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Pieces Hit
11/13/2007, 10:32 AM
What - the heck - are those little arm bands worn just above or sometimes below the bicep for?

Pieces Hit
11/13/2007, 11:06 AM

So either:

A. No one knows the answer

B. It's a tired, oft discussed question

C. No one likes me :O

I can live with "C" but I'd still like to know as my wife asks me during every game.

11/13/2007, 11:16 AM

So either:

A. No one knows the answer

B. It's a tired, oft discussed question

C. No one likes me :O

I can live with "C" but I'd still like to know as my wife asks me during every game.

I was just going to ask if you were my wife. I get the same question.
My answer every week so far has been "Who cares?".

My guess is that they started as sweatbands and became fashion. They do make the muscles more defined. That being said, I don't know why they wear them above the calves.

11/13/2007, 11:25 AM

11/13/2007, 11:26 AM
I always thought that they prevented dislocations.

11/13/2007, 11:35 AM
several years ago my doctor had me wear one for what he called tennis elbow. I told him I didn't play tennis but was playing raquet ball at the time.

11/13/2007, 11:39 AM
I'm not even sure if the players wearing them know what they are for.....:texan:

Jason White's Third Knee
11/13/2007, 11:42 AM
...a dumb question, yes. The same dumb question that has been running through my mind lately.

Must be like a sweatband version of the chest bump or something. It needs to go away.

11/13/2007, 11:45 AM
I found this on Wiki.answers.com, don't know if it is accurate though.

"Answer: Bands that are worn the wrist are for sweating, however most all football players, tennis players etc; will wear tight bands around their elbows because the tendons of the elbow slowly and painfully begin to pull away from the bone of the elbow during stress. This is where the pain in your elbow originates. With continued repetitive use of the elbow, the tendon-bone connection continues to weaken and the pain in your elbow steadily increases. By placing continual pressure on the tendons connecting the Flexor and the Extensor muscles to the Medial and Lateral Epicondyles, thus significantly reducing the tension at the point of connection to the bone. Reduceing the stress on the Tendinitis, "

11/13/2007, 11:51 AM
God honest, as a high school player, I, along with my teamates wore these in the same place more for fashion. It's true that it can help with elbow pains, but kids just want to look cool.

Curly Bill
11/13/2007, 11:56 AM
They are ghey and serve no purpose, except to advertise for Nike or whoever makes them. They're not big enough to be effective as a sweatband, and you know all the clowns wearing them aren't doing so for elbow pain. JMHO, of course.

11/13/2007, 12:12 PM
Worn for looks.

Most wear the Under Armor brand.

11/13/2007, 12:30 PM
I thought they sucked, also, and needed to go away..until...I saw one at Academy and tried it on. I had knee surgery and the band above the calf is supposed to help with keeping the patella stable. If you ever look at one of those things up close, it is not just a band but also has formed cushioning in it. It actually does help and I wear it when I am running now.

Another thing I realized...Derrick Strait and Brandon Everage were the first to be credited with wearing them...at least from what I have heard. It might be Sooner Urban Legend, but Strait was the first I ever saw making this fashion statment. I will love those guys, even when loving them is wrong :O

Pieces Hit
11/13/2007, 12:31 PM
Could be worse, I guess.


11/13/2007, 12:34 PM
I think I'll start wearing one to work.

Dan Thompson
11/13/2007, 12:42 PM
My nephew, who played for a not so famous PAC-10 team, said they where for "looks only". We were talking about the thiner bands, not the 2" or 3" wide bands.

11/13/2007, 01:02 PM
Anyone know where I can get a Boomer Sooner ringtone?

11/13/2007, 01:04 PM
What do they call him AD when his initials are AP?

11/13/2007, 02:05 PM
I was just going to ask if you were my wife. I get the same question.
My answer every week so far has been "Who cares?".

My guess is that they started as sweatbands and became fashion. They do make the muscles more defined. That being said, I don't know why they wear them above the calves.

Too funny..my wife asked the same thing and I had no real answer...but said they were kind of like those Lance Armstrong "Live Strong" wrist bands but only much different. :)

11/13/2007, 02:13 PM
The tendon answer is correct. Just like the bands worn just below the patella. They take pressure off the tendon.

stoops the eternal pimp
11/13/2007, 02:15 PM
It protects their mendulla oblongata

11/13/2007, 07:34 PM
I was just going to ask if you were my wife. I get the same question.
My answer every week so far has been "Who cares?".

My guess is that they started as sweatbands and became fashion. They do make the muscles more defined. That being said, I don't know why they wear them above the calves.

I think the one right below the knee are to take pain away from something call, don't hold me to the spelling but Osgood Slaughters! I wore them in high school!!!

11/13/2007, 10:18 PM
Could be worse, I guess.


HOLY ****! Did McMahon actually think that looked cool? What a doosh! :D

11/13/2007, 10:30 PM
Yes, there are bands worn for tennis elbow. But what they are wearing on the field is just a strip of cloth as a fashion statement. Someone, somewhere decided it made their biceps look bigger and started a trend. Then Nike & others decided it was another way to get their logo on the field. Now, just like baggy drawers, kids think it is cool and everyone does it.

11/14/2007, 12:20 AM
You wear wrist bands to keep from getting oily sweat on your hands. IOW "butterfingers." Butterfingers are not good if you're a lineman or a skill position player.

The rubber bands are as the Wikipedia reference states... it's a tendon dealio.

11/14/2007, 02:55 PM
Could be worse, I guess.


Damnit, now I've got the chorus of the "Superbowl Shuffle" running through my head and I can't get it out.

11/14/2007, 03:30 PM
my daughter works in the OU Athletic Dept study lab. She asked one of the D-lineman the same question. He said, "Those boys just want to look good".

11/14/2007, 03:37 PM
I wrenched my neck this morning, do they have bands for your neck? ;)

11/14/2007, 03:45 PM
Hmm, makes your muscles look bigger?? hmmm..

11/14/2007, 04:58 PM
lets party!