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1/15/2008, 09:01 PM
Chris Brown had knee surgery where they placed more cartlidge in his knee. I'm sure he will be good to go when the season starts up.

Nick Harris is recovering from shoulder surgery.

Lastly, Murray's operation didn't go as well as planned. Apparently the damage done to his knee was worse than expected. There are even speculations that he might not start at the beginning of next year. I had a hard time swallowing that, but hopefully he will recover better than expected.

Dan Thompson
1/15/2008, 09:24 PM
Is there one hospital that the players have surgery or do they go home and have surgery near there homes?

1/15/2008, 09:53 PM
Auston English had minor shoulder surgery. May sit out the spring.

Watch Me Stride
1/15/2008, 09:55 PM
If we can finish reeling in Calhoun, then hopefully he can step up to the task.

1/15/2008, 11:09 PM
Bummer on Murray. That seemed to be the most "nothing" way to get an injury from what I could see of it.

1/15/2008, 11:49 PM
Hopefully by game time DM will be ready. It's only January.

1/16/2008, 12:07 AM
How do you know all of this? Isn't injury information supposed to be confidential, or Stoops is supposed to say it, something like that?

NTTAWWT, just sayin'... we've had some pretty 'wild' rumors on here before.

1/16/2008, 12:31 AM
How do you know all of this? Isn't injury information supposed to be confidential, or Stoops is supposed to say it, something like that?

NTTAWWT, just sayin'... we've had some pretty 'wild' rumors on here before.
that's what I was thinking

1/16/2008, 12:57 AM
me too....

1/16/2008, 01:06 AM
I also heard Malcom Kelly was set to give me another kidney. Take that FWIW.

Frozen Sooner
1/16/2008, 01:37 AM
I also heard Malcom Kelly was set to give me another kidney. Take that FWIW.

Gawd love him.

Crucifax Autumn
1/16/2008, 01:49 AM
Word here in Vegas, according to Demarco's former teammate's girlfrind's uncle, a source close to the family says that an orderly at the hospital heard a doctor say that the operation was a total success, including the bionic implants.

1/16/2008, 02:15 AM
he didn't look very good at 31 Flavors last night, that's for sure

1/16/2008, 02:31 AM
Madu is an exciting player who has a chance to step up and compete, if DM is slow to recover.

Between Calhoun and Justin Johnson, we'll have another contributor for sure.

DM is a playa fo sho. but i'm not worried, here. the D is the big problem. i'm stunned that smith and lofton both are leaving. DB is looking dern thin to me.

1/16/2008, 09:59 AM
Well, I know Stoops wants the best people on Special Teams, but dang, Murray? Last kick off of the game or such and he injures the knee on a no nothing kick off, not even a run. I'm not so sure about that call...Then to get really messed up. I sure hope he has a quick recovery and can run with power soon.

1/16/2008, 10:33 AM
if by "no nothing kick off" you mean "onside kick attempt"

we were still trying to win that game... and he was trying to recover

1/16/2008, 10:45 AM
if by "no nothing kick off" you mean "onside kick attempt"

we were still trying to win that game... and he was trying to recover
To be honest, I was also surprised to see him out there on that play. If it were a return to win the game, then I would understand. An on sides kick is relative to a cluster**** and guys get hammered all the time on those. I disagree with having your best offensive weapon on the field for that.

1/16/2008, 11:01 AM
if by "no nothing kick off" you mean "onside kick attempt"

we were still trying to win that game... and he was trying to recover

I thought he was away from the play...

My pneumonia induced fog caused me to have foggy memeories...

1/16/2008, 11:17 AM
To be honest, I was also surprised to see him out there on that play. If it were a return to win the game, then I would understand. An on sides kick is relative to a cluster**** and guys get hammered all the time on those. I disagree with having your best offensive weapon on the field for that.

appears he was on the "hands team"

he wasn't even a starter... it's not that strange IMO

not that i'm downplaying his injury, or the impact, but it's not that strange that he was in on the play

1/16/2008, 11:21 AM
I know that it is damn near impossible to grow grass in Lubbock but they really need to get rid of that carpet they call a field. That field is like playing on a sidewalk.

1/16/2008, 11:31 AM
Can you advance a recovered onside kick?

If so, then DM with his homerun ability is not a bad choice in that situation.

If not then...

Milk was a bad choice

1/16/2008, 11:43 AM
If I understand the rules correctly, any kick that goes for more than ten yeards is a "live" ball and recoverable by anyone. You can advance a recovered kick off. The nature of an onside kick usually means that people are scrambling on the turf or carpet to recover the ball. But if you were standing up and not surrounded, you could run the ball...

Is TT the new Mizzou with terrible turf?

1/16/2008, 11:56 AM
appears he was on the "hands team"

he wasn't even a starter... it's not that strange IMO

not that i'm downplaying his injury, or the impact, but it's not that strange that he was in on the play
I never noticed him on any other kickoff teams. Return? of course.

1/16/2008, 11:58 AM
Chris Brown had knee surgery where they placed more cartlidge in his knee. I'm sure he will be good to go when the season starts up.

Nick Harris is recovering from shoulder surgery.

Lastly, Murray's operation didn't go as well as planned. Apparently the damage done to his knee was worse than expected. There are even speculations that he might not start at the beginning of next year. I had a hard time swallowing that, but hopefully he will recover better than expected.

Damn, Soonermagik do you ever have good news? First, Lofton then this. At least this wasn't vague innuendo.

1/16/2008, 12:16 PM
How do you know all of this? Isn't injury information supposed to be confidential, or Stoops is supposed to say it, something like that?

NTTAWWT, just sayin'... we've had some pretty 'wild' rumors on here before.

I know several players, and even I was shocked to find out that Brown was having cartlidge put in his knee. It worries me about depth at running back. We lost Gute and Patrick, and now Murray's injury seems to be fairly serious. Not to mention, I hope Chris Brown is ready to go due to his surgery. I am hopeful that all will be okay since it is only January. Knee injuries just really worry me because some guys are never the same afterwards. :(

We do have a few new recruits coming in that look promising. :)

1/16/2008, 12:24 PM
If I understand the rules correctly, any kick that goes for more than ten yeards is a "live" ball and recoverable by anyone. You can advance a recovered kick off. The nature of an onside kick usually means that people are scrambling on the turf or carpet to recover the ball. But if you were standing up and not surrounded, you could run the ball...

Is TT the new Mizzou with terrible turf?

OU ran one for a TD when I was a kid against ISU, a WR named Chris Cabbiness.

1/16/2008, 12:25 PM
I know several player's, jock scent

fixed :D :D :D :D :D

1/16/2008, 12:50 PM
fixed :D :D :D :D :D

Why you little...... #$*% :D

1/16/2008, 01:50 PM
Can you advance a recovered onside kick?
Contrary to what others have said, I actually think that you cannot advance a recovered onside kick.

"Free Kick Caught or Recovered
ARTICLE 6. a. If a free kick is caught or recovered by a player of the
receiving team, the ball continues in play (Exceptions: Rules 4-1-3-g, 6-1-7,
and 6-5-1 and 2). If caught or recovered by a player of the kicking team, the
ball becomes dead (A.R. 4-1-3-II and A.R. 6-1-6-I)."


1/16/2008, 02:06 PM
I guess I wasn't clear. The receiving team can advance the ball, the kicking team can recover, but not advance.

Gee, Thanks OKC-SLC for going and looking up stuff...;)

1/16/2008, 02:13 PM
Gee, Thanks OKC-SLC for going and looking up stuff...;)
heh...i actually looked it up b/c I thought I'd had it wrong.

Murray was just on the onside because he's on the hands team. If the coaches feel that his being there gives us a better chance to recover the kick, he sure as hell better be in there. Our chance to play for NC was on the line in that game.

1/16/2008, 02:18 PM

Curly Bill
1/16/2008, 03:13 PM
I know that it is damn near impossible to grow grass in Lubbock but they really need to get rid of that carpet they call a field. That field is like playing on a sidewalk.

TT now has FieldTurf, which is not the same as the old carpet/turf they used to play on, and in fact is the turf of choice for those that don't go the natural grass route.

1/16/2008, 03:19 PM
TT now has FieldTurf, which is not the same as the old carpet/turf they used to play on, and in fact is the turf of choice for those that don't go the natural grass route.

You know I didn't even realize they had made the change and apparently they've had it for 2 seasons now... Thats sad.

Curly Bill
1/16/2008, 03:26 PM
You know I didn't even realize they had made the change and apparently they've had it for 2 seasons now... Thats sad.

This came up right after the game and someone else pointed it out. I looked it up to be sure. ;)

1/16/2008, 03:46 PM
Chris Brown had knee surgery where they placed more cartlidge in his knee. I'm sure he will be good to go when the season starts up.

Nick Harris is recovering from shoulder surgery.

Lastly, Murray's operation didn't go as well as planned. Apparently the damage done to his knee was worse than expected. There are even speculations that he might not start at the beginning of next year. I had a hard time swallowing that, but hopefully he will recover better than expected.

Maybe I'm dense, but I did not know ortho surgery had advanced to the point where they could "place cartilidge in" someone's knee? They make some synthetic stuff Synvisc that they can stick in there, but it doesn't work that well and is only a temporary fix. They can also do a condroplasia (sp) on the cartilidge to clean it up some and make the surfaces smooth, but I did not know you could put cartilidge in there? :confused:

1/16/2008, 03:51 PM
Maybe I'm dense, but I did not know ortho surgery had advanced to the point where they could "place cartilidge in" someone's knee? They make some synthetic stuff Synvisc that they can stick in there, but it doesn't work that well and is only a temporary fix. They can also do a condroplasia (sp) on the cartilidge to clean it up some and make the surfaces smooth, but I did not know you could put cartilidge in there? :confused:

I have severe knee damage after 25+ years of using a nonrepaired ACL damaged knee. My doc was talking of using chicken cartilidge, i.e. chicken combs to inject in the knee to forstall a knee replacement. I wonder if that is what they were talking about.

1/16/2008, 05:48 PM
I have severe knee damage after 25+ years of using a nonrepaired ACL damaged knee. My doc was talking of using chicken cartilidge, i.e. chicken combs to inject in the knee to forstall a knee replacement. I wonder if that is what they were talking about.

Could very well be. His knees have been bothering him for quite awhile and this is "supposed to fix it.

1/16/2008, 05:56 PM
Contrary to what others have said, I actually think that you cannot advance a recovered onside kick.

"Free Kick Caught or Recovered
ARTICLE 6. a. If a free kick is caught or recovered by a player of the
receiving team, the ball continues in play (Exceptions: Rules 4-1-3-g, 6-1-7,
and 6-5-1 and 2). If caught or recovered by a player of the kicking team, the
ball becomes dead (A.R. 4-1-3-II and A.R. 6-1-6-I)."


Isn't a "Free Kick" the kick after a safety?

1/16/2008, 06:00 PM
Looking through that book though on scrimmage kicks -

ARTICLE 6. a. If a player of the kicking team catches or recovers a scrimmage kick that has crossed the neutral zone, the ball becomes dead.

So, either a free kick or scrimmage kick, the kicking team cannot advance.

1/17/2008, 01:31 AM
Hale said today that DeMarco and Tennell were "healing fantastically."

Now, I'm not one to call you a liar, and I'm not one to buy everything I hear on the Sports Animal, but it IS the off-season, so Hale would have no reason to sugar-coat if there was any bad news concerning the two.

1/17/2008, 12:13 PM
And you also have to take what Hale says with a grain of salt.

He tends to overembellish a bit. When he says something like 'fantastically', taking it to mean 'well'.

stoops the eternal pimp
1/17/2008, 12:16 PM
James Hale on McDonalds: " I went in not really knowing what to expect but the Double Cheeseburger was Fantastic! Maybe of the 5 greatest meals I have ever eaten!"

Frozen Sooner
1/17/2008, 12:47 PM
James Hale on McDonalds: " I went in not really knowing what to expect but the Double Cheeseburger was Fantastic! Maybe of the 5 greatest meals I have ever eaten!"

"Double Cheeseburger is definitely an OU lean. Don't listen to what he's saying in interviews."

Animal Mother
1/17/2008, 01:05 PM
I have severe knee damage after 25+ years of using a nonrepaired ACL damaged knee. My doc was talking of using chicken cartilidge, i.e. chicken combs to inject in the knee to forstall a knee replacement. I wonder if that is what they were talking about.

I had both my knees scoped in a three year period due to not taking care of weekend warrior injuries and you just made me do a full facial cringe between the ACL statement and the thought of Mcnuggets implanted in my knees. Why that bothers me,since I have a 10 inch piece of Gortex holding my abdominal muscles together since 2002, eludes me at this time. Vicodin CAN be your friend when the surgical incision has to be held together with stitches AND staples.

1/17/2008, 01:15 PM
Can you advance a recovered onside kick?

If so, then DM with his homerun ability is not a bad choice in that situation.

If not then...

Milk was a bad choice

When we played at A&M in 2004 we kicked off either late 2nd quarter or early 2nd half. Their return guy didn't touch it, hoping the ball would go out of bounds. We picked it up and returned it about 10 yards for a td. Would think the same thing could happen on an onside.

1/17/2008, 02:01 PM
Hale said today that DeMarco and Tennell were "healing fantastically."

Now, I'm not one to call you a liar, and I'm not one to buy everything I hear on the Sports Animal, but it IS the off-season, so Hale would have no reason to sugar-coat if there was any bad news concerning the two.

You really think Murray would let it get out that his knee is worse than they had originally thought? James Hale has never said one negative thing about the University or its players.

I'm sure I will know more as the season gets closer. We really need Murray and brown both to be 100% next year if we are going to make a legit title run.

Salt City Sooner
1/17/2008, 02:11 PM
When we played at A&M in 2004 we kicked off either late 2nd quarter or early 2nd half. Their return guy didn't touch it, hoping the ball would go out of bounds. We picked it up and returned it about 10 yards for a td. Would think the same thing could happen on an onside.
An onside kick can't be returned by the kicking team, per page 89 of the NCAA rulebook. As for A&M '04, we didn't return that one (it was the 2nd half kickoff, FWIW). Cade recovered it at the 10, AD ran for a yard loss, & then White hit Bradley for the 11 yd. TD to tie the game at 28.

1/17/2008, 02:15 PM
I had both my knees scoped in a three year period due to not taking care of weekend warrior injuries and you just made me do a full facial cringe between the ACL statement and the thought of Mcnuggets implanted in my knees. Why that bothers me,since I have a 10 inch piece of Gortex holding my abdominal muscles together since 2002, eludes me at this time. Vicodin CAN be your friend when the surgical incision has to be held together with stitches AND staples.

Well, luckily, I haven't progressed that far. A small dose of Celebrex and Glucosamine/Condroitin are working just fine for now.

1/17/2008, 02:17 PM
When we played at A&M in 2004 we kicked off either late 2nd quarter or early 2nd half. Their return guy didn't touch it, hoping the ball would go out of bounds. We picked it up and returned it about 10 yards for a td. Would think the same thing could happen on an onside.

we did not return it for a TD, we just recovered it. You can not advance a kickoff

1/17/2008, 05:19 PM
Chris Brown had knee surgery where they placed more cartlidge in his knee. I'm sure he will be good to go when the season starts up.

Nick Harris is recovering from shoulder surgery.

Lastly, Murray's operation didn't go as well as planned. Apparently the damage done to his knee was worse than expected. There are even speculations that he might not start at the beginning of next year. I had a hard time swallowing that, but hopefully he will recover better than expected.
Where do you read about the injury updates? Is there a link?

1/18/2008, 08:36 AM
I was told Chris Brown is having his knee scoped and cleaned out..nothing about placing cartilage...also dont know about Murray but do know Pooh is healing very well but will miss the spring practice and has been working on his upper body strength.