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View Full Version : Let's keep our heads up

11/18/2007, 02:00 PM
Pain is a funny word. One little four letter word. But it covers a lot of things and they can all be so different. Kind of like that miscellaneous drawer we throw things in that don't really match but but they gotta go somewhere. A paper cut. Breaking up. A stubbed toe. A broken arm. A scratch on a new car. A concussion. A Sooner loss. All pain and all different.
Each season our Sooner football team is like one of our children. We look at them as perfect and with so much potential. Even when we see some flaws, they are still perfect to us. As the season ages, much as a child, we are let down by the inevitable flaws innate to all humans. A little pain. But like our children, we accept what is and still love them. They are ours and we are proud of them.
Yes. We lost when so much was possible. National championships aren't ours by default. They aren't easy to attain nor should we want them to be. We've been blessed and fortunate to have won more than our share and I'm confident there are more in our future.
Congratulations to TT. Let's wish everyone well and speedy recoveries. The season's not over. There are still games to be played.
I would like to thank the team and the coaches for doing their best and for keeping us more than respectable every year since 1999.
Boomer Sooner