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RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/3/2008, 01:23 PM

McCain "sponsored the McCain/Lieberman gun show bill, which would have given the federal government the administrative power to prohibit all gun shows, and to register everyone who attends a gun show."

-- Dave Kopel: 2d Amt Project


Supported anti-gun Schumer amendment: Sen McCain voted for an amendment offered by the anti-gun Sen. Charles Schumer of New York that would have restricted the legitimate transfer of firearms over the internet. (Source: Congressional Record 5/14/99, p. S5327.)

Voted to expand The Brady Law: McCain voted to extend the restrictions of the Brady bill to pawn shops and gun repair shops.(Source: Congressional Record 5/20/99, p.S5642.)

Supported Clinton Gun Control: John McCain voted AGAINST efforts to kill the Clinton gun control package, which contained al kinds of new gun restrictions, including a ban on many kinds of private gun sales. (Source: Congressional Record 7/28/99, P. S9451.)

-- Gunowners of America

There's your one-issue candidacy, 2nd Amendment folks!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/3/2008, 02:13 PM
John McCain Hates Me

Friday, February 1, 2008

By: Michael Reagan

Until last night, when I watched the Republican debate, I had no idea how much John McCain dislikes me and just about everybody else but Rudy Giuliani, who, if you believe The New York Times, is a pretty good hater himself.

As I watched McCain and Gov. Romney go at it during the debate at the Reagan Library, I was struck by the huge gap that separates McCain — whose contempt for his fellow humans is patently obvious — and my dad, Ronald Reagan, who had nothing but the deepest affection and respect for the American people.

The feeling is mutual between McCain and me. I don’t like the way he treats people. You get the impression that he thinks everybody is beneath him. He seems to be saying, “I was a war hero, and you had damn well better treat me as your superior.”

He has contempt for conservatives who he thinks can be duped into thinking he’s one of them, despite such blatantly anti-conservative actions as his support for amnesty for illegal immigrants, his opposition to the Bush tax cuts which got the economy rolling again, and his campaign finance bill which skewed the political process and attacked free speech.

I am appalled by his contempt for the intelligence of his listeners when he flat-out lies and expects them to believe what he says even when the truth is staring them in the face.

A prime example cited by columnist Robert Novak was McCain’s denial that he had privately suggested that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was too conservative, insisting that he recalled saying no such thing, adding that Alito was a "magnificent" choice.

“In fact,” wrote Novak, “multiple sources confirm that the senator made negative comments about Alito nine months ago.”

In last night’s debate, McCain stubbornly defended his charge, false on the face of it, that Romney wanted a deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq.

"I have never, ever supported a specific timetable" for withdrawing troops, Romney said, adding that McCain's accusation on the eve of Tuesday's primary "sort of falls into the dirty tricks that I think Ronald Reagan would have found reprehensible."

What Romney said last April, was merely that U.S. and Iraqi leaders "have to have a series of timetables and milestones that they speak about" in private, which in no way suggests he was in any sense talking about troop withdrawals.

Despite the evidence, McCain charged that "of course he said he wanted a timetable" for a withdrawal, even though he had never said any such thing. It was McCain daring to ask us if we wanted to believe our lying eyes or his demonstrably false allegation.

McCain must think conservatives are dumb enough to allow him to get away with claiming he’s one of them.

This is from a man who opposed drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and who twice voted against President Bush’s tax cuts and sponsored the campaign-finance reform legislation that Romney claimed "took a whack at the First Amendment."

In John McCain’s eyes, conservatives are the Viet Cong of this generation and he treats us as such. It’s either his way or no way.

© 2008 Mike Reagan

2/3/2008, 02:28 PM
Is he the gay one?

2/3/2008, 02:30 PM
Good piece, although I doubt it will get much play in the MSM because McCain is THEIR appointed Republican candidate.

Unfortunately, Stupor Tuesday provides the opportunity for McCainesque candidates getting an almost unsurmountable lead over other, possibly better candidates, towards the nomination.

I don't understand how the Repub primary voters can look at McCain and believe he best represents the party! No tax cuts, McCain/Feingold, lovey-dovey with creepy Mrs. Heinz husband during the last Pres. election, and his "I deserve this" attitude should cause the voters to pause and think before voting for him..... But, he IS the media (and Dems) darling..... That, in itself, should cause concern!

2/3/2008, 02:35 PM
As long as the Republicans choose a candidate they can't agree on, I'll be a very happy camper.

And right now, I'm getting happier by the day.


2/3/2008, 02:38 PM
Where have all the gun-totin' social liberals gone?

2/3/2008, 02:41 PM
As long as the Republicans choose a candidate they can't agree on, I'll be a very happy camper.

And right now, I'm getting happier by the day.


I'm almost to the point I hope Hillary gets into office & the Dems get EXACTLY what they've asked for.

2/3/2008, 02:42 PM
Ann Coulter was on Hannity & Combes (sp?) the other night saying that she would vote for Hilary before McCain. That she was "more conservative, and you knew when she was lying, unlike Senator McCain."

Alan (liberal)Combes leaned back & said, "My work here is done."

I am a Republican, but I don't like anyone in this group.

2/3/2008, 02:43 PM
Either way the SB68 gun count is going up substantially this year.

Harry Beanbag
2/3/2008, 03:00 PM
Zeus for President!!!1!!!1

2/3/2008, 03:05 PM
I'm almost to the point I hope Hillary gets into office & the Dems get EXACTLY what they've asked for.

I'm not for Hillary, but I will vote for her in the general if I have to.

Curly Bill
2/3/2008, 03:11 PM
Either way the SB68 gun count is going up substantially this year.


Same here.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/3/2008, 03:39 PM
I'm not for Hillary, but I will vote for her in the general if I have to.It ain't often we agree.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/3/2008, 03:41 PM
Is he the gay one?That would be Ron Reagan jr.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/3/2008, 03:47 PM
I'm almost to the point I hope Hillary gets into office & the Dems get EXACTLY what they've asked for.It would be worse for the country for McCain to take the country down than it would for Hellery or Obama, IMO, for sure.

Scott D
2/3/2008, 03:50 PM
There aren't many people out there that like Michael Reagan anyway.

2/3/2008, 04:30 PM
OBAMA OR HILLARY WILL be elected and it will be one of the worst four years in american history ensuring a swing back to the right for real and that we will not see another women or black president for another 50 years.

Dick Morris.

2/3/2008, 04:34 PM
Nice photo, wonder why there are no Clintons in the "picture"


Jimminy Crimson
2/3/2008, 05:14 PM
That would be Ron Reagan jr.

I thought he was Chinese? :confused:

2/3/2008, 06:27 PM
Either way the SB68 gun count is going up substantially this year.

No doubt about that.

2/3/2008, 06:34 PM
Either way the SB68 gun count is going up substantially this year.

Yep . . .

2/3/2008, 06:47 PM
A conservative's case for McCain

By Jeff Jacoby | February 3, 2008

IT IS NOT news that much of the conservative base bitterly opposes John McCain and is appalled that the man they consider a Republican apostate could soon be the GOP's presidential nominee. From talk radio to the blogosphere to the conservative press, many on the right are outraged that what Mitt Romney last week called "the House that Reagan Built" - the modern Republican Party - might anoint as its standard-bearer the candidate who by their lights is the least likely to follow in the Gipper's footsteps.

Conservatives bristle at the thought of a Republican president who might raise income and payroll taxes. Or enlarge the federal government instead of shrinking it. Or appoint Supreme Court justices who are anything but strict constructionists. Or grant a blanket amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

Now, I don't believe that a President McCain would do any of those things. But President Reagan did all of them. Reagan also provided arms to the Khomeini theocracy in Iran, presided over skyrocketing budget deficits, and ordered US troops to cut and run in the face of Islamist terror in the Middle East. McCain would be unlikely to commit any of those sins, either.

Does this mean that Reagan was not, in fact, a great conservative? Of course not. Nor does it mean that McCain has not given his critics on the right legitimate reasons to be disconcerted. My point is simply that the immaculate conservative leader for whom so many on the right yearn to vote is a fantasy. Conservatives who say that McCain is no Ronald Reagan are right, but Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan either. Neither is Mike Huckabee. And neither was the real - as opposed to the mythic - Ronald Reagan.

The conservative case against McCain is clear enough; I made it myself in some of these columns when he first ran for president eight years ago. The issues that have earned McCain the label of "maverick" - campaign-finance restrictions, global warming, the Bush tax cuts, immigration, judicial filibusters - are precisely what stick in the craw of the GOP conservative base.

But this year, the conservative case for McCain is vastly more compelling.

On the surpassing national-security issues of the day - confronting the threat from radical Islam and winning the war in Iraq - no one is more stalwart. Even McCain's fiercest critics, such as conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, will say so. "The world's bad guys," Hewitt writes, "would never for a moment think he would blink in any showdown, or hesitate to strike back at any enemy with the audacity to try again to cripple the US through terror."

McCain was never an agenda-driven movement conservative, but he "entered public life as a foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution," as he puts it, and on the whole his record has been that of a robust and committed conservative. He is a spending hawk and an enemy of pork and earmarks. He has never voted to increase taxes, and wants the Bush tax cuts made permanent for the best of reasons: "They worked." He is a staunch free-trader and a champion of school choice. He is unabashedly prolife and pro-Second Amendment. He opposes same-sex marriage. He wants entitlements reined in and personal retirement accounts expanded.

McCain's conservatism has usually been more a matter of gut instinct than of a rigorous intellectual worldview, and he has certainly deviated from Republican orthodoxy on some serious issues. For all that, his ratings from conservative watchdog groups have always been high. "Even with all the blemishes," notes National Review, a leading journal on the right (and a backer of Romney), "McCain has a more consistent conservative record than Giuliani or Romney. . . . This is an abiding strength of his candidacy."

As a lifelong conservative, I wish McCain evinced a greater understanding that limited government is indispensable to individual liberty. Yet there is no candidate in either party who so thoroughly embodies the conservatism of American honor and tradition as McCain, nor any with greater moral authority to invoke it. For all his transgressions and backsliding, McCain radiates integrity and steadfastness, and if his heterodox stands have at times been infuriating, they also attest to his resolve. Time and again he has taken an unpopular stand and stuck with it, putting his career on the line when it would have been easier to go along with the crowd.

A perfect conservative he isn't. But he is courageous and steady, a man of character and high standards, a genuine hero. If "the House that Reagan Built" is to be true to its best and highest ideals, it will unite behind John McCain.

2/3/2008, 06:51 PM
Clone, now that McCain is a lock for the nomination, isn't arguing against him now equivalent to facilitating a Madam President Clinton or Mr. President Obama?

2/3/2008, 06:55 PM
The only reason I could see voting for McCain is so I will feel justified in bitching and raising hell for four or eight years.

In all actuality, a return of Bubba to the White House could provide hours upon hours of laughs.

jk the sooner fan
2/3/2008, 07:30 PM
you know, if pundits have to pen articles explaining why McCain is a conservative, then its probably because he isnt

2/3/2008, 08:21 PM
Got mine.

Just need more high-cap mags.

I have over fourty 20-round mags for my FAL's and twenty 30 round mags for my AR's

Need more AR mags.

I'm not going to be unprepared like I was in Sept. 1994

2/3/2008, 08:36 PM
I'm curious at to why the NRA hasn't spoken up more about this. They seem to be quietly standing by on this, which is quite surprising in my book.

I'm very cautious with McCain. I don't trust him. His record concerns me for several different reasons, and this is one of them.

2/3/2008, 09:14 PM
This McCain is a Kennedy in Republican clothes!

BTW, I ran across this video where it sounds like RLIMC(?)[or is it me,or several other SF posters]?] shows up at a McCain rally...

John (Kennedy) McCain rally (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6d5_1202085951)

Curly Bill
2/3/2008, 09:18 PM
I don't particularly trust McCain on this issue either...but I sure as hell don't trust either of the two socialist candidates.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 12:13 AM
This McCain is a Kennedy in Republican clothes!

BTW, I ran across this video where it sounds like RLIMC(?)[or is it me,or several other SF posters]?] shows up at a McCain rally...

John (Kennedy) McCain rally (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6d5_1202085951)2.5 days til the end of possible conservatism in US government!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 12:19 AM
Clone, now that McCain is a lock for the nomination, isn't arguing against him now equivalent to facilitating a Madam President Clinton or Mr. President Obama?I guess you don't understand why I am arguing against him, and BTW, RLIMC.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 12:20 AM
you know, if pundits have to pen articles explaining why McCain is a conservative, then its probably because he isntBrain in gear!

2/4/2008, 12:36 AM
you know, if pundits have to pen articles explaining why McCain is a conservative, then its probably because he isnt

William F. Buckley's (founder) American Conservative Union gives McCain an 82 lifetime rating. Obama's is an 8 and Clinton's is a 9. Go ahead and fall on the sword.

I'm sure if Barry Goldwater returned from the dead and ran for president there would be a segment of the Big Tent who would object to his conservative credentials since his libertarian positions include abortion rights and gay rights.

2/4/2008, 12:44 AM
This McCain is a Kennedy in Republican clothes!

Kennedy's lifetime ACU rating is 2.5. McCain's is 82. Get a grip.

ACU was founded by William F. Buckley. http://www.acuratings.org/

2/4/2008, 12:56 AM
2.5 days til the end of possible conservatism in US government!:rolleyes:

2/4/2008, 06:24 AM

McCain "sponsored the McCain/Lieberman gun show bill, which would have given the federal government the administrative power to prohibit all gun shows, and to register everyone who attends a gun show."

-- Dave Kopel: 2d Amt Project


Supported anti-gun Schumer amendment: Sen McCain voted for an amendment offered by the anti-gun Sen. Charles Schumer of New York that would have restricted the legitimate transfer of firearms over the internet. (Source: Congressional Record 5/14/99, p. S5327.)

Voted to expand The Brady Law: McCain voted to extend the restrictions of the Brady bill to pawn shops and gun repair shops.(Source: Congressional Record 5/20/99, p.S5642.)

Supported Clinton Gun Control: John McCain voted AGAINST efforts to kill the Clinton gun control package, which contained al kinds of new gun restrictions, including a ban on many kinds of private gun sales. (Source: Congressional Record 7/28/99, P. S9451.)

-- Gunowners of America

There's your one-issue candidacy, 2nd Amendment folks!

just three votes, all in a two month span of time, almost ten years ago.

The thing about John, unlike some, he actually is capable of changing his mind on an issue. I'm not willing to totally dismiss a guy for three goofy votes almost ten years ago.

2/4/2008, 06:26 AM
just three votes, all in a two month span of time, almost ten years ago.

The thing about John, unlike some, he actually is capable of changing his mind on an issue. I'm not willing to totally dismiss a guy for three goofy votes almost ten years ago.
...my God...REASON...on the South Oval...

Bless my soul.


jk the sooner fan
2/4/2008, 07:28 AM
wow, comparing McCain to Obama to show how conservative he is

kudo's to you!

McCain is a moderate, you go ahead and call him the poster child for true conservatism if you want

i shant fall for it

Scott D
2/4/2008, 07:41 AM
the real question is if Barry Goldwater returned from the dead, would Hillary quit her asinine campaign to have the right to work on Goldwater's campaign again.

jk the sooner fan
2/4/2008, 07:58 AM
i gotta tell you, san joaquin and LAS have very similar posting styles

2/4/2008, 09:26 AM
After the comments about McCain's view on the 2nd amendment and his stance on illegals I'm not sure who I'd like to support now.

2/4/2008, 09:41 AM
i gotta tell you, san joaquin and LAS have very similar posting styles

not sure what that implies, but I'm not LAS if that's what you mean.

2/4/2008, 09:50 AM
Folks it's all about the money with me. I'm not gonna get up here and tell you that I really think his social policy will make a damn bit of difference, but if McCain won't cut taxes, he's not MY kind of conservative.

I do NOT care of the government has less money, I do NOT care if congressmen have to take pay cuts (This will obviously be the last cuts in funding to EVER occur.), and I do not care if global warming research funding gets cut as well (By the way, what SUV's were roaming around to melt that Mile high ice sheet over North America?).

I care about us getting our money, our dues, the stuff we earn, and I don't think McCain really cares about that. If he did, he'd push tax cuts.


Oh, and I'd be more excited about these tax rebates if they weren't also dole for those who don't actually pay taxes. That's socialism if I've ever seen it, and any economist will tell you, that doesn't work.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 10:15 AM
After the comments about McCain's view on the 2nd amendment and his stance on illegals I'm not sure who I'd like to support now.Romney, QUICK-TOMORROW!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 10:20 AM
just three votes, all in a two month span of time, almost ten years ago.

The thing about John, unlike some, he actually is capable of changing his mind on an issue. I'm not willing to totally dismiss a guy for three goofy votes almost ten years ago.I didn't realize you were a one-issue voter! Think about all the other issues he's on the wrong side of.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 10:29 AM
Leading The News

Democrats say McCain nearly abandoned GOP
By Bob Cusack
Posted: 03/28/07 07:39 PM [ET]
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was close to leaving the Republican Party in 2001, weeks before then-Sen. Jim Jeffords (Vt.) famously announced his decision to become an Independent, according to former Democratic lawmakers who say they were involved in the discussions.

In interviews with The Hill this month, former Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) and ex-Rep. Tom Downey (D-N.Y.) said there were nearly two months of talks with the maverick lawmaker following an approach by John Weaver, McCain’s chief political strategist.

Democrats had contacted Jeffords and then-Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-R.I.) in the early months of 2001 about switching parties, but in McCain’s case, they said, it was McCain’s top strategist who came to them.

At the end of their March 31, 2001 lunch at a Chinese restaurant in Bethesda, Md., Downey said Weaver asked why Democrats hadn’t asked McCain to switch parties.

Downey, a well-connected lobbyist, said he was stunned.

“You’re really wondering?” Downey said he told Weaver. “What do you mean you’re wondering?”

“Well, if the right people asked him,” Weaver said, according to Downey, adding that he responded, “The calls will be made. Who do you want?” Weaver this week said he did have lunch with Downey that spring, pointing out that he and Downey “are very good friends.”

He claims, however, that Downey is grossly mischaracterizing their exchange: “We certainly didn’t discuss in any detail about the senator’s political plans and any discussion about party-switchers, generically, would have been limited to the idle gossip which was all around the city about the [Democrats’] aggressive approach about getting any GOP senator to switch in order to gain the majority. Nothing more or less than that.”

Downey said Weaver is well aware that their discussion was much more than typical Washington chit-chat.

“Within seconds” of arriving home from his lunch with Weaver, Downey said he was on the phone to the most powerful Democrats in town. One of the first calls he made was to then-Senate Minority Leader Daschle.

“I did take the call from Tom [Downey],” Daschle said in an interview. “It was Weaver’s comment” to Downey that started the McCain talks, he added.

Daschle noted that McCain at that time was frustrated with the Bush administration as a result of his loss to George W. Bush in the 2000 Republican primary.

Daschle said that throughout April and May of 2001, he and McCain “had meetings and conversations on the floor and in his office, I think in mine as well, about how we would do it, what the conditions would be. We talked about committees and his seniority … [A lot of issues] were on the table.”

Absolutely not so, according to McCain. In a statement released by his campaign, McCain said, “As I said in 2001, I never considered leaving the Republican Party, period.”

Some of the meetings Daschle referred to are detailed in the former senator’s 2003 book.

Other senators who played major roles in the intense recruiting effort, according to Democrats, were then-Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) as well as Sens. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

“John [Edwards] at that time was working with McCain on a couple things and there was a sense that because of his relationship that he might be a good person to talk to him,” Daschle said. “He was clearly one of those that we thought could be helpful.”

A source close to Edwards said Daschle’s comments are accurate.

Daschle also said, “Both Sen. Reid and I talked to [McCain] both individually and together.”
Several former McCain aides who worked for the senator in 2001 and are now in the private sector did not return phone calls seeking comment.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a longtime friend of McCain’s, said yesterday, “I have never heard one word from John’s mouth to suggest he was going to leave the Republican Party. These are political-intrigue stories that have no basis in fact.”
Speculation about McCain’s flirtations with becoming an Independent surfaced in the press throughout 2001.

In one article, Marshall Wittman, a McCain loyalist and strategist six years ago, put the odds of McCain leaving the Republican Party at “50-50.” Wittman, who now works for Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), declined to comment for this article. A source said that Wittman’s comment at that time was “completely based on speculation.”

McCain consistently shot down the rumors, though Weaver acknowledged this week that the senator did talk to Democrats about leaving the GOP.

He said McCain was invited to a meeting in Kennedy’s office with several other Democratic senators but “didn’t know what the meeting was for” and left soon thereafter. Weaver added that Edwards approached McCain on the Senate floor to discuss the matter.
Daschle, however, said the talks went much further, claiming that there were times that he and Democratic leaders thought McCain “might be our best opportunity.” Daschle stressed that McCain never considered becoming a Democrat, but was close to becoming an Independent.
Downey said, “I actually thought during the initial stages of this that [McCain leaving the Republican Party] was almost a certain deal.”
Weaver, who changed his party affiliation to “Democrat” several years ago, said he respects Daschle and Downey, but added, “They’re partisan Democrats and we’re in the political season.”

Told of Weaver’s version of what happened, Daschle said, “Obviously, our recollection of what transpired is somewhat different.”

Daschle first made some of these assertions in little-noticed parts of his book, titled Like No Other Time: The 107th Congress and the Two Years That Changed America Forever.

The book states that in 2001, Daschle and other Democrats were attempting to persuade three Republicans to leave their party: Jeffords, Chafee, and McCain.

Asked which one was the closest to committing, Daschle answered, “Depended on the day.”

On page 62, Daschle wrote that McCain and Chafee “seemed like real possibilities” to bolt their party. He pointed out that few, if any, of McCain’s people were hired by the Bush administration.

“John didn’t think that was right,” Daschle wrote, “that his staff should be penalized like that.”

Chafee confirmed to The Hill this week that he had meetings with Democrats about changing parties in 2001 because he was “alarmed” at the differences between President Bush’s campaign promises and the policies coming out of his administration.

Weaver said he hasn’t read Daschle’s book, which does not mention the Downey-Weaver lunch.

Mark Salter, who in 2001 was McCain’s chief of staff and now works for the senator’s campaign, said McCain has not at any moment thought about leaving the Republican Party: “Never at any time. Never.”

Salter said there were no staff discussions about this issue, noting he would have been in on them.

Soon after Bush was inaugurated as the nation’s 43rd president, McCain was working with Democrats on many issues, ranging from gun control to healthcare to campaign-finance reform.

McCain’s links to Democrats were so clear that Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) — now a close ally of McCain — publicly criticized him in the early part of 2001 for keeping “unusual company.”

Jeffords pulled the trigger on May 24, 2001, throwing control of the Senate to Democrats. Chafee and McCain then broke off their discussions with Democratic leaders, according to Democrats.

Downey said he talked to Weaver at least once a week during McCain’s discussions with Democrats, asking him questions like, “What is the state of play?” and “Where are we?”

“Weaver was very active in this,” Downey said, “None of this happens without Weaver.”

The Democrats’ claims about McCain come as the senator is courting the Republican base for his 2008 White House bid. Other frontrunners for the GOP nomination have raised some eyebrows in conservative circles. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) voted for Democratic Sen. Paul Tsongas (Mass.) in 1992, while ex-New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) endorsed then-New York Gov. Mario Cuomo (D) a couple years later.

Asked why this news hasn’t come out before, Downey said, “It’s a mystery to me. And in fact, the last time Weaver and I had dinner together [on April 26, 2006], we laughed about this … It’s never been written about, never got in the paper.”

He denied any political motivation, saying he is still friends with Weaver and “deeply respects” McCain. “I would have been happy to come forward last year or the year before if someone had asked … There were meetings in offices. You can’t deny [these meetings took place]. They occurred.”

Downey added, “It’s my hope that John McCain is the Republican nominee because from my perspective, although I think Democrats are going to win, if they don’t, McCain is the sort of man I would feel comfortable [with] as the president of the United States. I’m not trying to hurt him.”

Daschle said he doesn’t believe the new revelations will hurt McCain. “Everyone has known John McCain to be independent, to take his own course. That was a time in his life when he at least weighed the possibility of becoming an independent, but he rejected it, so I can’t imagine that can ever be used as a political liability.”

On June 2, 2001, The Washington Post ran a front-page story with the headline “McCain is Considering Leaving GOP; Arizona Senator Might Launch a Third-Party Challenge to Bush in 2004.”

The article, written in the wake of the Jeffords’s announcement, noted that Daschle and his wife were visiting the McCains at the senator’s home in Arizona for what was billed by McCain’s office as a social event. But by that time, McCain had decided to stay a Republican, according to Daschle.

In his book, Daschle wrote that plans for the June weekend getaway were made months earlier when McCain was mulling changing his party affiliation.

As the media camped outside the senator’s vacation house in Sedona, Ariz., Daschle and McCain discussed “what an incredible piece of history Jim Jeffords had just written,” Daschle wrote. “Nothing was said about John doing the same thing. I think we both knew that wasn’t going to happen, not now.”

NOTE: In '04, McCain reportedly rejected an offer from John Kerry, to be his Vice Presidential running mate.

2/4/2008, 10:35 AM

I'm a registered independent . . . Oklahoma doesn't like us and we can't vote until the "real" election. :D

2/4/2008, 10:35 AM
Posted: 03/28/07 07:39 PM [ET]

that's kinda old news

what's with the boner for McCain? is Rush running?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 10:43 AM
that's kinda old news

what's with the boner for McCain? is Rush running?The primary is tomorrow!

2/4/2008, 10:49 AM
so your official platform is "not McCain"?

2/4/2008, 11:00 AM
RLIMC totes the party line. He can't think for himself, just does what he's told.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 11:02 AM
RLIMC totes the party line. He can't think for himself, just does what he's told.Catch up. The party line is "vote party". You should do some thinking.

2/4/2008, 11:07 AM
I'd bet you a chocolate covered donut that you tote the party line and vote for him in the GE.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 11:10 AM
I'd bet you a chocolate covered donut that you tote the party line and vote for him in the GE.Make it Crispy Creme glazed, with cream filling.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 11:11 AM
so your official platform is "not McCain"?It's more like mcCain...Fergitaboutit!

2/4/2008, 11:15 AM
So, this thread should be retitled:
Some People Say McCain Considered CHANGING PARTIES Seven Years Ago!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 11:28 AM
So, this thread should be retitled:
Some People Say McCain Considered CHANGING PARTIES Seven Years Ago!How many other leading republican candidates considered changing to democrats in their recent(4 yrs ago)past? Call it what you want.

2/4/2008, 11:40 AM
I give up. How many?

2/4/2008, 11:54 AM
So, this thread should be retitled:
Some People Say McCain Considered CHANGING PARTIES Seven Years Ago!
Daschle Says McCain Considered CHANGING PARTIES Seven Years Ago!

2/4/2008, 11:56 AM
Is this a good place for me to say that I think Romney loses to either Hillary or Obama?

2/4/2008, 12:04 PM
Is this a good place for me to say that I think Romney loses to either Hillary or Obama?
As good a place as any.

2/4/2008, 12:26 PM
I'm thinking this is all some sort of McCainery.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 12:54 PM
Is this a good place for me to say that I think Romney loses to either Hillary or Obama?It's possible, but let's get him in there to take them on.

Animal Mother
2/4/2008, 02:07 PM
i gotta tell you, san joaquin and LAS have very similar posting styles

It's 200 miles between the two. I don't think SJS can make it to LA and back quick enough to post from LAS's personal confuser.

Not to mention that Man Coulter is loonier than Irwin Corey. I mean that in a good way.

Animal Mother
2/4/2008, 03:27 PM
I didn't realize you were a one-issue voter! Think about all the other issues he's on the wrong side of.

Let me know what side you're on and I'll be fine.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 03:27 PM
One more day for OK to vote Romney, and save us from Hellery.

2/4/2008, 03:34 PM
Good Lord this is getting old.

2/4/2008, 03:37 PM
I don't particularly trust McCain on this issue either...but I sure as hell don't trust either of the two socialist candidates.True dat.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 04:02 PM
Good Lord this is getting old.If you don't like politics, don't click.

2/4/2008, 04:12 PM
We understand your point.

We all get it.

You don't want us to vote for John McCain.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 04:45 PM
We understand your point.

We all get it.

You don't want us to vote for John McCain.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.Don't click. Buh-bye

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 04:49 PM
I'm a registered independent . . . Oklahoma doesn't like us and we can't vote until the "real" election. :DOftentimes, like this time, the primary is vitally important.

2/4/2008, 05:14 PM
i gotta tell you, san joaquin and LAS have very similar posting styles

and sam spade, and erinco pallazo

2/4/2008, 05:20 PM
Don't click. Buh-byeDon't post. Why make lots of other people step around the dog crap in the street when it's easier to remove the dog? Buh-Bye.

jk the sooner fan
2/4/2008, 05:42 PM
It's 200 miles between the two. I don't think SJS can make it to LA and back quick enough to post from LAS's personal confuser.

Not to mention that Man Coulter is loonier than Irwin Corey. I mean that in a good way.

i could create a handle calling myself georgia sooner, it doesnt mean i'm actually there

Tear Down This Wall
2/4/2008, 05:57 PM
Clone, now that McCain is a lock for the nomination, isn't arguing against him now equivalent to facilitating a Madam President Clinton or Mr. President Obama?

I got a copy of the Reagan diaries for Christmas. Some of the best entires are of him making backhanded comments towards the conservative media publications of the day who were slamming him for not being conservative enough and "betraying" them on many issues.

Of course, in those entires, Reagan explains the obvious - to get legislation, he has to compromise sometimes. McCain recognizes the same thing.

So, following in the true path of Reagan, McCain has the idiot media conservative sniping at him. And, like Reagan, he pooh-poohs them, as he should.

In the meantime, it's f'n hilarious to turn on the radio and listen to Hannity, Rush, Laura, Hewitt and the remaining empty-heads pull their hair out because the grassroots won't support abortionista Robot-ney.

Maybe if McCain would get a tan and and lose his personality, he could challenge their hearts and souls along with Robot-ney.

As it is, it'll be fun to see Robot-ney put out of commission tomorrow. So long, Rockefeller, Jr. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way back to Massachusetts. Collie-molester.

Tear Down This Wall
2/4/2008, 06:07 PM
Here's another misnomer about people who typically vote Republican - that we all want 100% free flow of any type of weaponry to anybody with a pulse.

I've voted straight ticket GOP my entire life, but I think gun laws should be tightened even more. I could care less if the NRA-types disagree. And, I would definitely tighten up gun sales at gun shows and over the internet.

So, he I am...a conservative Republican raised in a the GOP stronghold of the north Dallas suburbs, and I'm now raising my own family here. And, I agree 100% with McCain's gun control votes.

Therefore, you nitpickers can, once again, stick it.

And, spare me your libertarian bullcrap about "the government doesn't want you to have a gun so they can have ultimate power over you." Get a life, paranoids.

2/4/2008, 06:12 PM
Here's another misnomer about people who typically vote Republican - that we all want 100% free flow of any type of weaponry to anybody with a pulse.

I've voted straight ticket GOP my entire life, but I think gun laws should be tightened even more. I could care less if the NRA-types disagree. And, I would definitely tighten up gun sales at gun shows and over the internet.

So, he I am...a conservative Republican raised in a the GOP stronghold of the north Dallas suburbs, and I'm now raising my own family here. And, I agree 100% with McCain's gun control votes.

Therefore, you nitpickers can, once again, stick it.

And, spare me your libertarian bullcrap about "the government doesn't want you to have a gun so they can have ultimate power over you." Get a life, paranoids.


2/4/2008, 06:39 PM
Well said Sir

2/4/2008, 07:55 PM
Here's another misnomer about people who typically vote Republican - that we all want 100% free flow of any type of weaponry to anybody with a pulse.

I've voted straight ticket GOP my entire life, but I think gun laws should be tightened even more. I could care less if the NRA-types disagree. And, I would definitely tighten up gun sales at gun shows and over the internet.

Great idea there, sport. Let's be crime-free just like Chicago, Washington D.C., etc,

Gun sales over the internet must go through FFL dealers, thus background checks, waiting periods, etc. You obviously don't know anything about this issue except "eww, guns are icky."

And I have a life, thank you. Now can you stay out of it?

And, spare me your libertarian bullcrap about "the government doesn't want you to have a gun so they can have ultimate power over you." Get a life, paranoids.
Did you flunk out of history class? You have to disarm people before you take their stuff and give it to others, or worse.

2/4/2008, 08:15 PM
I could care less if the NRA-types disagree. And, I would definitely tighten up gun sales at gun shows and over the internet.

So, he I am...a conservative Republican raised in a the GOP stronghold of the north Dallas suburbs, and I'm now raising my own family here. And, I agree 100% with McCain's gun control votes.

Therefore, you nitpickers can, once again, stick it.

And, spare me your libertarian bullcrap about "the government doesn't want you to have a gun so they can have ultimate power over you." Get a life, paranoids.

Keep flappin' your lips using the First Amendment & I'll use my dollars to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

Oh wait, didn't McCain/Feingold erode some of that First Amendment?

2/4/2008, 08:16 PM
I got a copy of the Reagan diaries for Christmas. Some of the best entires are of him making backhanded comments towards the conservative media publications of the day who were slamming him for not being conservative enough and "betraying" them on many issues.

Of course, in those entires, Reagan explains the obvious - to get legislation, he has to compromise sometimes. McCain recognizes the same thing.

So, following in the true path of Reagan, McCain has the idiot media conservative sniping at him. And, like Reagan, he pooh-poohs them, as he should.

In the meantime, it's f'n hilarious to turn on the radio and listen to Hannity, Rush, Laura, Hewitt and the remaining empty-heads pull their hair out because the grassroots won't support abortionista Robot-ney.

Maybe if McCain would get a tan and and lose his personality, he could challenge their hearts and souls along with Robot-ney.

As it is, it'll be fun to see Robot-ney put out of commission tomorrow. So long, Rockefeller, Jr. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way back to Massachusetts. Collie-molester.

That last remark was extremely childish and rude. Nothing like the avatar you pretend to be the authority on.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 08:21 PM
I'm curious at to why the NRA hasn't spoken up more about this. They seem to be quietly standing by on this, which is quite surprising in my book.

I'm very cautious with McCain. I don't trust him. His record concerns me for several different reasons, and this is one of them.IMO they are studying him, to see if he has become more in sympathy with that 2nd Amendment. Only explanation I can think of.

2/4/2008, 08:25 PM
Gun sales over the internet must go through FFL dealers, thus background checks, waiting periods, etc. You obviously don't know anything about this issue except "eww, guns are icky."


That's the whole point. In the 1990's when internet commerce really took off, it was relatively easy for anonymous internet purchases to be made. The safeguards weren't in place. Guns could be purchased on the internet without background checks. Is McCain or anyone else anti-2nd Amendment because they supported internet purchases going through licensed dealers w/ background checks?

2/4/2008, 08:26 PM
My wife and I are back to being undecided on who to vote for.

How do we know Romney's 'conversion' is real?

Someone give me a good reason to vote for him.

2/4/2008, 08:28 PM
He's not John McCain.

2/4/2008, 08:29 PM
That's the whole point. In the 1990's when internet commerce really took off, it was relatively easy for anonymous internet purchases to be made. The safeguards weren't in place. Guns could be purchased on the internet without background checks. Is McCain or anyone else anti-2nd Amendment because they supported internet purchases going through licensed dealers w/ background checks?

It still would have been illegal back in the 1990's if the guns crossed state lines. Gun sales have always had to go through an FFL when in this situation, at least since the 1968 GCA

If you guys are worried about intra-state gun sales, then contact your state legislature.

2/4/2008, 08:34 PM
i could create a handle calling myself georgia sooner, it doesnt mean i'm actually there

I hate the Lakers and love the Sac Kings. I could never call myself LASooner.:cool:

Sacramento is at the top of the San Joaquin Valley.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/4/2008, 08:47 PM
My wife and I are back to being undecided on who to vote for.

How do we know Romney's 'conversion' is real?

Someone give me a good reason to vote for him.We don't know for sure how real Romney's conservative convictions are, but Romney's positions ARE conservative on virtually all the issues. McCain's are not conservative on illegal immigration, taxation, (over)regulation, wanting to close Gitmo and bring POW's-enemy combatatants to the USA, and treat them as citizens, and I'm not at all convinced he will appoint conservative judges at any level. Who really knows what he thinks about the 2nd Amendment nowadays. There are other problems that don't come to mind right now, not the least of which a VERY large number of conservatives won't vote for him in the general, IMO, including me.

2/4/2008, 08:48 PM
Here's another misnomer about people who typically vote Republican - that we all want 100% free flow of any type of weaponry to anybody with a pulse.

I've voted straight ticket GOP my entire life, but I think gun laws should be tightened even more. I could care less if the NRA-types disagree. And, I would definitely tighten up gun sales at gun shows and over the internet.

So, he I am...a conservative Republican raised in a the GOP stronghold of the north Dallas suburbs, and I'm now raising my own family here. And, I agree 100% with McCain's gun control votes.

Therefore, you nitpickers can, once again, stick it.

And, spare me your libertarian bullcrap about "the government doesn't want you to have a gun so they can have ultimate power over you." Get a life, paranoids.
And here we are agreeing on something again. I'm a life long Republican raised in the strong conservative area of South Tulsa. I attended private Catholic schools in Tulsa and voted pretty consistently Republican for most of my life. Life long NRA member with both military and police in my family. Life long hunter/outdoorsman...

...and I agree with everything you just said about Gun Control...yet I also get accused of being a "dirty lib."

It's the knee-jerk reaction of the lock-step when you don't tow the line 100%. *shrug*

My Opinion Matters
2/4/2008, 08:52 PM
But before I do, does anyone have any relevant info on him? Specifically, op-ed articles 5 years or older???


2/4/2008, 08:55 PM
We don't know for sure how real Romney's conservative convictions are, but Romney's positions sure SOUND conservative on virtually all the issues because that's what he thinks he has to say to get people to vote for him after forcus grouping all his answers on positions until he was sure he got it right. McCain's are traditionally conservative and reasonable on illegal immigration, taxation, regulation, wanting to close Gitmo and bring POW's-enemy combatatants to the USA, and treat them according to the Geneva Conventions, and I'm not at all convinced he will appoint the types of ultra-conservative judges that Christian Fundameltalists want in order to make law from the bench at any level. We really know what he thinks about the 2nd Amendment nowadays, but I like to post things that sound SCARY. There are other problems that don't come to mind right now, since I'm out of touch with reality, not the least of which a VERY large number of radically militant right wing Christian nutjobs won't vote for him in the general, IMO, including me. Fixed.


By the way, Mods? Can we just make one thread titled "Rush Limbaugh is my clone's 100 reasons NOT to vote McCain?" and merge all of these threads into one? PleaseKThanks. :)

jk the sooner fan
2/4/2008, 09:00 PM
well i'm certainly convinced

jk the sooner fan
2/4/2008, 09:03 PM
he's 82% conservative, or so i'm told

Curly Bill
2/4/2008, 09:06 PM
And, spare me your libertarian bullcrap about "the government doesn't want you to have a gun so they can have ultimate power over you." Get a life, paranoids.

Yeah when one of the first things Hitler did was to disarm the German people, many of whom were of course Jews, and when Stalin did the same thing to his people they didn't mean anything bad by it, or plan to take advantage of the disarmed populace did they?

I'm familiar enough with history to understand that being a little paranoid on some issues, like this one, is not always a bad thing.

edit...thanks though, I kinda want to go buy another gun now. :D

2/4/2008, 09:07 PM
I am between Huckabee and Mccain, Just havent decided yet. I guess I better hurry

2/4/2008, 09:07 PM
Hes the best candidate out there

stoops the eternal pimp
2/4/2008, 09:09 PM
I m voting for Perot again

Curly Bill
2/4/2008, 09:10 PM
It's gonna be between him and one of the two socialist candidates in the general election...so unless you like socialism...

My Opinion Matters
2/4/2008, 09:14 PM
I am between Huckabee and Mccain

You need better threesome fantasies. :eek:

My Opinion Matters
2/4/2008, 09:16 PM
It's gonna be between him and one of the two socialist candidates in the general election...so unless you like socialism...

When were the socialist primaries? :confused: I guess I missed those.

2/4/2008, 09:18 PM
When were the socialist primaries? :confused: I guess I missed those.

It's tommorrow. All you've got to do is vote donk.

Curly Bill
2/4/2008, 09:20 PM
It's tommorrow. All you've got to do is vote donk.

Thanks for fielding that one, and good answer. ;)

2/4/2008, 09:20 PM
you know, if pundits have to pen articles explaining why McCain isn't a conservative, then its probably because he is.Fixed.

2/4/2008, 09:21 PM
i gotta tell you, san joaquin and LAS have very similar posting styles
Your avatar suits you.

In a Freudian way.

My Opinion Matters
2/4/2008, 09:22 PM
It's tommorrow. All you've got to do is vote donk.

Don't I have to be on welfare first?

Or Black?

Or Mexican?

Or Anti-America?

Or Pro Al-Qaeda?

Or really poor, and under-educated?

Or really rich, and over-educated?

Curly Bill
2/4/2008, 09:23 PM
Don't I have to be on welfare first?

Or Black?

Or Mexican?

Or Anti-America?

Or Pro Al-Qaeda?

Or really poor, and under-educated?

Or really rich, and over-educated?

Nah, that's the beauty of socialism, we'll all be in the same leaky *** boat.

2/4/2008, 09:33 PM
Well, Huckleberry sez he will lead the fight to abolish the IRS.... Oh yeah, he is a man of truth! The sad part about his statement is that there will be saps that believe him!

stoops the eternal pimp
2/4/2008, 09:35 PM
Hes the debil!

Word is that testicular is his favorite kind

2/4/2008, 09:55 PM
And here we are agreeing on something again. I'm a life long Republican raised in the strong conservative area of South Tulsa. I attended private Catholic schools in Tulsa and voted pretty consistently Republican for most of my life. Life long NRA member with both military and police in my family. Life long hunter/outdoorsman...

...and I agree with everything you just said about Gun Control...yet I also get accused of being a "dirty lib."

It's the knee-jerk reaction of the lock-step when you don't tow the line 100%. *shrug*

The problem I have is this: Who defines "resonable"? Gun control in the UK started out as "reasonable." No one needs a handgun. No one needs a semi auto. Then after those were banned, the next "reasonable" thing to do was to ban any centerfire rifle, whether they be pump, bolt-action, or whatever. The last thing to go was the shotguns. Now they're down to banning knives, and if anyone breaks into your home, don't you dare defend yourself or you will be prosecuted.

I don't trust the Left on this issue. I don't agree on what their definition of "reasonable" is, especially since most of them can't distinquish between a Battle Rifle, an Assault Rifle, a semi-automatic rifle, or a bolt-action rifle and a sniper rifle.

There is a Kel-tech survival rifle that folds up to make it very compact, and when folded the barrel is facing the opposite direction that the stock is. Well, some dumb biotch was on the news claiming that "this gun can shoot backwards." This was absurd and impossible. Then we have the Glock which the left claimed could make it through metal detectors. Bullsh**. How can we let people define gun laws when they know nothing about guns?

2/4/2008, 10:09 PM
I got a copy of the Reagan diaries for Christmas. Some of the best entires are of him making backhanded comments towards the conservative media publications of the day who were slamming him for not being conservative enough and "betraying" them on many issues.

Of course, in those entires, Reagan explains the obvious - to get legislation, he has to compromise sometimes. McCain recognizes the same thing.

So, following in the true path of Reagan, McCain has the idiot media conservative sniping at him. And, like Reagan, he pooh-poohs them, as he should.

In the meantime, it's f'n hilarious to turn on the radio and listen to Hannity, Rush, Laura, Hewitt and the remaining empty-heads pull their hair out because the grassroots won't support abortionista Robot-ney.

Maybe if McCain would get a tan and and lose his personality, he could challenge their hearts and souls along with Robot-ney.

As it is, it'll be fun to see Robot-ney put out of commission tomorrow. So long, Rockefeller, Jr. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way back to Massachusetts. Collie-molester.

There you go again with all this "centuries of legislative process and precedent" crap again.

2/4/2008, 11:04 PM
I've heard that McCain is against UFC. Is he that big a stooge for boxing?

2/4/2008, 11:16 PM
Don't I have to be on welfare first?

Or Black?

Or Mexican?

Or Anti-America?

Or Pro Al-Qaeda?

Or really poor, and under-educated?

Or really rich, and over-educated?

Nope, all that's needed is the idea of being dependent of government. Whether it be food, health care, housing, etc. No need to be independent--the government will bail me out.

It has nothing to do with any of the stuff you listed. You libs always try to paint conservatives as racists--it's BS. Laziness is laziness & dependency is dependency no matter who it is.

2/4/2008, 11:22 PM
Rush and Sic'em in 5....4...3....2....1.....

2/4/2008, 11:39 PM
Am I supposed to take something from this merger? Are the mods agreeing that by voting for McDain, you are in fact voting for the repeal of the 2nd amendment?

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
2/5/2008, 12:00 AM
Am I supposed to take something from this merger? Are the mods agreeing that by voting for McDain, you are in fact voting for the repeal of the 2nd amendment?Yes. Because all of them-well, mostly Dean-hate guns.

2/5/2008, 12:03 AM
Yes. Because all of them-well, mostly Dean-hate guns.

I should have gathered as much. Well, I know who I am voting for now

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 12:14 AM
Hes the best candidate out thereWrong post quoted. Woops.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 12:16 AM
I am between Huckabee and Mccain, Just havent decided yet. I guess I better hurryYour wise choice is Huckabee.

2/5/2008, 12:19 AM
Your wise choice is Huckabee.

took you long enough

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 12:33 AM
Ann Coulter Vows to Stop 'President McCain'

Monday, February 4, 2008 9:10 AM

By: Philip V. Brennan

Some Republicans may be rallying around Sen. John McCain as the GOP’s best hope of winning in November, but best-selling author and conservative firebrand Ann Coulter would rather stick to her principles and give up the White House to Hillary than to see the Arizona senator as the White House’s new resident.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.com, Coulter explained in great detail why she is so adamantly opposed to John McCain, even to the point of backing Hillary Clinton as a last resort.

Newsmax: Is a pro-abortion socialist-in-everything-but-name Hillary Clinton administration preferable to a McCain administration?

Coulter: McCain's record is as bad and liberal as Hillary's. But her badness is expressed when she's seeking Democrats' votes. If McCain were in front of Democrats he'd sound like Herbert Marcuse. And don't tell me McCain is better on the war. Campaigning in front of Code Pink types, Hillary has repeatedly said she will hit terrorists hard, and hedged her bets (thereby losing votes) on whether she'd execute a quick pullout from Iraq.

This probably makes her as tough as McCain, especially since he's busy sniffling into his handkerchief about the tragedy of Guantanamo. As to the domestic commie stuff Hillary peddles, I think she'll do a lot less damage than McCain, because McCAIN WOULD CO-OPT REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMEN. Those congressmen would fight Hillary. We're imperiled by both of them — but I think Hilary presents fewer risks.

Newsmax: What do you find most objectionable about McCain?

Coulter: That, on the litmus issues of our time, only partially excluding Iraq, he is a liberal. He apparently excoriated Samuel Alito as too "conservative." He promoted amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants. He abridged free citizen speech (in favor of the media) with McCain-Feingold.

He opposes [drilling in] ANWR and supports the global warming cult, even posturing with fellow mountebank Arnold Schwarzenegger in front of solar panels. Yes, he supported the surge, along with every other Republican worth mentioning, but he would shut down Guantanamo — the most successful rat trap in our nation's anti-terror fight — and he joins Code Pink in calling the Bush administration "torturers."

Oh yeah, he originally voted against the Bush tax cuts, but now says he would support them. And he libels our miraculous drug companies as "crooks." Can I take a breath?

Newsmax: Is there anything he could do that would allow you to support him against Hillary or Obama?

Coulter: He's 71 years old. He's not changing.

Newsmax: Is there any hope of stopping McCain before the convention?

Coulter: As true conservative Ronald Reagan would say, there is always hope in America.

Newsmax: Isn't the conservative base powerful enough to stop McCain if they will unite behind Romney?

Coulter: If rallied to their senses.

Newsmax: If Huckabee could be persuaded to quit and throw his support to Mitt, would that do the trick?

Coulter: Yes. Good Idea. Tell Huckabee.

Newsmax: Why Is Huckabee not backing Mitt?

Coulter: 1. Like McCain, he lives for praise from the MSM and 2. he is hoping to be McCain's VP choice.

Newsmax: Could we wind up with a wide-open brokered convention, and if so, who would you support?

Coulter: I believe the "brokering" is now going on for McCain. I will trust the people. Mount your horses and ride to the sound of the guns!

Newsmax: How should those attending CPAC [Conservative Political Action Conference] react to McCain when he speaks? Is it possible that CPACers could extract enough commitments from him to make him palatable?

Coulter: On the reaction front, with courtesy to be sure. After all, we are not liberals. But I do wish someone would ask him to explain the laundry list in my second answer. And no, there are no extractions that make him supportable.

Newsmax: Do you really plan to campaign for Hillary if McCain is the GOP nominee?

Coulter: I will campaign against John McCain until Inauguration Day, which, God willing, will not be his.

Newsmax: What do you recommend conservatives do?

Coulter: Write in "Mitt Romney: or — if it’s close — vote for Hillary.

Newsmax: Do you agree with Pat Buchanan that if the Republican Party nominates McCain it will lose its soul?

Coulter: Neither the Republican Party nor the nation will be likely to recover inasmuch as in the end, it will lead to a takeover by Mexico and 30 years of Democratic rule.

2/5/2008, 12:39 AM
Heaven help us...the slouching to the Left has begun in earnest.

2/5/2008, 12:46 AM
Could this not go in one of the other mccain threads?

2/5/2008, 12:47 AM
Coulter is a very angry tranny and says the darndest things.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 01:01 AM

2/5/2008, 01:05 AM
Well, now that you dug this one up, I guess it is time to merge it with the other McLame threads. Good f'n jorb

2/5/2008, 01:06 AM
Could this not go in one of the other mccain threads?

They all have been merged, so I guess he feels the need to have a million threads with the guy he hates name in it.

2/5/2008, 01:11 AM
They all have been merged, so I guess he feels the need to have a million threads with the guy he hates name in it.

The political rus?:twinkies:

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 01:12 AM
Well, now that you dug this one up, I guess it is time to merge it with the other McLame threads. Good f'n jorbWhy waste your time. Just don't click, if you don't like it. Save yourself the grief.

2/5/2008, 01:15 AM
took you long enough

I disagree with Rush. Paul>Romney>Mcain>Huckabee. Huckabee is the absolute worst of the lot.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 01:17 AM
I disagree with Rush. Paul>Romney>Mcain>Huckabee. Huckabee is the absolute worst of the lot.The poster said he was choosing between McCain and Huckabee. Huckabee isn't a likely contender. McCain is. Vote Huckabee. Duh!

2/5/2008, 01:19 AM
The poster said he was choosing between McCain and Huckabee. Huckabee isn't a likely contender. McCain is. Vote Huckabee. Duh!

That's like choosing between Hitler and Stalin. In either case, I'd really rather not.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 01:21 AM
BTW, SicEm, who was that (literally) communist lady that Pat Buchanan chose as his running mate, back in the '90's? (I guess he was trying for some votes from the left side during that campaign?)

2/5/2008, 01:36 AM
BTW, SicEm, who was that (literally) communist lady that Pat Buchanan chose as his running mate, back in the '90's? (I guess he was trying for some votes from the left side during that campaign?)
lol, Ezy Foster!? It was in 2000 and she's very conservative. She's so far from communist I don't even know where to begin.

2/5/2008, 01:42 AM
Why waste your time. Just don't click, if you don't like it. Save yourself the grief.

I didn't sat I didn't like it, it just seems the mods in their infinite wisdom are merging threads with "McGame" in them together regardless of content or intent.

2/5/2008, 01:44 AM
The political rus?:twinkies:

2/5/2008, 01:59 AM
That's like choosing between Hitler and Stalin. In either case, I'd really rather not.
Hitler and Stalin? Really? I'm guessing you are forgetting the atrocities committed by both. Comparing those two to, I don't know, Dole and Buchannan, I understand. But you marginalize your argument when you exaggerate to make a point.

2/5/2008, 02:02 AM
Hitler and Stalin? Really? I'm guessing you are forgetting the atrocities committed by both. Comparing those two to, I don't know, Dole and Buchannan, I understand. But you marginalize your argument when you exaggerate to make a point.
Yes it's an exaggeration. Of course neither Huckabee nor McCain is the least bit comparable to either Hitler or Stalin. I was simply trying to point out that it's difficult to see how one is more desirable than the other.

2/5/2008, 02:05 AM
Well, my point is that the fantastic exaggeration used by many, many people in politics today contributes greatly to the incivility and polarization we're suffering from. If my guy can't carry the day based on his own merit, I'll make people deathly afraid of the other guy. It's unfortunate that we've come to that.

2/5/2008, 02:06 AM
Well, my point is that the fantastic exaggeration used by many, many people in politics today contributes greatly to the incivility and polarization we're suffering from. If my guy can't carry the day based on his own merit, I'll make people deathly afraid of the other guy. It's unfortunate that we've come to that.

You're right actually. That's often a complaint of mine, and I shouldn't have used that extreme of an example.

2/5/2008, 02:10 AM
That's cool. I don't generally hang out in these threads anyway. I'll just hold my nose and vote for the least offensive Republican tomorrow, which will be a tough call. Carry on.

2/5/2008, 02:14 AM
We get it RLIMC!

2/5/2008, 02:28 AM
Great, one more thread to merge, good jorb n00b :D

2/5/2008, 02:57 AM
The problem I have is this: Who defines "resonable"? Gun control in the UK started out as "reasonable." No one needs a handgun. No one needs a semi auto. Then after those were banned, the next "reasonable" thing to do was to ban any centerfire rifle, whether they be pump, bolt-action, or whatever. The last thing to go was the shotguns. Now they're down to banning knives, and if anyone breaks into your home, don't you dare defend yourself or you will be prosecuted.

I don't trust the Left on this issue. I don't agree on what their definition of "reasonable" is, especially since most of them can't distinquish between a Battle Rifle, an Assault Rifle, a semi-automatic rifle, or a bolt-action rifle and a sniper rifle.

There is a Kel-tech survival rifle that folds up to make it very compact, and when folded the barrel is facing the opposite direction that the stock is. Well, some dumb biotch was on the news claiming that "this gun can shoot backwards." This was absurd and impossible. Then we have the Glock which the left claimed could make it through metal detectors. Bullsh**. How can we let people define gun laws when they know nothing about guns? Dude...there are idiots on both sides of every debate.

Nobody is going to "ban a gun that can shoot backwards" based on some idiot yanch who knows nothing about firearms. It's not THAT easy to make a law. Just ask Congress.

And our nation is very different from England or even most of Europe when it comes to guns. Guns are part of our psyche. Part of our identity. We were founded by the rugged individualist who went out into the wild and carved out his niche. Guns will ALWAYS be a part of American society.

I have no problem with waiting periods, background checks, even mandatory gun safety courses and liscensing. I have no problem with extremely strict regulations regarding the permitting of fully automatic weapons including assault weapons. But you know, as well as I do, that you can still walk into a gun show and guy a bazooka. I saw a guy selling them last year out in Riverside. Grenades, too.

Lemme tell ya...if you need a grrr-nade to kill a Mule deer...you need to work on your shot. (but good on ya for your stalking skills) :D

2/5/2008, 03:04 AM
I have no problem with extremely strict regulations regarding the permitting of fully automatic weapons including assault weapons. But you know, as well as I do, that you can still walk into a gun show and guy a bazooka. I saw a guy selling them last year out in Riverside. Gernades, too.

Lemme tell ya...if you need a gernade to kill a Mule deer...you need to work on your shot. (but good on ya for your stalking skills) :D

You should care. The point of the 2nd amendment isn't so weekend hunters can go out and shoot a 12 pt. It's also not some homage to our roots. The 2nd amendment is the means by which we protect ourselves from a radicalized and tyrannical government. If the day ever comes when the government becomes a true despotic tyranny then the people MUST have the right to match the government's firepower as much as possible. Now, god knows that's impossible but I'm all for the lawful sale and ownership of fully automatic weapons, anti-tank weapons, S-A rockets, etc. And I say this as someone who doesn't own a single firearm.

Just sayin'

2/5/2008, 03:08 AM
If he keeps doing this when the Mods are merging his threads, he may go the way of Rus for a few days.


Please mods?

2/5/2008, 03:10 AM
Maybe he realized who his true inner self was and decided NOT to become a Democrat and stayed a Republican and now we have the REAL John McCain and that's why he's going to win the Republican nomination?

Such transformations in OTHER candidates don't seem to bother you, RLIMC...even when they occured only 2 years ago.:rolleyes:

2/5/2008, 03:11 AM
Oh...and Mods?

Please merge yet again. :)

2/5/2008, 03:13 AM
You should care. The point of the 2nd amendment isn't so weekend hunters can go out and shoot a 12 pt. It's also not some homage to our roots. I never said either.

The 2nd amendment is the means by which we protect ourselves from a radicalized and tyrannical government. If the day ever comes when the government becomes a true despotic tyranny then the people MUST have the right to match the government's firepower as much as possible. Now, god knows that's impossible but I'm all for the lawful sale and ownership of fully automatic weapons, anti-tank weapons, S-A rockets, etc. And I say this as someone who doesn't own a single firearm.

Just sayin' Okay. So when do they put f-16s on sale? Or Tanks?

I mean...if the point is that we can fight back against our tyrannical government...

...where is my Gun Show Cruise Missle with a Nuke on the tip?


2/5/2008, 03:17 AM
I never said either.

Okay. So when do they put f-16s on sale? Or Tanks?

I mean...if the point is that we can fight back against our tyrannical government...

...where is my Gun Show Cruise Missle with a Nuke on the tip?


That's what I'm saying. Anyway, you can legally buy and own a tank in the US you just can't own the ammo for it.

2/5/2008, 03:29 AM
That's what I'm saying. Anyway, you can legally buy and own a tank in the US you just can't own the ammo for it.

So then, can I legally build a tank? What if I have to make custom ammo for it?

2/5/2008, 03:37 AM
So then, can I legally build a tank? What if I have to make custom ammo for it?

I assume you can legally build a tank.

I'm sure the custom ammo would run afoul some law.

2/5/2008, 06:15 AM
I have no problem with waiting periods, background checks, even mandatory gun safety courses and licensing.

I don't have a problem with gun safety courses. In fact, I saw somewhere in the news where gun safety classes are being taught to kids that are slightly older than my 5-year old, which is something I applaud wholeheartedly. With gun ownership comes great responsibility. One of which is to adhere to the so-called four rules of gun ownership. Storms woke me up, I saw this thread, and am now too sleepy to actually look these up, but they teach the basics of gun ownership. And if you violate one of these rules, then woe to be you.

But I do have an issue with waiting periods.

Let's say that a loved one of mine is involved in an abusive relationship, but she has no way to defend herself. One day, her SO threatens to kill her so she decides to purchase a firearm to defend herself...and has to wait 10 days for the background check to come back.

I suppose the easy answer there would be to plan for these situations in advance, but it doesn't always work out that way. And contrary to some people's belief they aren't necessarily put in place so that a person can be thoroughly checked out. They were put in as a means of 'cooling a person off' from the idea of buying a gun. Perhaps we need to put in a law that states before a person commits a crime, there should be a mandatory 10 day cooling off period.

Anyway, I'll allow you all to resume your normal divisive political diatribes.

2/5/2008, 07:52 AM
Oftentimes, like this time, the primary is vitally important.

Yep . . . I just wish I would've known I needed permission to vote if I registered as an independent.:confused:

2/5/2008, 07:55 AM
So then, can I legally build a tank? What if I have to make custom ammo for it?

Ike the tank farmer . . .

2/5/2008, 09:08 AM
But you know, as well as I do, that you can still walk into a gun show and guy a bazooka. I saw a guy selling them last year out in Riverside. Grenades, too.

Nope. Not even close to being legal to buy and sell live grenades the same way you buy and sell Mossberg 500s.

My Opinion Matters
2/5/2008, 09:25 AM
Nope, all that's needed is the idea of being dependent of government. Whether it be food, health care, housing, etc. No need to be independent--the government will bail me out.

It has nothing to do with any of the stuff you listed. You libs always try to paint conservatives as racists--it's BS. Laziness is laziness & dependency is dependency no matter who it is.


I'm a lib? And I'm lazy?

My Opinion Matters
2/5/2008, 09:27 AM
Politikz r funny.

Where the hell is Tuba? This kinda stuff isn't the same without him. Was he finally committed?

2/5/2008, 09:28 AM
nope but if you want to help out lazy folks and make them dependent, you're a lib.

I think.

My Opinion Matters
2/5/2008, 09:32 AM
nope but if you want to help out lazy folks and make them dependent, you're a lib.

I think.


I'm still not a lib.

2/5/2008, 09:36 AM
cool. I guess. Did you want to be a lib? There's really nothing wrong with being a lib. I think.

My Opinion Matters
2/5/2008, 09:42 AM
cool. I guess. Did you want to be a lib? There's really nothing wrong with being a lib. I think.

Maybe. The idea of not working and having everything given to me is enticing. Which party supports the terrorists? That's the one I want.

2/5/2008, 09:45 AM
I think the repubs support the terrorists that have jobs. The dems support the terrorists that stay at home and live off the government.

I really need to find a voter guide or something that spells it out.

I don't think either party is supporting free chimichanga Fridays so I really can't get behind either.

My Opinion Matters
2/5/2008, 09:46 AM
I don't think either party is supporting free chimichanga Fridays so I really can't get behind either.

Free food? Government handout?? That's sound an awful lot like a LIB to me!!
I knew it! You've been outed.

2/5/2008, 09:50 AM
No way dude, I was just going in there for a shirt...

Wait, what was I outed from?

2/5/2008, 09:52 AM
Really? Coulter said that?

I may have to reconsider McCain.

2/5/2008, 10:00 AM
Someone could always counter with a cut and paste from someone writing good things about McCain.

2/5/2008, 10:12 AM
Wait, what was I outed from?


2/5/2008, 10:17 AM
Does not compute

2/5/2008, 10:22 AM
I didn't sat I didn't like it, it just seems the mods in their infinite wisdom are merging threads with "McGame" in them together regardless of content or intent.

I'm merging them. Having 10 threads on the front page about the SAME PERSON will make me do that.

And your sarcasm is noted. Not appreciated...but noted.

2/5/2008, 10:23 AM
I'm merging them. Having 10 threads on the front page about the SAME PERSON will make me do that.

And your sarcasm is noted. Not appreciated...but noted.


You all don't appreciate anything we do for you.

2/5/2008, 10:26 AM

2/5/2008, 10:28 AM
Resilience in the face of failure is a manifestation of the mind

2/5/2008, 10:30 AM
Tell me when it's my turn.

It'll be fun. I promise.

2/5/2008, 10:30 AM
Nevermind. It wouldn't be fun.

You guys carry on...

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 10:31 AM
Merged or not, today is the day to get rid of the creep McCain.

2/5/2008, 12:37 PM
OBAMA OR HILLARY WILL be elected and it will be one of the worst four years in american history ensuring a swing back to the right for real and that we will not see another women or black president for another 50 years.

Dick Morris.

That would be nice although according to the Inca's the damage will be done and time will stop in 2012...

2/5/2008, 01:52 PM

2/5/2008, 02:10 PM
Dude...there are idiots on both sides of every debate.

Nobody is going to "ban a gun that can shoot backwards" based on some idiot yanch who knows nothing about firearms. It's not THAT easy to make a law. Just ask Congress.

And our nation is very different from England or even most of Europe when it comes to guns. Guns are part of our psyche. Part of our identity. We were founded by the rugged individualist who went out into the wild and carved out his niche. Guns will ALWAYS be a part of American society.

I have no problem with waiting periods, background checks, even mandatory gun safety courses and liscensing. I have no problem with extremely strict regulations regarding the permitting of fully automatic weapons including assault weapons. But you know, as well as I do, that you can still walk into a gun show and guy a bazooka. I saw a guy selling them last year out in Riverside. Grenades, too.

Lemme tell ya...if you need a grrr-nade to kill a Mule deer...you need to work on your shot. (but good on ya for your stalking skills) :D

Ya Know for the Most part I stay outta these type threads
But Im gonna Call Bull**** On this statement Of yours .
You sir By your Last Paragraph defined That you are a Member of your 1st paragraph .
If you can By Grenades they have been made Inert and are just for show . same with a Bazoka

2/5/2008, 02:10 PM
I don't have a problem with gun safety courses. In fact, I saw somewhere in the news where gun safety classes are being taught to kids that are slightly older than my 5-year old, which is something I applaud wholeheartedly. With gun ownership comes great responsibility. One of which is to adhere to the so-called four rules of gun ownership. Storms woke me up, I saw this thread, and am now too sleepy to actually look these up, but they teach the basics of gun ownership. And if you violate one of these rules, then woe to be you.
Totally agree.

But I do have an issue with waiting periods.

Let's say that a loved one of mine is involved in an abusive relationship, but she has no way to defend herself. One day, her SO threatens to kill her so she decides to purchase a firearm to defend herself...and has to wait 10 days for the background check to come back.

I suppose the easy answer there would be to plan for these situations in advance, but it doesn't always work out that way. And contrary to some people's belief they aren't necessarily put in place so that a person can be thoroughly checked out. They were put in as a means of 'cooling a person off' from the idea of buying a gun. Perhaps we need to put in a law that states before a person commits a crime, there should be a mandatory 10 day cooling off period.
No, the easy answer is you go to the proper authorities. You go to the police if your SO threatens to kill you and you turn them in. Then you get court protection to watch you while you move out and get out of the situation.

That's the proper way to handle it. Not brandish a gun which your SO will probably take away from you and then use on you.

Anyway, I'll allow you all to resume your normal divisive political diatribes.Uhm...wow. That was an unnecessary way to end a pretty decent post. :confused:

2/5/2008, 02:17 PM
Ya Know for the Most part I stay outta these type threads
But Im gonna Call Bull**** On this statement Of yours .
You sir By your Last Paragraph defined That you are a Member of your 1st paragraph .
If you can By Grenades they have been made Inert and are just for show . same with a Bazoka
I love how you say that with such authority when you weren't there.

I WAS there. They WERE functional, for sale and very illegal.

2/5/2008, 02:19 PM
so we should make them double illegal?

how much were they asking for the grenades? baseball or pineapple granades?

2/5/2008, 02:31 PM
mmmmm..... pineapples.

2/5/2008, 02:34 PM
I love how you say that with such authority when you weren't there.

I WAS there. They WERE functional, for sale and very illegal.

Hold on now. I've been to a TON of gun shows. Hundreds. Maybe even thousands. I know a lot of vendors who are licensed to possess/sell automatic weapons. However, I have never seen a shoulder-fired rocket launcher (bazooka) or other outright illegal weapons openly for sale. Or even unopenly for sale.

I've seen beer, knives, cheap trinkets, ammo, swords, helmets, clothes and gear, C-rats, LRPS, MREs, jewelry, baseball cards, hunting club memberships, shooting club memberships, guide services, hunting leases, rifles, handguns, shotguns, cane guns, and a few other choice little "guns," but the next time I see a real bazooka, hand grenade, or M-60 for sale will be the first.

2/5/2008, 02:36 PM
This one time, I saw a nuclear device at a gun show.

And it worked, too.

2/5/2008, 02:37 PM
Maybe LAS was shopping in Tijuana?

2/5/2008, 02:38 PM
Hold on now. I've been to a TON of gun shows. Hundreds. Maybe even thousands. I know a lot of vendors who are licensed to possess/sell automatic weapons. However, I have never seen a shoulder-fired rocket launcher (bazooka) or other outright illegal weapons openly for sale. Or even unopenly for sale.

I've seen beer, knives, cheap trinkets, ammo, swords, helmets, clothes and gear, C-rats, LRPS, MREs, jewelry, baseball cards, hunting club memberships, shooting club memberships, guide services, hunting leases, rifles, handguns, shotguns, cane guns, and a few other choice little "guns," but the next time I see a real bazooka, hand grenade, or M-60 for sale will be the first.
That's because you're going to sissyfied gun shows.

2/5/2008, 02:39 PM
I love how you say that with such authority when you weren't there.

I WAS there. They WERE functional, for sale and very illegal.
Get me a few cases next time .
And I LOVE how you say with such authority, That they were FULLY functional .:rolleyes:

2/5/2008, 02:39 PM
I saw a constitution shredder at a gunshow

2/5/2008, 02:40 PM
That's because you're going to sissyfied gun shows.

2/5/2008, 02:40 PM
Me also .

2/5/2008, 02:41 PM

2/5/2008, 02:44 PM
Im shamed :O

2/5/2008, 02:46 PM
I love how you say that with such authority when you weren't there.

I WAS there. They WERE functional, for sale and very illegal.

Did they fire off a few rounds too show you how functional they were?

stoops the eternal pimp
2/5/2008, 02:49 PM
I gave Zeus a ride down to the gun show to buy some illegal functional weapons to put on his bike

2/5/2008, 02:52 PM
I love how you say that with such authority when you weren't there.

I WAS there. They WERE functional, for sale and very illegal.

I call BS. When? Where? The great LAS, smooth Hollywood insider ,at a common redneck gun show?

Did the guy look both ways, draw you near with a finger wag & whisper "Hey, I got some real grenades under the table, you wanna buy 'em?

2/5/2008, 02:54 PM
I call BS. When? Where? The great LAS, smooth Hollywood insider ,at a common redneck gun show?

Did the guy look both ways, draw you near with a finger wag & whisper "Hey, I got some real grenades under the table, you wanna buy 'em?

he is certified to to shoot from a mile out on his M1 Garande.

2/5/2008, 02:58 PM
I call BS. When? Where? The great LAS, smooth Hollywood insider ,at a common redneck gun show?

Did the guy look both ways, draw you near with a finger wag & whisper "Hey, I got some real grenades under the table, you wanna buy 'em?
Dude wasnt you payon tention ?
they was right out there In the Open and stuff

2/5/2008, 02:59 PM
he is certified to to shoot from a mile out on his M1 Garande.
Hell I can shoot from 10 Miles out .
Cant hit nuthin but I can still shoot .

2/5/2008, 02:59 PM
he is certified to to shoot from a mile out on his M1 Garande.

I'm certified to drink a 12 pack & shoot my AK from the back porch. :D

2/5/2008, 03:00 PM
I'm certified to drink a 12 pack & shoot my AK from the back porch. :D

I gots ya beat
I can drink a case of natty and shoot from any compass point On My porch .
You know you been here .:P

2/5/2008, 03:01 PM
Dude wasnt you payon tention ?
they was right out there In the Open and stuff

Oh, I thought it was those "Cop killer" grenades. Oh sure, I see live "regular" grenades at the the gun shows all the time.

My bad.

2/5/2008, 03:02 PM
I gots ya beat
I can drink a case of natty and shoot from any compass point On My porch .
You know you been here .:P

You got the best porch I ever ****ed from. :D

2/5/2008, 03:03 PM
I saw a guy selling a fully functional, fully illegal tank at automax the other day. Scary stuff.

If you don't believe me, all I can say is you weren't there, I WAS.

2/5/2008, 03:05 PM
Oh yeah, well there was a fully functional, fully armed (and I guess totally illegal) MiG-29 up for auction this weekend. The guy bought it for $500. It took 3 pickups to get it loaded up.

I was there, I saw it.

Scott D
2/5/2008, 03:07 PM
I wonder where RLimC is, he seems awfully quiet now.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 03:08 PM
What's up, mods? Pls. send a PM re whether my posting is being hampered. Thanks, RLIMC
Note: Wanting to post, but scrolling bar not working, some(most) of the time.

Scott D
2/5/2008, 03:09 PM
you're posting from a hamper?

2/5/2008, 03:12 PM

2/5/2008, 03:13 PM
the board is acting a little funny, hit your zoom in and you will get the scroll bar. I don't think the mods are jacking with you.

stoops the eternal pimp
2/5/2008, 03:23 PM
Its McCain! He's messing with ya..

2/5/2008, 03:25 PM
McCain hates the quick reply.

2/5/2008, 03:31 PM
What's up, mods? Pls. send a PM re whether my posting is being hampered. Thanks, RLIMC
Note: Wanting to post, but scrolling bar not working, some(most) of the time.



2/5/2008, 03:34 PM
McCain gave me a kidney once.

I was there.

2/5/2008, 03:39 PM
McCain gave me a kidney once.

I was there.

Was it deep fried & covered in queso?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 03:56 PM
A resident SO computer guru has helped me correct the problem, I think.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
2/5/2008, 03:57 PM
Relax. Huckeby is projected to win West Virginia.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 03:59 PM
Relax. Huckeby is projected to win West Virginia.My, how happy I am to hear that uplifting news.

2/5/2008, 04:14 PM
My, how happy I am to hear that uplifting news.
Except, that's not good news.

They have a convention style primary, and Romney won the first round of balloting, but McCain pledged his delegates to Huckabee who then won. Huckabee wins are coming at the expense of Romney.

2/5/2008, 04:15 PM
Republican Mike Huckabee scored the first Super Tuesday victory, winning all 18 delegates at stake in West Virginia -- partially with the help of Sen. John McCain's backers.
Mike Huckabee came from behind to win in the second round of voting at the West Virginia GOP convention.

The former Arkansas governor won with the support of 52 percent of the state's GOP convention delegates on the second round of balloting. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney came in second with 47 percent of the vote, and Sen. John McCain was backed by 1 percent of the delegates.

From CNN.

2/5/2008, 04:23 PM
Bob Dole wrote to Rush Limbaugh: "I know that you have serious reservations about Senator McCain."

"McCain is a friend and I proudly wore his POW bracelet bearing his name while he was still a guest at the 'Hanoi Hilton.' I believe our major candidates are mainstream conservatives. ... Whoever wins the Republican nomination will need your enthusiastic support," Dole wrote.

Asked about Dole's letter on the FOX News' "FOX & Friends" Tuesday, Mitt Romney, responded: "It's probably the last person I would have wanted write a letter for me.

2/5/2008, 04:27 PM
I love how you say that with such authority when you weren't there.

I WAS there. They WERE functional, for sale and very illegal.

they were probably Hollywood props, you know the kind they use in the movies.

2/5/2008, 05:09 PM
McCain helped Hillary shoot Vince Foster! McCain then took Hillary's secret files and kept them in the trunk of his Fiat.

Tear Down This Wall
2/5/2008, 05:09 PM
And here we are agreeing on something again. I'm a life long Republican raised in the strong conservative area of South Tulsa. I attended private Catholic schools in Tulsa and voted pretty consistently Republican for most of my life. Life long NRA member with both military and police in my family. Life long hunter/outdoorsman...

...and I agree with everything you just said about Gun Control...yet I also get accused of being a "dirty lib."

It's the knee-jerk reaction of the lock-step when you don't tow the line 100%. *shrug*

Good to hear. The media constantly embarasses the GOP by trotting out the idiots who want few if any restrictions on gun control.

The latest case for more restrictions is the kid from Maryland who took his dad's gun and blew his family away.

And, then, there's the kid who shot up a bunch of people in Nebraska over Christmas with his dad (stepdad's) gun.

I'm to the point where I think a person whose gun is stolen by a fellow family member and used to commit a crime should be charged as an accomplice to the crime. Maybe then the stupid rednecks would lock up their guns.

Eh...probably not. But, it would be nice to see the supposed "responsible" gun owners who don't lock up their firearms be held responsible for the crimes their kids commit.

Tear Down This Wall
2/5/2008, 05:14 PM
Except, that's not good news.

They have a convention style primary, and Romney won the first round of balloting, but McCain pledged his delegates to Huckabee who then won. Huckabee wins are coming at the expense of Romney.

Robot-ney's lack of personality and past support of abortion is what's is hampering Robot-ney. McCain and Huckabee can actually carry on coversations with people other than country clubbers. And, they've always been pro-life.

Anyway, buh-bye, Robot-ney. You can go back to spending your daddy's money and openly supporting abortion again.


2/5/2008, 05:21 PM
Romney is a greasy car salesman.

2/5/2008, 05:33 PM
Why would anyone want to buy a greasy car?

Harry Beanbag
2/5/2008, 05:38 PM
Somebody's ignore list is gonna be getting a little longer after this thread. :)

2/5/2008, 06:23 PM
what did Harry say?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 06:29 PM
Except, that's not good news.

They have a convention style primary, and Romney won the first round of balloting, but McCain pledged his delegates to Huckabee who then won. Huckabee wins are coming at the expense of Romney.I know that. McCain was a distant third in that first round of balloting. Dontcha know we should all be party loyalists and happily vote for McCain if he wins the nomination...Har!

2/5/2008, 06:37 PM
RLIMC, quit fagging up our very illegal hand grenade thread.

2/5/2008, 06:42 PM
I think I'm going to Riverside, I want to buy a fully functional and operational, illegal Battle Star.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 06:44 PM
McCain helped Hillary shoot Vince Foster! McCain then took Hillary's secret files and kept them in the trunk of his Fiat.Not too long ago, McCain publicly said he thought Hellery would be a good president. She will get her chance.

2/5/2008, 06:52 PM
I started the day out believing that I was going to vote for the liberal from Arizona.

After that little stunt he pulled in W Virginia, I actually voted for the liberal from Massachussettes.

2/5/2008, 06:56 PM
Good to hear. The media constantly embarasses the GOP by trotting out the idiots who want few if any restrictions on gun control.

The latest case for more restrictions is the kid from Maryland who took his dad's gun and blew his family away.

And, then, there's the kid who shot up a bunch of people in Nebraska over Christmas with his dad (stepdad's) gun.

I'm to the point where I think a person whose gun is stolen by a fellow family member and used to commit a crime should be charged as an accomplice to the crime. Maybe then the stupid rednecks would lock up their guns.

Eh...probably not. But, it would be nice to see the supposed "responsible" gun owners who don't lock up their firearms be held responsible for the crimes their kids commit.

I am for guns- it is a constitutional right- period

I am also for Dogs- and if my dog broke loose and ate someone I would be responsible... so I agree keep the guns in safe keeping but don't take them away because of it.

jk the sooner fan
2/5/2008, 06:56 PM
Romney gets my vote

Harry Beanbag
2/5/2008, 07:06 PM
I think I'm going to Riverside, I want to buy a fully functional and operational, illegal Battle Star.

I bought one of those at a gun show in Beverly Hills a few years back, it was just out in the open. It was fun for awhile but I got bored with it.

2/5/2008, 07:06 PM
Guh. I guess I'm going Huckabee. I've put it off all day. Maybe if I wait until 7 another candidate will surface.

2/5/2008, 07:14 PM
I've seen beer, knives, cheap trinkets, ammo, swords, helmets, clothes and gear, C-rats, LRPS, MREs, jewelry, baseball cards, hunting club memberships, shooting club memberships, guide services, hunting leases, rifles, handguns, shotguns, cane guns, and a few other choice little "guns," but the next time I see a real bazooka, hand grenade, or M-60 for sale will be the first.

You forgot about the beef jerky

2/5/2008, 07:28 PM
Did you flunk out of history class? You have to disarm people before you take their stuff and give it to others, or worse.

There's a flip side to that though. Remember, it was the well armed "people" who eventually led to the establishment of the USSR and the PRC.

A well armed populace can deter government misbehavior, but you better make sure that the situation is such that the populace is never "triggered." Revolutions that turn out well are damned rare.

Lemme tell ya...if you need a grrr-nade to kill a Mule deer...you need to work on your shot. (but good on ya for your stalking skills) :D

That's one of my pet peeves. If you can hunt game with it, you can hunt people too. Let's quit kidding ourselves on that front.

2/5/2008, 07:41 PM
Hold on now. I've been to a TON of gun shows. Hundreds. Maybe even thousands. I know a lot of vendors who are licensed to possess/sell automatic weapons. However, I have never seen a shoulder-fired rocket launcher (bazooka) or other outright illegal weapons openly for sale. Or even unopenly for sale.

I've seen beer, knives, cheap trinkets, ammo, swords, helmets, clothes and gear, C-rats, LRPS, MREs, jewelry, baseball cards, hunting club memberships, shooting club memberships, guide services, hunting leases, rifles, handguns, shotguns, cane guns, and a few other choice little "guns," but the next time I see a real bazooka, hand grenade, or M-60 for sale will be the first.
Dude...I'm just sayin'...I've been going to them all my life (dad started taking me to all the ones in OK and TX when I was a whippersnapper) and I never saw them there, but out here... Lemme just say that no matter HOW much "the Left" tries to stereotype people from OK and TX as being rednecks...I've never seen ANY there who compare to the psycopathic meth lab running rednecks out here in Riverside and Bakersfield and Barstow.

And it was a Bazooka, not one of those 4 rocket box shaped ones like the black chick fired in Commando (not sure what those are called).

I even had a friend buy a 50 caliber fully automatic on a tripod with live ammo at a gun show (he was a war vet from WW2, God rest his soul). He bolted it to the bed of his F-350 and used to fire it at broked down cars out on his ranch. But this was in Salisaw, OK. (that thing was so much freakin' fun to shoot :D)

2/5/2008, 07:42 PM
Maybe LAS was shopping in Tijuana? Only when I need specially trained Donkeys. ;)

(and by that I don't mean Hillary Clinton with MaD sKiLlzz!)

2/5/2008, 07:44 PM
I call BS. When? Where? The great LAS, smooth Hollywood insider ,at a common redneck gun show?
Shows how little you know about me. *shrug*

2/5/2008, 07:48 PM
nope. You did not see live grenades for sale at a gun show.

2/5/2008, 07:51 PM
Okay...I'm off to vote for McCain.

We should probably start an official RLIMC meltdown thread for later tonight. :D

2/5/2008, 08:12 PM
I scored one of these off Craigslist.


2/5/2008, 08:13 PM
Man, I forgot about Alan Keyes. SUCK IT, HUCKABEE!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2008, 08:34 PM
I contend he most definitely would, with lots of democrat money at his disposal. It would GUARANTEE the White House for the democrats.

2/5/2008, 08:35 PM
I am so moving to Canada!

2/5/2008, 08:37 PM
Man I havnt read Much of any of this Political stuff . But It makes Me feel good that you would donate and help Mcain out
You sir are a Fine american .