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View Full Version : drunk LSU fan vs. drunk tOSU fan

12/3/2007, 01:40 PM
John Granato from 1560am said this would be a better match up than the actual game. :) He set the over/under at 1.5 on number of deaths on Burbon street after the game. These two fan bases, when intoxicated should provide the NOPD plenty of action.

Partial Qualifier
12/3/2007, 01:47 PM
LSU fans's primary weapon: Projectile Vomit.

TOSU's weapon of choice: the Burning Couch of Doom.

12/3/2007, 02:08 PM
These two fan bases, when intoxicated should provide the NOPD plenty of action.

In 2004, the NOPD was a dysfunctional, corrupt, non-functioning entity who were pretty much OK with anything the inbred coona$$es said or did.

In 2008, ditto; except, large parts of what's left of NO are still, to my understanding, patrolled by the National Guard.

Good luck, Buckeyes. Your thugs will need to bring their A game.

12/3/2007, 02:13 PM
The Ohio St had 2 extra days to get tickets too the game- expect them to be there in full force and to challenge the Tiger Baiters into a huge rumble that will overwhelm the NOPD and the French Quarter will be off limits after the game for anyone who cares for their life...

I bet it gets real ugly with those teams -