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1/13/2008, 11:36 PM
seen it? Saw the young star (Ellen Page) interviewed tonight. Amazingly well-grounded. Articulate and apparently very intelligent.

Movie is about a smart but quirky 16 y/o girl who decides to find out what secks is like with a boy in one of her classes, and, well...yep. One time was all it took. She then embarks on a plan to find the right adoptive parents in her town.

Funny scene from the trailer: her character is being upbraided by an adult for being out late by telling her her parents are probably worried about where she is. She replies, "Um no, I'm already pregnant, so what other shenanigans can I get into?"

oh yeah, its an indy film, so you can enjoy it while stickingitto the spolied arse cry baby writers now on strike in Hollywood.


1/13/2008, 11:53 PM
Does look kinda funny... but not worth going to a theater to see.

1/13/2008, 11:55 PM
Does look kinda funny... but not worth going to a theater to see.
Heh. I don't know about that - it's up for several awards.

Now, National Treasure 2 - there's a movie not worth paying to see.

1/14/2008, 12:04 AM
It looks good. I think it's also a pretty good message that the young girl is keeping the baby and adopting it out to good parents instead of running off to the nearest vacuum equipped clinic.

1/14/2008, 12:13 AM
Saw it.
Loved it.
Though when she tells the parents shes preggo, they react... remarkably... calm and VERY much unlike how Id imagine my parents would react.

Still its good, has some incredibly funny moments.

Frozen Sooner
1/14/2008, 12:14 AM
It looks good. I think it's also a pretty good message that the young girl is keeping the baby and adopting it out to good parents instead of running off to the nearest vacuum equipped clinic.

Yeah, I guess you haven't seen it.

1/14/2008, 12:15 AM
There's a thread about this already, but I'm way too lazy to search for it.
I went to see it against my will. I deal with teen pregnancy every freaking day at work, and really didn't see how the subject could make a good movie. However, I ended up enjoying it. I thought it was well done and really funny (I even liked the soundtrack enough to buy it--I think the soundtrack made c-p want to kill himself or something). I'd recommend the movie wholeheartedly.

1/14/2008, 12:21 AM
Yeah, I guess you haven't seen it.
Right. I said it 'looked good' not 'it was good.'

Did she end up aborting?

Frozen Sooner
1/14/2008, 12:29 AM
See, I figured you hadn't based on the fact that you got the plot almost exactly wrong. The first thing she does is go to an abortion clinic (though she can't go through with it) then it turns out the family she picks for the kid is actually lousy.

1/14/2008, 12:34 AM
See, I figured you hadn't based on the fact that you got the plot almost exactly wrong. The first thing she does is go to an abortion clinic (though she can't go through with it) then it turns out the family she picks for the kid is actually lousy.

Well, then what I said isn't exactly incorrect...she still didn't abort the kid and regardless of how lousy the parents are she still (presumably) made an attempt to find good ones.

Frozen Sooner
1/14/2008, 12:35 AM
I know, it was just funny, 'cause "running out to find the nearest vacuum-equipped clinic" is pretty much exactly what she did. :D

1/14/2008, 12:43 AM
I know, it was just funny, 'cause "running out to find the nearest vacuum-equipped clinic" is pretty much exactly what she did. :D
The dude that plays her boyfriend, sperm donor, or whathaveyou seems to have a personality that reminds me a lot of myself.

I like the guy. The chick though reminds me of Janeane Garofalo only attractive.

Frozen Sooner
1/14/2008, 12:45 AM
Michael Cera is greatness. And Jeanine Garafolo was pretty cute when she was on Seinfeld, I thought.

1/14/2008, 12:58 AM
(I even liked the soundtrack enough to buy it--I think the soundtrack made c-p want to kill himself or something).

here is the church, here is the steeple
we sure are cute for two ugly people
blah, blah, blah, blah....BANG!

for the record, i just gave the movie a meh. it was cute and funny in parts.

1/14/2008, 01:07 AM
REALLY good movie.

1/14/2008, 02:01 AM
Great movie, great message I thought! The fact that such a tiny detail as fingernails helped her in the decision was Great! Really funny as well!

1/14/2008, 02:03 AM
What about that new Godzilla movie "Cloverfield"...

That sounds pretty good. :D

1/14/2008, 09:44 AM
I came down somewhere between 'meh' and 'REALLY good movie'.

Parts were very funny, the kid that plays her boyfriend always cracks me up, and some parts were just ok.

1/14/2008, 09:58 AM
The dude that plays her boyfriend, sperm donor, or whathaveyou seems to have a personality that reminds me a lot of myself.

Except he got laid!

ba dum crash!!:texan:

sorry, hanging curve ball ...

The Maestro
1/14/2008, 11:18 AM
Go see Juno...that girl should win an Oscar for her role. She nailed it. Great lines throughout the movie...her dad and stepmom are great characters, too.

One of the best movies I have seen in a long time.

1/14/2008, 11:35 AM
It has George Michael and Michael Bluth in it... Its gotta be good.

1/14/2008, 03:01 PM
saw it. Liked it. at times to tried to be too whitty, but still a good flick. the sound track was awesome. If you like hippie folk music. Some great one-liners in the movie, great dialog.

1/14/2008, 03:59 PM
Go see Juno...that girl should win an Oscar for her role. She nailed it. Great lines throughout the movie...her dad and stepmom are great characters, too.

One of the best movies I have seen in a long time.

i'm not sure i'd go that far, but it's really good.

i think i liked Little Miss Sunshine better

the cast and the dialog are very good though.

1/14/2008, 10:49 PM

1/19/2008, 07:35 PM
:cool: http://video.supernovatube.com/play.php?viewkey=a3e988c2af215d4e544d

1/19/2008, 07:47 PM
Really liked it. Cleverly written. Girl had a great relationship with her father. But could still be a total b*tch. In some ways, very realistic. I mean, it goes out there & meets teens on their level.

A pro-life movie. At the end, she says regarding the adoption, "Well, it wasn't really our baby."

Girl had a lot of confidence. Wasn't afraid. Great grasp of reality.

I have teenage daughters, I want them to see it. Consequences play out.


1/19/2008, 09:13 PM
One of the old ladies on my bowling league came up to me, and the following conversation took place:

Old Lady: Have you seen that movie 'Juno'?
Me:I have! I actually just saw it last night! I really liked it...
Old Lady: My husband and I saw it a few days ago... you remind me a lot of of the lead girl in there...
Me: *smile and nod until she leaves*

What the craphell? I wanted to say, 'What?! 16 and pregnant?!'


1/19/2008, 09:17 PM
Melo, I was going to say that you reminded me of that girl. I think it's just that you look a little like her.

Not that you were a whore or anything.

1/19/2008, 09:26 PM
Melo, I was going to say that you reminded me of that girl. I think it's just that you look a little like her.

Not that you were a whore or anything.

Story of my life.
Though I would TOTALLY wear the crazy taco shirt that she had on when she talks to Beaker towards the end.

1/19/2008, 11:53 PM
Story of my life.
Though I would TOTALLY wear the crazy taco shirt that she had on when she talks to Beaker towards the end.
This movie is starting to lose all credibility....
