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2/6/2008, 08:43 PM
It has been my understanding that the a school could have no more than 85 scholarships in total and no more than 25 scholarships per recruiting class. It appears I've been misled with UM signing 33 today. Any insight??


2/6/2008, 08:51 PM
I've googled it just now and haven't found anything different. And I haven't found where you could have more than the 25 per year. Maybe somehow sometimes teams are allowed a carry-over from the previous year. Doesn't it seem like that's happened recently?

2/6/2008, 09:00 PM
I believe it is 85 or 25, which ever number comes first???

2/7/2008, 03:09 AM
its 25 a year and 85 total as i understand, schools will get more if they plan to greyshirt or send kids to prep school. if you go over 25 it seems that you plan on kids not qualifying so the rankings are a little off set by quantity over quality most the time

2/7/2008, 04:35 AM
You may sign more than you anticipate qualifying I believe.

If you enroll in January for the Spring semester I think you can count against the current year's total.

All the new signees count against next fall's total.

2/7/2008, 11:39 AM
its 25 a year and 85 total as i understand, schools will get more if they plan to greyshirt or send kids to prep school. if you go over 25 it seems that you plan on kids not qualifying so the rankings are a little off set by quantity over quality most the time

Grey-shirting is no easy path. My best friend's son grey-shirted at SMU. Basically, you're banished and on your own dime. The grey-shirt gets no scholarship money or other incentives and cannot participate in team practices, meetings, or other sport related activities. In essence, a grey-shirt is below a walk on.

Ultimately, my friend's son never fully joined the team and is now out of football. My friend and his son hold no ill will toward SMU. Coach Benett admitted that he and the staff did not do right by the player to make him a part of the team. That said, on the Div. 1 level, the coaches simply do not have enough time to devote to players that are not contributing on a day in, day out basis.


2/7/2008, 02:15 PM
It's only rough for that first semester. Then the player is usually awarded the scholarship in the spring semester and can resume practice with the team.

When a player gray shirts they take less than 12 hours so they are not considered a full time student and their NCAA eligibility clock doesn't start. They'll still have 4 years to play including the opportunity to RS.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
2/7/2008, 02:49 PM
there is a hard limit of 85 players on scholarship at a time. since the scholarships are renewed twice a year, the number renewed = scholarships available. this is another gray area as we have actually reclaimed schollies for guys who either don't show up (josh roberts) or quit the first week (brian zimpel).

there is also a rule that states that only 25 players can be taken in one recruiting class. however, the definition of this class is uh, fluid.

a single class can be entrants for fall and spring in the same scholastic year (august-june). at no time can the number of schollies renewed for this class tally over 25.

so taking 30, you will have a couple count towards the class that you just enrolled in the fall and a couple of gray shirts who won't enroll til the following spring.

one thing i'm still not sure of is enrolling early but being in the class that fall. its always been my interpretation this wasn't allowed, but osu has done it and i'm not sure if they have changed this rule.