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View Full Version : The side of the kitty litter packaging says...

Lott's Bandana
12/27/2007, 06:25 PM
"Advanced Clumping Formula"

Now, that's a good chemistry degree wasted.


12/27/2007, 07:01 PM
Nope. It's a good marketing degree at work.

12/27/2007, 07:03 PM
What they're saying, my friend, is "how can we put all of these pebbles in a bag, and sell them 7 bucks a pop?

Lott's Bandana
12/27/2007, 07:45 PM
Nope. It's a good marketing degree at work.


I always heard Kitty Litter is the same as Oil-Dry...which one is cheaper?

12/27/2007, 08:24 PM

I always heard Kitty Litter is the same as Oil-Dry...which one is cheaper?
Same stuff, I bet.

Oil-Dry + Perfume = Kitty Litter.

You'd think oil dry is cheaper.

Lott's Bandana
12/27/2007, 08:35 PM
I'm not a cat dude. I'm visiting my daughters for the holidays and I had forgotten how people have these trays filled with these particle-biscuits sitting around in their house.

If you placed a cat in the middle of a beach, would it be happy or simply overwhelmed?

12/27/2007, 10:24 PM
If you placed a cat in the middle of a beach, would it be happy or simply overwhelmed?

Kind of like me, in the woods, while camping, I guess. "Hey, I can pee where ever I want to!"

12/27/2007, 10:41 PM
Marketing is everything. The medication to treat athlete's foot is exactly the same as the medication to treat jock itch. Yet jock itch medication costs about twice as much per ounce as athlete's foot medication.

Clearly we place a higher value on our groins than on our feet. :)

Lott's Bandana
12/28/2007, 12:38 AM
Clearly we place a higher value on our groins than on our feet. :)

Well....getting a foot rub isn't really the same as....well, you know.

Partial Qualifier
12/28/2007, 07:38 AM
Since it's not worth starting it's own thread....

Fresh Step >>>>> Tidy Cat.

12/30/2007, 04:46 PM
"Advanced Clumping Formula"

Now, that's a good chemistry degree wasted.

Are you kidding me? Hard clumping / advanced clumping kitty litter is the best invention of modern civilization! Whoever invented it is the bomb! They should win the Madame Curie award for molecular chemistry research. You really have to be a cat owner to fully appreciate it though. The last thing you need is your clumps going all soft on you when you are scooping. :cool:

12/30/2007, 05:00 PM
My cat littler also has messican writing on it. "Arena Para Gato"