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1/3/2008, 07:08 PM
I've been glued to the tube for two days straight watching coverage of the Iowa Caucus this evening. I'm totally pumped.

I've got popcorn, chips and dip, a pizza on the way, plenty of pop, and some beer for my caucus viewing tonight.

My bold prediction, Ron Paul will finish in the top 3.


1. Obama
2. Clinton
3. Edwards

1/3/2008, 07:10 PM
I refuse to put any stock in what some Iowan thinks. AFAIK, Iowans should lose the franchise.

1/3/2008, 07:17 PM
I refuse to put any stock in what some Iowan thinks. AFAIK, Iowans should lose the franchise.

I put a great deal of stock in it. More so with New Hampshire than Iowa, but the two combined are very important. I'm still a believer in running a primary state-by-state rather than nationally.

1/3/2008, 07:21 PM
I put a great deal of stock in it. More so with New Hampshire than Iowa, but the two combined are very important. I'm still a believer in running a primary state-by-state rather than nationally.
Because two of the least diverse states in the Union tell us so much.

1/3/2008, 07:23 PM
Because two of the least diverse states in the Union tell us so much.
Are we talking electorally or vetting the candidates? If the latter, you're right.

1/3/2008, 07:28 PM
Are we talking electorally or vetting the candidates? If the latter, you're right.
I don't know how much forcing candidates to pander to out of mainstream voters actually vets the candidates.

1/3/2008, 07:35 PM
When the choice is between 'compassionite conservatism' (right-wing big gov't) and free healthcare (socialism)...


Ron Paul is a ding-bat and a fruit cake. The only good he could possibly do is to serve as a giant monkey wrench to be thrown into the whole rotten machine.

1/3/2008, 07:39 PM
I don't know how much forcing candidates to pander to out of mainstream voters actually vets the candidates.
I agree with you.

1/3/2008, 08:49 PM
voting is for queers.

1/3/2008, 09:18 PM
I've been glued to the tube for two days straight watching coverage of the Iowa Caucus this evening. I'm totally pumped.

I've got popcorn, chips and dip, a pizza on the way, plenty of pop, and some beer for my caucus viewing tonight.

My bold prediction, Ron Paul will finish in the top 3.


1. Obama
2. Clinton
3. Edwards

There's a tall black transvestite running for the Republican nomination? Wow, they have become the party of inclusion...:eek:

1/3/2008, 09:20 PM

Huckabee 35% Romney 24% Thompson 14%

Obama 34% Clinton 32% Edwards 32%

1/3/2008, 09:23 PM
Well Ron Paul isn't getting it done.

1/3/2008, 09:37 PM
Well Ron Paul isn't getting it done.
and you are surprised by this?

1/3/2008, 09:53 PM
does a caucus work different than a regular primary?

1/3/2008, 10:04 PM
Well Ron Paul isn't getting it done.

I didn't expect much from Iowa. New Hampshire will be a better test.

He did about twice what his detractors expected, though. And three times what Guliani did :)

1/3/2008, 10:33 PM
does a caucus work different than a regular primary?

Yes, it is very different. In fact, I haven't a damn clue exactly how a "caucus" works, but I know it is not a straightforward primary.

Oh yeah, my boy Obama won tonight. FWIW, and I don't think it's worth much at this point.

1/3/2008, 10:34 PM
He did about twice what his detractors expected, though. And three times what Guliani did :)

Thank God. Giuliani scares me more than Ron Paul.

1/3/2008, 11:05 PM
Well Ron Paul isn't getting it done.

Water is wet.

1/3/2008, 11:14 PM
He did about twice what his detractors expected, though. And three times what Guliani did :)

Not really surprising though since Guliani didn't really campaign in Iowa. Rudy will try and make his push in S.C. and Florida.

1/3/2008, 11:24 PM
Hey Sicem Ill get excited about it with Ya
When Is it ?

1/3/2008, 11:29 PM
SicEm was touching himself/herself during the broadcast

1/4/2008, 03:38 AM
well, yet another reason sicem can't even get action from his hand...

1/4/2008, 09:58 AM
Not really surprising though since Guliani didn't really campaign in Iowa. Rudy will try and make his push in S.C. and Florida.

Yes, he's likely to do better in states that can be bought. :)

1/4/2008, 10:26 AM
How did the Libertarians do?

Oh.. and Sic.. you should (hopefully) be receiving something today!

1/4/2008, 10:31 AM
Yes, he's likely to do better in states that can be bought. :)


My wife (from New Jersey) really likes Guliani. While I appreciate his candor, I think he's weird.

1/4/2008, 03:42 PM
....Ron Paul is a ding-bat and a fruit cake. The only good he could possibly do is to serve as a giant monkey wrench to be thrown into the whole rotten machine.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
I like Libertarian principles. For awhile, I thought and hoped RP might be a sane voice for libertarianism, He started losing me with his naive views on Iraq and terrorism. He lost me for good when he took the Sic 'Em and FaninAma view on Lincoln and the War to Save the Union. I've relegated him to ding-bat / fruit cake status myself.

1/4/2008, 03:48 PM
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I like Libertarian principles. For awhile, I thought and hoped RP might be a sane voice for libertarianism, He started losing me with his naive views on Iraq and terrorism. He lost me for good when he took the Sic 'Em and FaninAma view on Lincoln and the War to Save the Union. I've relegated him to ding-bat / fruit cake status myself.

Wait, so you think I am a ding-bat/fruit cake? ;)

1/4/2008, 03:50 PM
Its all they talk about on NPR. I wanna hear about Pakistan and Kenya, all I get is Iowa this and New Hampshire that! ;)

1/4/2008, 04:31 PM
SicEm...of all of your pathetic 'apy attention to me' threads...This has to be my least favorite...

You're much more amusing when telling us about your failed attempts with the opposite sex...You talking politics, not so amusing...

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
1/4/2008, 04:32 PM
Wait, so you think I am a ding-bat/fruit cake? ;)Don't expect TU to directly call you names. It's baneable, you know?!?!

1/4/2008, 04:42 PM
Wait, so you think I am a ding-bat/fruit cake? ;)Only on your best days. :rolleyes:

1/4/2008, 05:08 PM
If there was a candidate worth getting excited about, I might care how the Iowa and NH voting went/goes. As it is, I'll probably continue not caring right up to the time I turn in my blank ballot on anything-but-super tuesday and any candidate I might have been wanting to vote will have been forced to drop out of the race.

On both sides, picturing any of the candidates in the Oval Office gives me the creeps.

1/4/2008, 05:20 PM
I just can't wait till all the mud slinging starts. That's when I'll get my chips and cheese dip ready to watch CNN, MSNBC. Nothing better than a bunch of hot air blowers destroying their party mates.

1/4/2008, 05:34 PM

1) I can't vote in the Oklahoma primary anyway, so there's point in getting excited until each side picks a loser.

2) This isn't exactly a swing state. Oklahoma would vote for a drag queen as long he had an R next to his name--hmmm (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IrE6FMpai8)--so my vote doesn't matter either way.

3) There's nobody worth voting for. As usual.

1/4/2008, 10:12 PM
I was too engrossed in SicEm's new bestseller, "Alternate Spellings For Dummies", to pay much attention.
Lemme seeeee....

(The best of many,BTW.)

Whow! (See: Whao, Huao, WhyohwhyohwhyodidIevArleaveOhio, etc,) a veritable plethora of...never mind.

On my fifth Maker's Mark on the rox and the lasagna still ain't dun.
And...gotta be up at 0500 in order to go annoy the bass.

1/4/2008, 10:54 PM
On my fifth Maker's Mark on the rox and the lasagna still ain't dun.
And...gotta be up at 0500 in order to go annoy the bass.

Are you going to use a drill or an explosive device to get through the ice?

1/4/2008, 11:31 PM
Wait, so you think I am a ding-bat/fruit cake? ;)
No, but you might work up to it! ;) :D
Thanks folks!
I'll be back tomorrow night; tell all your friends!

lame :O

1/4/2008, 11:59 PM
Are you going to use a drill or an explosive device to get through the ice?

Odds are that Canyon Lake TX will not be iced over. Just a hunch.
High tomorrow in the 70's with winds S at 10-15 (add those together and that's what'll happen once we start bassin'.)

1/5/2008, 12:02 AM
Sicem I said Ill join ju when this happens
when Is all this excitment gonna happen ?
Im breathlessly awaiting this .:confused:

1/5/2008, 12:17 AM
Sicem I said Ill join ju when this happens
when Is all this excitment gonna happen ?
Im breathlessly awaiting this .:confused:
It was last night! But no need to worry -- the New Hampshire primary is coming up and then the main event on Super Tuesday.