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11/10/2007, 10:20 PM

11/10/2007, 10:21 PM
Seriously, Mushburger asking T. Boone about the nation's water supply, while the game is going on? STFU!!!!!!

11/10/2007, 10:23 PM
Although, listening to the Musher call a KU TD while Boone is standing next to him in the press box is comedy gold.

11/10/2007, 10:25 PM
Boones comment about KU going for two was pretty good.

11/10/2007, 10:30 PM
they could be talking about ND.

Judge Smails
11/10/2007, 10:38 PM
T. Bone's yapping has been identified as a major source of Global Warming...:texan:

Rock Hard Corn Frog
11/10/2007, 10:38 PM
Brent should have asked about the supply of hops in Nebraska...

11/10/2007, 11:16 PM
i was gonna post a thread on this but you beat me to it. I could not believe what i was hearing. were they really talking about a 96 inch 300 mile water pipeline during their game? wtf? i've laid some serious pipe in my younger days but jeez...you know a game must be boring if they get boone to talk about h2o.

Gaaaaatorade...water! gaaaaaatorade....water! gaaaaatorade...

11/10/2007, 11:17 PM

another offspring?

11/10/2007, 11:18 PM
It is like on every OSU telecast....weird...

11/11/2007, 12:06 AM
Musberger gave him the best introduction ever.

The most generous donor in the history of the University of the United States...

stoops the eternal pimp
11/11/2007, 12:08 AM
Musberger gave him the best introduction ever.

that may have been the worst intro and conversation in general that I have ever listened to

11/11/2007, 12:09 AM
that may have been the worst intro and conversation in general that I have ever listened to

Yes, it was totally lame...

Stitch Face
11/11/2007, 12:09 AM
Boone must require that the OSU PR folks ask that he be on for every televised game. Srsly.

stoops the eternal pimp
11/11/2007, 12:10 AM
Mr. Musberger, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

11/11/2007, 12:13 AM
Yeah, listening to TB talking about raping the TX panhandle's water for DFW is just what I want to hear during a football game.

11/11/2007, 12:15 AM
Yeah, listening to TB talking about raping the TX panhandle's water for DFW is just what I want to hear during a football game.

Exactly, and by the way he is very actively involved in doing just that....

stoops the eternal pimp
11/11/2007, 12:16 AM
I need 30 more seconds to talk

Stitch Face
11/11/2007, 12:19 AM
KH looked like he was thinking "too bad we can't call the game right now because we're talking to this weird old dude."

stoops the eternal pimp
11/11/2007, 12:21 AM
Let me tell ya what else I ve did. I built that barn out there with my own bare hands for 15 million. I helped route traffic before the game. I came up with Fedora s game plan and wrote a 120 page report on my findings of the JFK shooting..heck i invented water
your welcome

11/11/2007, 12:21 AM
I need 30 more seconds to talk

Yes, that was gross...

Stitch Face
11/11/2007, 12:43 AM
Boon'es talking points:

-sucked at sports
-made a bunch of money, love spending it (on crap)
-"hate to lose" so now trying to buy football victory at crap school
-living vicariously through college kids

Got it.

stoops the eternal pimp
11/11/2007, 12:46 AM
Let me tell you this story..give me 20 minutes..

I gotta buddy that told all his buddies they need to be just like me..which is the same thing i tell all my buddies

11/11/2007, 12:47 AM
okay, now I "feel your pain" .....the mute button rescued me earlier... but I'm pretty sure scrolling through this thread took less time than Boob did conversing with Brent "gotta hype anything" Mushman...

11/11/2007, 12:50 AM
That made me want to puke......

Judge Smails
11/11/2007, 01:20 AM
Hmmm. This gives me the idea for a new drinking game.

Everytime during an OSU game when they interview T.Boone and he says the word "oil" the first person downs a shot. Everytime he says the word "water", the next person downs two shots. And everytime he says the word "pipeline", everybody downs three shots.

11/11/2007, 01:24 AM
Hmmm. This gives me the idea for a new drinking game.

Everytime during an OSU game when they interview T.Boone and he says the word "oil" the first person downs a shot. Everytime he says the word "water", the next person downs two shots. And everytime he says the word "pipeline", everybody downs three shots.

Or, you could just drink a shot every time rus starts a new thread. You'd be smashed before halftime.

11/11/2007, 01:36 AM
Or, you could just drink a shot every time rus starts a new thread. You'd be smashed before halftime.

KC's fixation on rus (Soonerus) is really weird but real....

11/11/2007, 01:37 AM
KC's fixation on rus (Soonerus) is really weird but real....

"What do you mean?" Don't deny it, Lloyd. Fraida told me the whole sleazy story, Mr. French Tickler!

11/11/2007, 11:04 AM
Yeah, listening to TB talking about raping the TX panhandle's water for DFW is just what I want to hear during a football game.

Exactly, and by the way he is very actively involved in doing just that....
His business is and always has been robbing people people of something, whether it be water or pension funds. He is just a very successful thief.

11/11/2007, 11:08 AM
"I'm gonna drain the Earth nice and slow while continuing to build pipelines that grow my evil empire into the greatest hell on Earth the World has ever seen!"

"Then when I'm dead...I'm gonna have a fund that will plaster bronzes of me all over the Empire."

"I know your excited for me Brent...here's $10,000....buy yourself something pretty."

11/11/2007, 11:09 AM
what i loved most of all was herbstreits face the whole time boone was talking, it was priceless

11/11/2007, 11:15 AM
what i loved most of all was herbstreits face the whole time boone was talking, it was priceless
Yes it was....he was amazed by just how deep Brent could get his head up Boone's rear.

It was amazing.

11/11/2007, 11:53 AM
You know, owners of NFL teams don't usually get all the face time at every game the way Baboon Pickens does. Oh, that's right, they don't want to be thought of as egotistical fools. Not even Jerry Jones, and he would be the closest, is the attention whore Baboon is.

I also remember the times in B-Ville back in the Mid-80's. Some who were there can back me up here. I was living in Tulsa and was a salesman. B-Ville was part of my territory. He gutted Phillips. There was this ongoing problem at the time. Men who had worked at Phillips and lost jobs, and those who were ruined by virtue of owning companies (or working for them) that serviced Phillips were hard pressed. What would happen, at the rate of about 2 to 3 per week, is that these guys would just drive out in the country and shoot themselves. I remember customers telling me this, and I kind of just let it slide by. Then one day, during that time, I actually read an article in the local B-ville paper about just that. Suicide had become a real problem, and the common method was to just drive out into the country, park your car, and shoot yourself. I don't know what the final death toll was, but there were many. He forever changed that town.

Baboon is now the immortal (immoral) benifactor of Oklahoma Sex-Offender Univesity. He has blood on his hands, and there is blood on his money. He owns the athletic program there, and they can have him.