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View Full Version : Hollis Price: victim of a racist attack

11/26/2007, 05:50 PM
This makes me so angry.

Hollis Price: victim of a racist attack (http://www.ballineurope.com/countries/lithuania/hollis-price-victim-of-a-racist-attack/)
November 26th, 2007 by Christophe

We got reports from Lithuania today about a racist attack on the US-born PG of Lietuvos Rytas this Friday in Vilnius. The news has only been released this afternoon though.

Hollis Price, who is actually playing with the Lithuanians in the Euroleague has been attacked by skinheads in the streets of Vilnius. Friday night at about 10pm, Price has been thrown down by 3 "pseudopatriotic" guys but luckily some journalists and students that were around could interfere and stop the fight. However, one of the three skinheads tried to punch him more but the helpers could take control of the situation as two of three have run away.

This is really a dramatic incident, even if Price did not get hurt seriously as he could play the day after in a LKL game. He was reduced somehow as he only played 8 minutes during that game, even if this was also maybe the result of the domination of his team during that game.

However, the discussions are heating up in Lithuania as the Lietuvos Rytas team is know for having an "Ultras" fan club that is carrying flags with racist symbols. These "fans" are present to lots of away games of their team too. I won’t go any further in this discussion as I am not enough aware of their real status and beliefs.

But I hate really hearing about such stories and I wish all the best to Hollis Price and I want to thank those people that helped him in that situation.

11/26/2007, 05:57 PM
Ugh. That's awful.

11/26/2007, 06:01 PM
It must be really tough for him because his own fans bear swastikas and other such things at his games.

11/26/2007, 06:07 PM
that's nuts.

now i really wish he was playing in the NBA :(

11/26/2007, 06:20 PM
He should go to Australia like Ricy Grace did,he would love it there.

Hella Sideburns
11/26/2007, 07:35 PM
He should go to Australia like Ricy Grace did,he would love it there.

If I had the choice between being a 10th man in the NBA and making league minimum in like, Charlotte or something, or being a starter and making enough to live, but getting to live in Australia?

Australia, easily.

11/26/2007, 07:46 PM

man, why couldn't he play for the D-League to work his way into the NBA? I miss him and his awesomeness on the court :(

11/27/2007, 08:39 AM
That is horrible!

11/27/2007, 10:48 AM
Some people, really suck. Hollis does not deserve this crap.

11/27/2007, 01:43 PM
Who's up for a roady to Lithuania to knock these assclowns around?

11/27/2007, 02:12 PM
I guess I'll say again. It's a sad thing indeed.

stoops the eternal pimp
11/27/2007, 02:16 PM
Who's up for a roady to Lithuania to knock these assclowns around?

I ve got the Louisville Slugger and my doberman..Lets go

Animal Mother
11/27/2007, 02:21 PM
What is the deal with people in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union countries? They had the jack boot of Russia on their windpipes since 1917 and when they get rid of it, they attack each other. I had a friend living in Sarajevo in the 1980s. She said she loved it but when the Wall came down she high tailed it out. I asked her why. She said “they’ll start killing each other now that the Russians can’t stop them.” Brother was she right on the mark.

11/27/2007, 07:56 PM
Hollis, if you're reading this, we miss you. Come back to Oklahoma, will ya?

Newbomb Turk
11/27/2007, 08:06 PM
Hollis, if you're reading this, we miss you. Come back to Oklahoma, will ya?
yeah - come back and play for the Sonics! :)

crappy deal for him over there.

11/28/2007, 11:06 PM
What is the deal with people in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union countries? They had the jack boot of Russia on their windpipes since 1917 and when they get rid of it, they attack each other. I had a friend living in Sarajevo in the 1980s. She said she loved it but when the Wall came down she high tailed it out. I asked her why. She said “they’ll start killing each other now that the Russians can’t stop them.” Brother was she right on the mark.
Because their centuries of hatred of each other was only suppressed by the iron fist of totalitarian regimes for 50 or so years. You would think after that many generations some of these people would let that crap go. Once something that they had more "fear" of went away they could act on their "hate". Nationalistic or ethnic "pride" rates above common sense. These are countries that are smaller than some states, I will NEVER understand that kind of hatred.

11/29/2007, 03:01 AM
To hell with those jerkheads! What a bunch of pansies! 3 on 1, geez.