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Lott's Bandana
1/8/2008, 11:09 AM


Georgia president: Schools need to regain control of postseason
ESPN.com news services

Updated: January 8, 2008, 10:40 AM ET

The president of the University of Georgia is calling for an eight-team playoff system for college football's top division, saying the Bowl Championship Series -- which left Georgia out of its championship game -- has become a "beauty contest largely stage-managed by the networks."

In a public statement and a letter to NCAA president Myles Brand, Georgia president Michael F. Adams, who is also chairman of the NCAA executive committee, called for an eight-team playoff to decide the national championship, with the opening rounds to be played in the four major BCS bowl games. He proposed the change be made as soon as the contracts that govern the BCS expire.

Adams was scheduled to hold a news conference Tuesday afternoon to discuss the proposal. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution first reported that Adams would support a playoff.

"This year's experience with the BCS forces me to the conclusion that the current system has lost public confidence and simply does not work," Adams said in news release. "It is undercutting the sportsmanship and integrity of the game."

Georgia did not win its division of the Southeastern Conference and did not play in that league's title game, but was widely regarded as one of the best teams in the nation as the college football season closed. The Bulldogs went to the Sugar Bowl instead of the BCS Championship Game, where some beleived the team belonged.

Adams did not directly address that outcome in his letter or his statement. But he did claim that the BCS system suffered from built-in conflicts of interest involving the major sports conferences and the television networks.

Under his proposal, the schedule would return to 11 games from its current 12, with playoffs beginning at the major bowl games and extending two more Saturdays.

Under his proposal, a selection committee would seed eight teams to the four major bowls.

"If one of those bowls chooses not to participate, another game could be found to fill the void," he said.

Adams is the second SEC member president to advocate a playoff in the past year. Last year, University of Florida president James Bernard Machen -- whose Gators played in the BCS Championship Game and won the title -- said the time had come for a playoff system, but backed down from his position after conferring with his fellow SEC presidents.

Adams acknowledged that he has long opposed a playoff system, largely for academic reasons and because the season is already too long. However, he said in his letter to Brand that he was "troubled about the commercial influence over how the college football season is played out." He said it is time for the NCAA's member institutions to regain control over the college football postseason -- control he said is now concentrated in the hands of the television networks, the major conferences and the bowl commissioners.

"The television networks ... have grown too powerful in deciding who plays and when they play, and indeed, whom they hire to coach," Adams wrote in his letter to Brand. "The Bowl Championship Series has become a beauty contest largely stage-managed by the networks, which in turn protect the interests of their own partner conferences.

"The situation may not quite rise to the level of collusion, but it leaves an air of dissatisfaction with the fans of most institutions, even as they celebrate successful seasons," Adams wrote to Brand. "I believe the time has come for the NCAA to take control of the college football postseason, and in so doing to create a system that our players, coaches, friends and fans can support and appreciate."

"Colleges need to regain ownership of their football teams," Adams added in his letter to Brand. "While much has been made of the unique nature of the Football Bowl Subdivision [formerly Division I-A], the fact is that the networks and conferences exercise much more control over the football teams at this level then the institutions that sponsor them. Reorienting the national football championship is an important step in managing a model that benefits students, institutions and our constituents."

Adams said he would regret the football season extending into the spring semester, but noted that only four teams would be involved and before most schools return from the winter holiday break.

On Monday, Atlantic Coast Conference Commissioner John Swofford and SEC Commissioner Mike Slive said the ACC, SEC, Big East and Big 12 are open to a "plus-one" Final Four format in which the top four teams would be selected and seeded.

"In our conference, there's much more open-mindedness about the plus-one than there was two years ago. There's an interest in it ... and a willingness to discuss it in full," Swofford said.

The BCS is in the second of a four-year, $320 million contract with Fox that runs through the 2009 season and 2010 bowls. The BCS will begin negotiating with Fox on another deal in the fall. Fox has exclusive negotiating rights with the BCS.

The Football Championship Subdivision (formerly Division I-AA), Division II and Division III all have a postseason playoff.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this story.

"Emphasis" is mine. Brave soul making this statement and not likely refusing his cut from last night's game...

The Maestro
1/8/2008, 11:10 AM
Joe C. needs to call this guy right now and make it another OU-UGA team effort to make it happen. I want Joe C. at the forefront of this push.

1/8/2008, 11:17 AM

1/8/2008, 11:17 AM
Joe C. needs to call this guy right now and make it another OU-UGA team effort to make it happen. I want Joe C. at the forefront of this push.

Here, Here.:D

Lott's Bandana
1/8/2008, 11:18 AM
Joe C. needs to call this guy right now and make it another OU-UGA team effort to make it happen. I want Joe C. at the forefront of this push.

And David and Molly and :les: and [hairGel] and :lwm: !

1/8/2008, 11:21 AM
Let the revolution begin! :)

1/8/2008, 11:22 AM
Spek to UGa.

Desert Sapper
1/8/2008, 11:25 AM
Why are they so intent on having playoffs in bowl games rather than playoffs at the home of the higher seed? Where do you play the next two games? And the final?

I agree with 8 teams, but I'll have to disagree with the idea of playing the games in bowls two weeks earlier. That just seems silly. Have a real playoff with the 8 teams selected by a 'selection committee' (since that would gain popular support). Play the games at the home of the higher seed. Use the playoffs to determine the bowl matchups. It would maintain the pageantry and what not of the bowls, but have the integrity of playoffs.

NYC Poke
1/8/2008, 11:31 AM
Why are they so intent on having playoffs in bowl games rather than playoffs at the home of the higher seed? Where do you play the next two games? And the final?

I agree with 8 teams, but I'll have to disagree with the idea of playing the games in bowls two weeks earlier. That just seems silly. Have a real playoff with the 8 teams selected by a 'selection committee' (since that would gain popular support). Play the games at the home of the higher seed. Use the playoffs to determine the bowl matchups. It would maintain the pageantry and what not of the bowls, but have the integrity of playoffs.

I agree with this. How many fans are going to be able to come up with the time and money to travel to 3 bowl games? How many marriages will end because of this? Think of the children!

The Maestro
1/8/2008, 11:32 AM
I agree with this. How many fans are going to be able to come up with the time and money to travel to 3 bowl games? How many marriages will end because of this? Think of the children!

Not to worry. OSU families will be safe. ;)

Lott's Bandana
1/8/2008, 11:35 AM
Since I think we still have a TBD in September next year, let's have our playoff game then.

Get it over with.

1/8/2008, 11:39 AM
The season would not be as long if the NCAA were to require every team who wants to play in a bowl game and participate in the BCS be in a conference, and restructure every conference to have the same amount of teams. Cut out all the non conference games and make every conference play a conference championship game or nobody does.

Another thing that needs to happen is for some integrity and accountability to be made with these coaches votes. The bias demonstrated in cloaks of secrecy is showing up in the polls on a weekly basis. Every single vote should be made public the second those votes are placed. If they have some assistant making those decisions for them, that should be reflected by requiring that the assistants name to be attached/with the coaches name.

NYC Poke
1/8/2008, 11:45 AM
Not to worry. OSU families will be safe. ;)

I was speaking theoretically, of course.

Also, what Mama said. Mama the poster, not my Mom.

1/8/2008, 11:47 AM
Shouldn't the UGA President be worrying about academics and stuff???

1/8/2008, 11:48 AM
I can't wait to see this place after 4 first round exits in a row.

1/8/2008, 11:51 AM
Wasn't it UGA and OU that forced the NCAA to give up control of television coverage in the first place?

1/8/2008, 01:08 PM
Best news all day.

The more College Presidents like this speak up, the faster a playoff happens.

**** you Rose Bowl.

1/8/2008, 01:10 PM
And David and Molly and :les: and [hairGel] and :lwm: !

don't forget :mack:

1/8/2008, 01:15 PM
I can't wait to see this place after 4 first round exits in a row.

Why? I don't see it being any different than losing 4 straight BCS Bowl games.

People would still freak out regardless of when the season ended.

Lott's Bandana
1/8/2008, 01:26 PM
Wasn't it UGA and OU that forced the NCAA to give up control of television coverage in the first place?

Yup. Lawsuit took eleventybillion years to settle and resulted in teh CFA. Also interesting because OU and UGA have never played each other.

Unfortunately our head coach disagrees with UGA this time.

Desert Sapper
1/8/2008, 01:36 PM
I can't wait to see this place after 4 first round exits in a row.

Having the higher seed host the game would eliminate this problem AND make the regular season still count for something.

By the BCS,

#8 KU @ #1 tOSU
#7 USC @ #2 LSU
#6 Mizzou @ #3 Va Tech
#5 UGA @ #4 OU

Those look like some fun matchups.

1/8/2008, 01:43 PM
Best news all day.

The more College Presidents like this speak up, the faster a playoff happens.

**** you Rose Bowl.
and a big **** you to notre dame as well!!!!

1/8/2008, 01:46 PM
I can't wait to see this place after 4 first round exits in a row.

Kelvin Sampson thinks you should visit the archives of the Basketball Forum

Lott's Bandana
1/8/2008, 01:48 PM
Kelvin Sampson thinks you should visit the archives of the Basketball Forum

What? He called you too!


1/8/2008, 06:32 PM
Under his proposal, a selection committee would seed eight teams to the four major bowls.

"If one of those bowls chooses not to participate, another game could be found to fill the void," he said.

That was by far my favorite part of the article. I hope the other presidents don't leave this guy hanging. The Rose Bowl needs to understand that it's no longer indispensable. The Cotton will be GLAD to step in if the Rose Bowl is not willing to subrogate its interests to that of the sport, in general.

1/8/2008, 07:00 PM
"Georgia did not win its division of the Southeastern Conference and did not play in that league's title game, but was widely regarded as one of the best teams in the nation as the college football season closed."

This is kind of a lame argument. If you can't win your conference or play in the championship game - you don't deserve to be NC.
Unless you are willing to put the Cubs in the WS if they get hot for a week in September, I'm not buying this.
If Slaton and White weren't injured.
If Dixon at Oregon wasn't knocked out.
If Sam doesn't go down.
If our players don't suck wind in Colorado.
If wishes and buts..

Desert Sapper
1/8/2008, 08:53 PM
Unless you are willing to put the Cubs in the WS if they get hot for a week in September, I'm not buying this.

Hate to break it to you, but you don't have to win your Division to win the WS.

'97 Marlins
'02 Angels
'03 Marlins
'04 Bo Sox


'80 Raiders
'97 Broncos
'00 Ravens
'05 Steelers

I don't think anybody has complained about those teams being Wild Cards. They beat the best on the best's home field. That makes them the best that year. They earned it.

So, winning your conference should get you some form of benefit. Maybe, like every other sport, wild cards don't get homefield. It wouldn't change the seeding this year. The top 4 BCS are conference champs. It would still start with:

#8 KU @ #1 tOSU
#7 USC @ #2 LSU
#6 Mizzou @ #3 Va Tech
#5 UGA @ #4 OU

1/8/2008, 10:49 PM
Its only right to cut the regular schedule. To expect these guys to play 3 or 4 more games is stupid.

1/8/2008, 11:01 PM
I don't understand why people could possibly think a small playoff wouldn't work. If you're good enough, if you're truly the best, won't you beat whoever you play to get to the top of the ladder?

1/8/2008, 11:06 PM
That was by far my favorite part of the article. I hope the other presidents don't leave this guy hanging. The Rose Bowl needs to understand that it's no longer indispensable. The Cotton will be GLAD to step in if the Rose Bowl is not willing to subrogate its interests to that of the sport, in general.

The Cotton Bowl will soon be the nicest bowl game in college football, I don't see the BCS denying it in 2010 or whenever the renegotiate. And honestly, I don't see the Rose Bowl staying with the BCS unless they get over their selfishness. As stated by the UGA prez, the networks have about as big a hand in college football as logic, and FOX wants it all. ESPN decided their love for the BIG 10 and USC was more important than covering college football's biggest stage, F-them.

1/9/2008, 05:02 PM
"Hate to break it to you, but you don't have to win your Division to win the WS."

You do have to make the playoffs though.

Texas would complain and everyone else would complain about 3 Big XII teams especially Michigan and Illinois.

You have to excuse my oversight, when the Cubs get at all close, reason leaves us

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
1/9/2008, 05:33 PM
I can't wait to see this place after 4 first round exits in a row.Heh

Scott D
1/10/2008, 07:20 PM
What I'm curious about now is if Playoff proponents are now willing to wait until 2010 for their dream to potentially come true?