View Full Version : DB Cooper's loot for sale

2/3/2008, 12:08 PM

Interesting to note that the guy put a $20 on ebay and bids got up to $4200 but it wasn't acceptable to him; i would have sold that in a heartbeat.

2/3/2008, 12:24 PM
I'm still amazed that they continue to call DB's stunt "The Perfect Crime" when most anyone who knows anything about Skydiving and Jets will tell you he probably died. Even if he lived he only made off with $195,000.

That's not really that much dough.

I'd venture to say that DB died and the $5,000 is all that's left.

Perfect Crime?

Not IMO.

2/3/2008, 12:43 PM
I've been fascinated with that case since I was a kid. I always considered the idea that he got away with part/most of the loot... ...right up until I read that story this morning. According to one of the FBI agents they quoted, the money the kid found must have been in the duffel up until within a year or so of the find, or it would have decomposed further. The rest probably washed out to sea.

All of the circumstances of the find point to the duffel being ripped off of "Cooper" in the air. Whether he survived or not, I don't think he got to spend his loot.

2/3/2008, 12:46 PM
I think he died but it is interesting

2/3/2008, 12:47 PM
I think DB stands for dumb butt.


Jimminy Crimson
2/3/2008, 01:18 PM

2/3/2008, 01:37 PM
DB Cooper is alive and well outside of Wister Oklahoma.