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View Full Version : It's time for some perpective

1/3/2008, 08:13 AM
No one likes losing, but too many of you people are attaching too much of your self worth to winning football games. Yeah, winning all those games would be great, yet boring. If you knew in advance you'd win, you'd complain about not winning good enough, and you'd be bored with it.

As a fan base we have been spoiled. Spoiled by winning the vast majority of football games we've participated in. When you win as much as this program has, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that there still about 100 other programs that would trade places with us in a heartbeat. Why do you think Boone State is spending so much money to try and bring their FB team up to snuff?

Unfortunately winning them all just isn't a reality. Perfection isn't really an option. No program, team or person is perfect and never will be. So we strive to do the best that we can, and to that end I'm happy with an 11-3 season. I have no doubt that everyone on that field last night did the best they could. Mistakes were made, great effort was given, what more do you want from a team?

If you are standing on a ledge today, step back for a minute and be thankful, get some perspective and realize that when you play in big games against big teams, you are going to lose a few. It's just part of being there.

1/3/2008, 08:19 AM


1/3/2008, 08:19 AM

1/3/2008, 08:23 AM
Holy Crap, the sun is rising, i was certain God was going to come like a thief in the night!!

1/3/2008, 09:22 AM
The only "perpective" I have is seeing Noel Divine destroy our defense and getting embarresed for the 3rd straight time in a BCS bowl.

I, for one, will think twice before pulling the trigger on following OU to a bowl game until this staff can prove once more that they can indeed prepare for a bowl game.

1/3/2008, 09:38 AM
The only "perpective" I have is seeing Noel Divine destroy our defense and getting embarresed for the 3rd straight time in a BCS bowl.

I, for one, will think twice before pulling the trigger on following OU to a bowl game until this staff can prove once more that they can indeed prepare for a bowl game.
I came with in a hair of going to this game .
I wish I had
Hell for that Matter I wish I had gone to OB in 04
I had that chance
Would have Cost me a few bucks , a Little Pride But I could have Said
Dayum I was there !:cool:

1/3/2008, 09:41 AM
Last night was a prime example of why I hate the time off between the end of the season and the bowl games. It is very apparent that some teams can handle it way better than others.

Plus, with a playoff I honestly believe that teams would see that there's just a little bit more to play for than some bowl trophy. You win or you go home.

I think a lot of teams really become complacent after they win their CCG or finish their season and then have a month off before they play again.

I think we would've seen a different OU team had this game been played the week after the CCG.

1/3/2008, 09:56 AM
The only "perpective" I have is seeing Noel Divine destroy our defense and getting embarresed for the 3rd straight time in a BCS bowl.

I, for one, will think twice before pulling the trigger on following OU to a bowl game until this staff can prove once more that they can indeed prepare for a bowl game.

see, that's what I mean. We lost...so? It WAS a BCS bowl. 3 out of the last 5 were BCS bowls. Would you rather be in the Holiday bowl against a 23rd ranked school just to get a win?

I'll keep taking the BCS beatings, we can't lose all of them, and even if we lose 1 out of every 6, that one will likely be for the title and I'm ok with that.

1/3/2008, 10:10 AM
see, that's what I mean. We lost...so? It WAS a BCS bowl. 3 out of the last 5 were BCS bowls. Would you rather be in the Holiday bowl against a 23rd ranked school just to get a win?

I'll keep taking the BCS beatings, we can't lose all of them, and even if we lose 1 out of every 6, that one will likely be for the title and I'm ok with that.
Would you please quit tryin to make since . Its confusing the rest of the Board
Plzkthx :D

1/3/2008, 10:21 AM
Good point in the great scheme of things, but this not a philosophy board, it's a football board.

The Sooners and the University WANT us to invest our hearts and emotions (not to mention time and money) in them, so we do. It's not wrong for us to resent disappointment when we wear our crimson hearts on our crimson sleeves. Yes, defeat comes with the territory for any team, but we don't have to accept it glady, especially when it comes like it has for us in recent years.

1/3/2008, 10:32 AM
Here's some perspective.

WVU's 525 yards of total offense were the most allowed by a Sooner defense since 1999.

WVU'S 48 points were the most given up since the GOWWDNS.

Against the Sooners, West Virginia produced its two longest runs and its longest pass in the school's bowl history.

Edited to add: my point being, I don't expect us to win every BCS bowl game. I do expect us to show up.

1/3/2008, 10:33 AM
On a positive note at least we have provided levels of emotional joy to the last four BCS teams we have played. Views like the "win of my life" , "we came together as a team" " and the proposal of marrige after a win have all been provided by us losing.

We have provided other teams the opportunity of a life time by the victory of playing a team like OU...............we spread the love throughout the entire NCAA.......we should be proud.

1/3/2008, 10:39 AM
....and even if we lose 1 out of every 6, that one will likely be for the title and I'm ok with that.

So much time, so little to do. - WW

1/3/2008, 10:51 AM
Wow Hairy! Playing Texas Holdem has tought you a great lesson in humility and life. Well said...

stoops the eternal pimp
1/3/2008, 11:09 AM
I agree with 4life. I used to lose my mind over losses but realized the only thing it does is make me bad to be around. Why lose it over something you have no control over? If the OU players and coaches don't perform well, it really doesn't have anything to do with me. When they win, it really doesn't have anything to do with me. I m just ready for the red-white game.

1/3/2008, 11:30 AM
Good point in the great scheme of things, but this not a philosophy board, it's a football board.

The Sooners and the University WANT us to invest our hearts and emotions (not to mention time and money) in them, so we do. It's not wrong for us to resent disappointment when we wear our crimson hearts on our crimson sleeves. Yes, defeat comes with the territory for any team, but we don't have to accept it glady, especially when it comes like it has for us in recent years.

In a broad sense I agree, but just exactly what do you expect for your investment? 11-3 and a BCS game? 13-0 and a title? A big XII title? I mean, what you are getting for your investment seems, at least to me, to be a pretty damn good return.

1/3/2008, 11:31 AM
I know I'm not getting **** for my golf forum dues you told me I had to pay. I call shenanigans.

Leroy Lizard
1/3/2008, 11:44 AM
Last night was a prime example of why I hate the time off between the end of the season and the bowl games. It is very apparent that some teams can handle it way better than others.

Plus, with a playoff I honestly believe that teams would see that there's just a little bit more to play for than some bowl trophy. You win or you go home.

I think a lot of teams really become complacent after they win their CCG or finish their season and then have a month off before they play again.

I have seen rotten reasons for wanting a playoff, but this one gets the prize. We need a national playoff because OU can't play well after being off a month?

This team was not going to win a playoff.

1/3/2008, 11:50 AM
Right on OU4LIFE...and that's why I didn't even watch the game folks (that and a flight back to San Antonio during that time).

My blood pressure is thanking me today.

At this point, other than to update the bowl predictions thread, I'm out of this forum for the next few days/weeks/however long it takes for the modadors to clean up/bane all the half-cocked commentators that come out of the woodwork at times like this.

1/3/2008, 01:16 PM
there is more to life than OU football. The hardest part is living around those that beat us. Thank God that doesn't happen any more.

Hairy, my only beef is we look like a high school team these days in bowl games. It truly looks as if we've never played or coached the game before.

The Maestro
1/3/2008, 01:32 PM
Here's some perspective.

WVU's 525 yards of total offense were the most allowed by a Sooner defense since 1999.

WVU'S 48 points were the most given up since the GOWWDNS.

Against the Sooners, West Virginia produced its two longest runs and its longest pass in the school's bowl history.

Edited to add: my point being, I don't expect us to win every BCS bowl game. I do expect us to show up.

Amen, Sister! All I know is that great Louisville defense held WVU to 38 points. 'Nuff said. You don't have to win them all, but COMPETE!

1/3/2008, 01:36 PM
My Perspective:

OU Football is a game and it is usually entertaining. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. After either a win or loss, the next day I move on. I have a wife, three kids, a big ****ing mortgage and two car payments. Not to mention that the world is going to hell in a handbag faster than you can say Obama. I have more important things to worry about than whether a football team wins every game or not.

Congrats to OU on a fine football season. I thought for sure that we would have been playing in the Cotton Bowl in a best case scenario before the season started.

The Maestro
1/3/2008, 01:44 PM
Check this link out to running commentary...


Newbomb Turk
1/3/2008, 01:52 PM
OU Football is a game and it is usually entertaining. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. After either a win or loss, the next day I move on. I have a wife, three kids, a big ****ing mortgage and two car payments. Not to mention that the world is going to hell in a handbag faster than you can say Obama. I have more important things to worry about than whether a football team wins every game or not.

amen to that.

My wife woke up this morning in so much pain she was in tears. I had to rush her to the doc. She's feeling better now but we still need to find out what is wrong with her. I couldn't care less that we got thumped last night.

1/3/2008, 01:53 PM
see, that's what I mean. We lost...so? It WAS a BCS bowl. 3 out of the last 5 were BCS bowls. Would you rather be in the Holiday bowl against a 23rd ranked school just to get a win?

I'll keep taking the BCS beatings, we can't lose all of them, and even if we lose 1 out of every 6, that one will likely be for the title and I'm ok with that.

If this pathetic post season system is going to make getting to some meaningless corporate bowl the ultimate goal for the season, then it is reasonable to expect this staff to prepare for these games as such.

If they keep showing that they cannot compete in these types of games, why should anyone attend??

If we keep taking these type of beatings in the BCS, it will further hurt our recruiting, season records, etc.

Hopefully, BS can figure this out. I know he can he is one helluva coach.

1/3/2008, 02:00 PM
If this pathetic post season system is going to make getting to some meaningless corporate bowl the ultimate goal for the season, then it is reasonable to expect this staff to prepare for these games as such.

If they keep showing that they cannot compete in these types of games, why should anyone attend??

If we keep taking these type of beatings in the BCS, it will further hurt our recruiting, season records, etc.

Hopefully, BS can figure this out. I know he can he is one helluva coach.

I've NEVER agreed more with Tuba. :D

1/3/2008, 02:16 PM
Check this link out to running commentary...


The link says it all. Thanks Maestro.

The Maestro
1/3/2008, 02:24 PM
Here's perspective.

West Virginia only scored 38 this year.

Against Louisville.

Partial Qualifier
1/3/2008, 02:26 PM
See, LAST year I was all "it's just a loss, we can't win them all" :D

This year, hindsight included.. it's obvious we have a systemic problem with bowl preparation which evidently is really hard or impossible to fix, even for the great Bob Stoops. It appears too deep to be a "we'll get 'em next year" type of deal.

Maybe it's our CCG, maybe it's the constant flux of talent here, perhaps an ingrained sense of entitlement but whatever it is, it's tough to manage around.

I know Bob Stoops is probably alot more frustrated than us and is a smart football guy so I trust him. Wouldn't consider anyone else at the helm. But I'm not on a ledge and don't hear alot of other people on ledges... It's more like a big, serious, hearty "WTF, we got seriously outcoached by an interim goober!?" I think the outcry is justified.

1/3/2008, 02:35 PM
amen to that.

My wife woke up this morning in so much pain she was in tears. I had to rush her to the doc. She's feeling better now but we still need to find out what is wrong with her. I couldn't care less that we got thumped last night.

Hope you guys find out what's wrong.

Continuing on this perspective thing, my wife and I found out she was pregnant Tuesday morning and we were both happy at the news.

By that night, she was in excruciating pain so we rushed her to the ER. By early Wednesday morning, she was undergoing on a laproscopic surgery to remove the pregnancy because it was entopic and already causing her to bleed from her tubes.

I wish our team hadn't have laid an egg last night. But I'm also not going to get too terribly worked up over it.

1/3/2008, 02:36 PM
I'm with keeping things in perspective. I'm also for not wanting to trade in Bob Stoops for someone that is 1/2 the coach and a big talker. However, with things in perspective, if OU continues to lose BCS games, it will not be long until they quit getting invited to the dance.

I honestly feel the program is at a crossroads where the coaching staff has to start asking themselves some honest questions. Remember, we are paying some big dollars for results. What are the expected results? Well, I guess if we want to compete with the USC's, LSU's, or Ohio State's of this world, then those results are some MNC every 3 to 4 years.

It's been 8 years since our last MNC. Mr. Stoops is paid like we are suppose to at least win one every 10 years or so? I defnitely don't want to take a slide back, and I definitely don't want to end up like Nebraska; however, I do think we need some changes in tactics, approach, deffensive play or something where we don't take the next step backwards and begin making some steps forward.

Repeatedly getting embarrassed in a BCS game is not the answer. You see how Georgia handled their "BSU" in Hawaii, and you see how OU handled their BSU last year? Something is up between the end of the season, getting ready for bowl games, and even playing well on the road.

Yes, I'm fine personally. I have "life" issues that mean something to myself, my friends, and my family. I am quite sure the OU coaching staff would not walk accross the street to pi## on me if I were on fire; however, after 40 years of pulling for OU, and living in texass and putting up with harrassment when they embarass themselves, it does give me heartburn and I have to relieve that heartburn by coming on SF to "bitch". Thank your for allowing me that luxury.

1/3/2008, 02:46 PM
I know I'm not getting **** for my golf forum dues you told me I had to pay. I call shenanigans.

You're moving your head too much to the left at impact. Keep it behind the ball.

1/3/2008, 03:02 PM
Right on OU4LIFE...and that's why I didn't even watch the game folks (that and a flight back to San Antonio during that time).

My blood pressure is thanking me today.

At this point, other than to update the bowl predictions thread, I'm out of this forum for the next few days/weeks/however long it takes for the modadors to clean up/bane all the half-cocked commentators that come out of the woodwork at times like this.

Nothing personal, but see yah. I'm with you on the BP thing; however, not even watching the game, and calling others "half-cocked commentators"? I guess the rest of us who consider ourselves fans just need to shut up and wait for others more intelligent and righteous to enlighten us with the truth.

Lott's Bandana
1/3/2008, 03:04 PM
The other night, I'm sittin in a small town honky-tonk on New Year's Eve, watching Mulhall's orange-clad citizens try to get ripsnortin drunk on 3.2 Coors Light and I hear an orange-clad fellow ask another orange-clad fellow about aggy's game. When told the final score to the Incite Bowl, his first statement out of his mouth was, "Good, now only if OU loses their bowl.".

NEVER EVER do I want to be in a position where:

I don't watch OU play in their bowl game.
My first remark after OU winning said bowl game refers to the failure of another team, unless said team's failure vaults OU to #1
I have to drink 3.2 beer.

We can keep winning conference championships and playing in BCS bowl games till the end of time, I'm in. Ask Missou about this. They're out.

The Sooners played a game last night without 5 players that will play on Sundays. They lost. Pontiac will make a stoopid commercial about it. Don't care...I'm ready to go to Seattle, enjoy my fav city in the world and watch the guys play football next to a lake. How cool is that?

Perspective. OU4LIFE nailed it.


1/3/2008, 03:07 PM
We just got EMBARRASSED in our third consecutive BCS Bowl...

Go sell perspective somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.

1/3/2008, 04:13 PM
You're moving your head too much to the left at impact. Keep it behind the ball.

Post reported.

Jello Biafra
1/3/2008, 05:47 PM
I have seen rotten reasons for wanting a playoff, but this one gets the prize. We need a national playoff because OU can't play well after being off a month?

This team was not going to win a playoff.

i've finally figured out how you got so orange soooo quick.....you're a cork sucker. plain and simple. you know very little about the game of football and seem to more even less about the strategy, emotions and momentum....the chess match, if you will, of the game. this team may not have won the nc in a playoff but i would put cash on the line that they would be there in the last couple of games.

1/3/2008, 06:59 PM
You're moving your head too much to the left at impact. Keep it behind the ball.

head, ball, impact, behind.

this post really has it all. wtg, hairy.

1/3/2008, 08:23 PM
head, ball, impact, behind.

this post really has it all. wtg, hairy.

Don't encourage his filth.

1/3/2008, 08:23 PM
If the OU players and coaches don't perform well, it really doesn't have anything to do with me. When they win, it really doesn't have anything to do with me.

I don't know about you, but I have been a sooner for all my life (over 62 years). It sure does have something to do with me. We (the team, coaches, fans and all) win or lose together. That's just the way it is! Having said that, life does go on and I sure don't want to let Stoops go. But, we were just not ready to play last night. Hopefully, one year of maturity will help this team to be more consistant. We have the talent, but for some reason, we couldn't find it for the better part of 3 different games. Here's looking forward to a better year next fall. :cool:

1/3/2008, 08:46 PM
On a positive note at least we have provided levels of emotional joy to the last four BCS teams we have played. Views like the "win of my life" , "we came together as a team" " and the proposal of marrige after a win have all been provided by us losing.

We have provided other teams the opportunity of a life time by the victory of playing a team like OU...............we spread the love throughout the entire NCAA.......we should be proud.


I don't wanna spread the love. I wanna spread fear. Fear and surprise. Suprise AND fear. And ruthless efficiency...

Fear, suprise and ruthless efficiency.

1/3/2008, 08:57 PM
Last night was a prime example of why I hate the time off between the end of the season and the bowl games. It is very apparent that some teams can handle it way better than others.

Plus, with a playoff I honestly believe that teams would see that there's just a little bit more to play for than some bowl trophy. You win or you go home.

I think a lot of teams really become complacent after they win their CCG or finish their season and then have a month off before they play again.

I think we would've seen a different OU team had this game been played the week after the CCG.

you've got a lot to learn about life, amigo.

1/3/2008, 09:03 PM
At least you didn't have to accept a trophy from that fat honker from Frito-Lay last night. Damn, you could serve a 6 course meal on her arse and never worry about the gravy boat falling off. Holy hell that woman was bigger than 3 retirement homes in Phoenix.

For the record, I'm a big OU fan. I'm shaking my head today too. Could be worse, you could be a Tennessee fan.

1/3/2008, 09:06 PM
i thought that was mangino.

1/3/2008, 09:35 PM
From the link ...
- I just don't get this. You have the nation's most efficient passer and a slew of good wide receivers. You need three touchdowns and you're running it. There's a lot of time left. Spread it out, start bombing, and shorten the game.

My point exactly! The coaches failed. They should apologize to the players for their stupid play calls. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

1/3/2008, 11:45 PM

I don't wanna spread the love. I wanna spread fear. Fear and surprise. Suprise AND fear. And ruthless efficiency...

Fear, suprise and ruthless efficiency.

Nooooo one would expect that! ;) :D

And don't forget the nice red uniforms.

Crucifax Autumn
1/4/2008, 04:23 AM
Nice red uniforms rock...for Kansas!