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View Full Version : I saw an amazing meteor on Saturday.

1/13/2008, 08:19 PM
And it was during the day. I was just about to takeoff from the Wichita Mid-continent airport around 11am when I looked up and saw what appeared to be several (7-10) contrails moving very fast from east to west. At first I thought it might have been a KC-135 refueling a flight of F-16 but, as I looked closer there were several contrails that were streaking in and out of view. Not to mention the whole mass was moving about Mach 40. It was probably just some P.O.S. Russian spacecraft.

proud gonzo
1/13/2008, 08:24 PM

1/13/2008, 08:42 PM
you've been hittin' the bottle again haven't you?

1/13/2008, 10:18 PM
you've been hittin' the bottle again haven't you?

Why yes. I'm a FO for Northwest Airlines. :D

1/13/2008, 10:27 PM
Why yes. I'm a FO for Northwest Airlines. :D
well That splains it .

1/13/2008, 11:04 PM
Recently discovered pic of Kabookie:


1/14/2008, 02:18 AM

1/14/2008, 09:54 AM
That was a meteor? :eek:

I was headed west for a kid b-ball game at 11:30 and almost wrecked when I saw that. It was moving too, went from horizon to horizon in just a few minutes. I thought it might be some kind of uppity person escort but the speed was incredible.

1/14/2008, 04:20 PM
This thread is worthless without pics....

1/14/2008, 04:55 PM
Sounds like some disintergrating space junk, esp. with the multiple contrails.

You know, the greatest entrepreneur will find someway to send up a robotic space craft to sweep orbits above earth to clear out the old junk and clear orbital pathways. Someway there has to be a way to charge people and make money to do that...

1/14/2008, 04:56 PM
Why yes. I'm a FO for Northwest Airlines. :D

Spek! It seems NWA does have its share of DWFs

1/14/2008, 05:26 PM
That was a meteor? :eek:

I was headed west for a kid b-ball game at 11:30 and almost wrecked when I saw that. It was moving too, went from horizon to horizon in just a few minutes. I thought it might be some kind of uppity person escort but the speed was incredible.

JohnnyMack are you listening? :D

Heh. I'm getting ready to submit a question to NASA about the 'UFO' over Kansas.

1/14/2008, 05:34 PM
JohnnyMack are you listening? :D

Heh. I'm getting ready to submit a question to NASA about the 'UFO' over Kansas.

you will be labeled a crazy idiot in that community if you do...oh wait, nevermind, you probably blew your cover along time ago. Proceed

1/14/2008, 05:47 PM
you will be labeled a crazy idiot in that community if you do...oh wait, nevermind, you probably blew your cover along time ago. Proceed

So you're saying I should submit my application? :D

Partial Qualifier
1/15/2008, 12:28 PM


STEPHENVILLE, Texas — In this farming community where nightfall usually brings clear, starry skies, residents are abuzz over reported sightings of what many believe is a UFO.
Several dozen people — including a pilot, county constable and business owners — insist they have seen a large silent object with bright lights flying low and fast. Some reported seeing fighter jets chasing it.

1/15/2008, 01:19 PM
Where's Mulder and the X-files when you need them...

1/15/2008, 01:27 PM
I was headed west for a kid b-ball game at 11:30 and almost wrecked when I saw that. It was moving too, went from horizon to horizon in just a few minutes.

How many horizons do you have in Wichitittay these days?

1/15/2008, 01:29 PM
Some guy in a black suit held up a wand and I saw a bright red light. I can't remember much of the incident now.

1/15/2008, 01:37 PM
That's no wand.

1/15/2008, 01:43 PM
How many horizons do you have in Wichitittay these days?

horizon smack? boooooo

1/15/2008, 01:44 PM
We have 7. 7 horizons.

1/15/2008, 01:46 PM
There's only one horizon, stupid.


1/15/2008, 01:46 PM
How many horizons do you have in Wichitittay these days?

It's the new tourism slogan for the Wichitit.

Wichitaaaaaa! It's as horizony as you think!