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View Full Version : Once The CryBabies Stop Their Whining ....

1/4/2008, 03:19 PM
and clear on out of here, us REAL Sooner Football fans can get back to sharing our joy about how great our team is, what a good season they had, and how awesome they are going to be next year. About 245 more days to go - I cant wait!

1/4/2008, 03:22 PM
and clear on out of here, us REAL Sooner Football fans can get back to sharing our joy about how great our team is, what a good season they had, and how awesome they are going to be next year. About 245 more days to go - I cant wait!
or we could start sharing the joy of how talented our team is, how great they should be, what a great regular season they will have, and how they will get humiliated in another big bowl game if there's not an attitude change. Something has to change between now and then

1/4/2008, 04:59 PM
Did somebody say crybaby?


1/4/2008, 05:26 PM

Mmmmmmm, Kool-Aid!

1/4/2008, 06:11 PM
and clear on out of here, us REAL Sooner Football fans can get back to sharing our joy about how great our team is, what a good season they had, and how awesome they are going to be next year. About 245 more days to go - I cant wait!

Real Sooner Football Fans expect great effort from their teams and coaches. We have been fortunate over the years to have several great football teams. This team is not a great Sooner team.

1/4/2008, 06:18 PM
and clear on out of here, us REAL Sooner Football fans can get back to sharing our joy about how great our team is, what a good season they had, and how awesome they are going to be next year. About 245 more days to go - I cant wait!

Did you post this after the last three BCS bowl losses too?

1/4/2008, 06:24 PM
We have the ingredients for a great team, but great teams do not show the lack of emotion OU showed in the Fiesta Bowl, nor do they commit more holding penalties in one game than they committed in half a year of regular season. Okay, so Loadholt's the largest human being in the universe; if he continues to under-perform, bench him and play the next guy. Give me smaller guys with heart and effort over larger guys who under-perform. Oh, and we need some assistant coaching changes. Our offense hasn't been the same since Leach left. I say give Heupel a shot at OC. He knows how to run an offense that can win a NC. Just sayin'...

1/4/2008, 07:15 PM
What a ridiculous thread. Firstoff we all love our Sooners, thats why we are here, to share our different opinions and to vent together..

I have NEVER been more disappointed in being a Sooner Football fan, and it doesnt have much to do with the record. The effort of this team this year was embarrassing and dont throw "B12 champs" in there to make me feel better. Outside of QB, we had the most experienced and talented team in the conference coming back, 2 and 3 year starters everywhere.I dont increase my sons allowance for getting good grades so im not patting this team on the back for winning the conference..We were among the conference leaders in penalties and turnovers. What was our record when behind in a game? We lost to a 7 loss CU team while blowing a large lead and choking every opportunity away..didnt learn our lesson 2 weeks later against ISU when we sleptwalked for 3 quarters in Ames..And when given ANOTHER chance to become a player nationally, we combined poor coaching(does Joey really need to set passing records TONIGHT!) with poor play..Then Wednesday nights performance takes the cake with regards to poor coaching and uninspired effort

Last years team battled twice the adversity as this years team, showing Sooner pride and passion even in games where they didnt play very well or smart. This years team had nada with regards to heart with a few exceptions(thats you Lofton, English, Sam)..I dont expect my Sooners to win every game. I do expect my Sooners to be like most of us on here, to wait anxiously for 6 days and to be so excited to play on saturday that they play with passion and courage EVERY WEEK, not just when another team calls them names..

1/4/2008, 07:19 PM
I'll quit whining when we quit letting ginormous white guys with an stupid lookin mohawks run 60 yard touchdowns untouched.

and he had a hairlip

Curly Bill
1/4/2008, 07:23 PM
and clear on out of here, us REAL Sooner Football fans can get back to sharing our joy about how great our team is, what a good season they had, and how awesome they are going to be next year. About 245 more days to go - I cant wait!

CryBabies?...the least you could have done is called us bandwagon fans to boot.

Curly Bill
1/4/2008, 07:28 PM
and clear on out of here, us REAL Sooner Football fans can get back to sharing our joy about how great our team is, what a good season they had, and how awesome they are going to be next year. About 245 more days to go - I cant wait!

If you have to willingly accept a 48-28 beat-down on the heels of our other recent bowl beat-downs to be a "REAL Sooner Football fan" then count me out.

Jack T.
1/4/2008, 07:35 PM
If you are happy with a 3 loss season, I'm sure the folks at OrangePower would be happy to have you over there.

This apparently-fake-Sooner-fan isn't so happy.

1/4/2008, 07:37 PM
Apparently, if you don't enjoy losing and you care about winning, then you're not a "real" fan, lol!

1/4/2008, 08:00 PM
Apparently, if you don't enjoy losing and you care about winning, then you're not a "real" fan, lol!


1/4/2008, 08:01 PM
Apparently, if you don't enjoy losing and you care about winning, then you're not a "real" fan, lol!
Its one thing to be upset with losing, its another thing to critize and complain about the decisions made by a coach that puts together a team that year in and year out is one of the best in the country. As far as I'm concerned anybody on this board is a "real fan," but if you really want to complain goto hornfans, orangepower, or texasags where they actually have something to complain about. If your coach and his staff win back-to-back conference championships in a good conference like the Big 12 they know what they're doing more so than anybody here.

1/4/2008, 08:03 PM
I'll quit whining when we quit letting ginormous white guys with an stupid lookin mohawks run 60 yard touchdowns untouched.

and he had a hairlip

hey, that would scare me too...

Curly Bill
1/4/2008, 08:04 PM
they know what they're doing more so than anybody here.

...and Chevy knows more about me then making cars, so if I buy a lemon from them does that mean I can't complain?

1/4/2008, 08:06 PM
Right then, I thought there might be something to post here but I see it's already been covered. Moving along...

1/4/2008, 08:27 PM
These types of threads always make me laugh. People placing judgement on other fans' love for the team. If the people that post these types of threads would step back they would realize that a lot of us on here are bit*hing and whining for good reason. We like our team to play to the potential level that they should be playing at...we like our coaches to compete with the other teams, instead of embarassing the team we love. We don't like seeing our team lose 4 in a row BCS games....we don't like seeing our team lose to a so-so colorado team. The fact that we are all voicing our concern for our program only shows true fanship. If you don't realize that, that's crazy. Now I admit I've heard some far fetched stuff about firing Stoops..yadayadayada...and that's a little overboard at this point. BUT it's not farfetched at all for any of us to think that there is some sort of problem that our head coach needs to figure out soon, or we'll be doomed every year with losses we shouldn't have and bowl losses on a regular basis that we shouldn't have. It's ultimately Bob Stoop's responsibility to fix all this mess and get us back where we should be. And that's just my realistic opinion (and I think from what I've been reading on here, the majority of the posters agree with me)

Curly Bill
1/4/2008, 08:30 PM
These types of threads always make me laugh. People placing judgement on other fans' love for the team. If the people that post these types of threads would step back they would realize that a lot of us on here are bit*hing and whining for good reason. We like our team to play to the potential level that they should be playing at...we like our coaches to compete with the other teams, instead of embarassing the team we love. We don't like seeing our team lose 4 in a row BCS games....we don't like seeing our team lose to a so-so colorado team. The fact that we are all voicing our concern for our program only shows true fanship. If you don't realize that, that's crazy. Now I admit I've heard some far fetched stuff about firing Stoops..yadayadayada...and that's stupid. BUT it's not stupid for any of us to think that there is some sort of problem that our head coach needs to figure out soon, or we'll be doomed every year with losses we shouldn't have and bowl losses on a regular basis that we shouldn't have. And that's just my realistic opinion (and I think from what I've been reading on here, the majority of the posters agree with me)

Just be quite and drink your Kool-Aid! :D

1/4/2008, 08:31 PM
I see alot of red in your future.

1/4/2008, 08:32 PM
Just be quite and drink your Kool-Aid! :D
Yeah..cause I'm obviously the one sipping on the Kool-Aid. :D

1/4/2008, 08:35 PM
Geez, how many of these REAL fans were around ten years ago? I don't remember so much whining back then to be honest. If I remember correctly, there was an attitude that winning a conference championship in football and going to a BCS Bowl would be awesome.

1. Kelly, Smith and Holmes to put it simply. For all of the people who whine about Reggie Smith, how many times did he give up two easy TD passes to a running football team this year? That's right... none. Chaney did great, but did NOT draw the coverage that Kelly does. MK often draws two or three guys off of Gresh and Iglesias.

2. DeMarcus Granger being out you could say was important, but think about this... if he's dumb enough to get arrested for something so stupid as stealing a coat, what makes you think HIS head was going to be in the right place for a BCS game?

3. Over 100 yards worth of penalties, a turnover and a gamble that we lost our asses on. This isn't OSU, it's a BCS game. You can't steamroll someone or even have an expectation to win with that crap. Remember back in the day when Stoops would have his punter throw passes for first downs on the road, in hostile environements and deep in his own territory? I do, and people said it was bastard genius. Why? Because it worked.

4. The offensive line was way over quota on the penalties. Hello? Lining up wrong? Who the hell does that? Being a big, strong OL like OUr guys are, you have a natural size advantage. But the more important factor you need is discipline. Jumping early and grabbing a glove-full of jersey is YES... YOUR FAULT, NOT YOUR COACH'S.

The ONLY blame the coaches really need is that it is no longer excusable. No more, "we made a game of it" here or "well, they're good" there. This is four BCS losses. You know who is getting laughed at? Not Baylor and East Popcorn State if you're wondering. Why? Because no one cares about them. They weren't on the big stage. Nothing more than an Insight Bowl at best is expected of them. Bill Stewart is not a fluke coach, people. And though Petrino is an ******* and abandoned his kids like that, WVU had ALL coordinators intact and no injuries. They could have done two things. One, folded... two, move on and play more inspired. OUr coaching staff is awesome, they recruit, develop and play GREAT athletes. They need to own up to the fact that in the BCS, people are good and they're gonna play you good. You know that extreme focus it takes to win in Dallas, College Station, Lincoln? Remember how we beat a top five, one-loss Oregon team with the youngest squad in the NCAA in 2005? It wasn't talent, it was extreme focus, and a will to win. Same thing beat Missouri by 21 points when just about everyone was calling us for a choke.

1/4/2008, 09:21 PM
you know if I hear one more fan say just remember 10 years ago, I think I'm going to puke.
that wasn't the norm for Sooner football. It's like people are happy now with losing to underdogs just because it's better than the dark ages of OU football.
Yeah I remember the 90's and I also remember the 80's and 70's. OU wasn't built on getting throttled and embarrassed in big games and just being happy.

Nobody was calling for a choke against MU (at least not on this board) we'd already beat them once.
Another thing our line has been getting stupid penalties all year, Loadholt in every freakin game. They don't seem to set him aside or anything. They had no problems sitting Murray or Patrick. To me that's coaching.
Our D has been giving up a buttload of yards all year, but somehow it's attributed to this new fangled spread offense, or the offense. You know I could understand if we just a step behind a WR or just missed on a blitz, but sometimes we don't have a defender within 10 yards or more of the play. Yes part of it's execution but when it happens over and over in a season, year in and year out, it seems to me it become more than just an execution problem. Also WTH is that offense we have one of the highest scoring offenses in the nation (yet somehow we blame them for our bad defensive performances) but at times we still look like a 1980's Big 10 offense. In at least 4 games this year talent made up for horribly over conservative calls, and that also is nothing new.

1/4/2008, 09:25 PM
you know if I hear one more fan say just remember 10 years ago, I think I'm going to puke.
that wasn't the norm for Sooner football. It's like people are happy now with losing to underdogs just because it's better than the dark ages of OU football.
Yeah I remember the 90's and I also remember the 80's and 70's. OU wasn't built on getting throttled and embarrassed in big games and just being happy.

Nobody was calling for a choke against MU (at least not on this board) we'd already beat them once.
Another thing our line has been getting stupid penalties all year, Loadholt in every freakin game. They don't seem to set him aside or anything. They had no problems sitting Murray or Patrick. To me that's coaching.
Our D has been giving up a buttload of yards all year, but somehow it's attributed to this new fangled spread offense, or the offense. You know I could understand if we just a step behind a WR or just missed on a blitz, but sometimes we don't have a defender within 10 yards or more of the play. Yes part of it's execution but when it happens over and over in a season, year in and year out, it seems to me it become more than just an execution problem. Also WTH is that offense we have one of the highest scoring offenses in the nation (yet somehow we blame them for our bad defensive performances) but at times we still look like a 1980's Big 10 offense. In at least 4 games this year talent made up for horribly over conservative calls, and that also is nothing new.
Very well said IMO