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View Full Version : If you don't want Stoops, then who?

A Sooner in Texas
1/3/2008, 12:17 AM
Really, who? You want Mack Brown? Sure, the whorns won THEIR bowl, but big whoop. We're still the Big XII champs. And we beat aTm, the whorns' biggest thorn in their side.
Mike Gundy? Dear god, no.
Les Miles? See above.

Who? Bob Stoops brings the Sooners back from the dead and keeps us one of the top teams in the country each and every year.
I'm hurting too from this loss, and I would love to enjoy a Sooner bowl game again, but I'm not going to throw Stoops to the wolves. Really, who would you rather have be our coach?

Any suggestions? Cause I sure as hell can't think of anyone.

We WILL be back.


1/3/2008, 12:20 AM
1) The interim Big East dude that just handed Bob his a$$

1/3/2008, 12:20 AM
I'd take Bob Stoops over any coach in the Big XII. probably over any coach in college football.

That's my Texas A&M perspective.

keep your heads up sooners

1/3/2008, 12:21 AM
Sucks to lose like this but this team has been consistently inconsistent, the loss of 5 starters, penalties, etc. Hopefully we can learn from this and improve. I'd rather lose a BCS game than to not be there at all. Can't win 'em all.

1/3/2008, 12:21 AM
I think it is a two fold problem, I think there needs to be some turnover on the staff, seems that this group has been together a little too long and become stale. I wish someone would hire Wilson or Venables.

I also think they need to get some players with heart and desire, I see very little of that on the teams the past few years. Maybe it is from recruiting too many 5-star primadonas and not enough football players. The 2000 team was made up of heart guys and not all stars.

1/3/2008, 12:21 AM
2) The WAC dude who handed Bob his a$$ last year

1/3/2008, 12:22 AM
Pete Carrol?? Blashphemy!! haha

1/3/2008, 12:23 AM
I WANT Bob. I just want him to figure out how to WIN IN JANUARY.

1/3/2008, 12:23 AM
Really, who? You want Mack Brown? Sure, the whorns won THEIR bowl, but big whoop. We're still the Big XII champs. And we beat aTm, the whorns' biggest thorn in their side.
Mike Gundy? Dear god, no.
Les Miles? See above.

Who? Bob Stoops brings the Sooners back from the dead and keeps us one of the top teams in the country each and every year.
I'm hurting too from this loss, and I would love to enjoy a Sooner bowl game again, but I'm not going to throw Stoops to the wolves. Really, who would you rather have be our coach?

Any suggestions? Cause I sure as hell can't think of anyone.

We WILL be back.


Agreed... However I have one problem with what you say. We are back, and have been for a while which is what creates this problem. I love our boys, and stoops and all of our coaches I just think that our coaches need to rethink our bowl preparation because it seems that it is not that successful. We also need to execute better. Not that I know what they need to do, but hopefully they will figure it out.

1/3/2008, 12:25 AM
Seriously, people need to stop trying to run Stoops off. Does everyone seriously want another Blake-Schnellenboozer tenure? Does anyone around here remember how close to being a dead legend we really were without a great coach here?

1/3/2008, 12:27 AM
Keep Stoops... Fire Wilson? If Stoops won't do it, than someone put him in a full nelson until he says uncle.

1/3/2008, 12:27 AM
I would just like to point out that Tom Osborne lost 7 straight January Bowl games, often in ugly fashion, directly before winning 3 titles in 4 years. I'm guessing that Stoops is smart enough that he will alter his approach where needed, and OU will make these bowl struggles a memory in a few short years.

Katy's Most Wanted
1/3/2008, 12:27 AM
The Bob Stoops that came here from Florida with no guaranteed contract, something to prove, and enthusiasm.
We now have a coach who hangs on to terrible assistants, Venables and Wilson, has a guaranteed contract worht millions, and has lost touch with the kids.
How can you people sit there and continue to accept this type of performance for the last 3 years? When will you realize that we have a very bad situation at Norman and something has got to change?
Probably never.
And to prove my pointl, any time anyone criticizes Stoops and/or his staff they get run from the board and their thread locked out. No one wants to face the facts.
Well, when the Aggs, UT, and TT kick our a_ _ es next year maybe you'll have a little more realistic attitude.

Indy Sooner
1/3/2008, 12:28 AM
The King.

A Sooner in Texas
1/3/2008, 12:28 AM
I agree Bob may need to shake up the coaching staff somewhat...it's just too weird to see the fire the team had in the Big XII CCG and then look like they didn't give a crap in the Fiesta.

But I sure as hell don't want either the BSU coach who beat us last year - and he's done what since then? - or Stewart, who's head coached one game of a team out to prove something. I think he deserves the WVU gig definitely.

I want a coach who can at the very least get us to a BCS bowl on a consistent basis, and Stoops has done that. I also want us to win one. I think with Stoops we have our best chance of both.

But could he please figure out how to keep our guys pumped between the Big XII championship and whatever bowl we play in??

1/3/2008, 12:28 AM
2) The WAC dude who handed Bob his a$$ last year
Where is that WAC dude this year? (good choice :rolleyes: ).

1/3/2008, 12:28 AM
We WILL be back.

We've been saying that since 2001.

Bowl games have been quite the disappointment.

But we have 5 BigXII championships. So, I stay stick with Bob.

MI Sooner
1/3/2008, 12:28 AM
Maybe Pete Carroll, but it may be the program as much as the coach. Maybe Jim Tressell. Maybe Chris Peterson or another up and comer. There aren't many. My head knows that Stoops has succeeded beyond any realistic expectations. My problem is that I don't have realistic expectations.

1/3/2008, 12:30 AM
Amen on the players with heart and desire.

I kind of liked that guy on the WVU sidelines that was laughing and interacting with his players throughout the game. Kind of showed some passion and love for his team and players.

We are too worried about having Jim Ross and Toby Keith on the sidelines.

0-4 in January in four years. I am not wasting my cash on a bowl trip until we have a team that shows they want it more than anybody else. We had that in 2000. We lost it after the Sugar Bowl against LSU. The last three have been total embarassments.

1/3/2008, 12:30 AM
I also think they need to get some players with heart and desire, I see very little of that on the teams the past few years. Maybe it is from recruiting too many 5-star primadonas and not enough football players. The 2000 team was made up of heart guys and not all stars.

been sayin' that all year...good point. It takes better scouting to get those kind of players, but you gotta have them. Tell me WVU didn't have a few playin' for them tonight.

1/3/2008, 12:30 AM
The problem isn't Bob. Bob is here to stay and I will be deeply saddened if he is run off by the fair weather fans.

The coaching staff needs to analyze what they do once the season is over and make corrections. The players seem to assume because they are OU they will win when it comes to Bowl games. This attitude needs to end NOW.

Lets quit the bitching about what is done, wait for Stoops to answer the questions, because he will, and move on and look forward to what looks to be a great 2008 season.

Boomer Sooner

1/3/2008, 12:30 AM
Sucks to lose like this but this team has been consistently inconsistent, the loss of 5 starters, penalties, etc. Hopefully we can learn from this and improve. I'd rather lose a BCS game than to not be there at all. Can't win 'em all.
1. Losing starters sucks, but the back ups need to be ready to play, which goes back to the coaching staff; remember all those blow outs where the starters played way more than they should have? This has been an issue for several years.

2. Penalties-Lack of discipline and just plain old laziness at times; again, this goes back to the coaching staff.

3. No, i'm sick of BCS losses; this is 4 in a row and do you realize we haven't won a BCS game since Jan of 2003? 2x we lost as heavy favorites? Again, this goes back to coaching. This program and coaching staff has went from being considered the gem of the country to just another bunch of overpaid guys in polo shirts

1/3/2008, 12:31 AM
I want Mike Stoops back. With Bob. And a new OC.

And a new post season attitude.

1/3/2008, 12:32 AM
I don't think I'd rather lose this many big bowl games in a row than not be there at all. I mean seriously... this is bad.

Can you guys really say with all honesty and integrity that there isn't a pattern going on here? I obviously don't have the answer, but something needs to change. I'm not saying we need a new head coach, but something needs to change.

Thanks to Royal for the perspective on Osborne losing 6 straight bowl games. I didn't realize that. Hopefully Bob will have the humility to alter his approach and realize that it is a problem with him as the head coach.

1/3/2008, 12:32 AM
Where is that WAC dude this year? (good choice :rolleyes: ).

NOT getting butt-****ed for the 4th time in 5 years?

You keep pumping the sunshine, rolleyes, I'm ready to look at some cold hard reality.

1/3/2008, 12:33 AM
I think OC is not the problem. At least we are not chuck third and long anymore. We mix up the playcalling and get aggressive. I have enjoyed Wilson as OC.

1/3/2008, 12:34 AM
There's definitely a pattern, and it needs to change; certain sacrifices need to be made and i think most of them should start on the defensive side of the ball; 40+ points allowed in 3 straight BCS games? That is unbelievable

1/3/2008, 12:34 AM
People keep trying to say that recruiting 5-star players is why we seem complacent. Doesn't seem to be a problem for Pete Carroll and he has a lot more 5-star guys than we do.

1/3/2008, 12:34 AM
Where is that WAC dude this year? (good choice :rolleyes: ).
They had a good year, 10-3 with losses at Washington and at Hawaii. They lost to East Carolina 41-38 in the Hawaii Bowl. That is a good year for a BSU level program.

1/3/2008, 12:35 AM
IAnd a new post season attitude.
Agreed. The current attitude rests on its laurels and tries to steal coats.

1/3/2008, 12:35 AM
I don't think I'd rather lose this many big bowl games in a row than not be there at all. I mean seriously... this is bad.

Can you guys really say with all honesty and integrity that there isn't a pattern going on here? I obviously don't have the answer, but something needs to change. I'm not saying we need a new head coach, but something needs to change.

Thanks to Royal for the perspective on Osborne losing 6 straight bowl games. I didn't realize that. Hopefully Bob will have the humility to alter his approach and realize that it is a problem with him as the head coach.
Also it was essentially the same staff during the bowl struggles and the successes. There was a change in approach at the schematic level, and also in what was done to focus players. It is it as if OU is far from contention. A couple of tweaks, and you'll have your next title.

A Sooner in Texas
1/3/2008, 12:36 AM
The Bob Stoops that came here from Florida with no guaranteed contract, something to prove, and enthusiasm.
We now have a coach who hangs on to terrible assistants, Venables and Wilson, has a guaranteed contract worht millions, and has lost touch with the kids.
How can you people sit there and continue to accept this type of performance for the last 3 years? When will you realize that we have a very bad situation at Norman and something has got to change?
Probably never.
And to prove my pointl, any time anyone criticizes Stoops and/or his staff they get run from the board and their thread locked out. No one wants to face the facts.
Well, when the Aggs, UT, and TT kick our a_ _ es next year maybe you'll have a little more realistic attitude.

when they kick our asses next year? Why would they? We only lost to TT - and nearly came back to win - because Sam got knocked out. UT is losing their best running back and doesn't look to be any more of a threat to us next year than this. aTm? We'll probably continue to own them. Tech may be the one to give us the most trouble.
But why is it not realistic for me to continue to believe Stoops is one of the best college coaches in the nation and want to keep him? Yes, he needs to make some changes, but he knows how to get good coaches and good recruits and we don't want to lose that do we?
And maybe if you could look at the situation a little more realistically and without all the whiny negativity your threads wouldn't get locked down.

1/3/2008, 12:36 AM
While we are adjusting our attitude, how about some guys on defense with speed? We looked like we were in slow motion tonight compared to WVU; what happened to recruiting smaller guys that could run?

1/3/2008, 12:37 AM
3) Les Miles

OK, now I'm just ****in with ya ;)

1/3/2008, 12:38 AM
40+ points allowed in 3 straight BCS games? That is unbelievable
Wow. I hadn't thought about that.

That to me represents complete failure on both the offensive and defensive sides of the ball.

I don't even know how in the world Bob can defend that.

1/3/2008, 12:39 AM
I wish someone would hire Wilson or Venables.

I also think they need to get some players with heart and desire, I see very little of that on the teams the past few years. Maybe it is from recruiting too many 5-star primadonas and not enough football players. The 2000 team was made up of heart guys and not all stars.

I don't care if someone hires them or not, its time for Wilson and Venables to go. Neither one of them can get it done on this level.

You are EXACTLY correct. Stoops is focusing too much on athletes and not enough on football players. It's time to stop brining in thugs, and gangstas' and time to find some good ol' football players.

Case in point, Wes Welker was not fast or big enough for Stoops to consider, and look at what he did for Tech, look at what he's done in the pros......

You don't see him trying to return punts from inside the 10 goddamn yardline.... :eek:

We need thinkers, and football players, not shoplifting, gas-stealing gangster-thugs.

1/3/2008, 12:39 AM
someone needs to fire up stoops also, i do not see the fire in him that was once there. bring mike back, he is the fuel that feeds bobs fire

1/3/2008, 12:39 AM
Wow. I hadn't thought about that.

That to me represents complete failure on both the offensive and defensive sides of the ball.

I don't even know how in the world the sunshine pumpers can defend that.

Fixed :D

1/3/2008, 12:41 AM
I saw Broyles on the sidelines during the second half; guess he's still on the team cause he was dressed out

1/3/2008, 12:42 AM
I'm ready to look at some cold hard reality.
OK some cold hard reality, name me one coach that has won a BCS MNC twice in their tenure (Tressel may, but I doubt it).

1/3/2008, 12:42 AM
The defense has horrible fundamentals. I mean BAD. They play undisciplined football in the secondary. They seem to think that because they might have the run force on any given play and the QB gets outside of the tackles that means they don't have to cover their responsibilities. It bit them in the *** against CU, TT, and now WVU. They play like they're trying to do everyone else's job to the point of not doing their own. It's pathetic. Get rid of Vulnerables and put Wilson on notice and Stoops is fine. Getting flipped over and done dry for the fourth time in a BCS game is pathetic.

1/3/2008, 12:46 AM
I don't think I'd rather lose this many big bowl games in a row than not be there at all. I mean seriously... this is bad.
I am almost at the point where I would rather they go to a Cotton or holiday bowl if this is how they are going to play BCS games. They really haven't played a good bowl game since the Rose Bowl, the Holiday wasn't really that good of a game that struggled to beat Oregon. Bob Stoops bowl record is now 4-5.

People keep trying to say that recruiting 5-star players is why we seem complacent. Doesn't seem to be a problem for Pete Carroll and he has a lot more 5-star guys than we do.
USC hasn't been in the title game the past couple of years either. He may also treat them a bit differently, knows how to motivate them more and to keep them up at a different level. Who knows, he has guys transfer out as well to get playing time.

OK some cold hard reality, name me one coach that has won a BCS MNC twice in their tenure (Tressel may, but I doubt it).
I would just be happy with winning some of the BCS non-MNC games. Losing two of those in the fashion that has happened is just not good.

1/3/2008, 12:47 AM
I want Stoops, I just want him to wake the **** up. He is allowing **** to happen that shouldn't. Do you see this ever happening to USC under Pete Carrol? I don't. And it shouldn't happen to OU under Bob Stoops either.

1/3/2008, 12:47 AM
Ya'll do realize that we had the advantage in time of possession at half, and an Even larger advantage at the end of the game right?

I think Wilson needs to go, but the offense was NOT the biggest issue in this game, sloppy, unprepared play is at the heart, and that comes STRAIGHT from the coaches.

I don't want Stoops gone, but I would like to see him take a reality check and realize what he is letting this program slip into......

I can't believe someone actually said they would rather lose BCS bowl games than not be there at all...... must be a Buffalo Bills fan.....

I'll take a win in the Cotton Bowl EVERY TIME over a loss in any BCS game....

It's time to realize GETTING THERE IS NOT ENOUGH.

1/3/2008, 12:48 AM
Big XII is way overrated. I'm sorry, but when your conference Champion loses to Boise St and then gets their head handed to them by West Virginia, your conference sucks. We're like the WAC.

1/3/2008, 12:48 AM
Stoops needs a mentor of his to call him and tell him to quit reaching for a bowl win and just coach. The 4th down try at the end of the 1st half, going for two way to early, and the onside kick right after we took control of momentum all show desperation to me. We came out in the 2nd half and made the adjustments needed to win this game but when you try a play that desperate and it fails it deflates the team and gave momentum right back to WVU. I think Stoops is trying to hard right now in bowl games, we had things going our way early in the 2nd half and he just needs to trust his players to make the plays needed. We didn't need any trick plays to win this game, we needed a coaching staff that believed in the players and just let them make plays.

Having said that I'll take Stoops over any coach in the country. He took over a team that had 11 wins in the previous 3 years combined and he's won 5 BIG12 championships in 9 years and 1 national championship. I think OU's future looks bright and when he gets this turned around we'll enjoy a good run of bowl wins and hopefully a couple more national titles.

1/3/2008, 12:53 AM
OK some cold hard reality, name me one coach that has won a BCS MNC twice in their tenure (Tressel may, but I doubt it).

LLLLLoyd Carr won one, where is he now? Being just like everybody else instead of better than than everybody else is now acceptable for Sooners? BULL****!

Half a Hundred
1/3/2008, 12:53 AM
Hey, Carroll lost to freakin' STANFORD. Sure, they beat up on a clearly overmatched Illinois team, but that doesn't make them worldbeaters.

Yes, this sucks. Yes, Venables, for all the good work he has done here, probably needs to go. No, the sky isn't falling. It's just one of those periods, you know? This one doesn't hurt as bad as last year, that's for sure.

1/3/2008, 12:54 AM
[QUOTE=lauderdalesooner]Stoops needs a mentor of his to call him and tell him to quit reaching for a bowl win and just coach. The 4th down try at the end of the 1st half, going for two way to early, and the onside kick right after we took control of momentum all show desperation to me. We came out in the 2nd half and made the adjustments needed to win this game but when you try a play that desperate and it fails it deflates the team and gave momentum right back to WVU. I think Stoops is trying to hard right now in bowl games, we had things going our way early in the 2nd half and he just needs to trust his players to make the plays needed. We didn't need any trick plays to win this game, we needed a coaching staff that believed in the players and just let them make plays.

all things that you say when the gambles dont work. When these things worked for them in 2000 they were geniuses..and had gigantic brass ones. Dont get me wrong...I was screaming at the TV tonight too, but if these plays go the other way, thnigs look really differerent on the forums tonight.

1/3/2008, 12:54 AM
Big XII is way overrated. I'm sorry, but when your conference Champion loses to Boise St and then gets their head handed to them by West Virginia, your conference sucks. We're like the WAC.
Man that was a GREAT post... :rolleyes:

1/3/2008, 12:56 AM
but the trick/desperation plays didn't work... and regardless, his points were valid that they came at points that they truly didn't have to.

1/3/2008, 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by yur-out
OK some cold hard reality, name me one coach that has won a BCS MNC twice in their tenure (Tressel may, but I doubt it).

Let me let you off the hook. I don't really want Stoops gone, but we need to turn up the heat on him- this **** like tonight is totally unacceptable.

1/3/2008, 12:58 AM
"We got out played and out coached. We've been saying all week WVU/Insert bowl opponent is a great team and tonight they proved it."-Stoops

wash. rinse. repeat.

The Red Jerk
1/3/2008, 01:01 AM
Keep Stoops... Fire Wilson?

Quoted for truthiness

I think OC is not the problem. At least we are not chuck third and long anymore. We mix up the playcalling and get aggressive. I have enjoyed Wilson as OC.

No, we're "We'll make an adjustment at half".

Sometimes, that's too late, before the defense spends the whole first half on the field

1/3/2008, 01:04 AM
Sometimes, that's too late, before the defense spends the whole first half on the field
We had more TOP in the first half. What now?

1/3/2008, 01:06 AM
all things that you say when the gambles dont work. When these things worked for them in 2000 they were geniuses..and had gigantic brass ones. Dont get me wrong...I was screaming at the TV tonight too, but if these plays go the other way, thnigs look really differerent on the forums tonight.

The main difference is that in 2000 we were the hunter and not the hunted in alot of those games plus it's not so much the calls but when they were called. We were with in 1 score and had momentum on our side, the risk of the onside kick just isn't worth the reward there IMO. I think the coaches saw something they could take advantage of there and if the kick is executed correctly we would have recovered it but the timing is what I have a problem with. Everything was going our way at that point in time so why take a risk there.

As I said earlier I'm a Stoops supporter, I believe these bowl games go in cycles and he'll turn it around and have a winning streak going here real soon. I just feel like if he hand't reached so much tonight that the winning streak would of started tonight. I really liked the way we came out in the 2nd half tonight and feel like the onside kick attempt really killed all that momentum and it wasn't really a risk worth taking.

1/3/2008, 01:07 AM
"We got out played and out coached. We've been saying all week WVU/Insert bowl opponent is a great team and tonight they proved it."-Stoops

wash. rinse. repeat.
Verbatim what he justs said... gah...

1/3/2008, 01:08 AM
Stoops needs a mentor of his to call him and tell him to quit reaching for a bowl win and just coach. The 4th down try at the end of the 1st half, going for two way to early, and the onside kick right after we took control of momentum all show desperation to me. We came out in the 2nd half and made the adjustments needed to win this game but when you try a play that desperate and it fails it deflates the team and gave momentum right back to WVU. I think Stoops is trying to hard right now in bowl games, we had things going our way early in the 2nd half and he just needs to trust his players to make the plays needed. We didn't need any trick plays to win this game, we needed a coaching staff that believed in the players and just let them make plays.

Having said that I'll take Stoops over any coach in the country. He took over a team that had 11 wins in the previous 3 years combined and he's won 5 BIG12 championships in 9 years and 1 national championship. I think OU's future looks bright and when he gets this turned around we'll enjoy a good run of bowl wins and hopefully a couple more national titles.

Excellent post....

1/3/2008, 01:09 AM
We mix up the playcalling

You have got to be kidding. By the 4th quarter I was going, "Hey, it's 2 and 29! I have an idea!!! You know what we should do?"

and Mr. Gal says:

"Run it up the middle?"

"YEAAAAHH!" I said. "They won't be expecting THAT!!!"

And that's what we did. For a gain of 2-3. OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and...

1/3/2008, 01:11 AM
LLLLLoyd Carr won one, where is he now? Being just like everybody else instead of better than than everybody else is now acceptable for Sooners? BULL****!
But gosh Dio you should love Loyd because he won his bowl game.
I guess there is just no accounting for you chicken littles.
Switzer was right, "Beware the Monster",

1/3/2008, 01:14 AM
Let me let you off the hook.
You don't need to let me off of anything and you can neg me with your "Pontiac Game Ghanges" all you want. Bottom line, when we (sooners) lose, some ones not happy. They want heads to roll. Just like I posted in another thread. The same people that were on here asking where "The Riverboat Gambler" Bob went to, are the same ones that are now posting how stupid the onside kick was. Sometimes NOTHING will make the monster happy.

1/3/2008, 01:17 AM
Keep Stoops.

Discipline Wilson.

Fire Venables.

Do a major bootcamps on December like the way Texass did it.

1/3/2008, 01:19 AM
I think that the problem is the players and not the coaches. It was not Bob or Brent that gave up TD drives of 1,2, and 3 plays in the second half. They can tell those kids exactly what they are supposed to do, but they can't go do it for them. Was the 79 yard TD pass where Marcus Walker missed the talkle Brent or Bobs fault? NO. Even i disagree with some of the things we do sometime, but no need to cut these guys heads off. They are good coaches and that is why we have had the success that we have had, and will continue to have success well into the future

1/3/2008, 01:22 AM
I think it'd be fun to have Leach.

However, obviously we won't be firing Stoops anytime soon. For one thing, when you fire a coach who wins as many games as he does, other coaches look at you like you're insane. Just witness what has happened to the Cornholers.

What I REALLY want is for us to hire Mike Stoops back every year, starting in early December, right after the CCG, and ending after our bowl game. Then he can go back to barely squeaking by in Arizona. We'll give him time to make phone calls for recruiting and such while he's here.

Mike may not be a great "all season" coach, but he sure as heck coaches the bejeezus out of Big Games.

1/3/2008, 01:22 AM
But gosh Dio you should love Loyd because he won his bowl game.
I guess there is just no accounting for you chicken littles.
Switzer was right, "Beware the Monster",

Chicken Little? How many season tickets did you buy in the Blake years, bitch? Take your moral victories back to whatever aggie board you belong to. Switzer felt heat from the fans after he had those off years in the early 80's, and he did something about it. Now it's Bob's turn.

1/3/2008, 01:22 AM
This one doesn't hurt as bad as last year, that's for sure.

No, it's worse. At least last year we fought for 4 quarters and only got beaten by a point and some trick plays. We didn't nearly get HALF A HUNDRED hung on us and lose by a 20-point deficit.

Just to make my position clear: I don't want Stoops to go. What I want is the old hungry Stoops back.

1/3/2008, 01:24 AM
People keep trying to say that recruiting 5-star players is why we seem complacent. Doesn't seem to be a problem for Pete Carroll and he has a lot more 5-star guys than we do.

Second that. It's all about discipline and preparation. Remember, AD is a 5 star player.

1/3/2008, 01:24 AM
Chicken Little? How many season tickets did you buy in the Blake years, bitch? Take your moral victories back to whatever aggie board you belong to. Switzer felt heat from the fans after he had those off years in the early 80's, and he did something about it. Now it's Bob's turn.

IM hurtin tonight too......but is this an off year?

1/3/2008, 01:25 AM
IM hurtin tonight too......but is this an off year?

0-1 in '08

1/3/2008, 01:26 AM
0-1 in '08

got me there

1/3/2008, 01:27 AM
Keep Stoops.

Discipline Wilson.

Fire Venables.

Do a major bootcamps on December like the way Texass did it.

your joking! venables had the only part of the team that showed up tonight for any length of time. in the 2nd half it was 2 big plays. they kept us in the ball game until the offense decided to make a meek appearance.

I am with royal on this one... we need a change in our approach. there is no reason why we can get up for the CCG and then tank in the bowl. its not a who is coaching issue, stoops, venables, and wilson are all good coaches... its a how we are coaching for bowl games issue and an execution issue.

A Sooner in Texas
1/3/2008, 01:27 AM
You have got to be kidding. By the 4th quarter I was going, "Hey, it's 2 and 29! I have an idea!!! You know what we should do?"

and Mr. Gal says:

"Run it up the middle?"

"YEAAAAHH!" I said. "They won't be expecting THAT!!!"

And that's what we did. For a gain of 2-3. OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and...

And it was the same during the Switzer era too.

1/3/2008, 01:27 AM
Chicken Little? How many season tickets did you buy in the Blake years, bitch? Take your moral victories back to whatever aggie board you belong to. Switzer felt heat from the fans after he had those off years in the early 80's, and he did something about it. Now it's Bob's turn.
Had my season tickets ever since I graduated from OU in 82. How bout you chicken little?

A Sooner in Texas
1/3/2008, 01:29 AM
You don't need to let me off of anything and you can neg me with your "Pontiac Game Ghanges" all you want. Bottom line, when we (sooners) lose, some ones not happy. They want heads to roll. Just like I posted in another thread. The same people that were on here asking where "The Riverboat Gambler" Bob went to, are the same ones that are now posting how stupid the onside kick was. Sometimes NOTHING will make the monster happy.

Bravo for this and the one above.

1/3/2008, 01:30 AM
You don't need to let me off of anything and you can neg me with your "Pontiac Game Ghanges" all you want. Bottom line, when we (sooners) lose, some ones not happy. They want heads to roll. Just like I posted in another thread. The same people that were on here asking where "The Riverboat Gambler" Bob went to, are the same ones that are now posting how stupid the onside kick was. Sometimes NOTHING will make the monster happy.

Keep pumping that sunshine! Maybe when we've lost 8 out of 9 or 12 out of 13 BCS bowls you'll get sick of it. My breaking point is here.

Half a Hundred
1/3/2008, 01:31 AM
No, it's worse. At least last year we fought for 4 quarters and only got beaten by a point and some trick plays. We didn't nearly get HALF A HUNDRED hung on us and lose by a 20-point deficit.

Just to make my position clear: I don't want Stoops to go. What I want is the old hungry Stoops back.

I disagree. There was no reason we shouldn't have beaten those guys last year based on athletic ability. The WVU players were just as skilled as we were, just in different areas (speed vs. strength). We didn't gameplan right, and boom, we're done. Last year was a disaster, since we should have beaten them even with a less than optimal gameplan. We just were asleep most of the night, then when it counted, they pulled the miracle out of their backsides.

Or, let me put it this way. I got through this game with 6 beers. Last year, it took 19.

A Sooner in Texas
1/3/2008, 01:33 AM
Chicken Little? How many season tickets did you buy in the Blake years, bitch? Take your moral victories back to whatever aggie board you belong to. Switzer felt heat from the fans after he had those off years in the early 80's, and he did something about it. Now it's Bob's turn.

WTF with the name calling? You can't make a point otherwise? Or maybe the Chicken "Little" name hit a little too close to home?


1/3/2008, 01:34 AM
Keep Stoops.

Discipline Wilson.

Fire Venables.

Do a major bootcamps on December like the way Texass did it.

1. Yes

2. Define discipline. Timeout? (he may need to go. We don't really seem to have a coherent gameplan beyond "run, run/horizontal pass, pass".)

3. No

4. Yeah, that's what we need to do, do it like Texas. They just wrapped up their season with another Holiday Bowl appearance. :rolleyes:

1/3/2008, 01:35 AM
Barry Switzer
Jimmy Johnson
The Boise State Dude
The WVU interim dude
Pete Carrrol (always shows up in bowl games)
The Fresno State Dude
Mike Leach
Tommy Tuberville
Jeff Tedford
Mark Richt
The BC coach (they've won 7 or 8 bowl games in a row now)

Bob Stoops is a good coach but has obviously lost his fire and has become complacent. He does not seem to have the fire in his belly anymore or he has lost the ability to get the fire in his coaches and players bellies.:(

1/3/2008, 01:36 AM
I'm simply tired of OU giving up very few points in the regular season, and our defense looks like aggie in the bowl game. I am starting to think that giving the current staff one month to prepare for playing us and any team will beat us. We haven't shown anything different in our bowl game in the past 4 seasons, and that seems why we give up loads of points and always look out of position.

1/3/2008, 01:40 AM
4. Yeah, that's what we need to do, do it like Texas. They just wrapped up their season with another Holiday Bowl appearance. :rolleyes:

umm, that seems to be the only bowl game we've been capable of winning lately, so trashing Texas for going there might not be a good idea

1/3/2008, 01:44 AM
umm, that seems to be the only bowl game we've been capable of winning lately, so trashing Texas for going there might not be a good idea

Perhaps I should have referenced their amazing win over Iowa in the Alamo Bowl last year?

1/3/2008, 01:44 AM
And it was the same during the Switzer era too.

Yeah, and I'm too tired and sloshed to look this up, but apart from the OB against Arkansas, didn't Barry win a greater percentage of his bowl games?

1/3/2008, 01:45 AM
Or maybe the Chicken "Little" name hit a little too close to home?


Your mom never had any complaints.


A Sooner in Texas
1/3/2008, 01:46 AM
Your mom never had any complaints.


My mom is way too smart and too classy for a little ***** like you and yours.

And how original. :D

1/3/2008, 01:48 AM
Your mom never had any complaints.

That may be true, but don't pat yourself on the back too much. It's not like you are nailing anyone who gets to pick and choose. But when it's the best you can do.....

1/3/2008, 01:56 AM
Ditto with the same coach speak we've been hearing for a long time now. Perhaps if your staff is out coached so much you should check on getting that fixed. Frankly, it's getting old listening to the same crap over and over.

I'm not a big fan of Wilson but at least they put up some points. Enough points to win had the defense been able to keep the scoreboard from turning over every time WV touched the ball.

Bob knew his team was flat on their collective *** from the first snap of the ball. He was trying to generate some emotion with the onside and the kicker didn't execute. They obviously saw something in the way they were covering kickoffs and tried to take advantage of it. It failed. That however, didn't change the game so much as WV taking a total of what, 11 plays to score 28 points on four straight possessions? Talk about the onside all you want WV was gonna kick OU in the balls with or without the failed kick.

1/3/2008, 02:21 AM
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

-Benjamin Franklin

It's time to figure out how to win in the post season. We need to keep Stoops, but SOMETHING big MUST change.

1/3/2008, 02:24 AM
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

-Benjamin Franklin

It's time to figure out how to win in the post season. We need to keep Stoops, but SOMETHING big MUST change.

I think that was actually Albert Einstein, but the sentiment still applies.

1/3/2008, 02:24 AM
Your mom never had any complaints.

Wow, attacking somebody's mom over the internet? Classy AND original. That one took some real juevos, pal. I hope you feel better now.

1/3/2008, 02:24 AM
Talk about the onside all you want WV was gonna kick OU in the balls with or without the failed kick.

You are assuming the onside kick only cost us one easy touchdown. You are wrong, what it cost us was momentum and with it our fighting spirit....

Just when the Defense was starting to click, and our offense was finding holes, we **** away the momentum and give them a short field.

You simply cannot underestimate momentum in the game of football, and that play was simply a killer.

I like the idea, but the timing could not have been worse, right key, wrong key hole.

1/3/2008, 02:26 AM
I think that was actually Albert Einstein, but the sentiment still applies.

Nope it was Ben, feel free to research it. Einstein may well have repeated it though. ;)

1/3/2008, 02:28 AM
I like the idea, but the timing could not have been worse, right key, wrong key hole.

My biggest problem with the offsides kick was the kick itself. Instead of bouncing the ball high and long like we have before this season, Hartley kind of weakly pushes it along the ground.

1/3/2008, 02:28 AM
You are assuming the onside kick only cost us one easy touchdown. You are wrong, what it cost us was momentum and with it our fighting spirit....

Just when the Defense was starting to click, and our offense was finding holes, we **** away the momentum and give them a short field.

You simply cannot underestimate momentum in the game of football, and that play was simply a killer.

I like the idea, but the timing could not have been worse, right key, wrong key hole.

I agree. I went to pee after the failed 2-point conversion attempt, griping all the way and all the way back about that, and when I got back Mr. Gal said, "You don't even want to know what just happened while you were gone."

The light at the end of the tunnel was put out right then and never relit.

1/3/2008, 02:30 AM
1) The interim Big East dude that just handed Bob his a$$
Hey ******* your are now up for total doushbag of the year and we're only two days into it! congratulations **** head

1/3/2008, 02:46 AM
Quick nugget of wisdom.

Sooners in a BCS bowl => Big XII Championship.

No, I don't like getting shots to the balls, probably almost as much as Coach Stoops doesn't like it. But the fact remains, even if we're gettin' cornholed in BCS bowls, we're in BCS bowls because we've either kicked nine kinds of *** for an at-large bid or we've won the conference championship. So if it's asswhoopin' in the BCS or Toilet Bowl victory, I'll take the sick taste of that bowl whoopin' and know we at least won the Big XII again, which usually (not always) means we stomped the crap out of Texas.

But that's just me. Losing sucks no matter what kinda bread you put it on. At least there's a feather in our cap, even if it's a small one.

1/3/2008, 03:00 AM
Oh yeah. Forgot a nugget of reality to go with that nugget of wisdom.

We beat MISSOURI for the Big XII Championship. MIZZOU. Which beat KANSAS.

If not for a plate of insanity in every quality program takin' two to the chops, does Mizzou or Kansas even sniff the asscrack of the top 5? No. Because it's Missouri.

The University of Missouri. Reality check.

Great couple of games, you bet. But great feat? Nuh uh.

1/3/2008, 03:08 AM
The onside kick was a push kick, it's designed (although very flawed) was to go straight up the field and not bounce like crazy and for Hartley to fall on it. The coverage team was going to block wv out for him to get it. The damn ball just didn't make it far enough.....I thought it took guts to try it, hell it worked for Leach against Virginia, if it had worked for us it would have been brilliant. Alas it didn't so it was a mistake.

As for Stoops hitting the door, that **** is absurd. We've been very fortunate here at Oklahoma overall. We've had two of the top 10 coaches probably of all-time........perhaps a third if Stoops can regain his bowl juju.

Defense played well in the first half, offense played pretty well in the second half. We just couldn't get it together. As a side note, WV was better than I thought they were, evidently better than OUr coaches though too. We just took one in the nuts tonight. I hate it, but that's how it goes. We'll be winning Bowl again.....bcs one's at that. Keep a little faith fellow Sooners....

Leroy Lizard
1/3/2008, 03:53 AM
Here is the entrance exam for anyone wanting to coach the Sooners.

Scenario: Your team is starting a freshman QB that has yet to play a down. You just lost your all-World RB to the NFL, where he is going to earn Rookie of the Year honors. In order to gain the fans' favor, you should at minimum:

A. Finish with a winning record.
B. Win the South, but lose the Conference Championship Game.
C. Win the Conference Championship Game over a mediocre North team.
D. Win the CCG over a team ranked #1 in the country, but lose to a mediocre bowl opponent in a BCS bowl.
E. Win the CCG over a team ranked #1 in the country, but lose to a team that could have been ranked #1 in the country in a BCS bowl.
F. Win the CCG over a team ranked #1 in the country, then beat a team that could have been ranked #1 in the country in a BCS bowl.

How many prospective coaches would really pick F?

1/3/2008, 04:04 AM
A quick aside: Jason White and Sam Bradford both share many things in common. Great passing ability, poise in the pocket, their place in the record books... And, just possibly, a smidgeon too much calm.

Do you suppose someone could put some itching powder in Sam's jockstrap before the game? I'd like to see a bit more fire from the QB position. When we're leading all game, cool is fine (or focused, if you prefer that label), but when we're falling behind, I'd like to see a QB in there who looks like he's, well, ****ED OFF ABOUT IT.

Y'know. Rally the troops, and all that.

This isn't a knock on White or Bradford. Dudes are both, clearly, stellar QBs. However, both, in several BCS games, have seemed like they were just playing their parts -- not leading the team.

I also don't know what I think about coaches, and what makes 'em great. Like I've always said, if Stoops leaves, I'd love to see what Leach could do with the job. However, Stoops is obviously too good a coach to leave except by choice. Also, before Florida played Meatchicken, I would've said that their coach was a perfect example of the sort of intensity and discipline that I used to expect out of Stoops. Yet they played pretty flat (yes, Meatchicken was excited -- but Florida didn't play up to their ability).

Seeing him fail like that, a year after he had a very Stoops-like (early Stoops) win in the championship game, made me think that maybe this is just one of them things. Short of letting players do whatever the fudge they want, ala the University of Spoiled Children, you simply cannot maintain that level of competence all the time.

Still, losing four in a row is a very bitter pill to swallow. I offer my fellow Sooners this, as salve:

Stoops is as fiery a competitor as we are. Losing four in a row is going to cheese him off as much, if not more, than it has us.

I can't help but think that he's going to do some soul searching, and use these Fiesta Fiascos as personal incentive to fix whatever has gone wrong with his program.

Just as I'd like to see Bradford looking angry, I'd like to see the same from Bob. That, IMHO, would be the clearest sign of good things to come for our beloved team.

Leroy Lizard
1/3/2008, 04:26 AM
Just as I'd like to see Bradford looking angry, I'd like to see the same from Bob.

Then you must have loved Chase Daniel in the CCG.

Little Al
1/3/2008, 04:31 AM
The WV Spread emphasizes the additional running attack of their quarterback. If we meet a team that has a strong running quarterback like WV or Texas' Vince Young next year, I'm sure OUr coaches will have figured out a game plan for them - using the lessons learned from this game. This game is spilled milk. We need to thank the seniors and look to next year, now.

A D Peterson28
1/3/2008, 05:04 AM
Thanks to the Srs--we'll miss you. I wish Guit would've gotten more carries at the end instead of Madu. He'll probably leave next year anyway. Guit has been a stalwart his entire career here.. I'm just saying... ADP

1/3/2008, 06:18 AM
The WV Spread emphasizes the additional running attack of their quarterback. If we meet a team that has a strong running quarterback like WV or Texas' Vince Young next year, I'm sure OUr coaches will have figured out a game plan for them - using the lessons learned from this game. This game is spilled milk. We need to thank the seniors and look to next year, now.

a rational fan posting a rational message on a web board? this is MADNESS!!!

1/3/2008, 06:52 AM
OU had alot of issues to deal with on defense because of injuries. Reggie Smith and Lendy Holmes are arguably the best tacklers in the secondary(and in Reggie's case, I don't even think it is even a debate). Anytime your team has to deal with depth issues it effects the whole team...look at Pete Carroll's USC team this year and how much they feel apart with injuries. Reggie Smith is in my opinion the MVP of this defense because he allowed the defenses to be more aggressive because you knew he was going to lock down the teams best reciever.

1/3/2008, 08:00 AM
Here is the entrance exam for anyone wanting to coach the Sooners.

Scenario: Your team is starting a freshman QB that has yet to play a down. You just lost your all-World RB to the NFL, where he is going to earn Rookie of the Year honors. In order to gain the fans' favor, you should at minimum:

A. Finish with a winning record.
B. Win the South, but lose the Conference Championship Game.
C. Win the Conference Championship Game over a mediocre North team.
D. Win the CCG over a team ranked #1 in the country, but lose to a mediocre bowl opponent in a BCS bowl.
E. Win the CCG over a team ranked #1 in the country, but lose to a team that could have been ranked #1 in the country in a BCS bowl.
F. Win the CCG over a team ranked #1 in the country, then beat a team that could have been ranked #1 in the country in a BCS bowl.

How many prospective coaches would really pick F?

Quite honestly I'd take them simply fielding a team that looked like it cared and had been properly prepared against someone other than chumps and teams coached by louts like Gary Pinkel. Making excuses for poor performances and a glaring lack of discipline and fundamentals is pathetic at this point. The problem isn't going away.

1/3/2008, 08:07 AM
OU had alot of issues to deal with on defense because of injuries. Reggie Smith and Lendy Holmes are arguably the best tacklers in the secondary(and in Reggie's case, I don't even think it is even a debate). Anytime your team has to deal with depth issues it effects the whole team...look at Pete Carroll's USC team this year and how much they feel apart with injuries. Reggie Smith is in my opinion the MVP of this defense because he allowed the defenses to be more aggressive because you knew he was going to lock down the teams best reciever.

If by lock down you mean help the defense to number 67 in pass defense then yes he locked them down alright. And a team showing a lack of motivation and zero discipline has nothing to do with injuries. If you think WV wouldn't have run the ball with the same effect with the missing players playing you're living in a dream world because the guys making the vast majority of the mistakes were the same guys responsible for the losses to CU and TT.

1/3/2008, 08:10 AM
I didn't know Soonerfans.com had so many psychologist...I mean you people can tell these people's very emotions just by watching a game (Perhaps you are mind readers...i mean Jerry Rice always seemed so animated, that must be why he was so good...oh wait) and not to mention with your full psychology jobs, you was also able to attend all the meetings and practices to be able to determine they weren't prepared at all. And louts like Gary Pinkel just kicked the ever lasting dog **** out of a team that beat a team that is playing for a National Title. Pinkel really sucks as a coach i guess.

1/3/2008, 08:11 AM
The WV Spread emphasizes the additional running attack of their quarterback. If we meet a team that has a strong running quarterback like WV or Texas' Vince Young next year, I'm sure OUr coaches will have figured out a game plan for them - using the lessons learned from this game. This game is spilled milk. We need to thank the seniors and look to next year, now.

You know, I seem to recall that we've played against teams like that before. I think one of them won a national championship a couple years back. If we didn't have such a game plan already, this game ain't gonna cause us to have one.

1/3/2008, 08:18 AM
Hawaii was the #1 ranked offense in the country...are they the best offensive team in the country. Rankings don't tell the whole story because, how many times did OU get teams down where they were forced to just throw the ball and OU is just letting them catch the ball. Plus it has been proven playing Texas Tech seems to effect your stats too.

1/3/2008, 08:23 AM
My mom is way too smart and too classy for a little ***** like you and yours.

And how original. :D

Yeah, cause this was original:

Originally Posted by A Sooner in Texas
Or maybe the Chicken "Little" name hit a little too close to home?


1/3/2008, 08:29 AM
I would trade Brown for Stoops in a second.

Desert Sapper
1/3/2008, 08:50 AM
Or, let me put it this way. I got through this game with 6 beers. Last year, it took 19.

So, what you're saying is...you couldn't even see the screen in the second half last year. Got it.;)

1/3/2008, 08:57 AM
I want a new coach. How about Bob Stoops of 1999/2000--someone who is still hungry, who goes out and goes to the living room of top players and sells Oklahoma football. Stoops strenght is also his weakness--he doesn't adapt very well to changing circumstances. If you don't learn from your mistakes you will repeat them.

1/3/2008, 09:34 AM
marty schottenheimer. he is clutch in the postseason.

1/3/2008, 09:58 AM
OK, go ahead and trash me for asking this, but I wonder if the magic we had early in the Stoops era was the Stoops brother combination? Neither seems to be doing as well without the other.

1/3/2008, 11:20 AM
I would trade Brown for Stoops in a second.

I would trade this dirty sock for some decent underwear.

Half a Hundred
1/3/2008, 11:31 AM
So, what you're saying is...you couldn't even see the screen in the second half last year. Got it.;)

Heh. I wish. That was the most sober/drunk I've ever been at the same time.

1/3/2008, 01:53 PM
[QUOTE=OUsooner1]Pete Carrol?? Why not he makes about 1 million, im sure he would love to come to OU for what Stoops makes! I'm not saying Stoops didn't do good things for us! But to me it seems like he in not in the games!!!! He didn't get in any of the players face til the 4th!!! I think he needs to be in the play calling more!!!!

1/3/2008, 02:26 PM
or marv levy.

1/3/2008, 02:30 PM
or marv levy.

Wow. Get out of my brain, dude. Totally.

1/3/2008, 07:16 PM
1) The interim Big East dude that just handed Bob his a$$

I'd personally like to trade you but apparently we wouldn't get much.

1/3/2008, 10:00 PM
Quite honestly I'd take them simply fielding a team that looked like it cared and had been properly prepared against someone other than chumps and teams coached by louts like Gary Pinkel. Making excuses for poor performances and a glaring lack of discipline and fundamentals is pathetic at this point. The problem isn't going away.

Thumbs up.