2/26/2008, 01:08 PM
what I dont understand so feel free to explain it to me is why they b*tch and moan so much about "non-students" filling up Owen Field every sunday, whats the big deal

OU has so many fans we have a 10,000 person waiting list and sell out every football game including on the road most times, and osu cant even fill their stadium with their so-called osu grads...Figure it out AGS, no one likes your sorry azz school except for the idiots that went there

Big Red Ron
2/26/2008, 06:16 PM


2/26/2008, 06:23 PM
osu sucks

2/26/2008, 06:59 PM
I just think it's funny how everyone is jealous of OU and the fan base that we have. Therefore, they have to project that feeling onto us and say that WE are the jealous ones! And OSU does suck!

2/26/2008, 07:40 PM
I don't care about the aggy perception, I was just wondering what made a great coach and person like Sherri all of a sudden a b-word and everything else under the sun. The orange aggy folks are delusional to pick on Coach Coale for her looks.
This thread would never end if we examined all the delusional behavior displayed by the JKS's (jealous kid sisters). Orangepower is quite simply a murky bog of OU haters who take jealousy to an all new level. Your first mistake is assuming their opinions are based on real life events. They simply close their eyes and spew their factless propaganda because it makes them feel better.
They defend their child rapist football players, Drunken coaches ect. all the while criticizing anything OU.

2/26/2008, 10:05 PM

I agree, I don't understand the fascination with going over and reading the same moronic crap over and over....that is why I avoid OP and WhornFans.

2/26/2008, 11:04 PM
This thread totally took the wrong direction.

I don't register at OP.com, I have an uncle who posts there. I'm not of the opinion that choosing one school or team over the other makes you superior in any way.

I didn't see or read anything on here, so I hit up the site my uncle frequents about something I heard happened between Budke and Coale. If anybody has information regarding something Bed-lame related, it's usually the orange side of it all. The Sports Aggy didn't mention anything about it, but 1430 and 1170 both made crimson-sided and orange-sided comments about what they both referred to as "the situation with Coale and what Budke said."

I've seen even some of our own bite their tounges and act like sore losers before, even some of the greats... so the situation appears to be another one of those laughable things an opponent says or does after a loss. They had their fun at Stoops's expense after 2001 and 2002 as well.

When I read anything... ANYTHING that calls a good person and great coach a "b*tch," a "hooker" or anything like that thread was calling Sherri and the Paris twins, usually that means something happened. Somebody lit somebody's fuse. Knowing Sherri Coale, I highly doubt she has done ANYTHING wrong to OSU other than slapping them silly every year on the court.

Once again, sports fans show themselves to become the thing they hate, bandwagoners. Meaning that all they ever did was scoff at us for women's basketball success, now all of a sudden they're all-the-way behind their WBB team. Didn't happen when they were o-fer a few years back.

2/27/2008, 12:03 AM
I think the biggest mistake we make here is thinking that people who post on OP.com are actually fans of oSu. They're not. They're only oSu fans just to spite OU and their fans (as if we care). Somehow they've been jaded by an OU fan or some experience with OU in their lives, and siding with oSu seems like a logical step for them.

Unfortunately for them, they aren't smart enough to realize that if they wanted to support a team that 1) OU fans hate, 2) is orange, and 3) is relevant, they should have chosen Texas. But, since they weren't smart enough to figure that out, they're stuck with oSu. As a result, they're left to calling us names and taking pride in obscure sports, rather than quoting facts and statistics.

2/27/2008, 12:51 AM
I think the biggest mistake we make here is thinking that people who post on OP.com are actually fans of oSu. They're not. They're only oSu fans just to spite OU and their fans (as if we care). Somehow they've been jaded by an OU fan or some experience with OU in their lives, and siding with oSu seems like a logical step for them.

Unfortunately for them, they aren't smart enough to realize that if they wanted to support a team that 1) OU fans hate, 2) is orange, and 3) is relevant, they should have chosen Texas. But, since they weren't smart enough to figure that out, they're stuck with oSu. As a result, they're left to calling us names and taking pride in obscure sports, rather than quoting facts and statistics.

Everyone I know who posts on OP is a student, alumni, good-natured fan or family of student/alumni. This wasn't a flame thread, I was just wanting to know why... well... they're flaming Sherri and Co. outside of the fact that she owns them and what Budke said.

2/27/2008, 01:51 AM
Everyone I know who posts on OP is a student, alumni, good-natured fan or family of student/alumni. This wasn't a flame thread, I was just wanting to know why... well... they're flaming Sherri and Co. outside of the fact that she owns them and what Budke said.

I don't know anyone personally who posts on op.com, but I do know quite a few oSu fans in the real world. Almost all of them are reasonable people that, while having a normal rival hatred for OU, don't live and die to see bad things happen to OU players/coaches/fans. They don't call player's moms ugly, call the opposing coaches whores, etc. They're just normal people who happen to like a school with a crummy athletics program.

I'm not flaming anyone, just stating fact and answering your question about why they do what they do. On op.com, anything goes. Over there, they encourage the kind of stuff being posted about Sherri, etc. and even relish in it. It's just a culture that's commonplace when someone gathers the dregs of a fanbase together to complain about a rival that owns them. All bets are off and no one is spared. And since they have nothing to brag about that takes place on the field, they have to resort to namecalling and making up stupid BS.

I know that not everyone over there is like that. But the more vocal posters over there are, and they drag the whole place down to the basement of humanity. Occasionally one of them will come over here and get pwn3d, like the dude who bragged about the win over KU a couple of days ago. They'll say "nice try" and "next", toss in a "gooner", a mullet-bomb and some unsubstantiated reference to OU fans never attending the school, and then scuttle off to snicker with the rest of the posers at how clever they were.

Doug Gottlieb spent an afternoon on a radio show talking about an article supposedly written by the Dallas Morning News on how smart oSu fans are versus how dumb OU fans are. Guess where he got this "article". That's right, op.com. And the "article" was, of course, a complete and obvious work of fiction. But that's just what they do at op.com. Make sh*t up. They can't use facts or statistics to claim school superiority, so they turn to fiction and dreams and hopes and insults.

2/27/2008, 01:51 AM
Everyone I know who posts on OP is a student, alumni, good-natured fan or family of student/alumni. This wasn't a flame thread, I was just wanting to know why... well... they're flaming Sherri and Co. outside of the fact that she owns them and what Budke said.

According to them, they only have students and alumni. :confused:

ADD: Pot to kettle: "Why are you so black?"


2/27/2008, 09:03 AM
It's just a culture that's commonplace when someone gathers the dregs of a fanbase together to complain about a rival that owns them. All bets are off and no one is spared. And since they have nothing to brag about that takes place on the field, they have to resort to namecalling and making up stupid BS.

But that's just what they do at op.com. Make sh*t up. They can't use facts or statistics to claim school superiority, so they turn to fiction and dreams and hopes and insults.
That is perhaps the most accurate description I've ever read.

2/27/2008, 09:13 AM
According to them, they only have students and alumni. :confused:

ADD: Pot to kettle: "Why are you so black?"

Well, I'm sure mizzou will shut down their message board if enough chokes whine about that post:rolleyes:
Those inbreds don't recognize the glass house in which they live.
What is "remember the ten" anyway? A tribute to the fans who showed up for their football games? Or is it referring to Eddie's DUI's?

2/27/2008, 10:28 AM
What is "remember the ten" anyway? A tribute to the fans who showed up for their football games? Or is it referring to Eddie's DUI's? The 10 people who perished in the plane crash coming back from the Colorado game in 2001. Bill Teegins was one of those ten.

2/27/2008, 11:31 AM
I think this is my favorite quote from that thread:

Last I heard, Lebron James was an OSU fan...at least back when we made the Final Four run. OU just gets trailer park trash hangers on who want to associate with something successful to make themselves feel better. You can have them. Cheaters.

LOL. I think my brain just exploded from too much aggy.

2/27/2008, 11:35 AM
Wow, just wow. I didn't think they'd get Ohio State and Oklahoma State mixed up, but apparently, they do.

2/27/2008, 01:32 PM
hell, they already tried the attractive coach thing before hiring this new cat with the bad hairdo no?

oSu fans will be oSu fans.

2/27/2008, 09:47 PM
Fortunately, I have taken the liberty of creating soonerfans.com-specific notices to violators of the "we love coach coale" rule:

To those that think Coale Sherri Coale is anything but a class act, we say:
If you don't catch the hint, then we'll just tap you on the should and say:
If you really become a pain, then alas, we'll just have to tag you with:
And once you're permabanned and back to orangepowpow, we will congratulate our beloved mods with:
It's not that we don't want to have a friendly conversation with opponents. But the fact remains...