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12/26/2007, 06:24 PM
I thought I would share this poignant email sent to me yesterday written by an acquaintance of mine. His subject title was 'On Christmas'

I haven't written much lately. Frankly, I have been so disgusted with the body politic of late that I have tended to avoid such discussions. When one ventures into political chat rooms one has an ever lessoning regard for the analytical ability of the voting public. Increasingly, vitriol, false assertions and outright lying has supplanted political discussion. In this season of love, when one speaks of politics one finds only hatred and disjointed idiocy coming from the fringes of both ideologies. Let's face it. Bush is NOT running this year.

Historically, running on hatred for the president has not been a key to political victory. Conservative Democrats beat out liberal Republicans, which gave control of the House and Senate to the Democrats. And what have we done with our majority? We have offered resolution after resolution seeking to surrender Iraq to the terrorists after it has been paid for with the blood of heroes. We have renamed a few federal buildings and conducted frivolous investigation upon frivolous investigation. The same Congressmen who signed off on waterboarding now seem shocked that such a practice could happen. The same people who were briefed on these practices, Nancy Pelosi among them, now cry betrayal that actions that they approved of an authorized have been carried out.

Of all the things that have cause me to lose sleep, the waterboarding ofKhalid Sheikh Mohammed is NOT among them. This person masterminded the slaughter of over 3,000 of our citizens and the loss to the US of over $1 trillion in damages. Do I feel sorry for him? No. Do I approve of torture? No. Is waterboarding torture? Probably. Would I waive that disapproval if I thought torturing him would saves lives, as it clearly has? Absolutely.

There are those who think that it is rational to try and negotiate with terrorists. There are those who think that terrorists sponsors like Iran and Syria should be brought in to help our efforts to fight terrorism. There are those who believe we are occupying Iraq and that we are fighting guerilla resistance from Iraqis which will quit when we leave. There are those who believe that we should give American Constitutional rights to illegal combatants and Geneva Convention rights to terrorists. I call such people fools. Unfortunately, such people are in control of Congress as we speak.

In a season of love, were hear only hatred. Our Democratic candidates have no accomplishments on which to run, no track record of philanthropy, no moral character to offer, no qualifications whatever that would make them presidential material. They were, I believe, hand chosen to offer up Hillary as the most experienced, qualified and respectable. The problem is, she is a pathological liar, a serial perjurer, a shrew, mean spirited person devoid of moral character and a disingenuous caricature that morphs from hawk to dove depending on the audience. And this is the great hope for America? If we vote "None of the above," can we keep Bush for another 2 years while we search for qualified candidates?

By next Christmas we will have a president-elect who, regardless of the results of the election, will have less strength of character and less moral resolve than the man we currently seem to hate. We have abdicated logic and reason in favor of focus group tested sound bite recitations. We have looked at the decadence of the previous administration and decided that crime, corruption and cover-up is preferable to strong leadership and moral clarity regarding a political position with which we disagree. I am not politically in line with Bush, but there is much to respect about the man. Yet neither Democrats nor Republicans have enough respect for the office of the presidency to offer even a scintilla of respect for the man who holds that office. In the face of the growing threat from trans-global Islamofascism, I shudder at the aid and comfort our enemy draws from our perceived indifference to the threat.

Still, there is a solution to all of the problems we face. That solution was offered to man over 2,000 years ago in the persona of Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God. Christmas is more than just presents, or even the celebration of His birth. It is the reminder that the one great hope for mankind has already been offered. regardless of circumstance, regardless of personal wealth or education, regardless of intellect or ignorance, Christ offered His salvation for all. He was tortured, not merely waterboarded. He was whipped, beaten and crucified for the crime of offering hope to world shrouded in evil. He still offers that hope to those who will accept the salvation for which he suffered and died. He still offers his blood for lost sinners. He still offers forgiveness and peace of mind in a troubled world. He still remains the king of kings and the lord of lords.

No matter who we elect for our president. Let's elect Jesus to be our Lord and Savior. It only takes one vote and one heart. Yours.

Lott's Bandana
12/26/2007, 06:28 PM
Not exactly the "Romans Road" is it?

Good share...

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/26/2007, 06:42 PM
The friend is pro America and a Christian. What kind of riff-raff you hang with, girl?

12/26/2007, 06:47 PM
Unfathonable, I know.