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11/28/2007, 12:54 AM
..the way the Mizzou coaches and players are doing this week was before the Texas game in 2000.

11/28/2007, 01:20 AM
I hope for the same game result as Texas 2000.

11/28/2007, 01:25 AM
In the immortal words of Chrissy Simms and Colt "Butt Boy" Mccoy - Mr Danlies should know now that he is a hunted man and the respect that was there before is gone and we are hunting and will get our licks....

Crucifax Autumn
11/28/2007, 03:15 AM
Yep...Our boys are gonna be after him like a lion on a gazelle.

11/28/2007, 03:34 AM
Time for the De Line to make a statement.

Crucifax Autumn
11/28/2007, 03:39 AM
I think we'll play our most complete game of the year. These guys just had a taste of glory and let it slip away so they have a LOT to prove and I think it will give them the focus they need.

11/28/2007, 08:44 AM
I drove to Houston yesterday and listened to the incessant drivel how Chased Daniel was the greatest QB since Jesus. No mention that Misery had already lost to OU or that Sam Bradford was leading the nation in passing. I have never wanted OU to win a game so badly.

11/28/2007, 08:51 AM
I also remember when Colorado talked smack going into the CCG several years ago against us. .... if I remember right we pummeled them.

11/28/2007, 08:52 AM
Jesus was a quarterback? Wow.

I live in the KC metro and the Tiger love is flowing from all channels here. It's sickening. When asked about the game I tell my Tiger friends, "you guys are going to roll. Go ahead and book your flights for New Orleans."

I want them to hear how great they are from as many sources as possible. And if a bonafide sooner fan can be one of those sources, then so be it. That way when they go down in a heap in San Antonio, I can revel in it.

11/28/2007, 08:55 AM
Jesus was a quarterback? Wow.

Don't forget about Black Jesus:D

11/28/2007, 09:13 AM
Don't forget about Black Jesus:D

Rock Hard Corn Frog
11/28/2007, 09:27 AM
Jesus was a quarterback? Wow.

I live in the KC metro and the Tiger love is flowing from all channels here. It's sickening. When asked about the game I tell my Tiger friends, "you guys are going to roll. Go ahead and book your flights for New Orleans."

I want them to hear how great they are from as many sources as possible. And if a bonafide sooner fan can be one of those sources, then so be it. That way when they go down in a heap in San Antonio, I can revel in it.

Yeah, I get the DA Show in SW MO and as much as I like DA he was pretty slobbering on Pinkel this morning. The afternoon show even has an OU guy that seems to contiually downplay OU's chances.

Oh, and as far as being dissed. How about Lester's 2 or 3 gems prior to the 52-9 Let er' rip game?

11/28/2007, 09:34 AM
I'll say one thing, I am liking our chances more and more, as more MU love comes out.

Stoops has one big flaw in my opinion and that is getting the team up to play a substantial underdog.

But when he's the underdog, especially a big underdog, I know of no better coach in the nation.

I just wish the spread on the game was MU by 14.

11/28/2007, 09:40 AM
Yeah, I get the DA Show in SW MO and as much as I like DA he was pretty slobbering on Pinkel this morning. The afternoon show even has an OU guy that seems to contiually downplay OU's chances.

Oh, and as far as being dissed. How about Lester's 2 or 3 gems prior to the 52-9 Let er' rip game?

DA was doing that yesterday too, where he was saying all the same things that the MU players were saying. They're all playing up to that "we gave the game away" crap up here.

Neil (on the afternoon show) is supposedly an OU fan, but I never really hear it from him. Of course, he's in the KC media, so he probably has to love up the local teams to survive in his career. But there's a guy (Kevin Keitsman?) on 810 AM up here that's a big-time OU fan, and while he talks about the local teams, he's pretty loyal to OU. He was debunking the whole talk about MU giving away the game.

11/28/2007, 09:42 AM
I'm going to cut Missou some slack here, they are the #1 team in the country for the first time in 47 years. Why should they not enjoy it (and talk smack about it) for one week until we knock them down a little.

Let them have their 15 minutes of fame.


11/28/2007, 09:46 AM
i love it!

Desert Sapper
11/28/2007, 10:03 AM
They gave that game away in October. We couldn't slow them down all evening. Now they are much better, and we haven't really improved (just look at the Texas Tech game).

Mizzou is the #1 team in the nation and out to prove it. We are #9 and don't deserve anything more than that. Hawaii should be ranked higher than us.

Chase Daniel is the greatest QB in NCAA history. Sam Bradford is benefiting from a big O-line (which Stryker Sulak and the Mizzou D-Line will exploit).

Tony Temple will be the difference maker. Our weaksauce linebackers won't be able to slow him down.

The two best TEs in the nation are ****ed they didn't get All Big XII 1st team. Jeremy Maclin, the best freshman in the history of the game, deserves to be an all-american as a WR and KR.

OU should just lay down and play dead, because it would be better for the conference if we did. Chase Daniel would win the Heisman and Mizzou would hoist the crystal football in January and the world would be a much better place for it.

OU doesn't even deserve to be in the title. We back-doored in. OU can't win away from Norman.

OU has embarrassed the conference with our weak performances in BCS bowls. It's time to give somebody else a shot. Somebody that will play their hearts out and win.

Just thought I would share some of the sentiments from here in Misery. And misery loves company.


11/28/2007, 10:34 AM
Don't forget about Black Jesus:D

They used to call me the White Jesus on the playgrounds of Chicago- had some glide in the day... :)

11/28/2007, 10:42 AM
I'm still trying to figure out exactly how Mizzou players have been "trash talking" OU. It's pretty clear this a manufactured controversry by Stoops -- a shrewd move I think, playing the respect card -- but it's not bourne from the facts.

Name me a team that doesn't blame themselves when they lose. Do you guys honestly think Colorado is better than OU? Do you think they outplayed you that day or was your loss due to turnovers and not converting critical plays?

Seriously, Chase Daniel and the rest of the Mizzou team have every right to think they let a win slip through their fingers. They admitted that you can't make mistakes in the 4th quarter against a great team like Oklahoma and expect to win the game. Momentum definitely shifted in the fourth quarter due to costly MU turnovers and a re-energized OU running game.

As a Mizzou fan, it wouldn't really bother me to see the guys run their mouths a little -- but I honestly don't see it. Hell, if anyone is being disrespected it's Mizzou. How do you think they feel finally getting a #1 ranking after decades of miserable to average seasons, yet they're still the underdogs in the Big 12 CG?

Oklahoma is definitely a scary team and Mizzou must play well and take better care of the football to win. But OU is not unbeatable, as we have seen this season.

11/28/2007, 11:02 AM
I'm going to cut Missou some slack here, they are the #1 team in the country for the first time in 47 years. Why should they not enjoy it (and talk smack about it) for one week until we knock them down a little.

Let them have their 15 minutes of fame.



KHS Sooner
11/28/2007, 11:07 AM

Like I say to you everytime you do that......No One Cares :D

King Crimson
11/28/2007, 11:11 AM
Mizzou fan on their boards seems to be playing the "OU fans are arrogant jerks" card since I guess we're supposed to admit we have no shot of winning...and aren't doing it.

11/28/2007, 11:33 AM
Chase Daniel passer rating for OU game - 133.93

Sam Bradford passer rating for MU game - 155.71

MU yards per rush vs OU - 1.9

OU yards per rush vs MU - 3.6

OU leading 41-24 with 2 minutes to go. Seems pretty clear who won the game.

11/28/2007, 11:40 AM
OU 65
Mizz - 10
you heard it here !

KHS Sooner
11/28/2007, 11:41 AM
OU 65
Mizz - 10
you heard it here !

I don't expect a score like that, but I think we win by 15+

11/28/2007, 11:43 AM
Mizzou fan on their boards seems to be playing the "OU fans are arrogant jerks" card since I guess we're supposed to admit we have no shot of winning...and aren't doing it.

Seems more to me that OU doesn't want to admit they have an opportunity to lose...

KHS Sooner
11/28/2007, 11:45 AM
Seems more to me that OU doesn't want to admit they have an opportunity to lose...

My take on it is if we play to our full potential then we beat you.

If we play off a little bit and you guy's play a great game, you win.

11/28/2007, 12:25 PM
I'm still trying to figure out exactly how Mizzou players have been "trash talking" OU. It's pretty clear this a manufactured controversry by Stoops -- a shrewd move I think, playing the respect card -- but it's not bourne from the facts.

Name me a team that doesn't blame themselves when they lose. Do you guys honestly think Colorado is better than OU? Do you think they outplayed you that day or was your loss due to turnovers and not converting critical plays?

I don't think we blamed ourselves afer the 2005 MNC game. We just got whipped, period. Is Colorado better than OU? No. We outplayed them for 3.5 quarters and they outplayed us big-time in the final 8 minutes.

It may be somewhat manufactured, or played up (it's certainly being that), but the shrewder move is to answer those questions from the media along the lines of, "You know, that game really doesn't matter. What matters is this one."

It should be a good 'un.

11/28/2007, 12:30 PM
... How do you think they feel finally getting a #1 ranking after decades of miserable to average seasons, yet they're still the underdogs in the Big 12 CG?
What most people (and apparently you) don't understand is that the line on a game is only about betting, period. It has absolutely nothing to do with predicting the outcome of a game. Don't let the underdog thing get you going on a rant. Bookies simply have to adjust the line accordingly in order to get an even amount of money on each side so that they are guaranteed their juice is profit.

Given the history of the 2 programs and the amount of money that bettors are likely to place on Oklahoma, I'd say 3 is probably about right.

Congrats on a killer season this year!

11/28/2007, 01:05 PM
I'm still trying to figure out exactly how Mizzou players have been "trash talking" OU. It's pretty clear this a manufactured controversry by Stoops -- a shrewd move I think, playing the respect card -- but it's not bourne from the facts.

Fact: Said receiver Jeremy Maclin: "We let one slip away the last time we played Oklahoma. This time I think we'll be ready.”

What, you weren't "ready" to play last time? So, you were only "kinda" playing?

Fact: Said quarterback Chase Daniel: "After we watched the film, we (saw we) gave the ballgame away in the fourth quarter. We were up 24-23, then self-destructed. We're a much more mature team now and we're ready.”

OU is playing the disrespect card because these kinds of quotes make it look like Mizzou lost because they didn't try hard enough. It makes them look like they think they're better than OU. They made mistakes, and OU took advantage of them, sure. But OU made mistakes, too, and MU took advantage of those also.

MU didn't "self-destruct" in the 4th quarter. OU took it to them in the 4th quarter. You only had one drive the entire game that started on your side of the field and ended up in a TD, and that was with OU running the prevent with 20 seconds left. You couldn't stop our offense all game long. Yet you "gave it away"? Your players are trying to discredit OU's win. If I were a player and I heard that out of the opposing team's QB, I'd be playing the disrespect card, too.

Fans and media are always going to say stupid stuff like that. But to have the MU players and coach say it, that's disrespect. That's born from facts. There's nothing controversial about it.

11/28/2007, 01:14 PM
Seems more to me that OU doesn't want to admit they have an opportunity to lose...

My original post in this thread was meant to be a warning to Mizzou. Stoops does not take being dissed by an upstart team like Mizzou very well - read between the lines in his press conference this week if you don't believe me. In fact, even teams that are not upstarts (eg. Texas) have felt the wrath of an angry, motivated Bob Stoops team when they have run off at the mouth like Mizzou is doing this week. You can only tug on Superman's cape so much before he gets really ****ed - consider yourselves warned, Mizzou.

11/28/2007, 01:36 PM
Seems more to me that OU doesn't want to admit they have an opportunity to lose...
huh? You've got more riding on this one than we do. Just another conference title for us.


and I will say Mizzou gave us all we wanted in Norman this year but, before you talk turnovers please don't forget the ones we gave you's guys.

11/28/2007, 01:44 PM
Just thought I would share some of the sentiments from here in Misery. And misery loves company.


I'm sure we could find some gainful employment for such a level headed, right thinking guy like you around the Dallas area if you are looking for a move. ;)

NYC Poke
11/28/2007, 01:51 PM
My original post in this thread was meant to be a warning to Mizzou. Stoops does not take being dissed by an upstart team like Mizzou very well - read between the lines in his press conference this week if you don't believe me. In fact, even teams that are not upstarts (eg. Texas) have felt the wrath of an angry, motivated Bob Stoops team when they have run off at the mouth like Mizzou is doing this week. You can only tug on Superman's cape so much before he gets really ****ed - consider yourselves warned, Mizzou.

I have experienced this wrath. Mizzou was foolish to incur it.

11/28/2007, 02:00 PM
Seriously, Chase Daniel and the rest of the Mizzou team have every right to think they let a win slip through their fingers. They admitted that you can't make mistakes in the 4th quarter against a great team like Oklahoma and expect to win the game. Momentum definitely shifted in the fourth quarter due to costly MU turnovers and a re-energized OU running game.

That wasn't a re-energized OU running game, it was a de-energized Missouri defense. I suspect it will happen again on Saturday night.

11/28/2007, 02:55 PM
Fact: Said receiver Jeremy Maclin: "We let one slip away the last time we played Oklahoma. This time I think we'll be ready.”

What, you weren't "ready" to play last time? So, you were only "kinda" playing?

Fact: Said quarterback Chase Daniel: "After we watched the film, we (saw we) gave the ballgame away in the fourth quarter. We were up 24-23, then self-destructed. We're a much more mature team now and we're ready.”

First, if that's really your idea of trash talking and disrespecting then I suggest you do more research. The players were talking about their own team's poor performance at Norman. The simple fact is, turnovers killed Mizzou's opportunity to win the game in those final 15 minutes. I'm not sure how that can even be disputed.

OU is playing the disrespect card because these kinds of quotes make it look like Mizzou lost because they didn't try hard enough. It makes them look like they think they're better than OU.

No, it makes Mizzou look like the lost because they turned the ball over on two fourth quarter drives. On their other two drives of the quater, Mizzou punted and scored a TD. I haven't seen any player claim that Mizzou is better than OU. It amazes me how thin-skinned Sooner fans are for being such a powerhouse program. But I suppose losses to Colorado and Texas Tech will do that.

They made mistakes, and OU took advantage of them, sure. But OU made mistakes, too, and MU took advantage of those also.

Mizzou had twice as many turnovers, with two coming in the critical fourth quarter.

MU didn't "self-destruct" in the 4th quarter. OU took it to them in the 4th quarter. You only had one drive the entire game that started on your side of the field and ended up in a TD, and that was with OU running the prevent with 20 seconds left.

Revisionist history. Mizzou had a 9-play, 85-yard drive in the second quarter that resulted in a feield goal. Mizzou had a 12-play, 68-yard drive in the third quarter that resulted in a touchdown, and, of course, the 16-play, 80-yard drive in the closing three minutes for a touchdown.

You couldn't stop our offense all game long.

Despite Mizzou turning the ball over four times, Mizzou actually held the Sooners to fewer total yards and forced 3 punts.

Yet you "gave it away"? Your players are trying to discredit OU's win. If I were a player and I heard that out of the opposing team's QB, I'd be playing the disrespect card, too.

The truth is, Chase Daniel was responsible for both turnovers (the botched handoff and the errant interception toss on first down) and feels like he didn't give his offense an opportunity to score in the fourth quarter. On the fumbled handoff, he literally handed the Sooners 7 points.

Fans and media are always going to say stupid stuff like that. But to have the MU players and coach say it, that's disrespect. That's born from facts. There's nothing controversial about it.

Again, it's interesting to see how thin-skinned the Sooner are about this manufactured controversy. If the Sooners were truly the more dominant team as you suggest, who cares what some kids from Mizzou have to say? The fact that Stoops and Venables are getting so defensive is, frankly, a good sign.

KHS Sooner
11/28/2007, 02:58 PM
First, if that's really your idea of trash talking and disrespecting then I suggest you do more research. The players were talking about their own team's poor performance at Norman. The simple fact is, turnovers killed Mizzou's opportunity to win the game in those final 15 minutes. I'm not sure how that can even be disputed.

No, it makes Mizzou look like the lost because they turned the ball over on two fourth quarter drives. On their other two drives of the quater, Mizzou punted and scored a TD. I haven't seen any player claim that Mizzou is better than OU. It amazes me how thin-skinned Sooner fans are for being such a powerhouse program. But I suppose losses to Colorado and Texas Tech will do that.

Mizzou had twice as many turnovers, with two coming in the critical fourth quarter.

Revisionist history. Mizzou had a 9-play, 85-yard drive in the second quarter that resulted in a feield goal. Mizzou had a 12-play, 68-yard drive in the third quarter that resulted in a touchdown, and, of course, the 16-play, 80-yard drive in the closing three minutes for a touchdown.

Despite Mizzou turning the ball over four times, Mizzou actually held the Sooners to fewer total yards and forced 3 punts.

The truth is, Chase Daniel was responsible for both turnovers (the botched handoff and the errant interception toss on first down) and feels like he didn't give his offense an opportunity to score in the fourth quarter. On the fumbled handoff, he literally handed the Sooners 7 points.

Again, it's interesting to see how thin-skinned the Sooner are about this manufactured controversy. If the Sooners were truly the more dominant team as you suggest, who cares what some kids from Mizzou have to say? The fact that Stoops and Venables are getting so defensive is, frankly, a good sign.

WOW! Do you study every play of the game and study stats all night........go outside.

Bourbon St Sooner
11/28/2007, 03:12 PM
To all Mizzou fans:

Since you're new to this game with the funny shaped ball, I'll explain this for you. You win games by scoring more points than the other team, you do not win by having more turnovers or going on long drives in the last few minutes while down 17 so you can say you outgained the team. If you are looking for moral victories go hang out at Orangepower.com. If you want to live vicariously through Sand Aggie go hang out at Hornfans.com.

Thanks for your attention.

Bourbon St Sooner
11/28/2007, 03:24 PM
And another thing, in the game we played this year, we shut you down in the 4th quarter with the game on the line. Our D did the same thing this year against Texas, Tulsa, OSwho and Sand Aggie. We shut you down and you couldn't stop us.

Oh yes, you had a nice clock killing epic 16 play drive against our prevent D in the last few minutes that allowed you to brag about outgaining us (moral victory). Congratulations.

11/28/2007, 03:28 PM
I'm still trying to figure out exactly how Mizzou players have been "trash talking" OU. It's pretty clear this a manufactured controversry by Stoops -- a shrewd move I think, playing the respect card -- but it's not bourne from the facts.

Name me a team that doesn't blame themselves when they lose. Do you guys honestly think Colorado is better than OU? Do you think they outplayed you that day or was your loss due to turnovers and not converting critical plays?

Seriously, Chase Daniel and the rest of the Mizzou team have every right to think they let a win slip through their fingers. They admitted that you can't make mistakes in the 4th quarter against a great team like Oklahoma and expect to win the game. Momentum definitely shifted in the fourth quarter due to costly MU turnovers and a re-energized OU running game.

As a Mizzou fan, it wouldn't really bother me to see the guys run their mouths a little -- but I honestly don't see it. Hell, if anyone is being disrespected it's Mizzou. How do you think they feel finally getting a #1 ranking after decades of miserable to average seasons, yet they're still the underdogs in the Big 12 CG?

Oklahoma is definitely a scary team and Mizzou must play well and take better care of the football to win. But OU is not unbeatable, as we have seen this season.

this guy has no clue

11/28/2007, 03:56 PM
Jeepdad, the only thing more pathetic that your whining is that you won't be around next week to take it.

Stoop Dawg
11/28/2007, 04:11 PM
Again, it's interesting to see how thin-skinned the Sooner are about this manufactured controversy. If the Sooners were truly the more dominant team as you suggest, who cares what some kids from Mizzou have to say? The fact that Stoops and Venables are getting so defensive is, frankly, a good sign.

Sorry, but I'm a little confused.

When MU players say "we gave the game away on turnovers", it's simply a statement of fact, not trash-talking.

But when Stoops says "we had turnovers too, and still won", then he's being defensive?

You act like you gave the game away in the 4th quarter, but I think we let you stay in the game for 3 quarters. We finally started playing well in the 4th, and you saw the result.

Stoop Dawg
11/28/2007, 04:19 PM
Mizzou had twice as many turnovers, with two coming in the critical fourth quarter.

There is nothing critical about the 4th quarter. The points count the same regardless of what quarter you score them in.

Revisionist history. Mizzou had a 9-play, 85-yard drive in the second quarter that resulted in a feield goal. Mizzou had a 12-play, 68-yard drive in the third quarter that resulted in a touchdown, and, of course, the 16-play, 80-yard drive in the closing three minutes for a touchdown.

So you scored 2 TDs on drives that started on your own side of the field instead of just 1. And one of those was in garbage time when the game was already decided. Grats.

Despite Mizzou turning the ball over four times, Mizzou actually held the Sooners to fewer total yards and forced 3 punts.

I know MU is new to football, so I'll type this slowly.

Here's the deal on turnovers - they shorten the field for the opposing team. So, the opposing team is able to score points without racking up more yards.

To win the game, you need more points - not yards.

The truth is, Chase Daniel was responsible for both turnovers (the botched handoff and the errant interception toss on first down) and feels like he didn't give his offense an opportunity to score in the fourth quarter. On the fumbled handoff, he literally handed the Sooners 7 points.

Heisman QBs don't fumble away games.

Also, if you take away the 14 points off Chase Bumbles dumb-headed plays, OU would have actually played some D on your last drive instead of trying to kill the clock with a prevent D.

Any way you slice it, you lose.

11/28/2007, 04:40 PM
Jeepdad, the only thing more pathetic that your whining is that you won't be around next week to take it.

Um, you guys are the ones whining about being "disrespected" by Mizzou. What the heck do I have to whine about? I'm happy as a lark.

KHS Sooner
11/28/2007, 04:41 PM
Um, you guys are the ones whining about being "disrespected" by Mizzou. What the heck do I have to whine about? I'm happy as a lark.

You can whine about losing this Saturday. ;)

11/28/2007, 04:54 PM
yo jeepdad until MISSou can beat the sooners you need to be quiet lil boy.


Animal Mother
11/28/2007, 05:34 PM
If I ever lose interest in life to the extent that I park my worthless azz on some other team’s message board, I hope lightning strikes our house and fries me like a tater.

11/28/2007, 05:45 PM
The fact that Stoops and Venables are getting so defensive is, frankly, a good sign.

WE'RE DOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Bourbon St Sooner
11/28/2007, 05:57 PM
If I ever lose interest in life to the extent that I park my worthless azz on some other team’s message board and, like an aggie, discuss how my team could have beat their team but didn't because of A,B and C, I hope lightning strikes our house and fries me like a tater.


11/28/2007, 08:21 PM
Um, you guys are the ones whining about being "disrespected" by Mizzou. What the heck do I have to whine about? I'm happy as a lark.

You whined in the longest post on the previous thread.

You're not happy as a lark. You're having to troll sooner boards for some sort of sick validation.

11/29/2007, 10:38 AM
First, if that's really your idea of trash talking and disrespecting then I suggest you do more research. The players were talking about their own team's poor performance at Norman. The simple fact is, turnovers killed Mizzou's opportunity to win the game in those final 15 minutes. I'm not sure how that can even be disputed.

When an MU player doesn't show recognition that OU was the better team that day, that's trash talk. That's disrespect.

No, it makes Mizzou look like the lost because they turned the ball over on two fourth quarter drives. On their other two drives of the quater, Mizzou punted and scored a TD. I haven't seen any player claim that Mizzou is better than OU. It amazes me how thin-skinned Sooner fans are for being such a powerhouse program. But I suppose losses to Colorado and Texas Tech will do that.

The insinuation from the MU players is that MU lost because they didn't execute. The reality is that OU allowed MU to come back on a fumble on a kick-off return. The only reason you HAD a lead in the 4th quarter was a fumble by Iglesias. That's "revisionist history". Our defense forced you to punt. Our defense forced those turnovers. Our offense jammed the ball down your defense's throat, and you couldn't stop us.

No one here is saying that MU isn't a good team. Our coaches and players aren't saying that either. They just take offense to the whole "we gave it away" crap. Your players are making excuses for losing the previous game, and not crediting OU for their solid play throughout that game.

Mizzou had twice as many turnovers, with two coming in the critical fourth quarter.

Damn. I thought that we forced those turnovers by putting pressure on your offense. But, I guess I missed the part where Chase Daniel just walked up to one of our defensive players, held out the ball and said, "Here. Take it".

Revisionist history. Mizzou had a 9-play, 85-yard drive in the second quarter that resulted in a feield goal. Mizzou had a 12-play, 68-yard drive in the third quarter that resulted in a touchdown, and, of course, the 16-play, 80-yard drive in the closing three minutes for a touchdown.

Um. Read my post again. I didn't mention the 3rd quarter TD drive, big deal. I guess I'm "giving this argument away". But if you'll read, I emphasized the TD drives, not the field goal drive. Regardless, revisionist history applies more to the "we gave it away" argument than anything I've posted.

Despite Mizzou turning the ball over four times, Mizzou actually held the Sooners to fewer total yards and forced 3 punts.

Awesome. Too bad it's the points that count, not the yards.

The truth is, Chase Daniel was responsible for both turnovers (the botched handoff and the errant interception toss on first down) and feels like he didn't give his offense an opportunity to score in the fourth quarter. On the fumbled handoff, he literally handed the Sooners 7 points.

Again, did he just walk up and hand it to the OU players on purpose? If so, why would he do such a thing? You guys made mistakes, sure. But don't forget who was in the backfield putting pressure on Daniel and Maclin on that play. And don't forget that Lofton (who's a man and wears #40) carried both those guys 5 yards in to score. And don't forget that our defense creating pressure is what led to the INT. You speak of "revisionist history", and yet both you and the MU players completely ignore what led to those turnovers.

Again, it's interesting to see how thin-skinned the Sooner are about this manufactured controversy. If the Sooners were truly the more dominant team as you suggest, who cares what some kids from Mizzou have to say? The fact that Stoops and Venables are getting so defensive is, frankly, a good sign.

LOL. Keep telling yourself that.

11/29/2007, 10:58 AM
Misery :P

Chi Gamma Blackness
11/29/2007, 12:09 PM
Why must the posts be so freakin long? I get 2 sentences in and lose interest.

Chi Gamma Blackness
11/29/2007, 12:49 PM
Here's the big difference I see:
Stoops: National Championship, 4 Big XII titles, Walter Camp National Coach of the Year...twice, Paul Bryant Award, Home Depot Coach of the Year, AP National Coach of the Year, produced Heisman Winner and runner-up, most wins since 2000, produced 16(+) All-Americans, winning percentage of 83%, annual salary of 3.4 million, not to mention he's pretty nice to look at.

Pinkel: Winning percentage 41%...and that's all I really cared to find.

Until your stats, coach, and program meet OUrs, I don't really see any need to attempt trash talk us. But have fun tryin', see ya on Saturday.

11/29/2007, 02:33 PM
All tiger fans, when you lose you should not make excuses as to why and how you loss, its as if you are convincing yourself that Oct 13 never really happened. I have not heard any of the teams you guys beat this year say that they made mistakes. When you played texas tech Graham Harrell played his poorest game of the season, and I cant find any excuses in print or on the net. Why are you guys overly focused about what happened last game, and ignore the extreme importance of saturday night. If I remember correctly lasr year in columbia this same ou defense gave chase daniels fits as well, so maybe ou is just a better team, because 2 times in a row is a lot of luck. I would be more concerned as to why you guys jump out to big leads and allow teams back into the game on a consistent basis, and even though you are being slobbered all over for the KU game they still had a chance to win in the fourth quarter even though they "gave the game away". I personally love the big 12, so even if we lose I will route for you to win the NC, but yall need to shut the hell up and play football.

11/29/2007, 02:55 PM
Here's the big difference I see:
Stoops: National Championship, 4 Big XII titles, Walter Camp National Coach of the Year...twice, Paul Bryant Award, Home Depot Coach of the Year, AP National Coach of the Year, produced Heisman Winner and runner-up, most wins since 2000, produced 16(+) All-Americans, winning percentage of 83%, annual salary of 3.4 million, not to mention he's pretty nice to look at.

Pinkel: Winning percentage 41%...and that's all I really cared to find.

Until your stats, coach, and program meet OUrs, I don't really see any need to attempt trash talk us. But have fun tryin', see ya on Saturday.

I lost interest two sentences in......

I keed :D Very apt comparison

11/30/2007, 03:44 PM
jeepdad's a wannabe.

I still don't get these people. if you're a Texas or Nebbish fan ok, you've been there, on top and have beaten us more than once on some crazy fluke. Otherwise shut yer yaphole and be thankful you get to play us.

Leroy Lizard
12/1/2007, 05:28 PM
Good grief.

Trash talking to me is, "We're going to kick their sorry butts all over the field." I see no trash talking by Missouri players.

I could understand these threads if OU and MU weren't going to play tonight. But since they are, what difference does it make if MU players think they gave the game away earlier in the year? Let them think whatever they want. It isn't going to help them play any better. It isn't going to help OU play better to think they are disrespecting the team.

12/3/2007, 01:17 PM
apparently our defense was peeved about something. please oh please other teams, talk smack a whole heckuva lot next season.


12/3/2007, 01:59 PM
Hey, where are all those MENSA member Mizzou fans now? Jeepdad, you want to revise any more History about Saturday night for us? We just love a good story. Well, come wear your fingers out again......please.