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2/5/2008, 08:41 AM
http://aycu39.webshots.com/image/44638/2005472047088225277_rs.jpg (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2005472047088225277)

I don't care for whom you vote.

I don't care why vote for your particular candidate.

I do care if you choose to vote.

It is your sacred duty as an American citizen to exercise your franchise. Far too many American soldiers left bloody footprints in the winter snow for you to take the right they bought you lightly.

Some people say "my vote doesn't matter" and thus justify to themselves their unwillingness to make the trip to the polling place. I say, if enough people start thinking that way, we won't have a republic for long.

Some people say, "it's only the primary." I say it is a big deal because support in a primary, even a closed one, puts everyone on notice which positions taken by the various candidates are resonating with the folks. That has big implications as the campaigns go on. Further, it's not rocket surgery to figure out you don't get to complain about the slate of candidates in November of you don't show up in February.

Moreover, if the voting public continues to shrink, those in elected office may well begin to care even less what the "folks" think about the job they're doing. IOW, they may begin to feel safe in the knowledge if they're "base" likes them, and by base, I mean their supporters among the faithful 10% who always vote, it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks about the job they're doing.

I know its rainy and perhaps otherwise icky weather out there. You won't melt. Please. Vote.

Especially you folks under 25. Your voting numbers have declined every year since 18 y/os got the vote with passage of the XXVI Amendment in 1971. Don't be a slacker. Turn off your Xbox and go vote!

2/5/2008, 09:02 AM
My wife and I sent in our absentee ballots two weeks ago - mine for Clinton and my wife for McCain (she's a pub).

2/5/2008, 10:16 AM
I'm a registered independent.

2/5/2008, 10:18 AM
I voted for Billy Joe Kleig.

EDIT: I also spelled it wrong because I'm retarded. It's Clegg. Damn my shoddy memory.

2/5/2008, 10:20 AM
I don't like anyone who's running

2/5/2008, 10:50 AM
i'm a registered independant, they don't allow us to vote today


2/5/2008, 10:57 AM
I'll be voting in May.

2/5/2008, 11:24 AM
Another Independent checking in.

texas bandman
2/5/2008, 11:26 AM
My wife and I sent in our absentee ballots two weeks ago - mine for Clinton and my wife for McCain (she's a pub).

We can always hope that your wife will someday see the light and come away from the dark side. :D

2/5/2008, 11:55 AM
I'm not gonna vote today, and you can't make me.

2/5/2008, 12:00 PM
There's a way around being an Independent. Register as a Dem or Pub and vote your azz off. That's what I do.

2/5/2008, 12:08 PM
I was gonna go by and vote on my way home from work, but I then realized my new voter ID card is at home. I got it changed over to my new addy about 2 months ago and it's somewhere on my desk in my home office. dang. If I can locate it in time I'll sure cast my vote, for what it's worth.

2/5/2008, 12:13 PM
I'm a registered independent.

2/5/2008, 12:27 PM
I'm a registered liberal

2/5/2008, 12:42 PM
ah Homey... not to be the Contrarian on here (that NEVER happens).. but haven't both parties gone so far to the respective right and left that the vast middle ground which constitutes most Americans are left with no palatable choice.

If Billary or Osama get elected, the special interest groups which support them will receive more funding, will have more stroke for the next four years and government programs more likely than not, will increase. Personal liberties will be less impacted but business interests may suffer because of more government interference.

If McCain or Mutt get elected, the special interest groups which support them will receive more funding, will have more stroke for the next four years and government programs more likely than not, will increase (just not as much on a grand scale). Personal liberties could be impacted more but business interests may suffer less because of not as great government interference.

Either way, the vast majority of people who are neither far right nor far left are left with very unpalatable choices. So, why don't you change things you may ask? Because the two party system is designed to resist and fight challenges by viable third party candidate. John Anderson in 1980 and Ross Perot in 1992 were the only third party candidates with any type of stroke and they fell woefully short.

Do we continue to perpetuate a system which needs subtantial revamping? Or do we show our contempt by not supporting the two party system?

2/5/2008, 12:44 PM
I was gonna go by and vote on my way home from work, but I then realized my new voter ID card is at home. I got it changed over to my new addy about 2 months ago and it's somewhere on my desk in my home office. dang. If I can locate it in time I'll sure cast my vote, for what it's worth.

If you know where your polling place is, you don't need your ID card.

2/5/2008, 12:47 PM
I voted in January and was the 95th voter in my precinct at 6:30PM. The
election workers outnumber voters when I was there 2:1. Yes, definitely,go vote, even if you think all the candidates suck, vote for the least suck-ee.

2/5/2008, 01:39 PM
I'm a registered independent.
so you're saying your spineless?

2/5/2008, 01:51 PM
ah Homey... not to be the Contrarian on here (that NEVER happens).. but haven't both parties gone so far to the respective right and left that the vast middle ground which constitutes most Americans are left with no palatable choice.

If Billary or Osama get elected, the special interest groups which support them will receive more funding, will have more stroke for the next four years and government programs more likely than not, will increase. Personal liberties will be less impacted but business interests may suffer because of more government interference.

If McCain or Mutt get elected, the special interest groups which support them will receive more funding, will have more stroke for the next four years and government programs more likely than not, will increase (just not as much on a grand scale). Personal liberties could be impacted more but business interests may suffer less because of not as great government interference.

Either way, the vast majority of people who are neither far right nor far left are left with very unpalatable choices. So, why don't you change things you may ask? Because the two party system is designed to resist and fight challenges by viable third party candidate. John Anderson in 1980 and Ross Perot in 1992 were the only third party candidates with any type of stroke and they fell woefully short.

Do we continue to perpetuate a system which needs subtantial revamping? Or do we show our contempt by not supporting the two party system?

I respectfully suggest that's a cop-out Counselor.

The ills of which you speak are directly tracebable to voter apathy. Nature abhors a vacuum. When people voluntarily disenfranchise themselves, they are in effect conceding the government to special interest groups who are more than happy to move in and wield extraordinary and disproportionate levels of influence in the affairs of government.

For penance, you should be required to drive shut-ins to the polls in November. Seriously.

2/5/2008, 02:34 PM
I voted for everything except the presidential primaries. There wasn't a box for "give me a whole new set of candidates." At this point, I think we will be equally worse off with any of them in the white house, and my vote reflected that.

Scott D
2/5/2008, 02:43 PM
remember to write in William Favor for president.

2/5/2008, 02:49 PM
yer gotta go vote today - effin its today - there may be other issues on the ballot....

Me - I voted against a "library" improvement issue .... too much money for little benefit....

That's in addition to the Presidential primary - RLIMC would be proud of me today!

I feelin' no pain,
cus I didn't vote for McCain!

2/5/2008, 02:52 PM
yer gotta go vote today - effin its today - there may be other issues on the ballot....

Me - I voted against a "library" improvement issue .... too much money for little benefit....

why do you hate book learnin' and noladge? ;)

2/5/2008, 04:55 PM
Don't need big new building so the librarian can have a window office on the top floor. Buy more books and DVDs.

2/5/2008, 08:45 PM
I got my vote in shortly after 1600. It's always a great feeling walking out knowing that I've voted.

Scott D
2/5/2008, 08:50 PM
you are all a bunch of slackers, the democratic process took place weeks ago