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12/20/2007, 01:34 PM
Good is no longer a 4 start commit for OU. :(

.... He's got his missing star back and is now a 5 Star again. :D


12/20/2007, 01:40 PM
stooged us didn't ya. You got me on that one.

12/20/2007, 01:43 PM
With those other commits dropping off... you scared me! never again! haha good news

12/20/2007, 01:56 PM
I almost forgot to take my blood pressure medicine today. Thanks for the reminder. :)

12/20/2007, 02:03 PM
did USC suddenly take interest in him? I see no other explanation for him to get that 5th star.

12/20/2007, 02:10 PM
I believe he was a 5* before his injury, played the last two games and got the star back.

That being said there have been many discussions about the rivals rankings (or any recruiting rankings for that matter) over the years. just think how good Bradford and English would be if they had been 5 star players instead of the 3 stars coming in? ;)

Frozen Sooner
12/20/2007, 02:11 PM
did USC suddenly take interest in him? I see no other explanation for him to get that 5th star.

There were questions about how effective he would be after shoulder surgery before his senior year, so Rivals only rated him four star. He managed to play the end of the season and was dominant in those games-driving defensive linemen 10-15 yards downfield and pancaking them, etc. I believe that he didn't allow any sacks in the games he played as well. After review of those tapes, Rivals decided he fit as a five star and had recovered fully.

12/20/2007, 02:29 PM
did USC suddenly take interest in him? I see no other explanation for him to get that 5th star.

Notre dame likes him too! :D

12/20/2007, 05:20 PM
Notre dame likes him too! :D

Hell, that's a one-star deduction!

12/20/2007, 05:33 PM
I'll take all the 3 star Bradfords and English' and like it! How many times do 5 stars recruits actually play like stars?

12/20/2007, 05:34 PM
I'll take all the 3 star Bradfords and English' and like it! How many times do 5 stars recruits actually play like stars?


Wasn't Bomar a five star? Compare his freshman year to Bradfords..

12/20/2007, 05:43 PM

Tommie Harris was a 5 as well.


Malcolm Kelly?



The point is, you're retarded to avoid so-called "5 star" players because Bomar was a bonehead. They have a better chance of being stars because their measurables are better than most.

12/20/2007, 05:49 PM

Wasn't Bomar a five star? Compare his freshman year to Bradfords..
Why do people keep saying this?

Compare Bomar's OL to Bradford's. Bradford's great and I'm sure I'm much happier with him than I would be with Bomar (primarily from an attitude perspective) but Bomar was a heck of a talent that simply had character flaws. Bomar behind this line would've been incredible.

12/20/2007, 05:57 PM
I apologise

I don't disagree with you I just meant that some 2 or 3 star recruits can be just as talented as a five star recruit, not that we should stay away from 5 star recruits...

12/20/2007, 06:02 PM
Since this is kind of a recruiting thread, can anyone give me insight into what's going on with our LB recruiting? WTF? It seems like a hot recruit could pretty much be assured playing time quick on a big stage, with a well-known mentor coach.....and yet we're not locking guys up. What gives?

12/20/2007, 07:19 PM
Since this is kind of a recruiting thread, can anyone give me insight into what's going on with our LB recruiting? WTF? It seems like a hot recruit could pretty much be assured playing time quick on a big stage, with a well-known mentor coach.....and yet we're not locking guys up. What gives?

Miami has them all committed


12/20/2007, 08:51 PM
Since this is kind of a recruiting thread, can anyone give me insight into what's going on with our LB recruiting? WTF? It seems like a hot recruit could pretty much be assured playing time quick on a big stage, with a well-known mentor coach.....and yet we're not locking guys up. What gives?

Apparently all of the recruits have been reading the message boards and don't want to play in some stupid soft zone defense with the worst defense coordinator in college football history.

Desert Sapper
12/20/2007, 09:09 PM
Miami has them all committed

DAYYYUMM. Think da U has enough LBs on that list? I mean, I know that Randy was a cocaine backer, but this is ridiculous.:eek:

12/20/2007, 09:37 PM
Why do people keep saying this?

Compare Bomar's OL to Bradford's. Bradford's great and I'm sure I'm much happier with him than I would be with Bomar (primarily from an attitude perspective) but Bomar was a heck of a talent that simply had character flaws. Bomar behind this line would've been incredible.

Bomar behind this line would've had the potential to be incredible...but Bomar with his screwed-up attitude fell short of that potential. Bradford's superiority lies in his ethics and his embrace of Stoops' attitude, and the vision of the Oklahoma standards & goals.

Sooner history shows perfect examples of the good and the bad. Charles Thompson had talent. He didn't have the ethics or share the Sooner legendary vision. Josh Heupel? The opposite. We know what happened in both cases.

Desert Sapper
12/20/2007, 10:22 PM
...Bomar was a heck of a talent that simply had character flaws...

That sounds pretty dismissive. Character is a big part of leadership. Sam's leadership has had a huge impact on the team. He may have a better line, and his receivers might be more experienced, but Bomar wasn't the leader that Sam is. Those simple charater flaws were the prime culprit.

12/20/2007, 10:45 PM
Sooooo NOT cool.

12/20/2007, 10:45 PM
That sounds pretty dismissive. Character is a big part of leadership. Sam's leadership has had a huge impact on the team. He may have a better line, and his receivers might be more experienced, but Bomar wasn't the leader that Sam is. Those simple charater flaws were the prime culprit.
Not dismissive at all. His downfall was the character flaws which I pointed out. I get tired of people comparing Bradford's performance as a RS frosh against Bomar's and trying to say that proves something. If Bradford was a RS frosh in 2005, he'd have been running for his life and pealing his carcass off the turf every other play just like Bomar. Of course if Bradford had been our QB in 2005, he'd still be our QB now, unlike Bomar who had major issues - just not talent issues.

Don't get me wrong, I much prefer Sam. He's great and has the potential to win a lot of championships and awards and I'm looking forward to that.

12/20/2007, 10:55 PM
This is a very scary thread, thank goodness it's gone the way it has, escpecially after the last 10 days or so.....

12/20/2007, 11:20 PM

Wasn't Bomar a five star? Compare his freshman year to Bradfords..

I do believe all of Bradford's weapons were green n00bs when Bomar played. Bradford has been better composed and more accurate, but Bomar would have had an outstanding year this year also. My thought though, is he wouldn't be as good as Sammy because of Sammy's composure and I just feel he's better at just about everything. He rarely has to run because he makes his reads properly, he knows to avoid hits, and he's definitely more accurate. Even at the tail end of 2005, Bomar couldn't hit a deep-ball to save his life. Bradford is money on those.

12/20/2007, 11:25 PM
I didn't mean any disrespect, I know bomar had talent, i was just saying bradford, for being a 3 star recruit, has been outstanding

12/20/2007, 11:25 PM
wasnt he a fiver to begin with then moved to four because of injury and had to prove himself again during his senior year?

Curly Bill
12/21/2007, 09:31 AM
wasnt he a fiver to begin with then moved to four because of injury and had to prove himself again during his senior year?

If you're talking about Good the answer is yes.

12/21/2007, 10:05 AM
Dear 5 Star Haters,

I don't want to frighten you but it seems Julio Jones may have an interest in us.


Curly Bill
12/21/2007, 10:26 AM
Dear 5 Star Haters,

I don't want to frighten you but it seems Julio Jones may have an interest in us.


...and that is sweet, because he appears to be a MAN, though of course he has not yet reached his 40th birthday. :P

12/22/2007, 11:21 PM
I'll take all the 3 star Bradfords and English' and like it! How many times do 5 stars recruits actually play like stars?

If I never have to see this logic again I'll be a happy man. For anyone confused, reread Mjcpr's posts in this thread and never bring this type of thinking up again.

Frozen Sooner
12/22/2007, 11:49 PM
Yeah, that DeMarco Murray kid. He's not very good. And that Tommie Harris dude, he stunk up the football field.

12/23/2007, 01:44 AM
yeah remember that adrian peterson kid? terrible

12/23/2007, 08:48 AM
Not so fast my friend on the Bomar love. I'm not so sure he wasn't a hype job coming out of high school looking back on it. Plus if he's so good why wasn't he lighting it up this year playing against subpar comp.?? 2209yds. 10TD's 6 INT's doesn't really say i'm head and shoulders better than you guys? When it gets right down to it i'm saying he was gonna be a bust from jump street. Not the first big time recruit to amount to nothing certainly not the last either.

Scott D
12/23/2007, 09:35 AM
Not so fast my friend on the Bomar love. I'm not so sure he wasn't a hype job coming out of high school looking back on it. Plus if he's so good why wasn't he lighting it up this year playing against subpar comp.?? 2209yds. 10TD's 6 INT's doesn't really say i'm head and shoulders better than you guys? When it gets right down to it i'm saying he was gonna be a bust from jump street. Not the first big time recruit to amount to nothing certainly not the last either.

he got injured versus Nichols State and missed the final two games.

HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) -- Taylor Wilkins' 18-yard field goal lifted Sam Houston State to a 16-13 win over Nicholls State on Saturday night.

Sam Houston (5-4, 3-2 Southland) won despite losing starting quarterback Rhett Bomar to a knee injury in the second quarter.

The former Oklahoma Sooner finished with 159 yards on 10-of-16 passing and no interceptions. He was replaced by Brett Hicks, who was 9-of-19 for 92 yards and an interception.

The amount of hate that 5* players get here is ridiculous. Sure there have been plenty of 3* players that perform 'above expectations', the biggest flaw in recruiting (which also goes into pro scouting for every sport) is trying to figure out if a player has maximized on their ability and hit their peak, and who has the potential to be greater than they are. It's not an exact science as much as people would love it to be.

Desert Sapper
12/23/2007, 11:11 AM
won despite losing starting quarterback Rhett Bomar

Sounds like we have something in common with Sam Houston.

12/23/2007, 01:01 PM
he got injured versus Nichols State and missed the final two games.

The amount of hate that 5* players get here is ridiculous. Sure there have been plenty of 3* players that perform 'above expectations', the biggest flaw in recruiting (which also goes into pro scouting for every sport) is trying to figure out if a player has maximized on their ability and hit their peak, and who has the potential to be greater than they are. It's not an exact science as much as people would love it to be.

No disrespect D but what about the previous 8 games prior to the injury?? As i said he wasn't exactly lighting it up.

12/23/2007, 04:23 PM
He was 8th in FCS in total offense. That's fairly decent.

Let us reiterate these points again:

His offensive line was awful in 2005
The skill position guys were average
He played against a very tough schedule with a very young team

Frozen Sooner
12/23/2007, 04:32 PM
AND got his confidence shaken by taking some pretty monster hits in the first few games. Ask any QB-one of the worst things that can happen to you at the beginning of your career is to take a big pounding. Makes you gunshy. Look at David Carr at Houston-guy was great in college then got hammered time after time his first year as a pro and never developed.

He's a choad, no doubt, but he had and still has a ton of talent and potential. Hopefully for him, he'll realize that talent and potential at some point.

Scott D
12/23/2007, 05:49 PM
No disrespect D but what about the previous 8 games prior to the injury?? As i said he wasn't exactly lighting it up.

his numbers the 8 games prior to his injury weren't terrible numbers either. His worst games were ones where SHS fell behind and they had to throw to try and come back. The 3 games up until his injury he was managing the game much more effectively, and even threw a 180.42 rating up in the middle of them.

It could be argued that his (apparent) ineffectiveness was due to inactivity by missing the prior year. The question is if the knee injury this year will make him less of an athlete at quarterback, and more of a quarterback next year.

Besides, the poster child for being a total flop in comparison to the amount of hype coming out of high school will always be Rob Pawlus.

12/23/2007, 06:43 PM
Pawlus!! hahaha :D Now there's a name i havn't heard in many moons. Funny thing is isn't he the Notre Dame QB coach now??

As far as the Bomar thing goes all i'm saying is maybe he is just one of those guys (many guys actually) that is not gonna live up to the hype. True there is still time but by the same token he's played two football seasons now and for all the "talk" he not exactly doing anything. But hey that years QB recruiting crop was all pretty much crap imo. Well, all but Brohm.

Frozen Sooner
12/23/2007, 10:08 PM
The thing about recruiting ratings is that a lot of the time the ratings are more reflective of which high school coaches are savvy about getting their kid's film out to schools and which high school coaches aren't.

Say Southlake Carroll (sp? IDK.) Those guys are going to have 4-5 D-1 caliber kids every year, and the coaches there know who to get a kid's film to and how to get it put together. The bigtime programs see the film and they like what they see, so they offer the kid. The kid is now a solid 3-4 star simply because he holds offers from several big name schools. Then they get invited to camps and get the opportunity to show off their measurables.

Meanwhile, a kid at (say) Canadian High has a coach who sees a D-1 level kid every few years. He doesn't often have to put together a recruiting film for a kid and doesn't know where to steer the kid in the process. The kid gets invited to a camp at a local school and impresses people with his measurables, but never rises above three-star because he doesn't have offers from five of the top ten.

See what I'm sayin'?

Further, as Scott D alluded to, star ratings are supposed to be projections of how the kid will develop at the next level. Growth is a funny thing, though-a kid could have his full growth at 18, while another could keep growing until he's 22. There's really no way to tell without getting REALLY creepy and looking at a kid's parents.

12/23/2007, 11:18 PM
I never really worry too much about a guy's stars. Not that I don't appreciate seeing five stars next to some guy named Jason White, I just know that often times athletes surprise at this level of football. Josh Heupel, for instance. Yes, he was a JUCO AA, but no one really predicted a D-1 MNC in his future at OU. Not even close.

As I said earlier, I'm awful excited to see us grab those 5* guys, but if Stoops and Co decide they're good enough to sign, they're right more often than not. That's why I kept telling people to stop creaming themselves over Keith Nichol last spring because Sam and Joey were more experienced and also were very talented as well. Stoops doesn't sign a guy and say to himself, "oh, well... we'll get someone better next year."

12/24/2007, 01:26 AM
If he stays healthy next year, Bomar will be drafted in round 4 or higher. He's a good player, and my hope is that he learned his lessons about being a prima donna.

12/24/2007, 02:17 AM
If he stays healthy next year, Bomar will be drafted in round 4 or higher. He's a good player, and my hope is that he learned his lessons about being a prima donna.

I think I like the odds against that. I too hope he's learned his prima donna lesson, but I don't think he's going to be NFL bound after next season. I'd even put a "Franklin" against it.....

12/24/2007, 09:20 AM
If he stays healthy next year, Bomar will be drafted in round 4 or higher. He's a good player, and my hope is that he learned his lessons about being a prima donna.

I'm with the InsuranceMan on this one. I will bet you a pizza that he doesn't even get drafted.

Little Al
12/25/2007, 04:22 PM
If he has a great year - for the competition he faces - he might get invited to the combine. IMHO.

Scott D
12/26/2007, 09:51 AM
If he has a great year - for the competition he faces - he might get invited to the combine. IMHO.

every year there are quite a few small school players that go to the NFL Combine. Adrian McPherson anyone?

Rock Hard Corn Frog
12/26/2007, 04:31 PM
I'm not saying that 5 stars means a guy is a can't miss recruit when there are numerous examples to the contrary but it certainly doesn't mean that a 3-star player won't turn out a bust either.

At the end of the day I'd rather have 15 s-star players and take my chances that some won't pan out rather than land 15 3-star guys than hope that at least half of them turn out to be underrated. I'm not saying that the #1 consenus rated recruiting class should go out an get rings..ala Texas but usually the people saying that recruiting rankings don't mean anything are the people that don't ever land a top class. I've read on the Missouri boards recently why recruiting rankings don't matter...you know why, because they have one 5-star and one 4-star player...that's it. Maybe 1-2 of their 3-star guys winds up being their next Brad Smith or maybe they turn out to be solid but not exceptional college players like they are pojected to be.

Sure we get Iglacias,English or Bradford a little under the radar but we also get a lot of guys who everyone was after:

***** McCoy,Granger, Reynolds,AD
**** CJ Ah you,B Simmons,B Walker,Holmes, Wolfe,Walker,M Kelly, N Harris,Lofton, M Johnson, Patrick,R Smith, Beal, C Brown,Gresham,Murray,D robinson,Loaholdt, Tennell, Franks

We've done pretty well with 4-5 star guys and I'll for getting more.

To use the Bomar situation as a specific example. If another high school player came around with the arm strength, speed, size and intelligence (or at least apparent intelligence) of Bomar in this part of the country we would be crazy not to go after him. It's all too apparent now the character flaws he had but from a pure talent standpoint he was as good as any QB we have had. If he had 1/2 the attitude and morals that Thompson or Bradford had he might well be a Heisman trophy winner at OU.

Desert Sapper
12/27/2007, 09:04 AM
I think Bomar had the same personality that a lot of our QBs have had in the past, but 'the life' sucked him in a la Charles Thompson. Can anybody say that Jimmy Harris wouldn't have had some of the same problems, given the 'tude that he apparently came to campus with (re: 'The Undefeated')?

Let's just hope that stardom (the stardom that comes with QBing the greatest college football team on the planet) doesn't get the best of Sam Bradford. I'm sure it can be pretty compelling.

12/28/2007, 12:43 AM
I'm with the InsuranceMan on this one. I will bet you a pizza that he doesn't even get drafted.

You're on.

12/28/2007, 12:46 AM
I think I like the odds against that. I too hope he's learned his prima donna lesson, but I don't think he's going to be NFL bound after next season. I'd even put a "Franklin" against it.....

Too rich for my blood. I'll stick with just the pizza!

12/28/2007, 09:24 AM
You're on.

You got it burt. :D

12/28/2007, 11:27 PM
I think Bomar had the same personality that a lot of our QBs have had in the past, but 'the life' sucked him in a la Charles Thompson. Can anybody say that Jimmy Harris wouldn't have had some of the same problems, given the 'tude that he apparently came to campus with (re: 'The Undefeated')?

Let's just hope that stardom (the stardom that comes with QBing the greatest college football team on the planet) doesn't get the best of Sam Bradford. I'm sure it can be pretty compelling.

GREAT point regarding Harris. And let's not forget he and just about every other guy on the two-deep back then was getting "the golden handshake" every weekend. Not that they weren't at every other school in the country, especially across the South. And I truly believe they were getting it at Notre Dame, Michigan, Ohio State, and out west too. You think Paul Hornung wasn't pickin' up extra spending cash every time he attended any sort of ND function?

Anyway, I do believe in us as boosters and as Sooners to make it as "on the up and up" and clean as we can. But too often the nostalgic look is way too Pollyanna.