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1/4/2008, 04:38 PM
Coach Stoops said that he must "do some things differently" for the bowl game preparations. Any suggestions??

Here's a couple:
1) Drill the fundamentals - blocking, tackling, and taking care of the ball.
2) Make darn sure the team respects the oponent and just because they beat texass, doesn't mean jack in January.


1/4/2008, 04:54 PM

1/4/2008, 05:03 PM
Coach Stoops said that he must "do some things differently" for the bowl game preparations. Any suggestions??

Here's a couple:
1) Drill the fundamentals - blocking, tackling, and taking care of the ball.
2) Make darn sure the team respects the oponent and just because they beat texass, doesn't mean jack in January.


plain and simple, coach the defense yourself or go get auburn's DC

Rock Hard Corn Frog
1/4/2008, 05:04 PM
plain and simple, coach the defense yourself or go get auburn's DC

I suggest you replace your kneepads every 3000 miles...

Leroy Lizard
1/4/2008, 05:08 PM
1) Drill the fundamentals - blocking, tackling, and taking care of the ball.

I am quite sure they already do this.

1/4/2008, 05:22 PM
Im not sure how you would go about coaching Focus but that needs to be done hard core!!!

1/4/2008, 05:24 PM
Make sure all the player bring adequate clothing with them and have no need to shop(lift)

1/4/2008, 05:32 PM
Make sure all the player bring adequate clothing with them and have no need to shop(lift)

That brings up another point, get rid of every selfish person on this team. I am getting so sick and tired of players disrespecting the team and the university, if you cant have pride in The University Of Oklahoma over yourself, you dont deserve to be on the team. If Stoops cant find enough selfless guys in Texas then recruit every single 3 and 4 star guy out of Oklahoma. Atleast they would take pride in what Oklahoma stands for. Just look at WV, most of their players are from WV and you could tell they were proud of that!!!

1/4/2008, 05:38 PM
Not that Coach Stoops read this website or anything. But let's just pretend that he was taking suggestions on what he should do differently. :D

1. Your doing a great job you just need to change a couple of things.

2. Get rid of your Hollywood attitude and start spending more time in the meeting rooms and film rooms with your players like you used to do when you were a GA or Asst. Coach. Start getting dirty again w/ your players and coaches. Do that and the right attitude should follow and trickle down to the players on the field.

1/4/2008, 05:40 PM
Not that Coach Stoops read this website or anything. But let's just pretend that he was taking suggestions on what he should do differently. :D

1. Your doing a great job you just need to change a couple of things.

2. Get rid of your Hollywood attitude and start spending more time in the meeting rooms and film rooms with your players like you used to do when you were a GA or Asst. Coach. :confused: :rolleyes: Hollywood Bob? What?!

Start getting dirty again w/ your players and coaches. Do that and the right attitude should follow and trickle down to the players on the field.

what makes you think he doesnt, do you go to practices? I am one for suggestions and complaints but this is rediculous!

1/4/2008, 05:41 PM
Stop living off a reputation you got 8 years ago by beating Florida State. Do the things that made you one of the most respected coaches in college football. If you have to take a friend you've coached alongside for years and tell him he has to get things worked out or leave, do it. If you have to coach DB's yourself, do it. If you have to be the D-coordinator yourself, do it. It's your legacy Bob, if you care about what people across the country are saying about you, change it.

1/4/2008, 05:46 PM
Seriously, listen. Lou Holtz was saying why WVU current coach could be a bad hire, because the players so "happy" that they had more "freedom" during the preparation for the bowl game.
Maybe Bob Stoops needs to have less of a tight grip on the players, I don't know. It's just a suggestion.
I just know that Brent Venables needs to be gone.

1/4/2008, 05:51 PM
I am quite sure they already do this.

With Mike, there wasn't a more sure tackling team in the country. Without Mike, the tackling has become very sloppy and defensive busts are rampant.

Just sayin'


1/4/2008, 05:55 PM
Seriously, listen. Lou Holtz was saying why WVU current coach could be a bad hire, because the players so "happy" that they had more "freedom" during the preparation for the bowl game.
Maybe Bob Stoops needs to have less of a tight grip on the players, I don't know. It's just a suggestion.
I just know that Brent Venables needs to be gone.

Did you hear what one of uwa's biggest supporters said about the hire? "like hiring the painter to build the house"...lol.

1/4/2008, 05:57 PM
Did you hear what one of uwa's biggest supporters said about the hire? "like hiring the painter to build the house"...lol.
Yes I know
Lou Holtz said you need a solid regiment in the beginning, Bob Stoops has been a coach for 10 years now, Lou Holtz also said you can slowly allow more freedom and it works, but you need a solid foundation first.
I'm pretty sure Bob Stoops has it already.

1/4/2008, 06:07 PM
You know, Mike Stoops isn't the only one gone from those bygone days. There have been a few NFL caliber players who have graduated and/or gone into the NFL too. Gee, maybe it's a mix between the coaches and players....ya think?

1/4/2008, 06:22 PM
what makes you think he doesnt, do you go to practices? I am one for suggestions and complaints but this is rediculous!

What makes you think he does? I have sat through many college player meetings and position meetings. The head coach is hardly ever there because he is tending to "other" business. ie media, boosters, etc. etc. Its usually just the position coaches in the meetings. And depending on the style of coach one may never see the coach in position meetings or whatever.

And the "hollywood" term comes from MANY people who have talked to Coach Stoops and have come away saying... "He's kinda arrogant and defensive" Don't tell me you haven't heard this about him from many "sources." "They" say he wasn't like that in his first couple of years. Of course thats just what "they" say.

And just cause you don't agree with something doesn't make it "RIDICULOUS."

1/4/2008, 06:25 PM
My advice for Bob: coach the 2008 season, win the NC, pick up the longevity $3 million bonus, and retire to Florida with his middle finger turned up at some of our so-called fanbase.

1/4/2008, 06:35 PM
Bob is arrogant, but that's not necessarily a bad trait when dealing with the media; I kinda like it. But if his arrogance extends to protecting assistant coaches who should be sent packing, it will hinder his ability prepare his team to win. If guys like us can see that the D-back coaching is deeply flawed and needs to be changed, surely a guy who does this for a living can see it. Does he not change it because he's loyal to guys who don't deserve the loyalty? I don't know, but he does, and if so, he needs to make changes. Same with every other position coach, including OC and DC.

1/4/2008, 06:45 PM
plain and simple, coach the defense yourself or go get auburn's DC

Ooops, too late.:mack:

Newbomb Turk
1/4/2008, 06:55 PM
don't listen to people on message boards who know little about football.

1/4/2008, 07:00 PM
don't listen to people on message boards who know little about football.


1/4/2008, 09:27 PM
And just cause you don't agree with something doesn't make it "RIDICULOUS."

If you were to imply that Coach Stoops is in it for the rep, $, fame, and power then you are implying that is where his "Hollywood Bob" label would come from which is WRONG!!! ITs a coaches job to meet with media, boosters, etc... they are contractually required to. Him being arrogant and defensive doesnt mean he is in it for himself which is also what you were implying and that is why it is REDICULOUS of you to say that!

1/4/2008, 09:34 PM
That brings up another point, get rid of every selfish person on this team. I am getting so sick and tired of players disrespecting the team and the university, if you cant have pride in The University Of Oklahoma over yourself, you dont deserve to be on the team. If Stoops cant find enough selfless guys in Texas then recruit every single 3 and 4 star guy out of Oklahoma. Atleast they would take pride in what Oklahoma stands for. Just look at WV, most of their players are from WV and you could tell they were proud of that!!!

I like the idea of recruiting the Okie kids more. Not only does that help OU but it hurts teams like Okie State and Kansas/Kansas State. Don't just recruit the occasional 5 star intstaters and the local kickers.

1/4/2008, 09:56 PM
I like the idea of recruiting the Okie kids more. Not only does that help OU but it hurts teams like Okie State and Kansas/Kansas State. Don't just recruit the occasional 5 star intstaters and the local kickers.
We already beat those teams consistently, if we're going to compete on a national level we need the best players period. Just saying.

1/4/2008, 10:42 PM
Despite having grown up in football country, played through high school, hung around a fair number of friends and family who played D1 ball, and watched Sooner football my whole life, I'm pretty sure that I'm not qualified to offer advice to a guy who has had playing and coaching football as part of his life every waking minute for the past 46 years. Oh, yeah, and he's been recognized for his talent in coaching positions, coordinating defenses, and been a head coach at one of the more prominent college jobs in the history of football -- OU. Other than that, it's completely reasonable to think we know enough to add ANYTHING useful to the discussion.

Anybody on this board think that the Sooner loss to WV hurt them worse than it hurt Bob Stoops? Anybody out there have more riding on the Sooners' success than him?

Didn't think so. Let's all calm down, take a deep breath, and go to our happy places. Drink a beer, have a sandwich. Do something other than cry and moan about losing the game. Wasn't it Switzer who said "hey, those other guys have talent. They practice hard. They have good coaches. Good things are going to happen for them too"?

Nobody likes getting beat (especially on the big stage), but come on folks. Get a grip.

1/4/2008, 11:43 PM
We already beat those teams consistently, if we're going to compete on a national level we need the best players period. Just saying.

WV didnt have many natl top 100 guys and look at what they did to us. A 5 star rating doesnt mean you have desire and work ethic, I would take 3 and 4 stars who will play hard and play the right way over 5 star prima donnas any day!!

1/5/2008, 12:19 AM
Did you hear what one of uwa's biggest supporters said about the hire? "like hiring the painter to build the house"...lol.
That guy was also one of the administrations biggest critics when it came to their handling of the whole RichRod fiasco. It sounds like he wants to be another T. Boone, I guess the Diamondbacks aren't enough. Seems like right now he hasn't seen a microphone he doesn't like.

WV didnt have many natl top 100 guys and look at what they did to us. A 5 star rating doesnt mean you have desire and work ethic, I would take 3 and 4 stars who will play hard and play the right way over 5 star prima donnas any day!!
Any Day, Every Day. A few key 5 stars is fine, you just don't need a team full of them. EVEN USC has some non 5-star guys on the team.

1/5/2008, 12:25 AM
Anybody on this board think that the Sooner loss to WV hurt them worse than it hurt Bob Stoops? Anybody out there have more riding on the Sooners' success than him?

Did it hurt him? I don't know. Stoops has gone from "no excuses" to routinely admitting his team was "out coached, out played, out hustled." In the meantime he laughs all the way to the bank counting his cash. OH GOD the pain!!! :rolleyes:

1/5/2008, 12:55 AM
easier said than done but it's a thought

1/5/2008, 04:11 AM
easier said than done but it's a thought

So...let me get this straight, you want to fire our Defensive Coordinator and hire Larry Coker who is a former Offensive Coordinator to replace him? This has got to be the most thought out and validated response of the night! :rolleyes:

1/5/2008, 01:19 PM
Yes I know
Lou Holtz said you need a solid regiment in the beginning, Bob Stoops has been a coach for 10 years now, Lou Holtz also said you can slowly allow more freedom and it works, but you need a solid foundation first.
I'm pretty sure Bob Stoops has it already.

AND since when did ANYONE give a flying flip about what Lou HOltz has to say. :cool:

1/5/2008, 02:32 PM
Make sure the players realize they are there for a bowl game and not a party or coat giveaway. Take care of business...

1/5/2008, 03:06 PM
Stop living off a reputation you got 8 years ago by beating Florida State. Do the things that made you one of the most respected coaches in college football. If you have to take a friend you've coached alongside for years and tell him he has to get things worked out or leave, do it. If you have to coach DB's yourself, do it. If you have to be the D-coordinator yourself, do it. It's your legacy Bob, if you care about what people across the country are saying about you, change it.
word to tha mutha

1/5/2008, 03:20 PM
Put Brent Venables on a one year probation. If defense isn't better next year, he has to leave.
Hire coaches of the quality of the ones he has lost, Leach, Mangino.......
Don't be so even kealed, try to get a little more fired up in big games like Barry Switzer did.
Quit losing to unranked teams.

1/5/2008, 03:47 PM
I have to go along with what some are saying about recruits......Sometimes the 5 stars or whatever you like to call them don't have the desire and heart that a kid with a little less natural ability has....I like the ones that have to really work hard to be good instead of relying on natural talent......

1/5/2008, 04:06 PM
I am by no means "qualified" to discuss this, but what the heck, neither are any of you all. so I will give it my best shot.

1. Take a serious look at the coaching staff. Loyality toward your coaches is a wonderful trait, but it can also be a very bad trend. Brent Venerables took over a great defensive team and has not made it better. In fact, it has gone downhill slightly since he has been in charge of the defense. Yes, Bob, I know he is a friend, and you have coached along side of him for many years, but even Mack Brown knows when it is time to put all that aside and face the facts. Sometimes your friends get in the way. in simpleton terms...give Venerables an ultimatium. "Make the defense better, or you are fired!"

2. If your motivation speeches are not working, get a little more creative. It seems our team cannot get up for a Big Bowl game. We know these kids are hellagood, but they are just kids, get them excited.

3. Keep up the good work. I have no true problems with how you have made this program what it should be. That is a constant threat to win conference and national championships. Thank you. However, the only minor flaw I see, i mentioned in #1.

Boomer Sooner!

1/5/2008, 05:59 PM
Why is Wright getting a free pass in this? Hire a secondary coach who has a history of getting his philosophy across to his players and has ties with the Florida schools.

1/5/2008, 06:16 PM
Why is Wright getting a free pass in this? Hire a secondary coach who has a history of getting his philosophy across to his players and has ties with the Florida schools.
Your right

1/5/2008, 06:23 PM
I have to go along with what some are saying about recruits......Sometimes the 5 stars or whatever you like to call them don't have the desire and heart that a kid with a little less natural ability has....I like the ones that have to really work hard to be good instead of relying on natural talent......
If that is the path to success then aggie schools would win actually win championships. You need high character players, but they have to be talented. I think this Granger situation is an isolated incident. I think our coaching staff does a good job of recruiting the right players. Its not like we're Thug U 2.0.

1/5/2008, 06:49 PM
I say he should quit immediatly...beg Urban Meyer for a GA job and just hope to one day to be half the coach Mike Stoops is. Mike Stoops players were able to **** little golden nuggets and their urine cured Cancer. They never missed tackles and always one hundred percent ran everything to absolute perfection. Mike Stoops can win with 11 sheep on defense...he doesn't even need humans....

1/5/2008, 07:15 PM
He should spend some time with a knowledgeable NFL football defensive coordinator and get some fresh ideas.

1/5/2008, 07:49 PM
Why is Wright getting a free pass in this? Hire a secondary coach who has a history of getting his philosophy across to his players and has ties with the Florida schools.

You're right.

1/5/2008, 10:54 PM
Recommend much more clapping. :D

1/5/2008, 11:00 PM
I like the idea of recruiting the Okie kids more. Not only does that help OU but it hurts teams like Okie State and Kansas/Kansas State. Don't just recruit the occasional 5 star intstaters and the local kickers.

Interesting coincidence, an article in the AAS today was on Texas having half a dozen commitments from the Austin area in the next class and a bunch next year expected. According to the article, only USuCks brings in a lot from the local area, but WVa did have a bunch of in-staters. It seems like it should bring some additional pride to the table. We'll see.

1/5/2008, 11:03 PM
Yes I know
Lou Holtz said you need a solid regiment in the beginning, Bob Stoops has been a coach for 10 years now, Lou Holtz also said you can slowly allow more freedom and it works, but you need a solid foundation first.
I'm pretty sure Bob Stoops has it already.

Bob Stoops has been at OU for 10 years. I think its best for OU to get a new coach in the next 2 years.

1/5/2008, 11:22 PM
Bob Stoops has been at OU for 10 years. I think its best for OU to get a new coach in the next 2 years.
go back to hornfans.com

1/5/2008, 11:55 PM
go back to hornfans.com
Wow just b/c I put OU over Stoops I'm a Texas fan? How Many Championships should OU have in the Stoops Decade?

1/5/2008, 11:58 PM
Wow just b/c I put OU over Stoops I'm a Texas fan? How Many Championships should OU have in the Stoops Decade?

Any team that has ever won a championship SHOULD have lost along the way and missed out on the opportunity.

1/5/2008, 11:59 PM

Any team that has ever won a championship SHOULD have lost along the way and missed out on the opportunity.

SAS, very clevor...

1/6/2008, 12:04 AM

Any team that has ever won a championship SHOULD have lost along the way and missed out on the opportunity.

Well he has won 1 in 10 years...I guess you're happy with that...

1/6/2008, 12:06 AM
Well he has won 1 in 10 years...I guess you're happy with that...

Are you not happy with one in nine years ??? Sure we would like more and another one soon but still not bad...

1/6/2008, 12:08 AM
Well he has won 1 in 10 years...I guess you're happy with that...
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son. :D

1/6/2008, 12:12 AM
No team has won more than 1 NC in the BCS era, thats going to change Monday, but it still says something about the difficulty of winning one. 1 national championship and 5 conference championships in less than a decade is about as good as one can hope for I believe, especially for a school that has to go out of state for most of its players unlike schools like LSU, USC, and Ohio St. who have very fertile in state recruiting grounds.

1/6/2008, 12:17 AM
Name one coach since 1998 that has two legitimate National Titles...Pete Carroll is the only one that even has a claim. Since 1988 Only Dennis Erickson, Bobby Bowden, and Tom Osbourne have repeat performances. In the last 20 years, 16 coaches have won National Championships....Seems like it might not be so easy with the parity now a days.

1/6/2008, 12:21 AM
Get it all out - the crying period ends Monday morning at 12:01 AM. Stoops is not a perfect coach, but he is a very good one. BV has some issues, as animated as he get sometimes, maybe he should give the pregame speech and let Bob coach the defense.....it's an idea!

1/6/2008, 12:40 AM
Well he has won 1 in 10 years...I guess you're happy with that...
way to bail out on a stupid comment and create a diversion.

1/6/2008, 12:41 AM
Name one coach since 1998 that has two legitimate National Titles...Pete Carroll is the only one that even has a claim. Since 1988 Only Dennis Erickson, Bobby Bowden, and Tom Osbourne have repeat performances. In the last 20 years, 16 coaches have won National Championships....Seems like it might not be so easy with the parity now a days.

U kinda made point...I think in the 10 years of Coach stoops era OU should have had more than 1 championship. I also think a college coach should not be at the same school for more than 12 years. I think Bob Stoops feels very safe and entitled to be OU's Head Coach and thats a bad thing IMO. I think he use to be a lot more animated after an OU loss earlier in his coaching career than he is now ( maybe i'm totally off base ) but the last few years he's kinda blas'e after a big loss. I don't mean to offend hardcore Stoop supporters just my observation on things.

1/6/2008, 12:43 AM
I also think a college coach should not be at the same school for more than 12 years.
you disqualify yourself some any serious discussion with this comment.

1/6/2008, 12:46 AM
way to bail out on a stupid comment and create a diversion.
I'm sorry if u feel that was a bail out but i didn't think your ZEN like attitude to OU football was serious...

1/6/2008, 12:49 AM
you disqualify yourself some any serious discussion with this comment.
WHY?? Can u tell me why its a good thing for OU football to have the same coach for 10 - 12 years?

1/6/2008, 01:22 AM
WHY?? Can u tell me why its a good thing for OU football to have the same coach for 10 - 12 years?
Because changing coaches now is more likely to have a negative effect on the program than a positive one.

1/6/2008, 01:50 AM
WHY?? Can u tell me why its a good thing for OU football to have the same coach for 10 - 12 years?
here you go again.

First you said it's not good for a college to have the same coach for more than 12 years. Now you are making it specific to OU.

Tell me a program where having stability was a bad thing.

1/6/2008, 01:59 AM
Tell me a program where having stability was a bad thing.

East Popcorn State.

What do I win, Monty?

1/6/2008, 02:15 AM
East Popcorn State.

What do I win, Monty?
Who says we have high standards here?

You expect to win something with that post.

1/6/2008, 02:22 AM
You expect to win something with that post.

Only your undying admiration.

And some cheetos.

1/6/2008, 02:35 AM
sounds like a fetish

1/6/2008, 02:39 AM
here you go again.

First you said it's not good for a college to have the same coach for more than 12 years. Now you are making it specific to OU.

Tell me a program where having stability was a bad thing.

Penn State and Florida State...If u want OU to be the place where it's more about the "good guy coach" than winning championships and bowl games then stay with Stoops and the status quo... I'm a fan of OU football..they're not winning the games they should be.

EDIT ADD: My thinking about Coaches...Sherri Coale OU Women's Basketball Coach should have 2 championships while the Paris Twins are at OU...I know Sherri Coale is popular but she should be fired if OU womens basketball has zero championships during the Paris Twins era...

1/6/2008, 02:42 AM
I'd ask him what kind of golf clubs he uses.

1/6/2008, 03:14 AM
Where's my cheetos, dammit?

1/6/2008, 03:17 AM
Penn State and Florida State...If u want OU to be the place where it's more about the "good guy coach" than winning championships and bowl games then stay with Stoops and the status quo... I'm a fan of OU football..they're not winning the games they should be.

EDIT ADD: My thinking about Coaches...Sherri Coale OU Women's Basketball Coach should have 2 championships while the Paris Twins are at OU...I know Sherri Coale is popular but she should be fired if OU womens basketball has zero championships during the Paris Twins era...
so.......your two examples of programs with coaches over 12 years just happen to be guys who have done it for 3-4 times that long at their programs?

That's our only options? Less than 12 or more than 30?

How old are you?

1/6/2008, 03:36 AM
so.......your two examples of programs with coaches over 12 years just happen to be guys who have done it for 3-4 times that long at their programs?

That's our only options? Less than 12 or more than 30?

How old are you?

geez..ok what do u want from me? i gave my opinion about Bob Stoops. He's not a great head coach he's good. Answer this question sanantoniosooner in the next 2 years if Bob Stoops doesn't win a BCS championship should he be fired? I think he should be.

1/6/2008, 03:56 AM
Answer this question sanantoniosooner in the next 2 years if Bob Stoops doesn't win a BCS championship should he be fired? I think he should be.

That's because you, sir, are retarded.

1/6/2008, 03:59 AM
I asked how old you are. Life experience has a lot to do with how you perceive a program. Name me a program that ditched a successful coach and was better off with the replacement.

As for the "what do you want from me" question........

How about something to back up your comments other than weak bs that sounds like it's coming from a troll or a 12 year old.

1/6/2008, 04:01 AM
Uhhh, CHEETOS? Hello!

1/6/2008, 04:01 AM
it's your fetish.

You supply the cheetos.

1/6/2008, 04:03 AM
You supply the cheetos.

But I thought I won some?

Can I point and laugh at your buddy Lookyhere some more?

1/6/2008, 04:05 AM
But I thought I won some?

Can I point and laugh at your buddy Lookyhere some more?
His parents might get mad if they catch you.

Frozen Sooner
1/6/2008, 04:42 AM
Some days when I log on I think "You know, there's no way someone can post something any dumber than what I've already read."

Congratulations, lookyhere. You've managed it.

Bob Stoops darn well SHOULD feel entitled to be the head football coach at Oklahoma based on his performance. The five conference championships in 8 years out front should have told you. That's an extremely high level of performance.

Minus a scandal of some sort, Athletic Directors who fire conference champion coaches don't stay ADs very long.

1/6/2008, 07:10 AM
Some days when I log on I think "You know, there's no way someone can post something any dumber than what I've already read."

Congratulations, lookyhere. You've managed it.

Bob Stoops darn well SHOULD feel entitled to be the head football coach at Oklahoma based on his performance. The five conference championships in 8 years out front should have told you. That's an extremely high level of performance.

Minus a scandal of some sort, Athletic Directors who fire conference champion coaches don't stay ADs very long.

Wow...No College Football coach should feel he's entitled to his JOB!! If Bob Stoops isn't worried about his job after the recent losses in the bowl games then OU football is in trouble IMO. Mike Rich read your own tag quote, the arrogance from Venables about the other conferences is sickening and that arrogance comes from Bob Stoops. Your tag quote tells me why OU looked unprepared for WVU ("the Big East, you know") offense. The best thing that can happen for OU football is for Bob Stoops to feel he MIGHT lose his job.

1/6/2008, 09:13 AM
Name me a program that ditched a successful coach and was better off with the replacement.

Not trying to stick my nose in this heated debate. But to anwer the question.... John Cooper replaced by Jim Tressel. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. Just sayin.

And I don't want Stoops to be fired. I was just giving an answer to the question.

1/6/2008, 10:44 AM
Not trying to stick my nose in this heated debate. But to anwer the question.... John Cooper replaced by Jim Tressel. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. Just sayin.

And I don't want Stoops to be fired. I was just giving an answer to the question.
How many undisputed conference championships did Cooper have? He never once even won his conference outright. Cooper demonstrated utter futility against the most hated rival AND his last two seasons were serious under achievement, the likes of which Bob hasn't come close too at this point.

How many examples can we list where the result was the exact opposite?

Newbomb Turk
1/6/2008, 11:02 AM
I know Sherri Coale is popular but she should be fired if OU womens basketball has zero championships during the Paris Twins era...

to me, this trumps all of his retarded comments about Stoops.

1/6/2008, 11:06 AM
to me, this trumps all of his retarded comments about Stoops.
every time he types, he trumps the previous one.

1/6/2008, 11:13 AM
This thread is really, really funny.

Fun. Eee.

1/6/2008, 12:05 PM
Not trying to be argumentative here San but your question was....

Name me a program that ditched a SUCCESSFUL coach and was better off with the replacement.

Cooper was a successful coach. He just couldn't beat Meat Chicken as you pointed out. He second all time in St. history w/ W's. I think his record is something like 120-40 all time. That is being successful ANY way you look at it. True he was a choke artist (which i really shouldn't say given the current OU bowl status) but my friends up here all tell me he had some teams that were friggin unreal. He did share some conf. titles i think i remember hearing. Since they "ditched" Cooper they have done much better. Like i said earlier...just sayin.

But yes there are WAYYYYY more cases against this than there are for it. So you are like 98% correct. :D

St. Louis Sooner
1/6/2008, 12:15 PM
Suggestions for Bob in the days between the Big12 Champ and a BCS bowl:

1) Work harder (you, the coaches, the players) during the month off before the bowl game than you normally do during the year ... stress fundamentals, being in greater physical shape, and tweak the offensive and defensive schemes;
2) Get the team to relax more when the 'big bowl game' is at hand; stop being so serious and try to have fun;
3) Relentlessly and inventively 'use' your smokin' hot wife in ways never before imagined ... but only during the month of December!!

1/6/2008, 12:32 PM
Annnnnd it just gets funnier...

1/6/2008, 12:45 PM
If Bob would just enunciate the word "certainly" a little differently it would solve all the problems.

1/6/2008, 12:50 PM
Or...drink more Ovaltine.

1/6/2008, 01:02 PM
If Bob would just enunciate the word "certainly" a little differently it would solve all the problems.

You've lost your mind.

How the heck else are people going to know my bad Bob Stoops impersonation is in fact a Bob Stoops impersonation if I don't lace it with multiple 'certainly's?

1/6/2008, 01:05 PM
Wow...No College Football coach should feel he's entitled to his JOB!! If Bob Stoops isn't worried about his job after the recent losses in the bowl games then OU football is in trouble IMO. Mike Rich read your own tag quote, the arrogance from Venables about the other conferences is sickening and that arrogance comes from Bob Stoops. Your tag quote tells me why OU looked unprepared for WVU ("the Big East, you know") offense. The best thing that can happen for OU football is for Bob Stoops to feel he MIGHT lose his job.

Here....Lets try it this way....

In 9 years as the HC of OU football Stoops has compiled a 97-21 record or an 0.822 win percentage (3rd on OUs list of coaches). He has 5 Big 12 championships. 1 National Championship and coached in 2 others (all also 3rd n OU history).

Stoops is one of the best current coaches in the nation. Why would OU fire him? Why would we want such a commodity to be at a different school?

Now compare him to 2 of the other most successful coaches this century...

Pete Carroll (USC) is 75-14 (0.843 winning percentage). 2 national championships including one co-championship. 6 Conference titles that include 4 co-championships.

Jim Tressel (OSU) is 73-15 (0.830 winning percentage). 1 National Championship. 4 conference championships including 2 co-championships.

BTW, these are the 3 active winningest coaches when it comes to winning percentage.

With all that said, you sound very ignorant when it comes to saying Stoops should be on the hot seat if he does not win a national championship in the next 2 years.

1/6/2008, 01:06 PM
1 - Throw the ball! You have the best receivers in the country.
2 - Start learning more trick plays.
3 - Create a 2-point coversion play THAT WORKS.
4 - Incorporate running plays by the quarterbacks.

1/6/2008, 01:08 PM
to me, this trumps all of his retarded comments about Stoops.

Not meant to be funny...Just I expect a lot more from the coaches than u do, especially when they have the talent to win it all. I know she's well liked...but it's time for her to step it up this year.

Newbomb Turk
1/6/2008, 01:12 PM
Not meant to be funny...Just I expect a lot more from the coaches than u do, especially when they have the talent to win it all. I know she's well liked...but it's time for her to step it up this year.

like sas asked, how old are you? Do you know the shape the womens program was in before she took over?

1/6/2008, 01:14 PM
How many undisputed conference championships did Cooper have? He never once even won his conference outright. Cooper demonstrated utter futility against the most hated rival AND his last two seasons were serious under achievement, the likes of which Bob hasn't come close too at this point.

How many examples can we list where the result was the exact opposite?

What about...
(Miami)Jimmie Johnson to Dennis Ericson?
(USC)John McKay to John Robinson?
(OU)Chuck Fairbanks to Barry Switzer?
(ND)Jesse Harper to Knute Rockne?

All the first coaches had over 0.700 winning percentage and the replacement coaches did just as good or better.

1/6/2008, 01:18 PM
like sas asked, how old are you? Do you know the shape the womens program was in before she took over?

I am guessing he is a fairweather fan at around the age of 12.

Newbomb Turk
1/6/2008, 01:18 PM
What about...
(Miami)Jimmie Johnson to Dennis Ericson?
(USC)John McKay to John Robinson?
(OU)Chuck Fairbanks to Barry Switzer?
(ND)Jesse Harper to Knute Rockne?

All the first coaches had over 0.700 winning percentage and the replacement coaches did just as good or better.

Not knowing for sure off the top of my head, but were the first coaches "ditched" by their school?

1/6/2008, 01:20 PM
Not meant to be funny...Just I expect a lot more from the coaches than u do, especially when they have the talent to win it all. I know she's well liked...but it's time for her to step it up this year.

Before Sherry Coale, OU women's basketball was being threatened to be cut from the athletic department. Now we are considered a national power, that still has some way to go before winning a national championship. Learn more about OU athletics before commenting please.

1/6/2008, 01:21 PM
Not knowing for sure off the top of my head, but were the first coaches "ditched" by their school?

That I honestly do not know. I doubt it though.

1/6/2008, 01:36 PM
Do a more thorough job of evaluating who you hire as assistant coaches. IMO you guys haven't been the same since Wilson joined the staff.


1/6/2008, 01:38 PM
What about...
(Miami)Jimmie Johnson to Dennis Ericson?
(USC)John McKay to John Robinson?
(OU)Chuck Fairbanks to Barry Switzer?
(ND)Jesse Harper to Knute Rockne?

All the first coaches had over 0.700 winning percentage and the replacement coaches did just as good or better.
Jimmie Johnson hired by the Dallas Cowboys, Erickson hired by UM to replace him.
John McKay hired by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Robinson promoted to replace him.
Chuck Fairbanks hired by the New England Patriots, Switzer promoted to replace him.
ND, have no idea that far back.

None of the three were fired or even close to being fired, all were hired by the NFL. The morans who think you should win everything, every year are completely clueless tools with no sense of reality or perception of how bad things can be. I would venture to say they were not around in the post-Switzer/pre-Stoops days.

BTW - Is this a new username for Nick?

1/6/2008, 01:41 PM
Jimmie Johnson hired by the Dallas Cowboys, Erickson hired by UM to replace him.
John McKay hired by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Robinson promoted to replace him.
Chuck Fairbanks hired by the New England Patriots, Switzer promoted to replace him.
ND, have no idea that far back.

None of the three were fired or even close to being fired, all were hired by the NFL. The morans who think you should win everything, every year are completely clueless tools with no sense of reality or perception of how bad things can be. I would venture to say they were not around in the post-Switzer/pre-Stoops days.

BTW - Is this a new username for Nick?

I hope you are not referring to me as being a new username for Nick. If so, F no!

I did not see the part where it stated that the changes had to occur because of firings. None-the-less the changes occurred and wasn't bad for the schools.

1/6/2008, 01:42 PM
Do a more thorough job of evaluating who you hire as assistant coaches. IMO you guys haven't been the same since Wilson joined the staff.


Im sorry, but OU under Wilson has produced some very good OLinemen. He is a decent OC, just hard to replace Mangino, but he is doing better than Chuck "Third and" Long.

1/6/2008, 01:43 PM
4 - Incorporate running plays by the quarterbacks.

Uhhh, no. See for reference: Texas Tech sans Sam Bradford.

What happens when a guy with a big heart, large target, and not exactly the shiftiest hips in the world boots it for 10+ carries a game? That works on a QB like 10+ sacks a game. By all means a QB shouldn't be afraid to step up in the pocket or flush for yardage or time, but to purposefully work him into the scheme with anything more than a rare QB draw to ease pressure of the edges is borderline stupid.

It's his arm, not his jilly jack jukin' and his shuckin' and jivin' we brought him in for. Why DESIGN in your offense a near guaranteed opportunity for someone to ring his bell when the young man ain't build for speed, power, or quickness?

1/6/2008, 01:44 PM
What about...
(Miami)Jimmie Johnson to Dennis Ericson?
(USC)John McKay to John Robinson?
(OU)Chuck Fairbanks to Barry Switzer?
(ND)Jesse Harper to Knute Rockne?

All the first coaches had over 0.700 winning percentage and the replacement coaches did just as good or better.
Was Jimmie canned?
How did Robinson do after Mckays recruits were gone?
You call Fairbanks successful?
What were the circumstances of Harper leaving?

EDIT......I see bluedog already called it.

I think you are missing the point here. The discussion is FIRING a GOOD coach and hoping for a better coach.

1/6/2008, 01:45 PM

1/6/2008, 01:45 PM
Was Jimmie canned?
How did Robinson do after Mckays recruits were gone?
You call Fairbanks successful?
What were the circumstances of Harper leaving?

I think you are missing the point here. The discussion is FIRING a GOOD coach and hoping for a better coach.

Fairbanks wasnt great by any stretch of the imagination, but he did win over 70% of his games.

And yes, I missed the part about firing a good coach and hoping for a better coach.

1/6/2008, 01:46 PM
I hope you are not referring to me as being a new username for Nick. If so, F no!
No, not you, the n00b post moran.

I think you are missing the point here. The discussion is FIRING a GOOD coach and hoping for a better coach.
You could almost say that the Gibbs -> Smellsofbourbon/Boo, Solich -> Callenberger, Slocum -> Frantastic are prime examples of why it fails in most cases. They were "good" coaches who failed to live up to some absurd expectations. In most cases it does not work. I know many Whorn fans who think Mack and the staff are satisfied with 10 win seasons, they aren't happy about it but realize after Mackovic that things can be worse. Of course, that means you have to have actually been a fan of a team for awhile to see them go through ups and downs instead of hopping on the bandwagon of the moment.

1/6/2008, 01:47 PM

1/6/2008, 01:47 PM
Uhhh, no. See for reference: Texas Tech sans Sam Bradford.

Doesn't Pat White run? Oh, and his team beat us. Texas won a national championship with Vince running some.

It doesn't have to be overkill, but our QB needs to know to roll out BEFORE half time instruction.

1/6/2008, 02:34 PM
Im sorry, but OU under Wilson has produced some very good OLinemen. He is a decent OC, just hard to replace Mangino, but he is doing better than Chuck "Third and" Long.

They lost better than they have produced and I really disagree that he's a better play caller than Long. When Long started calling plays there weren't any Mark Clayton's or Josh Heupel's to work with.

When Long left it was the last of the magic from the original staff and you've never gotten back to the talent level of the first 3 or 4 years.


1/6/2008, 02:46 PM
They lost better than they have produced and I really disagree that he's a better play caller than Long. When Long started calling plays there weren't any Mark Clayton's or Josh Heupel's to work with.

When Long left it was the last of the magic from the original staff and you've never gotten back to the talent level of the first 3 or 4 years.


Chuck Long coached Heupel and Clayton. So what do you mean he didn't have any of them to work with.

Outside of 2005, OU has been one of the top offenses in the nation. With and without Chuck long.

Chuck Long was very predictable in his play calling. For instance, 2003, OU was driving down the field for the potential tie against LSU late in the game, because of the running game. We get inside the 15 then all of the sudden we throw 4 straight incomplete passes. We settle for a 21-14 loss. And that was not the only time we had LSu on the ropes late in the game. But thanks to Chuck Long leaving what worked, we failed.

That is just one of many games Long did not know what he was doing.

Frozen Sooner
1/6/2008, 02:58 PM
You realize, of course, that leaving "what works" is the exact opposite of predictability.

1/6/2008, 03:00 PM
IMO you guys haven't been the same since Wilson joined the staff.

Naa, it's been since Mike left.

1/6/2008, 03:05 PM
You realize, of course, that leaving "what works" is the exact opposite of predictability.

Like I said, He was predictable.

By predictability I mean rushing 6-7 plays in a row. Then adbandon that when it was working to throw 6 or 7 times in a row, even if it was not working. You almost knew what plays were coming.

1/6/2008, 04:06 PM
Doesn't Pat White run? Oh, and his team beat us. Texas won a national championship with Vince running some.

Pat White/Vince Young/Dennis Dixon/Tyrod Taylor/Insert QB name with some wheels here does NOT equal Sam Bradford. They aren't remotely the same. Every one of these quarterbacks know how to move with the football and have the physical skills to take indirect hits and off-square tackles. Sam tries, God bless him. But he is NOT a running quarterback. He is NOT a quarterback, given the skill set he's shown this year, that you want on the boot around the corner, on the sprint option keep, even the QB draw unless it, in and of itself is run as a wrinkle, an irregular slant of the offense that's kept on the top shelf with a red sticker on it that says 'OPEN IN CASE OF EMERGENCY'.

How complicated is that? Sam Bradford/Joey Halzle <> Pat White/Vince Young/Et cetera. Keith Nichol looks like he's going to have these tools, ala a young Jason White. But as it stands, an OU QBs eyes are downfield, rotate out or step up on pressure, and let the asskicking receiving corps we have work themselves open.

It doesn't have to be overkill, but our QB needs to know to roll out BEFORE half time instruction.

But as an offensive coordinator, you DON'T WANT YOUR QB ROLLING OUT. ESPECIALLY on design. You're cutting off half the field when you do so, hence why instead of popping out the corner like Eli Manning and getting smoked like a doobie at a Willie Nelson concert and again, cutting the field in half, QBs are coached to "step up" if possible. Step up in and through the passing lanes, which still allows you the entire field, opens up your field of vision, as well as giving your QB the option of releasing or finding more time. Rollouts are designed for simple reasons. Pressure (The singular reason Sam was "rolling out" against WV. He was running for his life). An unsteady QB that can roll and pop with a limited progression (if a progression at all). The occasional flood when you can catch a team in zone and get someone in space. You don't roll your QB for sh*ts and giggles. You do it for very limited reasons. And rolling your QB doesn't equal running your QB more.

So why do it?

Especially when you have a stable of horses that run the football as a trio as well as you'll find in the country? To sit back and say Sam needs to start running the football or Wilson needs to start having Sam run the football, with all that mentioned previous as well as the looming, ominous prospect of his getting his forehead driven out his earhole and having to endure another Texas Tech, makes you, sir, either ignorant of what Bob and Company have and how they use it, or just stupid.

Pick yer poison, champ.

1/6/2008, 04:21 PM
I guess if we HAVE to have a running QB we could see if Bobby Reid has actually signed with an agent yet....he would be our ONLY savior :rolleyes:

1/6/2008, 04:35 PM
I guess if we HAVE to have a running QB we could see if Bobby Reid has actually signed with an agent yet....he would be our ONLY savior

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winnah.

1/6/2008, 04:39 PM
I guess if we HAVE to have a running QB we could see if Bobby Reid has actually signed with an agent yet....he would be our ONLY savior :rolleyes:

But he is not a man, he is a 20 year old kid!

1/6/2008, 05:03 PM
...but saviors don't HAVE to be men.....

1/6/2008, 06:19 PM
The QB does need to be a running threat if we are going to run the zone out of the shotgun spread. The few bootlegs we ran this year were effective and would be an option when Lookoutholt!! is playing catchup with the speed rusher. For all you BV bashers WILSON also has issues.

1/6/2008, 06:25 PM
Point to any coach that doesn't have any issues...except Lester who is perfect that is.....

1/6/2008, 06:38 PM
But he is not a man, he is a 20 year old kid!
he does do everything right though.

1/6/2008, 07:08 PM
The QB does need to be a running threat if we are going to run the zone out of the shotgun spread. The few bootlegs we ran this year were effective and would be an option when Lookoutholt!! is playing catchup with the speed rusher. For all you BV bashers WILSON also has issues.

Because Texas does GREAT running the zone read.

1/6/2008, 07:15 PM
Josh Heupel was a real running threat too, wasn't he? And let me tell you, Chris Leak, Matt Leinart, Matt Mauck... geez... what wheels those NATIONAL CHAMPIONS had.

1/6/2008, 07:40 PM
I did not say you could not win with out a running QB,obviously we have, it just doesn't make a lot of since scheme wise to me. Please someone bitch about the bootleg thing.

1/6/2008, 07:42 PM
I really liked that part of Beerfest where they drink that Das Boot thing.

1/6/2008, 08:03 PM
Bob Stoops has been at OU for 10 years. I think its best for OU to get a new coach in the next 2 years.

Yeah right! A troll wearing orange expressing an opinion.

1/6/2008, 09:03 PM
rubyspirit posted this:
Doesn't Pat White run? Oh, and his team beat us. Texas won a national championship with Vince running some.

It doesn't have to be overkill, but our QB needs to know to roll out BEFORE half time instruction.

We won three national championships with the wishbone in the Switzer (appropriate pause to show reverence for The Bootlegger's Boy at this point) era. One could make a case that the three most successful programs of the BCS era are tOSU, SUC, and OU. The one thing they have in common -- they don't try to get their quarterbacks killed by running them towards large, hostile defensive players.

1/6/2008, 11:37 PM
rubyspirit posted this:
Doesn't Pat White run? Oh, and his team beat us. Texas won a national championship with Vince running some.

It doesn't have to be overkill, but our QB needs to know to roll out BEFORE half time instruction.

We won three national championships with the wishbone in the Switzer (appropriate pause to show reverence for The Bootlegger's Boy at this point) era. One could make a case that the three most successful programs of the BCS era are tOSU, SUC, and OU. The one thing they have in common -- they don't try to get their quarterbacks killed by running them towards large, hostile defensive players.

we dont need a running QB when we ahve the top 2 running backs in the nation coming in..

1/7/2008, 01:59 PM
here is my suggestion for bob....
figure out a way to get the kids fired up for all of the games including bowl games.
or in other words coach them up after jan 1 it seems after that day is when we really fall apart
obviously we lose about 100 five star recruits every year in losing bowl games to quality teams.
its not the chance to play for championships or play now if you are better than the other guy
i don't like losing but i don't want anybody fired after winning championships because the next coach could be another john blake

1/7/2008, 02:02 PM
If anyone watched the Post Game interview, it was clear that Stoops knew something was wrong and it starts with him. It is the first time I can remember him that way

1/7/2008, 02:11 PM
I saw a link on another site (rivals?) that Bob plans to reevaluate bowl the bowl preparation process. That's all I wanted to see - I trust Bob.

1/7/2008, 02:53 PM
We'd have to be fools to want Stoops to take a walk.
We are the arrogant football monster that demands to be national champions every year and nothing less will do.
Losing four out of five bowl games is not acceptable for Oklahoma. Stoops has to know this by now.
A coach has to make the tough decisions. Cut the 'nice' kid that can't make the grade and fire the pal that isn't getting the job done. I trust that he knows where the problem is. I can only guess.
The legacy is in the balance. Will he be with Bud and Barry or another Bowden?
I'm really tired of the team not showing up. A kid stealing a coat or failing a class is not something that happens in a moment. By January the coaches ought to know what they have.
Stop the bleeding, Bob.

1/7/2008, 03:12 PM
We'd have to be fools to want Stoops to take a walk.

VERY TRUE! I think most if not all OU fans realize this but when we lose some become irrational.

We are the arrogant football monster that demands to be national champions every year and nothing less will do.
Losing four out of five bowl games is not acceptable for Oklahoma. Stoops has to know this by now.

And I think he does, it took him a year too long IMHO but I feel like Stoops is going to change some things
A coach has to make the tough decisions. Cut the 'nice' kid that can't make the grade and fire the pal that isn't getting the job done. I trust that he knows where the problem is. I can only guess.
The legacy is in the balance. Will he be with Bud and Barry or another Bowden?

This is tough, do you sacrifice loyalty and friendship for the ability to go from a really really good team year in and year out(its not like we are even Texas, we are a Top 10 team every year) to a great team every few years. With $4 million on the line it would seem an easy decision but probably not so

I'm really tired of the team not showing up. A kid stealing a coat or failing a class is not something that happens in a moment. By January the coaches ought to know what they have.
Stop the bleeding, Bob.

I dont need a National Title every year even though it would be great, I just need good, consistent performances, stop losing to bad teams, and stop giving up 40+ in big games

1/7/2008, 03:18 PM
I dont need a National Title every year even though it would be great, I just need good, consistent performances, stop losing to bad teams, and stop giving up 40+ in big games

What he said. 0-4 BCS record needs to end.

1/7/2008, 03:28 PM
Read on another post that Bob implied that everyone would forget about the bowl game - win or lose- in a month.
Not me, coach. I'm still seeing Mark Bradley fumble the punt in the Orange Bowl and the four straight passes in the Sugar Bowl. ESPN won't let us forget Boise State.
The memory of Q breaking free against FSU is fading.
I'd sit down with my entire staff and take a good long look on how we can correct this situation and make it clear that it is not acceptable or forgettable.
Loyalty aside, if you are not on board the time to walk is now

1/7/2008, 03:29 PM
Read on another post that Bob implied that everyone would forget about the bowl game - win or lose- in a month.
Not me, coach. I'm still seeing Mark Bradley fumble the punt in the Orange Bowl and the four straight passes in the Sugar Bowl. ESPN won't let us forget Boise State.
The memory of Q breaking free against FSU is fading.
I'd sit down with my entire staff and take a good long look on how we can correct this situation and make it clear that it is not acceptable or forgettable.
Loyalty aside, if you are not on board the time to walk is now

1/7/2008, 03:31 PM
Did you read on another post that.... ;)

1/7/2008, 04:38 PM
I dont need a National Title every year even though it would be great, I just need good, consistent performances, stop losing to bad teams, and stop giving up 40+ in big games
Would you rather lose to Texas? If we're going to lose games we might as well lose to CU instead of UT. There are really no "acceptable losses" on our schedule ever.

1/7/2008, 04:50 PM
Would you rather lose to Texas? If we're going to lose games we might as well lose to CU instead of UT. There are really no "acceptable losses" on our schedule ever.

where did you get that from, did you read what I wrote?? I mean that I am tired of losing to teams that we are substantial favorites over!

1/7/2008, 05:06 PM
where did you get that from, did you read what I wrote?? I mean that I am tired of losing to teams that we are substantial favorites over!
I was just saying that if its a given we're going to lose a couple games a season, in terms of winning the conference, its better to lose those games to bad teams, rather than teams that would challenge for the title. In the end, I guess I'm saying I'd rather us lose to a team we're a substantial favorite over than to Texas, which is usually one of the few games where we're not a substantial favorite.

1/7/2008, 05:10 PM
I was just saying that if its a given we're going to lose a couple games a season, in terms of winning the conference, its better to lose those games to bad teams, rather than teams that would challenge for the title. In the end, I guess I'm saying I'd rather us lose to a team we're a substantial favorite over than to Texas, which is usually one of the few games where we're not a substantial favorite.

not true, losing to texas compared to colorado looks alot better in the polls, in addition every loss counts the same in the race for the conf title, it doesnt matter who you lose to. A loss to texas or colorado still counts as one loss. The only place it is even a problem is with tie-breakers

1/7/2008, 05:21 PM
Did you just ask if Bob needs to choose between Bud Wilkinson, Barry Switzer route or Bobby Bowden route? Seriously Bobby Bowden? SERIOUSLY??? Seriously? Did you know that Bobby Bowden has 3 National Titles...2nd winningest coach of all time? Please tell me that you meant Tommy Bowden...

1/7/2008, 05:25 PM
Did you just ask if Bob needs to choose between Bud Wilkinson, Barry Switzer route or Bobby Bowden route? Seriously Bobby Bowden? SERIOUSLY??? Seriously? Did you know that Bobby Bowden has 3 National Titles...2nd winningest coach of all time? Please tell me that you meant Tommy Bowden...

In all fairness Bobby bowden has 3 natl titles in something like 50 years of coaching, thats not that impressive for an "all-time" Great is it?

1/7/2008, 05:38 PM
In all fairness Bobby bowden has 3 natl titles in something like 50 years of coaching, thats not that impressive for an "all-time" Great is it?
yeah.........sucky coaches could do that.

:rolleyes: X infinity;)

1/7/2008, 05:49 PM
yeah.........sucky coaches could do that.

:rolleyes: X infinity;)

Lester might be on his way to winning one, what does that say? ;)

1/7/2008, 05:55 PM
Lester might be on his way to winning one, what does that say? ;)
winning 1 could be written off as a fluke.

Winning 3?

And what about coaching longevity? You don't coach that long if you suck. Not at that level.

1/7/2008, 05:58 PM
winning 1 could be written off as a fluke.

Winning 3?

And what about coaching longevity? You don't coach that long if you suck. Not at that level.

his last few years have sucked though, whatever that means??

1/7/2008, 06:02 PM
his last few years have sucked though, whatever that means??
Imagine that. A 70 year old man drops off in productivity.

1/7/2008, 06:08 PM
Imagine that. A 70 year old man drops off in productivity.

Thats what she said! :D

If he cant hack it anymore he should quit being selfish and retire though, these players are going to FSU because of him and he is wasting their time going 7-5 at a school that should be Top 15-20 at worst

1/7/2008, 06:14 PM
Barry Switzer lost 12 gmes in a three year period, including the last where the team wasn't even ranked....They should have ran him out of town.

1/7/2008, 06:17 PM
Barry Switzer lost 12 gmes in a three year period, including the last where the team wasn't even ranked....They should have ran him out of town.

Difference, Barry was toward the middle of his career and had already won 2 natl titles, FSU looks to be going nowhere fast and Bowden is just getting older

1/7/2008, 06:19 PM

1/7/2008, 06:20 PM
OU also went 10 years without a National Championship with Barry, Bud Wilkinson went 0-7-1 over an 8 game stretch against Top 25 teams...all I am saying is that every program has ebbs and flows.

1/7/2008, 06:22 PM
OU also went 10 years without a National Championship with Barry, Bud Wilkinson went 0-7-1 over an 8 game stretch against Top 25 teams...all I am saying is that every program has ebbs and flows.

Understood, but I see it as different when the guy is 80 years old

1/7/2008, 08:56 PM
We won three national championships with the wishbone in the Switzer (appropriate pause to show reverence for The Bootlegger's Boy at this point) era. One could make a case that the three most successful programs of the BCS era are tOSU, SUC, and OU. The one thing they have in common -- they don't try to get their quarterbacks killed by running them towards large, hostile defensive players.
How long ago was this? Time's has changed ... OU must start using more creative plays to be competitive today.

1/7/2008, 08:58 PM
we dont need a running QB when we ahve the top 2 running backs in the nation coming in..
It doesn't matter if our defense can't stop the small, quick, offense of other teams ... who score quickly, and often.

Think WV.

1/7/2008, 09:01 PM
Understood, but I see it as different when the guy is 80 years old
But when a guy is the one that built the program and gave it an identity for the length of time Paterno and Bowden have, they deserve to go out on their own terms. Paterno looked done a few years ago and bounced back with some good seasons.

1/7/2008, 09:05 PM
Just look at WV, most of their players are from WV and you could tell they were proud of that!!!

Not even close. They only had 17 players from West Virginia. The state produces very very few D1 players.

1/7/2008, 09:08 PM
But when a guy is the one that built the program and gave it an identity for the length of time Paterno and Bowden have, they deserve to go out on their own terms. Paterno looked done a few years ago and bounced back with some good seasons.

I can respect that but if I was a fan of either school especially FSU since they havent done anything lately, it would be tough to deal just cus of their legacy

1/7/2008, 09:09 PM
When you are from West Virginia you are proud of a lot of things.

Like a full set of teeth.........

Indoor plumbing..........

A hawt sister...........

1/7/2008, 09:16 PM
When you are from West Virginia you are proud of a lot of things.

Like a full set of teeth.........

Indoor plumbing..........

A hawt sister...........


1/8/2008, 12:36 AM
Arguably, WV may have the best two running backs in the country: Slaton is coming back and so is Devine. WVU's offense next season looks to be as good as this year's. But they lose a lot on defense and that badass punter/kicker they had. Man, what a leg on punts.