View Full Version : Angostura bitters

1/19/2008, 11:05 PM
Does anyone even use this stuff anymore? I mean, it shows up in all kinds of old drink recipes, but I've never seen a bottle in a store.

1/19/2008, 11:09 PM
I've seen it you can buy at it in liquor stores. I want to say that I have even seen it at Homeland.

1/19/2008, 11:59 PM
You can't make a Manhattan without it!

LoyalFan's Manhattan:

One part Sweet (RED) vermouth to three or four (to taste) parts Maker's Mark Bourbon. Dash of Angostura (to taste), splash of juice from the Maraschino Cherry jar.
Place concoction in freezer for one hour, then serve in a frozen glass with coarsely crushed ice, add frozen Maraschino Cherry w/stem attached.
Consume, repeat... repate...perate...place lampshade on cranium...eptare...Go lie down with one foot on floor.

I make "hattans" and "tinis" in bulk and store in freezer. I also freeze cherries and olives, about an hour before drunkytime, as well as the glasses.

LoyalFan's Martini: 2 oz Tanqueray or Tanqueray Ten Gin (The super-premium stuff!), 1/2 tsp dry Vermouth, 1/2 tsp FRESH olive brine from the jar. (When brine gets sorta brown don't use it!) Shake with ice for 30 seconds, strain and store in freezer. Serve in frozen glass with frozen olive, impaled on Sterling Silver Olive Pick (I gots those, doesn't everyone?) straight up or with ice.
Consume...repeat...retape...run naked into the front yard and shout anti-Hillary slogans...tarpee...Go lie down, etc.
Great variations: Use one Tsp Sake in lieu of Vermouth, or a couple drops good Scotch instead.

For a real treat after a night of the above, get up at 0400 and go bassfishing on a HOT Summer day. Good times! Just nevAr consume alcohol when boating (or hunting).

I thenc i go lye doon naow.


King Crimson
1/20/2008, 12:08 AM
you can get it at liquor stores. a good digestive is the bitter and fresh lemon juice in a club soda.

1/20/2008, 12:58 AM
You can get it in most grocery stores. They keep it near the Rose's Lime.

Wait...that may just be out here where they sell liquor in the grocery store. Maybe you have to go to a liquor store out there.

And LF is absolutely correct...you CANNOT make a Manhattan properly without it.

1/20/2008, 09:34 AM
There is a bartender at Louie's Backyard in Key West that puts bitters in mojitos. They are the best mojitos I have had - evar! I think she uses Peychaud's (sp) Bitters though, instead of Angostura.

1/20/2008, 12:01 PM
Better than pepto, tums, rolaids, etc, is a plain old bitters & soda.
I'm an alka seltzer guy myself usually, but when I worked in restaurants and bars and drank more than I do these days it was usually my breakfast of choice.

"Aromatic" bitters.

1/20/2008, 03:51 PM
A 99% sure hiccup remedy:
1 or 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 6-12 drops of Angostura Bitters. Very reliable.

1/20/2008, 03:57 PM
All of GHP's straight razorin' has him trying to live in the nineteenth century. Next he'll be asking about absinthe and opium dens.

1/20/2008, 03:57 PM
It's :mack:'s favorite treatment when his clapper's stuck "on."

1/20/2008, 04:05 PM
Found some at Albertson's (or whatever the crap it's called now) today. Thought of this thread, combined with my love of Manhattans, and picked a bottle up.

1/20/2008, 04:08 PM
All of GHP's straight razorin' has him trying to live in the nineteenth century. Next he'll be asking about absinthe and opium dens.

No actually, I was trying to figure out something to do with my bottle of gin other than martinis. I kept running into bitters in the recipes.

1/20/2008, 04:10 PM
Here's a suggestion:

Unscrew cap
Pour down sink
Purchase bottle of vodkaYWIA.

Jimminy Crimson
1/20/2008, 04:26 PM
No actually, I was trying to figure out something to do with my bottle of gin other than martinis. I kept running into bitters in the recipes.

Uh, tonic? ;)

1/20/2008, 08:14 PM
Yeah, but jynnan tonnyx was too easy. ;)

And I'm not a huge gin fan, but vodka dosn't taste like anything. Bo-ring.

1/20/2008, 08:18 PM
...vodka dosn't taste like anything...
That's sorta the point. I can mix you a drink that I swear tastes like water. DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!!

1/20/2008, 08:23 PM
If I want a drink that tastes like water I'll drink some goddamn water.

Can you mix me a drink that tastes exactly like 30 year old scotch?


1/20/2008, 08:28 PM
Yep. First I start with a tumbler of Macallan...

1/20/2008, 08:36 PM