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View Full Version : Robertson backing Guliani?

11/8/2007, 12:23 AM
What a sell-out.

Both parties suck balls, but this fool would sell out his moral beliefs for his desire to remain relevant under the guise of national security.

It won't fly, but alienate religious voters across the country.

Not the religious right! religious voters.

It'll be like a Libertarian vote. Repubs will say they are waisting their vote but they won't care. It'll be a matter of principle.

The next P.O.T.U.S- Mrs. Clinton. Oh well.

11/8/2007, 12:26 AM
And before this becomes a, "Robertsons a cook" thread. This has to do w/ the many people who will listen to this crap.

Take a lesson from Billy Graham and don't publicly back anyone for your own agenda.

11/8/2007, 12:26 AM
Ive heard right Now its a dead heat between the 2 of em .
Wish it was a , STFU vet ;)

Jimminy Crimson
11/8/2007, 12:39 AM
Good move by Giuliani to try to get on board with the 'religious right'. Especially with some of his moderate social views/history.

Huckabee joining his ticket as veep would lend some more credibility to snagging that consistantly strong voting block. (Huckabee being a former Baptist minister, and all...)

11/8/2007, 12:44 AM
I just wish Pat would pull the reigns back. I used to respect him, but it's getting harder and harder with his antics. Who does he think he speaks for?

He sometimes seems to have become a man of the world. Not that I'm any better by any means, but I'm not claiming prophetic visions either.

False prophet- I hope not. But I'll stick with the Bible and prayer.

11/8/2007, 09:09 AM
it does appear that he holds "winning" in higher regard than his beliefs on this issue.

I was surprised to see the endorsement.

11/8/2007, 09:11 AM
Is Pat running the 7,000,000,000 Club now?

11/8/2007, 12:07 PM
And before this becomes a, "Robertsons a cook" thread. Can you link me to some of his recipes?

11/8/2007, 12:09 PM
His Jesus Chili is fantastic...with or without beans.

11/8/2007, 12:17 PM
If I knew now that Rudy would have the cojones to pull Huckabee as his running mate, I'd be fine with that. Together the two of them would kick Hellary's a5z. Heck, I might actually vote for him if that happened.

Count me among the club that think it's time for Pat Robertson to just retire. The endorsement is a cop-out, it says "only Rudy can beat the Dems" which is not true if the entire party plus the religious right would get behind one guy and not be all splintered and stuff.

I would, however, like to see a viable conservative third party candidate, if only to get the word out in debates and pull Rudy to the right on the social agenda. According to Robertson's press release, Rudy personally promised him to appoint SCOTUS Justices along the lines of Roberts, Alito, and Scalia. Not that I necessarily trust Rudy's statement given his track record, but at least if the resulting Court overturned Roe v. Wade, he could blame it on them and not take the heat for himself.