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11/9/2007, 09:20 AM


In a fit of courage and hubris not seen since its stunning win over aggy, those fighting Baylor Bears rise above it, and defeat OU to honor their now, lame duck coach!

RIP Guy Morriss...

Baylor 21
OU 20

ok ok. .more like.. Baylor 21, OU 120.

11/9/2007, 09:26 AM
The devil is in the details.....

11/9/2007, 09:35 AM
Do they really think anyone is going to win at Baylor?

11/9/2007, 09:50 AM
Hmmm...I forgot they were green.

11/9/2007, 09:57 AM


In a fit of courage and hubris not seen since its stunning win over aggy, those fighting Baylor Bears rise above it, and defeat OU to honor their now, lame duck coach!

RIP Guy Morriss...

Baylor 21
OU 20

ok ok. .more like.. Baylor 21, OU 120. Glad to know you haven't completely lost your orange tainted mind.Baylor is a tough place to win BUT as we all now it sits in rich recruiting area where OU.UT,aTm and many big boys troll for talent.Still there IS so much talent in Texas,The right coach (whomever that is)can find enough talent to win.Grant Teaff did it quite well although that was in a SWC that was much weaker compared to THE BIG 12.

11/9/2007, 09:58 AM
You can't stop Baylor. You can only hope to contain them.

11/9/2007, 10:33 AM
Can we please get it over with and dump Baylor for TCU?

And sic'em, before you start your tired rant about how much better Baylor is than TCU in all the other sports, please remember that those are NON-REVENUE GENERATING SPORTS.

The sports moolah is in football, and TCU has that all over Baylor, and then some.

Not to mention, an every other year extra visit to Big D/Ft. Worth helps our recruiting a heckuva lot more than every other year trips to Whacko Waco.


I've said my peace and counted to ten....

11/9/2007, 10:55 AM

11/9/2007, 10:57 AM
Can we please get it over with and dump Baylor for TCU?

And sic'em, before you start your tired rant about how much Baylor better BU is than TCU in all the other sports, please remember that those are NON-REVENUE GENERATING SPORTS.

The sports moolah is in football, and TCU has that all over Baylor, and then some.

Not to mention, an every other year extra visit to Big D/Ft. Worth helps our recruiting a heckuva lot more than every other year trips to Whacko Waco.


I've said my peace and counted to ten....
Count FIRST. :rolleyes:


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
11/9/2007, 11:02 AM
Can we please get it over with and dump Baylor for TCU?

And sic'em, before you start your tired rant about how much better Baylor is than TCU in all the other sports, please remember that those are NON-REVENUE GENERATING SPORTS.

The sports moolah is in football, and TCU has that all over Baylor, and then some.

Not to mention, an every other year extra visit to Big D/Ft. Worth helps our recruiting a heckuva lot more than every other year trips to Whacko Waco.


I've said my peace and counted to ten....So, you think some kind of a team swap among conferences is something that has a chance of happening? Has it EVER happened? Why would the conferences do it? (it would bring absolute humiliation to Baylor)

11/9/2007, 11:38 AM
I like that Baylor in Waco is on our schedule every other year. That is the closest OU (football) game for me, and it is such an easy (and cheap) trip. Great seats, too. I got a great picture of AD and ENA last year.

Texas Golfer
11/9/2007, 11:40 AM
I like that Baylor in Waco is on our schedule every other year. That is the closest OU (football) game for me, and it is such an easy (and cheap) trip. Great seats, too. I got a great picture of AD and ENA last year.

I agree. I'd hate to see Baylor leave the Big XII.

11/9/2007, 11:42 AM
Like clockwork, another five years - a new coach at Baylor.

11/9/2007, 11:43 AM
I like that Baylor in Waco is on our schedule every other year. That is the closest OU (football) game for me, and it is such an easy (and cheap) trip. Great seats, too. I got a great picture of AD and ENA last year.

AD and ENA would be flattered that you were taking pictures of their seats.

11/9/2007, 11:52 AM
Can we please get it over with and dump Baylor for TCU?

And sic'em, before you start your tired rant about how much better Baylor is than TCU in all the other sports, please remember that those are NON-REVENUE GENERATING SPORTS.

The sports moolah is in football, and TCU has that all over Baylor, and then some.

Not to mention, an every other year extra visit to Big D/Ft. Worth helps our recruiting a heckuva lot more than every other year trips to Whacko Waco.


I've said my peace and counted to ten....

Does that mean we have to dump OSU as their records are about even....?

11/9/2007, 12:32 PM
Count FIRST. :rolleyes:


Stay outta tha Woolworth's!

11/9/2007, 12:34 PM
So, you think some kind of a team swap among conferences is something that has a chance of happening? Has it EVER happened? Why would the conferences do it? (it would bring absolute humiliation to Baylor)

I dunno... You mean like Arkansas leaving the SWC for SEC, or Miami, BC, Va Tech from the Big East to ACC? (Or do I just not have my sarcasm filter set properly? :confused: )

11/9/2007, 12:38 PM
Do they really think anyone is going to win at Baylor?
Win? I would certainly say so. I'm not sure who that will be (I have serious doubts about Singletary ), but I definitely think we can win some games.

Now, when you say win do you mean win championships? Hah, no. I really don't think that can be done at Baylor except getting very lucky every other decade or so.

But I definitely think 6-7 wins a season is doable on a somewhat consistent basis.

11/9/2007, 12:39 PM
How bout we boot Baylor and bring in Arkansas?

Basketball / Baseball are good too.

11/9/2007, 12:41 PM
Can we please get it over with and dump Baylor for TCU?

And sic'em, before you start your tired rant about how much better Baylor is than TCU in all the other sports, please remember that those are NON-REVENUE GENERATING SPORTS.

The sports moolah is in football, and TCU has that all over Baylor, and then some.

Not to mention, an every other year extra visit to Big D/Ft. Worth helps our recruiting a heckuva lot more than every other year trips to Whacko Waco.


I've said my peace and counted to ten....

Yeah, TCU is proving to be quite the juggernaut. They've had some success with Patterson, but do you think they'll be that lucky if he gets hired away at some point? Please, you'd be in the same position with TCU but with two less national championships in the conference.

If you're going to dump Baylor for another team then make it Arkansas.

11/9/2007, 12:41 PM
AD and ENA would be flattered that you were taking pictures of their seats.

I would like to have copies of those pictures... :twinkies:

11/9/2007, 12:43 PM
How bout we boot Baylor and bring in Arkansas?

Basketball / Baseball are good too.
Now, that I could see. I don't deny the fact that there may be a bitter fit for the conference then us. I don't even deny the fact that Baylor might do better in a mid-tier conference, but the idea of being replaced by TCU is just absurd and based on a couple of wins and 2-3 good seasons in one sport.

11/9/2007, 12:50 PM
Does that mean we have to dump OSU as their records are about even....?

Are you talking all-time records? That's not really relevant. Check the Big XII records of the two schools.

Through last year...

LoSuRs 34-54
Baylor 11-76


That's a joke even by Vandy in the SEC standards...

And I know everyone likes the "easy" win over Baylor on the schedule. But what makes everyone think we wouldn't overall dominate TCU in the same way? At least TCU would make a better showing against the North Division, aTm, TT, and LoSuR. Yes they would be more dangerous for the occasional upset than is Baylor. But I'd be happy to trade that for the upgrade in appearances.

Sorry, JMO...

11/9/2007, 01:16 PM
but the idea of being replaced by TCU is just absurd and based on a couple of wins and 2-3 good seasons in one sport.

A "couple" of wins? "2-3" good seasons?

Gosh, don't downplay it or anything there SicEm...

Here's TCU's record for the last 11 years starting in 1996 (coinciding with the Big XII):


Your so bleepin' full of poo on this topic that it's very funny. Most of your fans would, good Baptists though they may be, KILL for an 11 year record like that.

And again, let's think revenue generating sports, shall we? That's about... mmmm..... one. Two for some schools with a strong basketball program... and Baylor ain't that, even if TCU isn't either. Though I would've taken any one of those Tubbs basketball teams over the tripe your program trotted out in the same period.

11/9/2007, 01:25 PM
Oh, and for good measure....

Our SOS in the computers is going to take a hit this week playing Baylor. If we were playing TCU instead we'd get a nice uptick.

11/9/2007, 01:25 PM
A "couple" of wins? "2-3" good seasons?

Gosh, don't downplay it or anything there SicEm...

Here's TCU's record for the last 11 years starting in 1996 (coinciding with the Big XII):


Your so bleepin' full of poo on this topic that it's very funny. Most of your fans would, good Baptists though they may be, KILL for an 11 year record like that.

And again, let's think revenue generating sports, shall we? That's about... mmmm..... one. Two for some schools with a strong basketball program... and Baylor ain't that, even if TCU isn't either. Though I would've taken any one of those Tubbs basketball teams over the tripe your program trotted out in the same period.

What do you suppose their record would have been if they had been in the Big XII?

I estimate they'd have 1-3 Big XII wins a season which is pretty much where we should be had we not made such bad decisions with the athletic department from top to bottom. Now, granted that doesn't change the situation but I don't think it means we can't compete at the same level TCU would compete at if they were in the Big XII.

11/9/2007, 01:33 PM
Want to nit pick?

Ok, I'll play that game.

If they had 3 Big XII wins a season (and I think you are lowballing it) they would be outpacing Baylor by a... lemme see.... x times y... carry the 2... apply the Boolean theorum... exponential factor of sigma to the b....square root...THREE TO ONE MARGIN!


Really Sic'Em... you are an awesome fan to stick up for you school and squad like that. But you don't have a leg to stand on.

11/9/2007, 01:35 PM
in the over scheme of things, Baylor offers much more to the Big 12 than TCU could evar think of.

while it is true that this week the SOS will take a hit, the other sports that BU significantly contributes to the conference strength and depth.

just sayin

11/9/2007, 01:39 PM
Want to nit pick?

Ok, I'll play that game.

If they had 3 Big XII wins a season (and I think you are lowballing it) they would be outpacing Baylor by a... lemme see.... x times y... carry the 2... apply the Boolean theorum... exponential factor of sigma to the b....square root...THREE TO ONE MARGIN!


Really Sic'Em... you are an awesome fan to stick up for you school and squad like that. But you don't have a leg to stand on.

What I'm saying is that TCU has done things right while we haven't, but that doesn't mean we are incapable of getting things right. I believe we will and that one day we'll have 2-3 conference wins a season and sometimes more with some bowl games here and there.

That's also not to say that TCU won't start declining.

The point is this, assuming that the two schools are theoretically capable of competing at about equal levels in football then wouldn't the scale tip in the favor of the school that has more to offer in sports other than football?

This is all speculation of course; because, I have no idea how TCU would actually perform in the Big XII. It could very well be that if our situations were reversed, you'd be wanting to kick TCU out of the conference for Baylor that has performed very well in a mid-level conference.

11/9/2007, 01:45 PM
in the over scheme of things, Baylor offers much more to the Big 12 than TCU could evar think of.

while it is true that this week the SOS will take a hit, the other sports that BU significantly contributes to the conference strength and depth.

just sayin

Academics? Not really, very comparable.

Some good ol' Bible Belt affiliation? Well, it does say "Christian", doesn't it?

Hmmmmm... I've got it! Location.... no no no, that's not it.


Oh yeah.

Track and Field.

To quote Adam Sandler:



11/9/2007, 01:59 PM
Academics? Not really, very comparable.

Some good ol' Bible Belt affiliation? Well, it does say "Christian", doesn't it?

Hmmmmm... I've got it! Location.... no no no, that's not it.


Oh yeah.

Track and Field.

To quote Adam Sandler:



academics was not factored into the equation at all

BU actually scores better in the Sears Cup standings annually than CU, MU, ISU and yes, TCU

11/9/2007, 02:01 PM
Academics? Not really, very comparable.

Some good ol' Bible Belt affiliation? Well, it does say "Christian", doesn't it?

Hmmmmm... I've got it! Location.... no no no, that's not it.


Oh yeah.

Track and Field.

To quote Adam Sandler:



We're rated quite a bit above TCU academically.

They have no real Christian affiliation anymore. They're about like SMU in that regard.

I'll remind you that the first basketball national championship (either men's or women's) in the Big XII came from Baylor. We have the tennis national championship, our track and baseball teams are stellar (though the latter has its ups and downs), and the golf team is very good as well. I could go on with the softball team and the equestrian team...

11/9/2007, 02:02 PM
You guys and your stats....:rolleyes:

11/9/2007, 02:03 PM
You guys and your stats....:rolleyes:
You're welcome to share your stats with us....or just me.
:hot: :twinkies:

11/9/2007, 02:06 PM
As stated before, Baylor will not win until the administration pulls its collective heads out of their arses and makes a commitment to the program... as in.. go on a fundraising kick, hit the national baptist organizations and improve, increase its facilities and pay to the coaching staff.

They have no incentive to do this as they are content with receiving its share from television contracts and bowl revenue the Big XII generates.

With no commitment to excellence... there will be no excellence.

Desert Sapper
11/9/2007, 02:06 PM
BU actually scores better in the Sears Cup standings annually than CU, MU, ISU and yes, TCU

What is a Sears cup, and why do I care about it? :P

11/9/2007, 02:06 PM
Statistically speaking, just how good are your stats?

11/9/2007, 02:08 PM
You guys and your stats....:rolleyes:

To quote a fine Southern gentleman of some literary prowess...."There are three kinds of lies... Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics...." :P

11/9/2007, 02:11 PM
Statistically speaking, just how good are your stats?

He's holding a Zima.

Not because he wants to offer you one.

But because he likes Zima.

Statistically speaking, what does that tell you about him? NTTAWWT....


11/9/2007, 02:13 PM
He's holding a Zima.

Not because he wants to offer you one.

But because he likes Zima.

Statistically speaking, what does that tell you about him? NTTAWWT....


She may have been talking to Lid.

11/9/2007, 02:14 PM
You guys have been comparing your stats with each other all throughout this thread which leads me to wonder who has the better stats.

And how is a girl to know who has the better stats... statistically speaking of course.

11/9/2007, 02:16 PM
She may have been talking to Lid.

Heh! :texan:

Psst. Lid....He's pokin' ya with his stick...Are you gonna take that?

11/9/2007, 02:19 PM
I am so totally blushing right now.

11/9/2007, 02:22 PM
Want to nit pick?

Ok, I'll play that game.

If they had 3 Big XII wins a season (and I think you are lowballing it) they would be outpacing Baylor by a... lemme see.... x times y... carry the 2... apply the Boolean theorum... exponential factor of sigma to the b....square root...THREE TO ONE MARGIN!


Really Sic'Em... you are an awesome fan to stick up for you school and squad like that. But you don't have a leg to stand on.

Comedy freakin' GOLD.

OKC Sooner
11/9/2007, 02:27 PM
You guys have been comparing your stats with each other all throughout this thread which leads me to wonder who has the better stats.

And how is a girl to know who has the better stats... statistically speaking of course.

By examining the raw data, of course :texan:

11/9/2007, 02:27 PM
You guys have been comparing your stats with each other all throughout this thread which leads me to wonder who has the better stats.

And how is a girl to know who has the better stats... statistically speaking of course.

Well, let's just say that what your bunny is doing, is what you would have to do to take in a lot of guys stats.

For SicEm, what your bunny is doing, is what a bunny would have to do to take in his stats.


11/9/2007, 02:38 PM
Heh! :texan:

Psst. Lid....He's pokin' ya with his stick...Are you gonna take that?

You pokee you own it!!!

And.. nobody better be pokin' me with any stick!!!!

11/9/2007, 06:23 PM
Before we all get in our fair share of Baylor bashing, please remember that it was Baylor that caused hellish traffic in 2005... WHEN THEY CAME ONE FIELD GOAL AWAY FROM BEATING OU FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.

Yes, if Garrett Harrrrrrtley missed a field goal in overtime, Baylor would have beaten us. One field goal... one moment... one more Pontiac commercial for us to hate...

...and before Sic'Em says "YEAAAAAAAAH! WHAT SHE SAID!" let me remind resident Baylor fan(s???) that they remain the only Big 12 team to never EVER beat OU in football.

11/9/2007, 11:35 PM
Before we all get in our fair share of Baylor bashing, please remember that it was Baylor that caused hellish traffic in 2005... WHEN THEY CAME ONE FIELD GOAL AWAY FROM BEATING OU FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.

Yes, if Garrett Harrrrrrtley missed a field goal in overtime, Baylor would have beaten us. One field goal... one moment... one more Pontiac commercial for us to hate...

...and before Sic'Em says "YEAAAAAAAAH! WHAT SHE SAID!" let me remind resident Baylor fan(s???) that they remain the only Big 12 team to never EVER beat OU in football.

Let me say this, every time I attend a Baylor/OU game in Norman we come progressively closer to winning. '05 was about as close as you can get without winning, so this has to be the year.

11/10/2007, 01:16 AM
How bout we boot Baylor and bring in Arkansas?

Basketball / Baseball are good too.

Plz no. What would fill up the air-space in Arkie if they couldn't make excuses cause the play in the daunted SEC. You know I heard they would go 18-0 if they played in the lil' twelve.

Frozen Sooner
11/10/2007, 01:52 AM
Throw any idea of replacing Baylor with Arkansas out the window.

There's a reason why every major conference includes at least one private school. It avoids open-meeting laws.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
11/10/2007, 02:32 AM
I dunno... You mean like Arkansas leaving the SWC for SEC, or Miami, BC, Va Tech from the Big East to ACC? (Or do I just not have my sarcasm filter set properly? :confused: )Not exactly. More like "Here, Big 12, we'll give you a pretty good team in TCU, for the dregs of your conference, so we will have even less reputation than we have now, just to help you guys out."

11/10/2007, 09:36 AM
Plz no. What would fill up the air-space in Arkie if they couldn't make excuses cause the play in the daunted SEC. You know I heard they would go 18-0 if they played in the lil' twelve.
They would just change the "SEC" with "Big 12" and change "lil' twelve" with little 10, Big least, pacified 10, unACCeptable, or any other conference in the nation.
I mean you are talking Arkie logic.

11/10/2007, 10:51 AM
Wurst thredd evar

11/10/2007, 06:42 PM
Throw any idea of replacing Baylor with Arkansas out the window.

There's a reason why every major conference includes at least one private school. It avoids open-meeting laws.

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.

11/10/2007, 10:21 PM
Let me say this, every time I attend a Baylor/OU game in Norman we come progressively closer to winning. '05 was about as close as you can get without winning, so this has to be the year.

I think you may have regressed this year. :rolleyes:

11/10/2007, 11:05 PM
By the way, he got the Baylor score right, Just not our's.

Stitch Face
11/11/2007, 12:22 AM
Can we please get it over with and dump Baylor for TCU?

F that. We should dump Baylor for Arkansas. How cool would it be for OU and tx and Ark play each other every year? Carnage!

Stitch Face
11/11/2007, 12:24 AM
F that. We should dump Baylor for Arkansas. How cool would it be for OU and tx and Ark play each other every year? Carnage!

Wow, posts coming fast and furious. Good points above. I admit I don't know what I'm talking about. I just love seeing Arkansas beat texas every now and then.

11/11/2007, 12:29 AM
By the way, he got the Baylor score right, Just not our's.

Actually, I came much closer to the right OU score. I think my prediction was 45-3 OU.

Stitch Face
11/11/2007, 12:30 AM
Wow, posts coming fast and furious. Good points above. I admit I don't know what I'm talking about. I just love seeing Arkansas beat texas every now and then.

Quit drinking and go to bed! Damn, what ad ya of football it's been!