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11/29/2007, 07:59 AM
sorry folks, my picture upload thingy ain't working this morning.

November 29, 1963: President Johnson establishes the Warren Commission

44 years ago, on this day in 1963 and one week after President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, President Lyndon Johnson establishes a special commission to figure out what, how and why it all happened and who was involved.

Headed by Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, the commission had broad authority and responsibility to investigate the assassination and prepare a report of its findings.

Earl Warren and members of the Warren Commission present completed Report to President Lyndon Baines Johnson on September 24, 1964. In the photo are (left to right): John McCloy, J. Lee Rankin (General Counsel), Senator Richard Russell, Congressman Gerald Ford, Chief Justice Earl Warren, President Lyndon Johnson, Allen Dulles, Senator John Sherman Cooper, and Congressman Hale Boggs.

After 10 months of gathering evidence and questioning witnesses in public hearings, the Warren Commission report was released, concluding that there was no conspiracy, either domestic or international, in the assassination and that Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin, acted alone. :rolleyes:

The presidential commission also found that Jack Ruby, the nightclub/titty bar owner who murdered Oswald on live national television, had no prior contact with Oswald.

According to the report, the bullets that killed President Kennedy (and injured Texas Governor John Connally) were fired by Oswald in three shots from a bolt-action rifle fired at intervals of less than two seconds from the sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository in Dealey Plaza.

As an aside, Oswald bought the war surplus Italian military carbine by mail order from a catalog. More than anything else, Oswald's act led to federal legislation that made mail-order purchase of firearms illegal in the US.

Oswald's life, including his visit and attempted immigration to the Soviet Union, was described in detail, but the report made no attempt to analyze his motives.

Despite its seemingly firm conclusions, the report failed to silence conspiracy theories surrounding the event, and in 1978 the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded in a preliminary report that Kennedy was "probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy" that may have involved multiple shooters and organized crime.

The committee's findings, as with the findings of the Warren Commission, continue to be widely disputed.


To this day, official attempts to investigate sordid happenings are commonly labeled "Warren Commisions." The latest was an attempt to get to the bottom of whether a USC "Song Girl" was actually going "Britney" at a recent televised college football game.

There was widespread shock and horror when live ESPN coverage revealed the appearance of a USC cheerleader apparently sans cullotes.

The blogosphere accepted the challenge of proving/disproving the allegation so the nation could have closure on this vitally important issue. It turns out, as this still shot proves (unless it has been altered of course) the cheerleader merely had a "wedgie."

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cache.deadspin.com/assets/resources/2007/01/USCsonggirlHD1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://deadspin.com/sports/college-football/perhaps-now-we-can-put-all-of-this-behind-us-227633.php&h=337&w=600&sz=82&hl=en&start=96&um=1&tbnid=I9OCWgKAA2ahbM:&tbnh=76&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwarren%2Bcommission%26start%3D80%26nd sp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26c2coff%3 D1%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN

The Ghost of Joe Morrison
11/29/2007, 08:56 AM
The guy from the grassy knoll got the kill shot.

11/29/2007, 09:18 AM
I don't believe in conspiracies, I think it probably was a lucky shot. Some weird coincidences and all, I've never understood why any certain group would benefit from his assassination and why after that we would cover it up. If the Cubans, Russians, Mafia, aliens, Johnson, did it,what did they gain and why would we help them cover it up? It doesn't make sense. But I know many people feel like they need to cling to a conspiracy theory, I don't get that either.

11/29/2007, 09:39 AM
I think it's neat how you put all that crap about the Warren Commission just to set up the one-line meat of your post.

11/29/2007, 10:29 AM
Tell me more . . .

about the cheerleader's wedgie, I mean. :rolleyes:

11/29/2007, 10:48 AM
The Corsican Mafia was involved, IMO. The A & E special "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" made a pretty compelling case for this. Some guy named Lucien Sarti could easily have done the deed. He was one baaaaaad mofo!

11/29/2007, 10:52 AM

11/29/2007, 12:17 PM
Anyone catch some of the recent documentaries on bullet trajectories that the History Channel has presented?

Through the magic of COMPUTERS, they've reconstructed the motorcade and Dealey Plaza using landmarks from the actual area and Abraham Zapruder's film, thus creating a supposedly 'accurate' simulation of the assassination. It was a textbook case of selective facts as the documentary was built to support the Warren Commission findings. Through address of the plausibility of the Single Bullet Theory, they use the positioning of Kennedy and Connally and their reactions to show that according to what THEY have, the Single Bullet Theory is not only plausible, but easily understood, with the first hitting the president and gov. Connally, the second a miss that chips the curb near the Stemmons Freeway overpass, and the third being the fatal headshot.

Not once do they address the 'pristine bullet', and the impossibility of from the amount of lead found not only in Governor Connally's wrist, but from bullet deformation from identical bullets fired into cadaver wrists (from the House Select Committee investigation IIRC). They ignored the initial reports from doctors at Bethesda Naval Hospital that the wound to Kennedy's throat was a fingertip sized entrance wound, widened by a tracheotomy performed on site and proofed in David Lifton's 'Best Evidence'. The time gap found between Kennedy's reaction to being hit and the 'puff' of Governor Connally's cheeks indicating a shot to the lung as shown in Josiah Thompson's must-read 'Six Seconds In Dallas'. No mention of the audio evidence analyzed by the House Select Committee. Downright fabrication of the positions of each in the president's limosine as the shots were fired.

Everyone likes to point fingers and laugh at crackpot conspiracy theorists. In today's day and age, some even correlate those that question the Warren Commission report with the nutjobs that say 9/11 was a conspiracy. The fact is, the facts don't lie. Someone killed the President on November 22, 1963. There are volumes of evidence refused and ignored by the Warren Commission. There are dead eyewitnesses. There are following official investigations that shed questionable light on the incident. There is a million explanations of who, but strong evidence only points to a few potential 'hows', with amazing contradiction to the initial investigation.

In other words, there IS something wrong. There IS a conspiracy.

The Ghost of Joe Morrison
11/29/2007, 01:02 PM
ESPN killed JFK

Stuart Scott pulled the trigger.