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View Full Version : I think I know the big problem here...

1/3/2008, 01:28 AM
I know this is a long post but I got a whole lot to say. If you don't care what I have to say, just skip it, I don't care. Just thought I'd give my two cents.

Anyway, before I reveal this problem lets take a trip back through time shall we?

Everybody remember that week in January 2001? Florida State was THE place where God and Jesus played football. You couldn't beat them. They were IT.

You guys remember? Remember the announcers before the game?

"Now how about that Sooner defense it's pretty good."
"Almost as good as the defense for Florida State."

"Well Florida State is the better team here so expect OU to try get something going first hoping for a victory."

Everybody remember how OU shouldn't even show up they'd get their asses kicked 27 times up and down the field on the opening play? Well we all know what happened.

Now today...

"Where was that OU team that played Mizzou!?!?"

Everybody remember the **** that came from Mizzou and the **** that was slung on us. We were "lucky" and this was a "different" Mizzou team. Mizzou was going to kill us. Well we all know what happened.

Now lets flip this and tell me what you think.

"Well West Virginia lost their coach while OU has Bob Stoops so that will affect them heavily."

"West Virginia just can't throw the ball so if OU shuts the run down they have it."

"OU just has the better team here."

The problem with this team is it has no reason to play it seems. What did the teams of the past have to play for? Respect. To prove they were actually good and not "over rated". The right to say "I'm worthy". To reach a goal that the whole sports world was saying, "you can't do it Oklahoma, you're not good enough!"

What happened when we got all of that? Remember the media love of our 2003 team? We bought it hook, line, and sinker and turned what would of been the best into...just another team. We were the Rome of college football that year...and fell just as hard.

What does our team need? It needs to be kicked, mouthed, and dragged through the dirt. It seems, to me, that Stoops and staff have just assumed too much lately.

"We're good enough we'll get in this bowl."
"We're good enough we'll win."

I know what you're thinking. "NOT STOOPS AND OUR TEAM!!" Yes Stoops and our team. Have you seen the past bowl games I've seen? We assume too much. That's our problem. Yes, we buy into our own hype. The hype we worked so hard to get, was our undoing.

So what happens now? I don't know.
How long will it take? I don't know.
Will there be more loses that will suck? I don't know.

I'll leave on a positive note.

Les Miles beat Stoops two times in a row. Remember all that **** Miles talked the week before the game? How he expected to roll in and claim the third victory?

Now, remember the utter ****ed, I'm gonna kick your ***, shut up, this is our time, you're dead attitude the team had? Yeah, that's what we need. It may take a few times to get kicked in the balls but, like Miles, someday a nerve will be hit and I'll be sorry for the team OU decides to kick back on.

1/3/2008, 01:31 AM
These are some of the same things I have been thinking too. The way we played against CU and ISU was more evidence too.

1/3/2008, 01:35 AM
Egg Zachary.

Hit the nail right on the head. We need to play someone we "can't beat" next year. Someone nobody in the world will give us a fighting chance against. Like Floriduh or SUC. Remind us of those 55-19 massacres and remind us of how much "team speed" supposedly doesn't exist down here. I likes me that stuff. Bob Stoops is better the hunter, not the hunted.

1/3/2008, 02:02 AM
We need to play someone we "can't beat" next year. Someone nobody in the world will give us a fighting chance against.

We scheduled Ohio State, LSU, and Florida State. Although Florida State at the time was really good.

Anyway, this reminds me of the movie Waterboy. We're becoming a laughing stock in college football. Don't believe me? Watch the USC, Boise State, and now West Virginia games. Don't like it? Well we need to say "stop laughing at me" and kill some people.

1/3/2008, 02:43 AM
With four straight BCS bowl losses, we don't need to worry about being taken very seriously next bowl season.

Unfortunately, the challenge for us may be that have to overcome the media bias (skepticism) against us if it comes to down to our getting in as the #2 team vs. another team with a better recent track record in big bowl games.

I sure hope it doesn't come down to something like that . . . but it could.

And that right there, folks, is post one thousand.

I just want to thank everyone for letting me play for this great state. I love this team. I just love this state. I love my mohawk. O geez, it's all so overwhelming. Boo hoo! Boo hoo hoo hoo! Tissue, please. I said, TISSUE, please! (Am I still on the air, here?) Can someone please go find me a cheerleader I can propose to, just to drag this out a bit? Pick a little squeaky one, please. This is just such a special moment. May it never end. Please, don't let it end. Also, I could use a yay-big school flag to run around stadium, if that's OK. Boo hoo. Boo hoo hoo hoo. (Am I still on?)

1/3/2008, 08:28 AM
If Stoops and his staff cannot create and atmosphere of striving for excellence and achieving the self-satisfaction of knowing you did your best to be the best you can be I would suggest he change his ****ing staff so I don't have to read anymore posts about explaining exceedingly rampant mediocrity away as the team simply needing something to play for.

1/3/2008, 10:02 AM
We play with a chip on our shoulder and kick people's asses, or we play uninspired and flat. Sems to be no in between.

1/3/2008, 10:09 AM
....I just want to thank everyone for letting me play for this great state. I love this team. I just love this state. I love my mohawk. O geez, it's all so overwhelming. Boo hoo! Boo hoo hoo hoo! Tissue, please. I said, TISSUE, please! (Am I still on the air, here?) Can someone please go find me a cheerleader I can propose to, just to drag this out a bit? Pick a little squeaky one, please. This is just such a special moment. May it never end. Please, don't let it end. Also, I could use a yay-big school flag to run around stadium, if that's OK. Boo hoo. Boo hoo hoo hoo. (Am I still on?)
But don't you wish that had been a Sooner taking pride in a victory for our state? I sure do! I salute that kid.

1/3/2008, 10:20 AM
Stoops has built this program on talent. Most of the time, his team is just more talented and better than the opponent. That is what he relies on to get the job done, and most of the time they do.

But Stoops has impressed me the most when he doesn't have the more talented team; that is what really shows me his fire, his passion and most importantly, his coaching skill. The 1999, 2000, 2005 and 2006 teams come to mind as probably not the most talented teams on paper in Stoops tenure, but the hardest playing and best coached squads... and the most fun to watch.

Hopefully next year, when we will have a world of talent, he can light a fire under his guys and they can come out and be passionate about every game from end to end, rather than just thinking they are going to go out there and win.

1/3/2008, 10:33 AM
I can't believe I'm living the 2006 Fiasco Bowl all over again. This is total bull****. I can't believe it. How many sooner fans do you think show up at our next pathetic bowl game appearance? Our slogan is now "next year!" Screw "next year." With the 2005 Holiday Bowl game vacated, we haven't "truly" won a bowl game since... 2002!! Wow! I know that "vacated win" is an aggie argument, and we all know who really won that game whether it is in the record books or not, but 'tis surely sad. I would love a Cotton Bowl, Holiday Bowl, or even Independence Bowl WIN!!!

It sucks to lose in the bowl season. It leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Losing 4 straight BCS bowls sends a message to recruits. This whole team played schizo all year. This game set up just like Boise State. Big favorites. Nobody in the media gave WVU a single chance. The only people who believed WVU could win were Oklahoma fans (and of course WVU fans). Why? Because we've been there before. We cannot trust this team to play consistent football. Heck, Bob Stoops & the Sooners will be the laughing stock of every conference and media outlet, all horn fans, and pokes for years to come. We are becoming Michigan & Bob is becoming "LLL"LLoyd Carr . I guess we can at least beat the 'Horns? :texan:

Anyway, I know how upset everyone is, but Bob has done it before, and he will do it again---win the NC that is. Maybe we are recruiting size and not speed, which is causing our guys to give up big plays. Maybe we really should run the spread. I would like to hope the injuries/suspensions/misdemeanors had something to do with this embarrassment, probably because that is an easy fix. Maybe Bob needs to change the way the guys prepare for bowls. Something is wrong here, someone needs to find out quick.

1/3/2008, 12:02 PM
We play with a chip on our shoulder and kick people's asses, or we play uninspired and flat. Seems to be no in between.

Nailed it, and much more concise. :)

Leroy Lizard
1/3/2008, 12:26 PM
The only people who believed WVU could win were Oklahoma fans (and of course WVU fans).

Those Sooner fans weren't posting in here.

1/3/2008, 10:17 PM
Those Sooner fans weren't posting in here.
No, many of us were here, we just knew better than to post anything about how we really thought because the loudest didn't want to think that the game could be anything but an OU blowout....but then I tend to be a pessimist after watching them for 35 years. This year should have taught EVERYONE to take nothing for granted. Losing to a poor Colorado team and an average Tech team should have taught them that as well. OU didn't lose to "great" teams during the regular season.

It would also help if we weren't fodder for every "good story" the media tries to cram down everyones throat by playing teams with absolutely nothing to lose.

1/3/2008, 11:17 PM
if what you say is true (the fist post), they OU coaching staff DID NOT DO THE GOOD JOB TO GET THE RIGHT MENTAL AND PHYSICAL MINDSET FOR THE GAME.

1/3/2008, 11:33 PM
if what you say is true (the fist post), they OU coaching staff DID NOT DO THE GOOD JOB TO GET THE RIGHT MENTAL AND PHYSICAL MINDSET FOR THE GAME.

Ding, ding, ding.............we have a winnar!!!!
:) :( :O :mad: :eek: :confused: :hot:

1/4/2008, 12:04 PM
if what you say is true (the fist post), they OU coaching staff DID NOT DO THE GOOD JOB TO GET THE RIGHT MENTAL AND PHYSICAL MINDSET FOR THE GAME.

G.K. Chesterton said: "Warriors fight, not because they hate those in front of them, but because they love those who are behind them."

Coaches' motivating their players is important, but if you're a D-1 player you should give thanks that you have been blessed with such talent that you can be on a national stage 13-14 times a year and get a free education. This, along with playing your best every week for your teammates, coaches, parents, fans, and yes, even your school, should be motivation enough. Stoops should take some of those guys aside like Wilkinson did on one occasion and tell them to quit embarassing those uniforms or find someone that won't.

1/4/2008, 12:41 PM
Whatever...warriors fight to stay alive even if they have to kill those in front and those in behind. Chesterton must have been a total democrat

1/4/2008, 01:02 PM
Whatever...warriors fight to stay alive even if they have to kill those in front and those in behind. Chesterton must have been a total democrat

Uh.... OK

1/4/2008, 02:17 PM
We need to play someone we "can't beat" next year. Someone nobody in the world will give us a fighting chance against.

I disagree. We need to play somebody, period. If our coaches can't get our players up for EVERY game, regardless of how much "respect they be givin' us," then they don't deserve their pay. If our players are holding back 'cause they are feeling respected and aren't playing up to the full level of their abilities, then that is ALSO on our coaches for allowing them to play that way.

We don't need to play somebody better than us. We need to play better ourselves.


1/7/2008, 06:31 PM
I think all the gifts the players get should be shown to them and the winners get the little plasmas and the losers get a gift card for music and such.

1/8/2008, 12:40 AM
...I tend to be a pessimist after watching them for 35 years.

Wow. I wonder what fans of the other 119 teams tend to be.

1/8/2008, 02:19 AM
I think we're in as good a position to contend for next year's NC as any team. We may have our problems, but every team has question marks going into next season.
USC - complete unknown at the most important position
Georgia - looks to have a tough schedule
WVU - how will they handle a whole season with a new coach?
LSU - Loses a ton of players, will Lester's recruits step in for Saban's?
Florida - defense is a year older, but will it be better?
Ohio St. - play @USC next year, no way they win that if they can't pass protect better, voters will be hesistant to put a 1 loss OSU team back into the BCS championship game.