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View Full Version : Who I feel bad for

The Maestro
1/3/2008, 12:17 PM
As I sat in the stadium last night and saw West Virginia take a 48-28 lead I grabbed the wife and kid and said, "Let's go!" Special props to my brother in law for two free tickets from a vendor of his and the fact I live about 50 miles from the stadium doesn't suck.

But as I was leaving I was looking around and noticing the great following OU fans give this team. Thousands of people spent thousands of hard earned dollars to fly to Phoenix or drive great distances to get here with gas at a premium cost. Hotels in Phoenix and Scottsdale are not cheap. Eating out every meal for a few days can add up. Tickets to the game were not cheap (if you were foolish enough to buy them before gameday from scalpers). All the other costs that are involved. And while making that decision to spend money in that way does not guarantee a win by any means, you sure hope to see your three milliion dollar coach and his team coming off a win over the "then" number one team put up a good fight. Especially when taking on a team without a head coach coming off their most disappointing loss ever while losing their beloved head coach after the game.

Yet we didn't really see that. I am not calling for Stoops head or anyone else for that matter. Just sick of hearing how the easy way out is to say we got outcoached, outplayed, not prepared, etc. So get prepared! Coach better! Play better! Yes, we are Big 12 champs and that's great...and I can stomach a loss to WVU and their fans that were VERY classy before and after. But freaking compete! Last night we did not compete...and thousands of people spend thousands of dollars. Wasted as far as I was concerned. Heck, I was griping about having to drive 50 miles and get up and go to work today, which is a lot better than what most OU fans who were at the game are dealing with today.


1/3/2008, 12:22 PM
The last two bowl games I went to were the Sugar and the Orange. With Sugar Bowl we had a shot to win. That sucked, but I didn't feel like I threw my $ away.

To watch OU flat out quit in the Orange Bowl drove me up a wall. Traveling half way around the country, paying a crap load of money to do so, and then watching your team get quit and get molested was ridiculous. :mad:

As for last night, I feel sorry for guys like Lofton, Cheney, Allen Patrick, etc, that legitimately played their azzes off and gave it everything they got while some of the guys were just there for the free pizza and doughnuts.

stoops the eternal pimp
1/3/2008, 12:24 PM
You know, I was actually thinking about you as this game was going on. Just one thing that concerns me and thats bowl preparations. Obviously something is not working.

1/3/2008, 12:27 PM
As I sat in the stadium last night and saw West Virginia take a 48-28 lead I grabbed the wife and kid and said, "Let's go!" Special props to my brother in law for two free tickets from a vendor of his and the fact I live about 50 miles from the stadium doesn't suck.

But as I was leaving I was looking around and noticing the great following OU fans give this team. Thousands of people spent thousands of hard earned dollars to fly to Phoenix or drive great distances to get here with gas at a premium cost. Hotels in Phoenix and Scottsdale are not cheap. Eating out every meal for a few days can add up. Tickets to the game were not cheap (if you were foolish enough to buy them before gameday from scalpers). All the other costs that are involved. And while making that decision to spend money in that way does not guarantee a win by any means, you sure hope to see your three milliion dollar coach and his team coming off a win over the "then" number one team put up a good fight. Especially when taking on a team without a head coach coming off their most disappointing loss ever while losing their beloved head coach after the game.

Yet we didn't really see that. I am not calling for Stoops head or anyone else for that matter. Just sick of hearing how the easy way out is to say we got outcoached, outplayed, not prepared, etc. So get prepared! Coach better! Play better! Yes, we are Big 12 champs and that's great...and I can stomach a loss to WVU and their fans that were VERY classy before and after. But freaking compete! Last night we did not compete...and thousands of people spend thousands of dollars. Wasted as far as I was concerned. Heck, I was griping about having to drive 50 miles and get up and go to work today, which is a lot better than what most OU fans who were at the game are dealing with today.


Well put. I went to the Arkansas OB whipping way back in 1978 and felt the same way. It wasn't the loss, but the lack of being prepared and competing. These 4 recent BCS losses are not the same - OU competed hard and came within a play of winning (or tying) against LSU and Boise. But in all 4 games, they seemed to come out poorly prepared in the 1st half. That seems fixable.

1/3/2008, 12:27 PM
As for last night, I feel sorry for guys like Lofton, Cheney, Allen Patrick, etc, that legitimately played their azzes off and gave it everything they got while some of the guys were just there for the free pizza and doughnuts.

Don't forget the free coats.:rolleyes:

The Maestro
1/3/2008, 12:28 PM
You know, I was actually thinking about you as this game was going on.

You and about a thousand other people. Good grief, I dragged in to work today and you would have thought I had an 18 year old son that went to the San Francisco Zoo on Christmas Day.

E-mails, phone calls, etc. Being "that" fan sure makes people act wierd around you after a game like last night.

I live in Phoenix...OU comes to my backyard twice...how lucky am I for that...and I have Boise State and West Virginia games to reflect on.


Maybe I'll go to the zoo today...

1/3/2008, 12:29 PM
That seems fixable.
Yes it does. I just wonder how many of these performances everyone has to put up with before it actually gets fixed. People like to say "Stoops is smart, he'll fix the problems on defense", "...in bowl preparation", etc but we continue to wait for them to get fixed.

The Maestro
1/3/2008, 12:33 PM
Yes it does. I just wonder how many of these performances everyone has to put up with before it actually gets fixed. People like to say "Stoops is smart, he'll fix the problems on defense", "...in bowl preparation", etc but we continue to wait for them to get fixed.

Exactly. He said the same thing after the Colorado game.

"Outcoached. Outplayed. We didn't play smart."

It's like we get ARROGANT after one big win. Hell, it's only 14 games a year...coach well, play well and play smart in all of them! You've got 351 other days a year to screw up!

1/3/2008, 12:35 PM
I feel sorry for our fan base who hopes are dashed when bowl time gets here.

1/3/2008, 12:41 PM
The team did everything they were told. We were outcoached. Accept it.

In saying that ... its always good to get away for awhile. Why not do it while supporting and watching football. I don't feel bad for fans who went there. You win some, you lose some. Its part of the game.

1/3/2008, 12:43 PM
You win some...
I'm not sure what you mean.

1/3/2008, 12:46 PM
You win some, you lose some. Its part of the game.

"Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?"
Chuck Noland

1/3/2008, 12:58 PM
I had two tickets to the game myself but my back has gotten so bad in the last two weeks that I gave them to a friend in the neighborhood who went in my place. I hope that he and his son had a good time during the rest of his visit because sitting in the stands last night would have been like being in purgatory.

Leroy Lizard
1/3/2008, 01:07 PM
This is why fans should take in the festivities that surround a bowl game. Party a little. Have a good time.

1/3/2008, 03:01 PM
You win some, you lose some. Its part of the game.

I don't mind losing a bowl game, since you're usually playing a quality opponent.

My problem is that our last 4 BCS bowl games, we were favored by 7 over LSU, a 2.5 dog to USC, a 7 point favorite over Boise State, and a 7.5 point favorite over West VA.

In three of those most recent BCS bowl games, we have been completely embarrassed. Giving up 55 to USC, who knows how many to Boise State (erased from memory) and 48 to West Virginia.

Our defense in these last three bowl games has looked completely confused and overmatched. How? Why? We keep getting these top 5-10 ranked recruiting classes and our defense continues to struggle. Is it problems with schemes, player evaluation in high school, player development?

Something's gotta give

1/3/2008, 03:13 PM
I made the mistake of going to the game last year against Boise State. We drove all the way there (and don't forget we had to take the southern route) add another 5 hours onto the drive i.e. a 19 hour drive there.

I had free tickets, a free place to stay, and it was still a long drive back home. This year when my uncle called and offered us the same deal as last year we turned him down. We didn't want to spend $500+ dollars getting there (gas and meals) and have our hearts broken again.

The thing that made me upset about last nights game was we were running a 4-2-5 against a team that couldn't throw to save their lives. I kept hoping we would put 8 guys in the box to make them throw. For some reason we just never seem to make adjustments. I would have no problem admitting losing to a better team, but that just wasn't the case. Poor coaching cost us the game.

Oh well.... it is over with, and I am very thankful we didn't go. To all the fans that went, I have felt your pain. I can only imagine the frustration of the people who traveled to all 4 BCS losses.

1/3/2008, 03:14 PM
Something's gotta give

And when the Booster Club comes calling, you'll know how much it is


1/3/2008, 03:50 PM
The team did everything they were told. We were outcoached. Accept it.

The team did not show up at the beginning of the game. There was no fire anywhere in the first half. Should the coaches have them better prepared? Absolutely. But saying that, shouldnt there also be at least one leader on the team that can light a fire under everyone's *** to play with at least a little intensity? Shouldnt there be a guy that is willing to get in a linemans face and tell him to pull his head out his ***, block the guy in front of him, and not hold onto a jersey while doing it? I would hope that a team full of blue chip, 4-5 star athletes, has one guy that can step up and be either a vocal leader( dan cody) or a guy that leads by example on the field( josh heupel). That is what has the most worried. But then again, we have to remember we have a freshman qb that probably isnt ready for that role yet. Hopefully next year, when a series goes bad, he doesnt just go stand by the coach. He talks to the players about what needs to happen the next time they go out and shows them that he is willing to lead.

1/3/2008, 04:10 PM
Free will, folks. OU owes you nothing and you owe OU nothing. If you want to spend your hard-earned dollars on bowl games, then do it. But you also have the choice to spend nothing. OU and this coaching staff do not owe the fans anything.

Jason White's Third Knee
1/3/2008, 04:13 PM
Next time we get our asses kicked, I want it heralded as the greatest college football game of all time and I want replays of it shown on espn every other day for a year.

1/3/2008, 04:49 PM
I can only imagine the frustration of the people who traveled to all 4 BCS loses.

[ralph wiggum] Dying tickles! Ha ha ha! [/ralph wiggum] http://www.imhaven.com/msn/emoticons/crazy/Crazy_083.gif http://www.imhaven.com/msn/emoticons/crazy/Crazy_146.gif http://www.imhaven.com/msn/emoticons/crazy/Crazy_1387.gif

1/3/2008, 04:54 PM
Dio sent me an email today and this is what he said:

Rocky 3, dude, it's all in Rocky 3. You get fat, happy, and complacent and then Mr T knocks you on your ***. At least Rocky did something about it.

1/3/2008, 04:56 PM
Free will, folks. OU owes you nothing and you owe OU nothing. If you want to spend your hard-earned dollars on bowl games, then do it. But you also have the choice to spend nothing. OU and this coaching staff do not owe the fans anything.

So... let's all stop supporting the team, and they can quit playing, and everybody will be happy !

Mex hikes his little leg at you from doggie heaven.
http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/429/mex20with20canvas20backwf7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

What Would Mex Do?

1/3/2008, 05:22 PM
Losing SUCKS.