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11/26/2007, 12:48 PM
Aggies give thumbs up to Sherman
By John Bridges | Monday, November 26, 2007, 11:12 AM

Just 63 hours after Dennis Franchione stepped down, Texas A&M athletic director Bill Byrne gave a big thumbs-up to Mike Sherman, bringing the former Aggie assistant back into the fold as A&M’s new head football coach Monday.

“I feel like I’ve come home to a special place,” Sherman said. “You have no idea how much I look forward to this challenge.”

A&M gave Sherman a seven-year contract paying $1.8 million per year. Byrne said that Sherman requested that he not be paid the $2 million-plus that Franchione was making. “He said, ‘I would rather take less and go out and hire the best coordinators and coaches,’ ” Byrne said.

The 52-year-old Sherman, a Massachusetts native and product of Central Connecticut State, is former head coach of the NFL’s Green Bay Packers (2000 to 2005). Most recently, he has served as offensive coordinator for the Houston Texans, a job that brought him back to the shadow of A&M. Sherman had spent two stints in Aggieland as the Aggies’ offensive line coach from 1989-93 and 1995-96.

“I believe in everything about this university, from the ‘Hullabaloo caneck, caneck’ to Muster,” Sherman said.

He compared the fans at Texas A&M to those at Green Bay. “You want the Aggies to be happy, just as in Green Bay you wanted to make the Cheeseheads happy,” Sherman said.

He called Texas A&M a “sleeping giant.”

“We have only an expectation of winning the national championship,” Sherman said. “Bill has expressed to me that is one of his dreams and it’s one of mine.”

Sherman said he will fulfill his contractual obligations to the Texans and will finish the season with the NFL team. But he said he would also begin his work at Texas A&M, saying he planned to start calling recruits after Monday’s press conference.

He said he has not contacted or hired anyone yet for his staff, given how quickly he was hired at A&M.

Gary Darnell, the defensive coordinator under Franchione, will serve as interim coach for the Aggies’ bowl game.

Sherman said he was contacted after Friday’s A&M victory over Texas and got the word that he had the job after the Texans’ loss at Cleveland on Sunday.

Byrne was asked about his vow Friday night to conduct a “national search,” ending less than three days later with a coach nearby in Houston. Byrne answered that he keeps up with coaches nationwide, continually updating a mental list of people he might like to hire.

Sherman added that, technically, the search did go beyond the state’s borders, saying, “I was in Cleveland yesterday.”

Byrne said that Sherman was the only coach to be interviewed for the job, although he had evaluated other coaches “in case Mike and I didn’t get along. … Mike was our top choice.”

Sherman declined to offer specifics on what type of schemes he will run at A&M, saying that would be based on the strengths of the players. “I want to be aggressive on both sides of the ball. Let me leave it at that,” Sherman said, adding, “We will have an offense and a defense.”


11/26/2007, 01:01 PM
“We will have an offense and a defense.”
We're doomed!!!!! They're going to play BOTH offense AND defense. Can lifting weights and practicing 2 times a day preseason be far behind?

Why on earth did they jump on Sherman so quickly? Seems like a huge gamble.

11/26/2007, 01:18 PM
Maybe he'll work out, maybe not ... couldn't be worse than Fran though ... could it?

Besides, with a place like A&M, gotta love a guy with the same name as a famous general and an old warhorse tank!


King Crimson
11/26/2007, 01:21 PM
Aggie board are talking about Sumlin to aTm as OC.

11/26/2007, 01:24 PM
Wouldn't be surprised to see Sumlin head there.

How do I sign up for his email distribution list? TIA.

11/26/2007, 01:28 PM
Ive always rooted for A&m when they werent playing Ou the same as I rooted for Nebraska, now that both of their idiot coaches are gone I can do the same. I think Sherman will do a fine job and will make them more competitive. Just not enough to dethrone the kings of the conference!

11/26/2007, 01:35 PM
Aggie board are talking about Sumlin to aTm as OC.

Why not Chan Gailey?

11/26/2007, 01:53 PM
We're doomed!!!!! They're going to play BOTH offense AND defense. Can lifting weights and practicing 2 times a day preseason be far behind?

Why on earth did they jump on Sherman so quickly? Seems like a huge gamble.

I thought that was the funniest comment. So glad to know they will have both! I am with you on the gamble. What is with the Aggies and they have to have a head coach as their next head coach. I would rather go out and get the best offensive coordinator like we did with Bob Stoops although as far as I am concerned, A&M not being good is fine with me.

11/26/2007, 01:58 PM
I would rather go out and get the best offensive coordinator like we did with Bob Stoops although as far as I am concerned, A&M not being good is fine with me.

Uh, Bob Stoops was the DEFENSIVE coordinator at Florida under Coach Spurrier, not offensive. Bob's background is pretty much on the defensive side of the ball, from his playing days to coaching.

11/26/2007, 01:58 PM
They really had a thing for Tuberville. But $6 million (his Auburn buyout) just to talk was too much.

11/26/2007, 02:22 PM
Byrne was asked about his vow Friday night to conduct a “national search,” ending less than three days later with a coach nearby in Houston. Byrne answered that he keeps up with coaches nationwide, continually updating a mental list of people he might like to hire.

Sherman added that, technically, the search did go beyond the state’s borders, saying, “I was in Cleveland yesterday.”
National Coaching Search, Aggie style:
Byrne picks up the phone: Calls one or two head coach's offices. Coach's secretary: "he'll call you back in a week or so".
Byrne: puzzled look (just like Charlie Donovan of the Cleveland Indians when Lou Brown told him he needed to call him back because he had a guy on the other line looking to buy a set of whitewalls). Reality sets in. Byrne: aTm really isn't a top college coach's dream job, must be all the nut-grabbing going on in the Kyle stands. I'd better call the Shermanator and sign him up before Kraft calls him to replace Belichick. Wait, I told our fan-base it would be a national search. Buzzes his secretary:
Byrne: Where are the Texans playing this weekend?
Secretary: I don't know, I check their schedule.
Byrne: When you find out book me a ticket, also make sure it's a connecting flight thru a couple of other major cities with a a couple of hours layover in each and have a limo waiting at each airport to drive me around for an hour or so. Byrne: That should CMA.

11/26/2007, 02:25 PM
Weren't the Aggs all jacked up when Fran was hired?

OU Adonis
11/26/2007, 02:32 PM
aTm being a southern school I am surprised they would want this guy.


11/26/2007, 02:38 PM
Adonis -

Now Mr. Byrne needs to get a home and home with either Georgia or Georgia Tech?

11/26/2007, 02:43 PM
Uh, Bob Stoops was the DEFENSIVE coordinator at Florida under Coach Spurrier, not offensive. Bob's background is pretty much on the defensive side of the ball, from his playing days to coaching.

I knew that but was talking on the phone when I typed offensive instead of defensive.

11/26/2007, 02:53 PM
Mom -

And, Sherman, as of right now, is a coordinator ... the offensive coordinator for the Texans. He was the head coach fro the Green Bay Packers for 5 or so years, before that he was a Packer assistant, and before that was a coach at A&M under RC (89-93, 95-96).

So, he is a former NFL head coach with no college head coaching experience but did coach in college.

Really, for us, it is a blank slate hire. He does not bring the "buzz" or "excitement" that some of the names thrown out would have .. ir Tedford, Spurrier, Tubberville ... but also is "safer" than some other names mentioned out there and highly thought of in the "inner circle" of coaching and amoung his former players. Aggie players that he coached are very excited about the hire.

Still, there is risk here and no coach is "slam dunk." Heck, Fran was supposed to be ... but wasn't. Only time will tell what Sherman can do in Aggieland. Maybe we'll threaten you all and texas for the top tier in the south, maybe we'll be stuck with Baylor and oSu at the bottom ... we'll see.

11/26/2007, 02:53 PM
Long live the the Shermanator!

http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/2958/quiz1579outcome5ty7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Jimminy Crimson
11/26/2007, 03:02 PM
Only time will tell what Sherman can do in Aggieland. Maybe we'll threaten you all and texas for the top tier in the south, maybe we'll be stuck with Baylor and oSu at the bottom ... we'll see.

I think you and Tech will continue to fight it out for 3rd & 4th place in the south.

11/26/2007, 03:31 PM
Maybe he'll work out, maybe not ... couldn't be worse than Fran though ... could it?

Let me see..... Was Calahan worse than Fran?:confused:

OU Adonis
11/26/2007, 03:36 PM
Adonis -

Now Mr. Byrne needs to get a home and home with either Georgia or Georgia Tech?

:eek: Thats one way to take the crowd out of the game. Bring Sherman to Atlanta.

11/26/2007, 03:37 PM
Well, humble, they were 1-1 against each other .... ;)

11/26/2007, 03:55 PM
This is a good hire for Aggie. Sherman will do well and keep them connected to their traditions and junk.

My predictions on what stays and goes from the Fran era:
Stays: Aggie players participating in pregame whooping fest with the 12th man.

Goes: Aggie players participating in the run-first, pass-never offense.

Stays: The "Fran Face," which Sherman made throughout the final 4-12 season with the Packers when things went unpredictably, terribly, awfully wrong.

Goes: Kicking field goals when you're down by 7... or 8... or more than 4 at the end of the game.

Stays: Using the "12th Man" on kickoffs and specially designed plays for walk-on players representing the 12th Man.

Goes: Paying high-profile athletes that originally commited to OSU, but changed their mind when realizing they were not going to be paid money after all.

Stays: Midnight yells, when Sherman will be more than happy to participate in.

Goes: Complete and utter offensive embarrassments, like 77-0 shutouts. Sherman led the Packers to some of their highest scoring seasons.

Stays: The current pseudo-stars like Porky Lane, Stephen McGhee et al... even though McGhee loves Fran more than Vince loves Mack.

Goes: Their ineffective and complete waste of talents. Porky will not have games off against the likes of Miami under Sherman, and McGhee will not be allowed to scramble around the field when receivers are wide open down field.

Stays: Connection with 12th Man and former students and all other crazy names for alums and fans. This was something that was dying off during Fran, but they'll appreciate someone who will yell AAAAA with them.

Goes: The VIP-Connection. If Sherman doesn't want $2 million from the university each year in salary, he doesn't want it from the alums, either. C ya, e-mails!

11/26/2007, 10:34 PM
Why on earth did they jump on Sherman so quickly? Seems like a huge gamble.

The search began in earnest at halftime of the aTm/Miami game.:D

11/26/2007, 10:37 PM