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Chuck Bao
1/25/2008, 05:59 PM
I was interviewing some young kid today and as I was reading through his resume I noticed Norman Oklahoma. He’d gotten an electrical engineering degree from OU.

So, I yell at him: “Boomer…”

It scared him at first, I think, because he jumped. There was something cognitive working with this one because, after a slight pause, he yelled back at me: Sooner!!!

You guys are doing a good job training the padiwan learners, my thanks there.

Oh, he said his friends owned Pad Thai restaurant, so we were like talking food and football and those are my favorite things in life. I love the whole Thailand and Oklahoma connection.

My question is about your experiences in yelling Boomer and getting the Sooner return. Is that normal, or should I just hire this guy?

1/25/2008, 06:00 PM
did you hire him?

Chuck Bao
1/25/2008, 06:06 PM
It depends. You didn't answer my question about the ...Sooner yell back. Is that normal or should I hire this kid?

1/25/2008, 06:10 PM
for some reason i got a lot of "Boomer Sooner"s in Arizona

how are you supposed to respond to that?

oh and the new Padthai has kinda dropped off from the old one :(

1/25/2008, 06:11 PM

1/25/2008, 06:14 PM
normal, hire him.

1/25/2008, 06:55 PM
The most random place I ever got a response was in Iceland. This Icelandic d00d was wearing an OU cap in base ops at the NAS we have there. I called BOOMER and got a Nordic SOONER in return. Apparently years earlier, he had spent some time attending met. school in Norman.

And yes, the logo on his cap was the terminally ghey swoopy "OU" thingy from the eighties.:(

Did I mention, Iceland wimmen have the fewest "issues" of any wimmen in the western world? I think the barren terrain and culturally ingrained lack of regard for possessions/wealth is the key. Several of my crewmates informed me an Iceland chick will drink you under the table, do "whatever," and doesn't even care if she ever learns your name. Moreover, she'll get incensed if you ask hers.

Harry Beanbag
1/25/2008, 07:01 PM
Nothing is more disappointing than seeing some random person wearing a Sooner shirt or hat somewhere, giving them the proper "Boomer" greeting and either being totally ignored or get the response "What?".

I did get the proper response in Singapore once though. That was cool.

1/25/2008, 08:21 PM
Context Baby!

I wouldn't expect a "Boomer" in Bangkok or in an interview. He responded back to you - Hire him...

1/26/2008, 03:29 AM
Did I mention, Iceland wimmen have the fewest "issues" of any wimmen in the western world? I think the barren terrain and culturally ingrained lack of regard for possessions/wealth is the key. Several of my crewmates informed me an Iceland chick will drink you under the table, do "whatever," and doesn't even care if she ever learns your name. Moreover, she'll get incensed if you ask hers.

But the most important question is, are they hawt?

Frozen Sooner
1/26/2008, 03:40 AM
I'll generally give a spoken "Boomer" whenever I see someone up here with an OU hat. I get a "Sooner" back about 30% of the time.

1/26/2008, 03:50 AM
I yell BOOMER , If I dont get a SOONER back I salute with the a 1 finger salute
Just sayin

1/26/2008, 06:12 AM
But the most important question is, are they hawt?

You obviously haven't seen Iceland wimmen...

Yes for a short answer. Viking stock there.

1/26/2008, 06:19 AM
if they know what to do then you hire... even if they are shocked. I expect it is not a normal thing to have boomer shouted at you in an interview in Thailand. 2nd Icelandic women have to be able to drink they eat sleeper sharks for chrissake which are some of the most toxic animals on the planet besides large marine mammals.

Chuck Bao
1/26/2008, 04:08 PM
So what, it was unexpected. What better test is there to see if the guy can think on his feet?

And, this guy proved it by yelling back at me “Sooner”.

I may not hire him because he is over-qualified. He already has more qualifications than I have and I’ve been head of research for 20 years. The open position is for a junior stock market analyst and he already works with a rival broker as an analyst covering a major sector. My company is better and he’d get much more air time on the TV and radio, but I don’t have a sector open for him except small caps.

And, what’s with all the people with engineering degrees wanting to be stock market analysts? I’ve already got analysts with petroleum, electrical and civil engineering degrees and I’m paying more attention to candidates with specific sector degrees than I am to business majors. I can teach accounting, economics, stock market analysis, etc. I can’t teach about specific sectors.

My other concern is that Asians typically don’t get into the US college experience. In big universities, a lot stay within their own Asian community. The excessive drinking booze and sports and dating are pretty good indications of social abilities and abilities to adapt and excel.

A proven litmus test for me is if they’ve ever attended a football / basketball / baseball game. Hence, the whole Boomer…thing. With that being said, I could never, ever bring myself to do a “Hook’em” or “Gig’em” thing.

proud gonzo
1/26/2008, 04:43 PM
for some reason i got a lot of "Boomer Sooner"s in Arizona

how are you supposed to respond to that?

oh and the new Padthai has kinda dropped off from the old one :(I haven't been to the new one yet. I got carry-out from the old one the other day. It was still good, but a little different than usual.

Chuck Bao
1/26/2008, 06:07 PM
I took my family to Paad Thai when we went to the OU women's basketball game at the end of December.

The green curry was the best thing there, that I tried. My family really didn't appreciate it, but I did. it would have been better if they put green tomatos in the green curry.

1/26/2008, 06:07 PM
And, what’s with all the people with engineering degrees wanting to be stock market analysts?

Probably because they think that's where the money is now. I knew a lot of people who were majoring in engineering not because they liked it (or indeed had much natural ability for it) but because they wanted to make money. I couldn't even tell you how many times I heard "I hate math" from an engineering major.

Chuck Bao
1/27/2008, 01:15 AM
Probably because they think that's where the money is now. I knew a lot of people who were majoring in engineering not because they liked it (or indeed had much natural ability for it) but because they wanted to make money. I couldn't even tell you how many times I heard "I hate math" from an engineering major.

Let me be the first to tell the engineers. The money that was there ain't no more. They should have no illusions about bonuses or the such.

Royalfan may have the work to do in IB, but my company's IB - well, let's say that they had plenty of time to rehearse their dance numbers at the company annual party last friday. Them boys can dance. Maybe they have some fall back career.

1/27/2008, 02:08 AM
The most random place I ever got a response was in Iceland. This Icelandic d00d was wearing an OU cap in base ops at the NAS we have there. I called BOOMER and got a Nordic SOONER in return. Apparently years earlier, he had spent some time attending met. school in Norman.

I had a met. classmate from Iceland.

I got a "BOOMER!!!" from some girl in the middle of Times Square. It was teh awesome.:hot:

1/27/2008, 01:18 PM
I just thought this thread was about me. :(


Chuck Bao
1/27/2008, 03:50 PM
I just thought this thread was about me. :(

It could be...