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Jello Biafra
11/20/2007, 11:32 PM
need to take a fuggin chill......

its not like we lost to troy state saturday night. we lost to a team that is pretty much the top of the nation in offensive production if not THE top. that pole smoker under center for tech is the latest in a long line of trained monkeys that run leach's offense to a T and nothing can be taken away from leech. we have to face facts here. teams will give us their best shots EVERY single night. EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. we are not some Johnny come lately. we are at the top of the food chain when it comes to college football and everybody wants to see how their team will fare against us.

Some people on this board have lost their freakin minds. Im usually the first person to launch something at a tv when we are getting our body parts handed to us....(FACT! i have replaced 2 TVs at the end of back to back national championship seasons)but some of you guys are taking it to new heights.....the call in shows....really?!?!? i wanna snap the necks of about half the people calling in since monday AM....

we didn't get fugged by the refs. we had 78 yards in penalties which seemed more like 178. 30 of those yards came via bullshiite, undisciplined play. I know someone will come after me for the baker face mask..here's what ill say right up front he is playing linebacker he has a key and a person he should be taking that guy goes out for a pass, he should be in his grill immediatley......instead lack of discipline got him biting on the play action looking for the big hit and got him beat on a quick slant which caused him to be out of position. anyway........

to those of you saying stoops is ignorant or whatever, they can coach the guys up 24-7 but they can't go out there and make the kids catch the ball in the endzone of make halzle not throw it 15 feet over his receivers heads or allow a 320 lb offensive eating machine to get blown off the ball or give up a sack to a far inferior, smaller athlete. or or or....

quit bitching and enjoy what little of the college football season we have left. it'll be gone before you know it then we'll be back to whatever we do in the offseason.

no one expected anything from us this year. hell, no one outside of norman thought we had a chance in hell at beating texas with a redshirt freshman. this is simply an overachieving team. they'll grow up and get better. we always do. we're oklahoma. relax and have a cream soda.......

you phuckin people ;)

A Sooner in Texas
11/21/2007, 12:02 AM
What he said. :)

Good post.

11/21/2007, 12:27 AM
Spek bro
I love it when folks call you out about how many downs you played :D

Crucifax Autumn
11/21/2007, 02:30 AM
That's one of the best posts I've ever read here.

11/21/2007, 02:48 AM
Hey Jello, how many downs of D-1 football have you actually played? Until you put some pads on, please stop posting.

I keed. Nice post!

11/21/2007, 08:16 AM
they can coach the guys up 24-7 but they can't go out there and make the kids.....
I am permanently brain damaged from the effects of a 20 year old son (who by the way, appears to have since turned the corner towards sanity). Its like herding cats. They do 99% of their thinking with the little head. The coaches, all of them, have my deepest sympathy.

11/21/2007, 11:05 AM
True dat.

11/21/2007, 11:12 AM
someone gave you a one star... so I upped you to three :D

I think a majority of Sooner fans didn't expect a title this year, so I would be happy with a conference one... and really, if I wanted more, there's not much I can really do about now, is there? :rolleyes:

Oh wait, there apparently is...


...i keed

11/21/2007, 11:19 AM
Can I add that I love Stoops.

If any of you heard the call in show last night (I actually did, the signal carried all the way up here to the frozen tundra, which was nice) I got extreme pleasure out of hearing him snap about a half dozen eeg-no-ray-mooses right in two.

I know that bothers some after the years of Switzer's aw-shucks persona. (Though people conveniently forget he could get pretty snippy with folks, too.)

But I like it.

Make no excuses.

Take no shiite.

Take no prisoners.

11/21/2007, 11:29 AM
I had no idea there were so many differant ways to spell f**k, f**king and s**t. to avoid the cuss word checker. Very impressive.

Someone should do a list of alternate internet board spelling of cuss words


11/21/2007, 11:40 AM
Troy. heh.

Curly Bill
11/21/2007, 11:57 AM
Nice post Jello.

I got the thread another star! ...You're welcome. :D

BTW: The one star rater is possibly one of those that is just absolutely certain that an official's conspiracy is what cost us this game.

11/21/2007, 12:46 PM
Good post however how will you feel if they lose this Saturday I wonder? I think a lot of people or "some peeps" are just hurt and fustrated that a shot at z title is gone simply because of chance. I myself am in this boat because I would be more accepting of the loss had it been OU at their best and Tech at their best and we still lost. The fact that the EVIL B!TCH chance had to show her face and ruin everything is just harder to accept. A no show by the evil B!TCH named chance and OU wins that game last week. Thats the hard part to get over.

Curly Bill
11/21/2007, 12:54 PM
I understand that people are mad, I was too, but some of the conspiracy theories I've seen on here are beyond ridiculous....and what's sad is I think they actually believe some of the bull they are putting out.

11/21/2007, 01:14 PM
I understand that people are mad, I was too, but some of the conspiracy theories I've seen on here are beyond ridiculous....and what's sad is I think they actually believe some of the bull they are putting out.

Yeah i'll give you the conspiracy theories part. I've never cared for those. The thing that i can't seem to get over is what were the chances that of all the guys around that fateful fumble and proceeding tackle that it would be Sam Bradford that would be forced to make the stop? Grrr!!!!!!!!

11/21/2007, 01:16 PM

nice post

11/21/2007, 01:16 PM
Yeah i'll give you the conspiracy theories part. I've never cared for those. The thing that i can't seem to get over is what were the chances that of all the guys around that fateful fumble and proceeding tackle that it would be Sam Bradford that would be forced to make the stop? Grrr!!!!!!!!

Nevermind! I guess the answer to that question would be 21-1!! :D

11/21/2007, 01:26 PM

11/21/2007, 02:27 PM
Good post however how will you feel if they lose this Saturday I wonder? I think a lot of people or "some peeps" are just hurt and fustrated that a shot at z title is gone simply because of chance. I myself am in this boat because I would be more accepting of the loss had it been OU at their best and Tech at their best and we still lost. The fact that the EVIL B!TCH chance had to show her face and ruin everything is just harder to accept. A no show by the evil B!TCH named chance and OU wins that game last week. Thats the hard part to get over.

You should listen to Blood For Blood's "A B1tch Called Hope." I think you might like it :cool:

11/21/2007, 03:27 PM
Jello is definately a man and he's definately 40....maybe 50!

Nice job.....I agree with you, thanks.

11/21/2007, 04:58 PM
have ya ever met him ?
I garendamtee the Boy could open a can on most :D

Jello Biafra
11/23/2007, 08:25 PM
have ya ever met him ?
I garendamtee the Boy could open a can on most :D


subtle, big man..... ;)

some will get it. some won't.

11/23/2007, 09:30 PM
Nevermind! I guess the answer to that question would be 21-1!! :D

so we have 21 guys out on the field when we're on offense?

no wonder we can be so unstoppable at times

1 in 11

11/23/2007, 09:41 PM
have ya ever met him ?
I garendamtee the Boy could open a can on most :D


11/23/2007, 09:52 PM
so we have 21 guys out on the field when we're on offense?

no wonder we can be so unstoppable at times

1 in 11

You have to account for all possible variables i believe. This would include the Tech players as well. I wish one of their players tripped that ****** bag on that fumble recovery!!

11/23/2007, 10:02 PM
if you wish to account for the tech, then 1 in 22

11/23/2007, 10:11 PM
if you wish to account for the tech, then 1 in 22

Ah yes... 1 in 22 is what I meant. :D That makes it sound even more unlikely it would happen!!! Man!!

11/23/2007, 10:47 PM

subtle, big man..... ;)

some will get it. some won't.

Only those in the know ;)