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1/4/2008, 10:01 AM
It's early, but she's off to a good start.


Intoxicated Spears gives up kids after standoff

OS ANGELES - The troubled life of Britney Spears added a new chapter when the intoxicated pop star was whisked away in an ambulance after police were called to her house to help end a nearly three-hour custody standoff involving her young sons.

The 26-year-old pop star was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Entertainment Tonight reported on its Web site Friday. Cedars spokeswoman Simi Singer said she could neither confirm nor deny the report, citing patient confidentiality laws.

Officer Jason Lee of the Los Angeles Police Department told City News Service that Spears appeared to be under the influence of an unknown substance. He declined to elaborate. No injuries were reported.

Spears was conscious late Thursday when paramedics took her out of her home in a gurney. Several police cars escorted the ambulance out of the neighborhood, followed by dozens of paparazzi.

Officers were called to Spears’ house around 8 p.m. to respond to the custody dispute with ex-husband Kevin Federline over their sons, 2-year-old Sean Preston and 1-year-old Jayden James, Lee said.

By about 10:30 p.m., six police cars, two ambulances and a fire truck had entered the gated-community that includes Spears’ house. Several police cars were seen in the area earlier in the night.

Spears turned over the children around 10:50 p.m., Lee said.

Calls to the Police Department’s media line early Friday were not answered.

Spears and Federline have been involved in a long and very public custody battle. Federline has temporary custody of the children because Spears, who has limited visitation rights, has defied court orders. The two were married in October 2004 and divorced in July.

Spears has appeared increasingly out of control during the past year. She has been photographed without underwear and appeared to be drunk and out-of-control. She shaved her head, beat a car with an umbrella and spent a month in rehab and has had a handful of fender benders, including one in which she ran over a photographer’s foot.

Earlier Thursday, Spears appeared for a deposition in her custody dispute.

Spears was deposed for just 14 minutes, Federline attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan told reporters after Spears left.

Spears called in sick for a Dec. 12 court-ordered deposition, but was photographed that day driving with a friend. She also didn’t show up for a session Wednesday, Kaplan said.

1/4/2008, 10:05 AM
I wonder which will happen first for Britney? She goes bankrupt or she kills herself.

1/4/2008, 10:58 AM
That is one sad person . . . I wonder if she would've gone downhill this fast if she didn't have the boys and never got married to Federline.

You'd think having kids would wake a person up.

1/4/2008, 11:32 AM
And spell it right, it is Britney. "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" ;)

1/4/2008, 11:39 AM
And spell it right, it is Britney. "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" ;)

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Hot Rod
1/4/2008, 12:03 PM
Hey, it looks like fame and fortune does makes you happy! (sarcasm)

1/4/2008, 12:17 PM
her sister has started down a similar path

1/4/2008, 12:30 PM
This should make a good "Movie of the Week".

I hope the writer's strike is over soon, we're missing out on some good stuff.

1/4/2008, 12:34 PM
She certainly does not avoid the paparazzi, popping in and out of Starbucks and driving fancy cars around and whatnot.

Attention whore.

No - just whore.

1/4/2008, 12:39 PM
Hopefully Charlie Sheen and John Cryer can help KFED get settled in.

1/4/2008, 01:29 PM
She should have been committed into rehad over a year ago. She needs some serious intervention and medical help.

Her parents need to get involved now for the sake of their daughter and their grandchildren and stop milking the woman for her money.

Sad and pitiful.

1/4/2008, 01:41 PM
Does this mean that it'll be called "Two men and a wannabe?"

1/4/2008, 03:01 PM
She should have been committed into rehad over a year ago. She needs some serious intervention and medical help.

Her parents need to get involved now for the sake of their daughter and their grandchildren and stop milking the woman for her money.

Sad and pitiful.

I think her parents are just as bad. White trash -- the lot of them.

1/4/2008, 03:03 PM
Does this mean that it'll be called "Two men and a wannabe?"

I think Two and a Half Men would still fit.

1/4/2008, 03:06 PM
Federline is a tool, but I have a begrudging respect for him and the way he has conducted himself as a parent compared to the mother.

1/4/2008, 03:15 PM
I think her parents are just as bad. White trash -- the lot of them.

Oh I agree. I'm wondering the real reason why her parents haven't stepped up and helped her. Personally I think it's because they're more concerned about the money. Or they REALLY don't know how to parent.

1/4/2008, 03:27 PM
Get the chick out of LA, put her in mandatory long term rehab, get her out of the glimmer and lights. If she isn't forced into a long term rehab, the chick will be another Anna Nicole Smith. And, Kevin, mom and her father will be fighting over her royalties while Britney is "Pushing up Daisies."

If there is anyone who needs to say the Serenity Prayer, Britney is definitely a good choice.

Friend of Bill W.

1/4/2008, 03:46 PM
Side note: Officer Jason Lee was overheard saying "I'm a ****ing demon!"

1/4/2008, 04:19 PM
Some folks are just to close to the forest to see the trees I guess.

If that would have been my kid, I would have gotten her loaded, driven her to her banks, emptied all her accounts. Then I would have put the cash in a safe account and then driven her to the best damned rehab clinic I could find.

She is a death waiting to happen... I just hope that her kids aren't with her and victims as well, when she does it.

1/4/2008, 04:35 PM
Federline is a tool, but I have a begrudging respect for him and the way he has conducted himself as a parent compared to the mother.

Don't go too far with the KFed back-patting there Sic. KFed could have sinister motives.

See, as the custodial parent, the amount of child support he gets from her bajillions on behalf of the two kids can be adjusted upwards if Brit has less visitation. Each parent's share of the total amount of court ordered child support is adjusted based on the amount of time the kids spend with each parent.

Under the law in most jurisdictions (and I presume Caleefornya too) if one parent has little or no physical contact with kids, that parent has to pony up more money because they clearly aren't contributing to the kids upkeep in a material way -- you know, like feeding and buying them stuff they need during visitation periods.

Nutshell: no visitation by Brit = bigger bank for KFed.

1/4/2008, 09:21 PM
I think her parents are just as bad. White trash -- the lot of them.

:eek: I was going to post almost the same thing as SicEm!

1/4/2008, 09:28 PM
:eek: I was going to post almost the same thing as SicEm!

You know how I know you're gay?

1/4/2008, 09:37 PM
You know how I know you're gay?

Because I let you suck my ****?!? :texan:


1/4/2008, 09:38 PM
:D :D

1/4/2008, 09:38 PM
Because I let you suck my ****?!? :texan:


dude, it's JM you are talking about, he wanted to

1/4/2008, 09:46 PM
She won't live another 5 years.