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1/3/2008, 05:21 PM
Speed > Size ... Discuss.

1/3/2008, 05:23 PM
Because they scored more points than we did?

1/3/2008, 05:26 PM
No, no, no!

It's because they kept running with that brown thing (you know, with the white stripe on each end?) down that big yard and stopping where they painted the grass.



Sheeesh. :P

1/3/2008, 05:28 PM
Speed > Size ... Discuss.

Desire,incentive,preparation,coaching[onside kick in what the 3rd qtr?]. I have no doubt OU could whip WVA on most nights but circumstances and the football Gods were against you last night. BCS games and BS evidently don't agree with each other. In regular season OU takes em to the woodshed.

1/3/2008, 05:30 PM
No, no, no!

It's because they kept running with that brown thing (you know, with the white stripe on each end?) down that big yard and stopping where they painted the grass.



Sheeesh. :P

I hate these hypertechnical discussions. :mad:

1/3/2008, 05:31 PM
WV played better and harder than OU did last night. They showed more heart(as a team) and intelligence(less penalties) than OU did......and in the end they simply whipped OUr asses......we'll be back.....

jk the sooner fan
1/3/2008, 05:31 PM
i'm in agreement with this opinion i found on another board

total agreement

My opinion is this...this game meant nothing, which is why our guys weren't up for it. Until the post-season counts for something other than the top two teams, you are going to end up with results like this time and time again.

P.S. The Orange Bowl (USC) and the Sugar Bowl (LSU) we lost because the other teams were better than us. Period. That is not the case with yesterday's or last years game. We lost both of those games because our heads were not in it until we were 20 points behind.

1/3/2008, 05:32 PM
Corso picked us to win big?

The Maestro
1/3/2008, 05:43 PM
Speed > Size ... Discuss.

Is this thread for chicks only?

1/3/2008, 05:46 PM
Is this thread for chicks only?



1/3/2008, 05:51 PM
i'm in agreement with this opinion i found on another board

total agreement

If you are correct and nothing matters except the BCSCG OU has bigger problems than going for two or onside kicking at the wrong times. If the OU coaches cannot prepare and fire-up a team to play hard for 4 quarters in a post-game bowl.........?

1/3/2008, 05:53 PM
If you are correct and nothing matters except the BCSCG OU has bigger problems than going for two or onside kicking at the wrong times. If the OU coaches cannot prepare and fire-up a team to play hard for 4 quarters in a post-game bowl.........?

This is wrong for several reasons.

Four of which will be named next week on the Wrong Reason Selection Show.

The Maestro
1/3/2008, 05:54 PM
So our players lied all week about saying they were excited about the game and they had been dealing with the lingering memory of Boise State all year?

They wanted to win...they just didn't play good enough. Remember Bob's statement after every loss this year?

Outcoached. Outplayed. Didn't play smart.

1/3/2008, 05:55 PM
What I hate about losing is the neverending autopsy.

Listen: There are always a brazillion reasons that you lose. A little execution here. A bit of emotion there. A misstep. A miscue. A half-second asleep at the switch.

It happens. No one thing is the reason we lost. All of the reasons are right.

There were times that WV also missed some execution, had a down moment, missteped, f'd the pooch. Whatever.

But, when you win, the errors fade away into nothingness, not unlike an elderly aunt's fart.

Yes, sure, there's much to review and revamp. And much that needs to be improved.

But the sky isn't falling.

1/3/2008, 05:56 PM
But, when you win, the errors fade away into nothingness, not unlike an elderly aunt's fart.

This is also wrong.

I have an aunt that can fart like a pack mule. She'd peel paint off the Bismarck.

1/3/2008, 08:02 PM
Speed > Size ... Discuss.
I agree as far as our O-Line is concerned.

1/3/2008, 09:43 PM
Our coaches sucked.

1/3/2008, 10:22 PM
i'm in agreement with this opinion i found on another board

total agreement

My opinion is this...this game meant nothing, which is why our guys weren't up for it. Until the post-season counts for something other than the top two teams, you are going to end up with results like this time and time again.

P.S. The Orange Bowl (USC) and the Sugar Bowl (LSU) we lost because the other teams were better than us. Period. That is not the case with yesterday's or last years game. We lost both of those games because our heads were not in it until we were 20 points behind.


The King would tend to disagree..........and I wholeheartedly agree to disagree...........well, you get the point.

I guess all of us OU fans should just pack it up after the last reg. season game, forget about the team, never travel for the bowl game, put away our jersey's, hats, and whistle zippity doo daa out of our arseholes thru Dec. and January.

What happened to pride and the pursuit of perfection, take no prisoners, protect the legacy, OU magic, you don't want to play us mother &*%$-ers!

I don't understand why OU (the coaches and players) can't get fired up about the last game of the season - on the biggest stage of the season. To me it appears that we don't prepare and get motivated like we do for the UT or Big 12 CH games - or like most of OUr other games. I see nobody getting in each others faces, lighting a torch under OUr asses, or at least acting like the damn game matters.

We wouldn't be having 75% of these replies if the team would have at least showed some urgency and inspiration.


jk the sooner fan
1/3/2008, 10:33 PM
did i say anything about the fans?

you yourself just said you cant understand why the players cant get fired up etc etc etc

of course the team wanted to win, they always do......but look at the difference in the bowl game and the game that mattered (the big 12 championship game) - apples and oranges

bowl games for the most part is a showcase - so you win the fiesta bowl, you get a trophy but its not a MNC - the BCS has taken that away. in the old days, you'd go to the orange bowl and more often than not, if you won, you had a chance at a MNC. this year its just kansas and vatech

why didnt the team show any urgency or inspiration?

1/3/2008, 10:33 PM
Oh yeah, and let's just go ahead and give back the $17 million since these games don't much matter.


jk the sooner fan
1/3/2008, 10:35 PM
again, you're talking about an entirely different issue

of course the bowl games matter economically

that isnt EVEN what i said or agreed with

dont extrapolate my words, take them exactly as they were meant - for what occurred on the field - which you agreed with in your own response

1/3/2008, 10:45 PM
did i say anything about the fans?

you yourself just said you cant understand why the players cant get fired up etc etc etc

of course the team wanted to win, they always do......but look at the difference in the bowl game and the game that mattered (the big 12 championship game) - apples and oranges

bowl games for the most part is a showcase - so you win the fiesta bowl, you get a trophy but its not a MNC - the BCS has taken that away. in the old days, you'd go to the orange bowl and more often than not, if you won, you had a chance at a MNC. this year its just kansas and vatech

why didnt the team show any urgency or inspiration?

I was implying that if the team shouldn't feel the game is important, then why should the fans give a flip in the post-season.......and thereby fund the post-season?

Honestly, I don't think the team wanted to win - enough.

$17 MM for the conference ain't a bad pay day.

What ever happend to pride?

I kind of understand your intended point but I think the system, being what it is, should be honored and taken advantage of as much as possible. Preseason ranking, reputation, fan support = $$ funding, still matter.

jk the sooner fan
1/3/2008, 11:01 PM
well, what you and i think as fans, doesnt always translate to what the players and coaches think/do

sometimes thats good, other times not so much

1/3/2008, 11:08 PM
I guess that's what makes our jobs as fans seem insignificant at times but in the big scheme of things - sometimes collectively significant.

On the other hand, with world events and life / death events unfolding, this is fairly insignificant.

I can only hope somehow that OU football learns from this most recent experience.

Time for another beer!

jk the sooner fan
1/3/2008, 11:15 PM
i've heard it said that no matter how much you love your team, they rarely love you back the same way