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1/26/2008, 06:24 AM
Do we want men rolling around on a mattress together or Football Championships? (http://www.orangepower.com/showthread.php?t=47810)

1/26/2008, 06:41 AM
I participated in both football and wrestling while in HS. I went on to play CFB.

OSU is to wrestling as OU is to football!

Simply the best.

I want the most championships as possible, but there is no more envious wrestling program in the nation than OSU.

This is including our 7 wrestling titles.

1/26/2008, 07:33 AM
They just can't be honest when this question arises. Anyone who says they would not trade wrasslin titles for titles in football is simply in denial. Why are they so consumed with envy of OU's football titles if they are so proud of those wrasslin titles?
You gotta hand it to them, they discovered the perfect recipe for having success at a sport: Put all your energy in a sport that only THREE (that's right, 3) other conference schools participate in. Your chances for success go way up when you only compete with three other schools in your conference, don't you think? Not to mention only 87 D-1 schools have wrestling programs.
Most schools don't have wrestling because it's a non-revenue sport and there simply isn't any fan interest in it. Considering osu's football attendance, I wouldn't be surprised if wrestling carries the football program. how sad:P

1/26/2008, 11:15 AM
Our wrestling program is a dynasty that is unmatched by anything else in sports.

If osu wins a wrestling championship in the forest, but no one is around to know about it, can you still brag?
Apparently so.

1/26/2008, 12:51 PM
They are a bunch of liars over there. If they take out the emotional hit to all their former wrestlers over there, they would be crawling all over each other to trade. If nothing more than to wag it under our noses. Their envy of OU is a mountain no man can climb.

1/26/2008, 01:52 PM
Give it a few years, the NCAA won't sanction wrestling anymore. Not enough interest.

NYC Poke
1/26/2008, 02:07 PM
Weren't a lot of wrestling programs Title IX casualties?

hOlden caUlfield...
1/26/2008, 02:55 PM

1/26/2008, 03:13 PM
If osu wins a wrestling championship in the forest, but no one is around to know about it, can you still brag?
Apparently so.I bet they draw more fans in Gilligan Ibland arena for wrasslin' than in T Bogger Pickens stadium for football.

1/26/2008, 03:29 PM
They just can't be honest when this question arises. Anyone who says they would not trade wrasslin titles for titles in football is simply in denial.

You are 100% wrong. There are many OSU wrestling fans love their titles waaaay as much or more than we love our football titles. My father is one of them (has been for years). There are a lot like him. He also cares about OSU football more than most Sooners care about our wrestling tradition. But there is no question he likes wrestling way more. And I know a lot like him.

Are there some OSU wrestling "fans" who claim to love wrestling more than football but who couldn't tell you who Kenny Monday, or Thomas Landrum or LeeRoy Smith are? Sure. But you are completely wrong about putting everyone in that category. Most real OSU wrestling fans are like this, and there are many. You know the exceptions to the rule, or you know faux wrestling fans. Trust me...I graduated from both OSU and OU...I've got waaaay more first-hand knowledge on this than you.

You gotta hand it to them, they discovered the perfect recipe for having success at a sport: Put all your energy in a sport that only THREE (that's right, 3) other conference schools participate in. Your chances for success go way up when you only compete with three other schools in your conference, don't you think? Not to mention only 87 D-1 schools have wrestling programs.

Again, you're as wrong as two boys kissing. I'm not sure if you just like looking stupid to try to make a point that you don't like OSU, or if you just like looking stupid. You should just say "I hate OSU" and be done with it. Just some little advice.

Four other conference schools participate in wrestling. OSU makes the fifth. And out of those five teams, four are ranked in the top nine in the nation. The fifth team, OU, is in the top 25. Not one sport you choose can lay claim to that kind of conference success. Not one. If you're going to pick a sport to be successful in, this would by far be the LEAST perfect recipe to try to be successful in.

And, combined with OSU, four of the top winninest teams at the NCAA tournament this decade are in the Big Twelve (OSU, OU, Iowa State, and Nebraska). And the fifth team, Missouri, placed second last year and is ranked high again. Again, not one sport can claim that kind of mastery by its conference members. Not even the Big Ten, which has 11 teams. Again, you couldn't pick a worse recipe for success.

Also, Colorado and Kansas State (and if I'm not mistaken, Kansas) had wrestling programs. That's three more teams that had wrestling programs when they decided on their recipe. No one from the SWC brought any wrestling teams to the table...that's because wrestling is still small potatoes in Texas compared to Oklahoma (although it is one of the fastest rising sports in Texas High Schools). So it is still all Big Eight teams representing our conference.

And while it's true thee are only 87 DI teams, there are only 117 DI teams in football. About one fifth more. Statistically, not that much of a difference.

Most schools don't have wrestling because it's a non-revenue sport and there simply isn't any fan interest in it. Considering osu's football attendance, I wouldn't be surprised if wrestling carries the football program. how sad:P

It's also one of the cheapest sports to run. It's not necessarily from a lack of fan support because HS participation is at an all-time high. Stands to reason some of those kids would be interested in college wrestling as well.

Actually, Title IX killed of more programs than anything you've mentioned.

But how could OSU wrestling, a non-revenue producing sport, carry OSU football, especially if you claim there is no fan support for wrestling?

Like I said, scream all you want about "I hate OSU". Won't bother me a bit. But at least be factual on stuff if you're going to post. One error looks like a mistake. As many errors as you posted makes it look ridiculous.

BTW, sign your neg.

1/26/2008, 04:38 PM

1/26/2008, 04:50 PM
lol, this is a moot question.

The only football NC they will ever have is a hypothetical one.

1/26/2008, 04:53 PM
You are 100% wrong. There are many OSU wrestling fans love their titles waaaay as much or more than we love our football titles. My father is one of them (has been for years). There are a lot like him. He also cares about OSU football more than most Sooners care about our wrestling tradition. But there is no question he likes wrestling way more. And I know a lot like him.

Are there some OSU wrestling "fans" who claim to love wrestling more than football but who couldn't tell you who Kenny Monday, or Thomas Landrum or LeeRoy Smith are? Sure. But you are completely wrong about putting everyone in that category. Most real OSU wrestling fans are like this, and there are many. You know the exceptions to the rule, or you know faux wrestling fans. Trust me...I graduated from both OSU and OU...I've got waaaay more first-hand knowledge on this than you.

Again, you're as wrong as two boys kissing. I'm not sure if you just like looking stupid to try to make a point that you don't like OSU, or if you just like looking stupid. You should just say "I hate OSU" and be done with it. Just some little advice.

Four other conference schools participate in wrestling. OSU makes the fifth. And out of those five teams, four are ranked in the top nine in the nation. The fifth team, OU, is in the top 25. Not one sport you choose can lay claim to that kind of conference success. Not one. If you're going to pick a sport to be successful in, this would by far be the LEAST perfect recipe to try to be successful in.

And, combined with OSU, four of the top winninest teams at the NCAA tournament this decade are in the Big Twelve (OSU, OU, Iowa State, and Nebraska). And the fifth team, Missouri, placed second last year and is ranked high again. Again, not one sport can claim that kind of mastery by its conference members. Not even the Big Ten, which has 11 teams. Again, you couldn't pick a worse recipe for success.

Also, Colorado and Kansas State (and if I'm not mistaken, Kansas) had wrestling programs. That's three more teams that had wrestling programs when they decided on their recipe. No one from the SWC brought any wrestling teams to the table...that's because wrestling is still small potatoes in Texas compared to Oklahoma (although it is one of the fastest rising sports in Texas High Schools). So it is still all Big Eight teams representing our conference.

And while it's true thee are only 87 DI teams, there are only 117 DI teams in football. About one fifth more. Statistically, not that much of a difference.

It's also one of the cheapest sports to run. It's not necessarily from a lack of fan support because HS participation is at an all-time high. Stands to reason some of those kids would be interested in college wrestling as well.

Actually, Title IX killed of more programs than anything you've mentioned.

But how could OSU wrestling, a non-revenue producing sport, carry OSU football, especially if you claim there is no fan support for wrestling?

Like I said, scream all you want about "I hate OSU". Won't bother me a bit. But at least be factual on stuff if you're going to post. One error looks like a mistake. As many errors as you posted makes it look ridiculous.

BTW, sign your neg.

I read about a sentence of this, but then I couldn't get over the image of two boys kissing ...on mats.... in orange singlets...or whatever they're called.

1/26/2008, 05:00 PM
They just can't be honest when this question arises. Anyone who says they would not trade wrasslin titles for titles in football is simply in denial. Why are they so consumed with envy of OU's football titles if they are so proud of those wrasslin titles?
You gotta hand it to them, they discovered the perfect recipe for having success at a sport: Put all your energy in a sport that only THREE (that's right, 3) other conference schools participate in. Your chances for success go way up when you only compete with three other schools in your conference, don't you think? Not to mention only 87 D-1 schools have wrestling programs.
Most schools don't have wrestling because it's a non-revenue sport and there simply isn't any fan interest in it. Considering osu's football attendance, I wouldn't be surprised if wrestling carries the football program. how sad:P

Iowa State

Seems to me, there are 4 other conference teams. :P

1/26/2008, 05:45 PM

There you go...THIS is how you express hatred for something.

You other guys take note. :D

Dan Thompson
1/26/2008, 05:47 PM
I can see why they need a bigger football stadium.

1/26/2008, 05:54 PM
They just can't be honest when this question arises. Anyone who says they would not trade wrasslin titles for titles in football is simply in denial.

Are you saying you'd trade any of OU's non-football championships? That's ****ty. All the other participants of all the other sports work just as hard as the football team. Their championships mean just as much to them and this school as any football championships. I have zero interest in watching wrestling or golf, for example, but I sure as hell wouldn't take anything away from their accomplishments. So are you an OU fan or just an OU football fan?

Newbomb Turk
1/26/2008, 06:33 PM
Are you saying you'd trade any of OU's non-football championships? That's ****ty. All the other participants of all the other sports work just as hard as the football team. Their championships mean just as much to them and this school as any football championships. I have zero interest in watching wrestling or golf, for example, but I sure as hell wouldn't take anything away from their accomplishments. So are you an OU fan or just an OU football fan?

I see your point and kinda agree with it.

but, are you just as happy with an OU gymnastics championship as an OU football championship?

1/26/2008, 06:39 PM
I'll answer that one for mdklatt...:D

I don't enjoy a NC in gymnastics (or any other sport) as much as I do winning it all in football.

And that's not denigrating any other program...I'm happy for their accomplishments and what it means to the University...I'm just more into football than gymnastics.

But I agree with him 100%...are you (not specifically you, Newbomb) an OU fan, or an OU football fan? I wish I had mdklatt's way with words.

Newbomb Turk
1/26/2008, 06:50 PM
But I agree with him 100%...are you (not specifically you, Newbomb) an OU fan, or an OU football fan? I wish I had mdklatt's way with words.

I understand completely.

I think it's pretty clear there are a whole bunch of OU football fans and many less OU fans.

Heck - just look at the football board right now vs. the basketball board. And what season is it?

1/26/2008, 06:56 PM
but, are you just as happy with an OU gymnastics championship as an OU football championship?

I would rather watch the football team win a championship than the gymnastics team, but I certainly wouldn't trade a gymnastics championship for a football championship after the fact.

It's silly of us to expect the sheep humpers to not be proud of their athletic tradition, even it it's not centered around football. For that matter, it's silly of us to dog them for being oSu fans. I was just as much an OU football fan in the 90s as I am now. Being a fan means being a fan through the bad times as well as the good. oSu football fans--all half a stadium's worth of them--should be applauded for their loyalty in the face of adversity. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to laugh at the Correctional Facility Orange retards, but the fact they are fans of their school is not one of them.

1/26/2008, 07:16 PM
I understand completely.

I think it's pretty clear there are a whole bunch of OU football fans and many less OU fans.

Heck - just look at the football board right now vs. the basketball board. And what season is it?Well, I can't get a damed OU basketball game on TV out here this year (mens or womens). I watch OU baseball and gymnastics whenever I can although I know nothing about gymnastics. I am proud of all of our athletes, but OU FOOTBALL has a special place in my heart and mind.:)

1/26/2008, 07:27 PM
And that's not denigrating any other program...I'm happy for their accomplishments and what it means to the University...I'm just more into football than gymnastics.

John, would you rather date a chick on the gymnastics team or a dude on the football team?

1/26/2008, 08:24 PM
I'd rather date a chick on the football team than a guy on the gymnastics team, especially if that girl is Kathy Ireland from Necessary Roughness...yowza. :D

Plus, if I dated a gymnastics girl, we'd have to call it gym"nasty"cs. ;)

Desert Sapper
1/26/2008, 09:05 PM
There's only one sport I would want a championship in more than football. And that's basketball. And it's only because we should have won a title in '88, got robbed, and have gotten no respect in NCAA Mens BBall since then.

1/28/2008, 01:52 AM
[QUOTE=Newbomb Turk]I understand completely.

I think it's pretty clear there are a whole bunch of OU football fans and many less OU fans.

Heck - just look at the football board right now vs. the basketball board. And what season is it?[/QUOTE Bingo

1/28/2008, 02:19 PM
I wish we would ditch the wrestling program here and start up a men's soccer team.

1/28/2008, 02:32 PM
There's only one sport I would want a championship in more than football. And that's basketball. And it's only because we should have won a title in '88, got robbed, and have gotten no respect in NCAA Mens BBall since then.Yup, they let Danny Manning be a thug under the boards.

1/28/2008, 06:15 PM
There's only one sport I would want a championship in more than football. And that's basketball. And it's only because we should have won a title in '88, got robbed, and have gotten no respect in NCAA Mens BBall since then.

Too true. And they've actually looked good this season.

1/28/2008, 08:26 PM
I'd trade any non-2000 national title in football for a men's basketball title.