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View Full Version : I honestly thought the fix was in

12/2/2007, 09:36 AM
Knocking the tigers out of the title game cost the Big XII conference some change. Yeah, we get the Fiesta Bowl, maybe two teams in it but it still represents a loss of revenue. I just knew that if the game were close there was going to be a call late in the game that was going to go against the Sooners and it would affect the outcome. OUr only chance of this not happening was to win going away. Thank goodness for OUr offense, defense, special teams, coaches, ball boys, cheerleaders, pom-pom squad, Ruf Neks, schooner and ponies and everyone else who played a great game last night. It didn't come down to one horribly wrong call leaving a bad taste in my mouth this morning.

Go Sooners!

P.S. For dessert, go to whornfans.com . . .

12/2/2007, 09:41 AM
On the Pass Interference call I say, "Here, Here!"

On the Personal Fouls, video confirmed some extra curriculars.

I also thought we could have been flagged for holding on several plays that were significant.

12/2/2007, 09:44 AM
If you wanted to see a possible "fix" game, I think it was in place at Morgantown.

12/2/2007, 09:45 AM
The refs forgot to call holding all night...on both teams. The personal fouls were OUr players being pizzed off about this game. They came out to show Mizzou whats up. We were a bit overzealous about it, but I like it. :D

The Maestro
12/2/2007, 09:49 AM
If you wanted to see a possible "fix" game, I think it was in place at Morgantown.


Those refs tried real hard to give WVU the game. That holding call when Pitt got the first down was beyond pathetic. Sure made me wonder.

Animal Mother
12/2/2007, 09:50 AM
You people are kidding, correct?

12/2/2007, 09:51 AM
Yeah, I just saw highlights and was floored. They tried real hard to get WVU that victory.

The Maestro
12/2/2007, 09:52 AM
You people are kidding, correct?

Well, I don't really think the fix was in, but if you have seen that highlight it at least makes you wonder.

12/2/2007, 09:56 AM
If you wanted to see a possible "fix" game, I think it was in place at Morgantown.

That for darn sure. During commercials I would switch over and see what was happening in that game and it seemed everytime I did they were showing the highlight of another BS call against Pittsburgh.

I would have liked WVU to win that game though. I can stomach WVU vs tOSU. The thought of LSU or USuC getting in the title game ...

Makes me wanna PUKE! [hairGel]

12/2/2007, 10:10 AM
My West Virginia buddy even admitted the refs were trying to give the game to his team, he felt ashamed.

12/2/2007, 10:27 AM
Two phantom holds, and 1 obvious hold on WVA on a receiver were totally blown calls in the 2nd half; Pitt scored on one of the "holds", and the ref who threw the flag was standing on the goal line just as pitt scored and he threw the flag about 10 yards back downfield; that whole crew should be suspended for a few games

12/2/2007, 10:42 AM
Were Pac-10 refs involved or John Bible's crew?I smell conspiracy.