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View Full Version : George Martin's Journey for 911

1/19/2008, 01:09 PM
If you hadn't heard this before, former NY Giant star George Martin is in the middle of walking across America to raise funds for the families of fallen heroes from the 9/11 tragedy.

He recently passed through Oklahoma and is currently in Boonesville, AR on his way to Little Rock.

He is wearing one of my company's tracking devices so people can log in and see exactly where he is at all times. You can check it out for yourself here (http://www.slgps.com/journey911.htm).

We do live customer support for our product and this morning I came in to find this mesage "George: We are all so proud of you for what you are doing! Coach Cortese."

I thought that was pretty cool.

1/19/2008, 03:37 PM
Pretty sad when SicEm's Confederate heroes thread gets replies and a current one gets nada... :rolleyes:

Seriously though, does this thing work? Mic check! tap tap tap